Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


I’m not a fan but deal with it. I’d like to see two changes at least:

1. Give WvW the PvP version of downed health.
2. Don’t allow rez of a full stomped player unless rezer is out of combat.

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


fully disagree with op

[IRON] Gaming

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


Just limit the number of people can res downed player to 1or2 it will be all fine and for gods sake I am not an engineer but please fix that class at least give them something to give them some time in downed state.

I support the engies request. I’ve been playing WvW for 5 months now and I don’t even recognize what engies’ downed skills are.

oh and pls remove invisible ressing /finishing its totally expoitable too much

I hate the invirezzing a lot, but I understand that it doesn’t do any damage to a foe, so stealth shouldn’t go away.
But finishing someone while in stealth?….Total BS.

I would like see something like this in WvW: If you get downed once, you can rally or get rezz’d (with very little health), and if you get downed again in a 5 minutes period, you die and must respawn from waypoint, or at least, you just die.

No more never ending rezzchains.

Edit: I loved this one

2. Don’t allow rez of a full stomped player unless rezer is out of combat.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


But finishing someone while in stealth?….Total BS.

What about Stability finishing then? It’s much more powerful than stealth for that purpose. For both finishing and rezing actually. Same with ele doing Mist Form stomping. Most classes have tricks for this stuff, why pick on just stealth (which can be interrupted, ported from, knocked back, knocked down etc)?

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


Finishing is a skill in itself. You have to know what class you’re dealing with and which skills they can pull off while downed.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Finishing is a skill in itself. You have to know what class you’re dealing with and which skills they can pull off while downed.

Yup. It requires game knowledge and the ability to make crucial decisions in a short period of time. That is what I really like about downed state.

However, I don’t think those crucial, knowledgable, and skillful decisions are properly rewarded. A stomped player should be completely removed from the fight in WvW.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


Finishing is a skill in itself. You have to know what class you’re dealing with and which skills they can pull off while downed.

Yup. It requires game knowledge and the ability to make crucial decisions in a short period of time. That is what I really like about downed state.

However, I don’t think those crucial, knowledgable, and skillful decisions are properly rewarded. A stomped player should be completely removed from the fight in WvW.

Thankfully there are still some people who use alt+f4.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Finishing is a skill in itself. You have to know what class you’re dealing with and which skills they can pull off while downed.

Yup. It requires game knowledge and the ability to make crucial decisions in a short period of time. That is what I really like about downed state.

However, I don’t think those crucial, knowledgable, and skillful decisions are properly rewarded. A stomped player should be completely removed from the fight in WvW.

Thankfully there are still some people who use alt+f4.

Probably don’t read patch-notes then thought it was weird when they were naked after a while.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


I wish they would remove it but they won’t

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


Remove rallying from PVE mobs.
Make stomping 2x as fast.
Reduce the amount of health you have when you’re downed.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’ve come to that conclusion..all it does is punish/reward certain classes and makes it harder for Smaller Numbers to win a fight against greater odds.

It also is extremely annoying in 1v1’s, I basically have to kill some targets twice just to finally down them as trying to down them the regular way just waste time.

I worked very hard to copy the traits and skills from a forums post and I followed the gearing instructions to the last detail.

But! Now I can only get an enemy player to downed state with my Killshot/Fireball/Backstab. I get no loot because his allies just revive him.

The downed state must be removed. Now!

Change it so that that my burst skill instantly kills my opponent and I get the reward I so clearly deserve.

A. I’m not a Rogue/Warrior/Ele

B. People ask me for my build, not the other way around.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Like I said in the OP, It rewards and punishes certain classes when it comes to the downed state.

It makes Zerg Fighting Much Much harder then it should be…

You already have limits on AOE damage in this game….Which already makes Zergs superior to smaller numbers, Why give them the advantage of Faster Resses and more people to Res period.

This is another case where DAOC was superior in group fights and zerg fights..

You had Rez Sickness in DAOC, plus the fact that you needed to be rebuffed to make yourself somewhat viable in combat as well. Limited number of Ressers as well made it Strategic.

It’s strange a 10+ year old game is still vastly superior in game mechanics then a brand new game.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Yggdrasil.7940


Downed-state : game mechanic that allow facerollers to continue facerolling when dead.

More seriously, stomp animation is way too long : it should be substancially reduced. Being immobile for 2sec + interrupt + 2sec is way too much. Yeah I can use stealth but it doesn’t help with cancel, and I have no access to the stability buff. And even if I had, why should I use a skill to be able to finish someone already dead ?

This mechanic obnoxiously favors larger number at the expense of smart gameplay.

As previously stated by others, downed-state largely favors some classes and gimp others which is another source of imbalance. Balance is already something difficult to achieve, so why complicate things further ?

If TTK is the main issue, a slight increase in HP bar should be fine.

My 2 c€nts.

Thief/Elementalist – Vizunah Square
What I mean by L2P

(edited by Yggdrasil.7940)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


I don’t get why people cry about this……………

Ele downed state sucks, yet im not complaining and i don’t have a problem with downed state.

People need to realize that its part of the game.

Get used to it or go L2P.

also, competition time:

how many threads can you link crying about the downed state?

People “cry” about it, because it simply exacerbates the design flaws that already exist in WvW, i.e – zerging, the downstate simply favours the zerg (larger group) even more.

Incidentally ele has one of the best down states in the game, the mist form thing is ridiculous.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Think lot of you missed the original point. Downed state is great for PvE, but it’s a huge advantage for numbers in Wv3 as smaller groups have no chance to spike anyone short of sacrificing themselves. That coupled with some classes do more damaged in downed state than fighting, thieves for one, so much so they even tell their team to NOT rally them right off the bat. They run in get downed, start spamming dmg. Is there a need for downed state in Wv3? No, as everyone can combat rez. One person rallying a downed person can “heal” them faster than 4-5 players can dps the downed person. Thats just a bit OPd im thinking.

Some ideas:
1. Great for PvE, not so much for Wv3 (remove it from Wv3!)
2. Make spike instant instead of channeled to compensate for zergs advantage in numbers
3. Reduce health/toughness for downed players. Shouldnt have to “kill” a player twice
4. Make dmg output in downed state on par with “live” state
5. Remove rallying from npcs and npcs rallying players

Just some thoughts, myself I think its a great concept but terrible for players vs players environment

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


I don’t get why people cry about this……………

Ele downed state sucks, yet im not complaining and i don’t have a problem with downed state.

People need to realize that its part of the game.

Get used to it or go L2P.

also, competition time:

how many threads can you link crying about the downed state?

People “cry” about it, because it simply exacerbates the design flaws that already exist in WvW, i.e – zerging, the downstate simply favours the zerg (larger group) even more.

Incidentally ele has one of the best down states in the game, the mist form thing is ridiculous.

The only time an ele ever got away from me was if they were close enough to a tower/keep to mistform through the portal. Short of that, its a joke ability as it doesnt do anything but give u another 3 secs of “life”.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xolo.3580


I don’t get why people cry about this……………

Ele downed state sucks, yet im not complaining and i don’t have a problem with downed state.

People need to realize that its part of the game.

Get used to it or go L2P.

also, competition time:

how many threads can you link crying about the downed state?

1) It’s not called “crying” if someone has a different opinion that you, admittedly, don’t understand.
2) The fact of something being part of something is not an argument. It’s just stating the obvious.
3) “L2P” is what people type when they don’t know what to say.
4) How does linking (the very many) threads with complaints about DS help your argument? It rather implies that something actually must be wrong if so many complain about it.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Snowpea.5469


I absolutely agree, down state should be taken out of WvW. Its hard enough fighting multiple vs. 1, but when they keep getting up with 30% health, it becomes nearly pointless. Personally I love small battles, but if you’re by yourself, then the downed states make it very very difficult to solo even 2 people. One alternative is to make the down state health very low (it almost seems to take as long to kill someone as when they’re up at the moment), and when you come back, they could be much weaker… say 5% health. Maybe then they could leave it in.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


The only time an ele ever got away from me was if they were close enough to a tower/keep to mistform through the portal. Short of that, its a joke ability as it doesnt do anything but give u another 3 secs of “life”.

It is saved me on my Ele many, many times, yes sometimes going through a door in a tower, but more often it has enabled me to get back close enough to my own team to recieve a res and occasionally in a hectic situation it has allowed me to disappear round the corner or into a dip out of sight and then use the 4 key to heal myself.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


Just take a few seconds… And think about.. How many…

I mean, I know I am crying (YES) right now because people even think about it. In some cases this is actually helpful to a small group as well.

I will be ANet on my bare knees and even offer all my minions as their slaves for the rest of their lives to them if they do NOT change this.
Work on continuously rebalancing classes instead.

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


More seriously, stomp animation is way too long : it should be substancially reduced. Being immobile for 2sec + interrupt + 2sec is way too much. Yeah I can use stealth but it doesn’t help with cancel, and I have no access to the stability buff. And even if I had, why should I use a skill to be able to finish someone already dead ?

Are you playing a thief? If so, stability is entirely unnecessary. Thieves are, like, the best class for stomping people; maybe second-best at worst. And compared to other classes blowing long cooldowns, the opportunity cost involved in executing stomps is quite low. You just need to use your abilities effectively.

This mechanic obnoxiously favors larger number at the expense of smart gameplay.

Do you think removing it will necessarily favor smart gameplay over large numbers? I’m not convinced. I can easily see a bigger group just blindly spiking its way through smaller numbers.

If you want to weaken the effect of numbers, add diminishing returns for multiple revivers. And maybe give the bigger team some reason not to just stand there next to you grunting out auto-attacks (for some reason, their characters always seem to grunt really loudly when they do this… probably something about the camera placement and audio sources) instead of actually using finishing moves like big kids.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


In pitched battles, Downed state doesn’t just reward “the bigger zerg.” It rewards pushing for position. When an enemy goes down, your enemies are now stuck with a fixed point they have to control for a few seconds. It’s on you to pressure them away from that point. Removing downed state means less emphasis on movement and positioning in big battles, not more.


I agree with the idea of “If you’re spiked, you should stay dead,” though. Not a big deal either way, but it does add a bit of extra value to properly executing enemy players.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

If I had a nickel for every 1v3-4 fight I’d have won if downed state were nerfed…

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: dreztina.4820


I hate the downstate in general, but what really bothers me is the amount of damage that people can do while downed with the free defense. You down a thief, and suddenly he is 10x as hard to kill but is still chunking you for huge amounts of damage. It’s ridiculous. If downstate has to exist, fine, but give them like 50% of their actual hp pool and no extra defense.

Just as an example of how powerful downed state is, when I’m solo and I’m fighting greater numbers, I don’t prioritize based on logical things like threat level, defense, etc. I prioritize my targets based on who has the worst downed state, because smart targeting is dumb play if their downed state will keep you from stomping.

Out of Attunement – D/D Ele

(edited by dreztina.4820)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


I hate the downstate in general, but what really bothers me is the amount of damage that people can do while downed with the free defense. You down a thief, and suddenly he is 10x as hard to kill but is still chunking you for huge amounts of damage. It’s ridiculous. If downstate has to exist, fine, but give them like 50% of their actual hp pool and no extra defense.

Just as an example of how powerful downed state is, when I’m solo and I’m fighting greater numbers, I don’t prioritize based on logical things like threat level, defense, etc. I prioritize my targets based on who has the worst downed state, because smart targeting is dumb play if their downed state will keep you from stomping.

Well, I mean that would be the point where you press the “F” key instead of just auto-attacking him.. Hm.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Ravien.4823


First of all: I don’t think the solution to the zerg problem is going to be found in removing downed state. The solution to zerging is going to be map and objective changes in WvW, giving people a personal and team incentive to send small groups to attack different objectives.

I think the revive speed should be slightly lowered, along with a longer duration downed penalty. Currently, when someone is downed, they get a stacking penalty that reduces their health the next time they are downed, until eventually they pretty much will instantly die. Make this stacking penalty last longer, so someone who keeps gong down and being revived will soon be killed. It seems the down penalty lasts like 20 seconds, make it last 2? minutes.

This would be on the surface subtle changes, but it would punish players who are constantly downed and revived over and over in the same battle, while not changing the downed state itself much.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Ravien.4823


And people who are dead and partially revived, should start to lose their revive progress after 10 seconds of not being revived. This would help solve the issue of being able to slowly revive a dead person over a long time.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I know why it was added to the game, They removed the Trinity, aka..healers/tanks/dps requirement from the game…you’d also need to get rid of “Healers Ressing” also… ..They did this with the Down State, which works perfectly in PVE..

However what works great in PVE is absolutely awful sometimes in PvP.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t think people should be able to res downed players..that actually takes a while…..However you can down someone in this game and have them instantly up in a second before getting a stomp off.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Ekove.4586


See I like downed states, I do think it’s reasonable in 1v1’s and 2v2’s…and also reasonable in big group fights where team work and getting the dead up is actually a test for awareness. On the other hand…it kind of sucks for anything in the middle. And it definitely makes it hard for people to win against larger teams. Like some classes do have an advantage, like thief invisibility makes stomping much easier. Ele can get a free stomp if they want to waste mistform on it. Every other class with stability also can waste a utility spell for a free stomp, but thieves are the only ones with that big advantage.

So I like it for the most part, it adds a team work element….but it makes fighting outnumbered crappy and hopeless. Now would I give up a feature a mildly enjoy because it can be very frustrating sometimes? I am not certain…because even if it’s removed fighting outmanned will always have it’s other sucky parts…example, bigger groups can carry larger supplies..a ballista dropped on the spot can turn the tide of a battle. Also, most buffs/heals have no limit while most offensive AoE’s do have a limit….meaning that a larger group will benefit from both the no limit on buffs, and limit on offensive AoE’s against them…while the smaller groups gains no benefit from that.

(edited by Ekove.4586)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


First of all: I don’t think the solution to the zerg problem is going to be found in removing downed state. The solution to zerging is going to be map and objective changes in WvW, giving people a personal and team incentive to send small groups to attack different objectives.

I think the revive speed should be slightly lowered, along with a longer duration downed penalty. Currently, when someone is downed, they get a stacking penalty that reduces their health the next time they are downed, until eventually they pretty much will instantly die. Make this stacking penalty last longer, so someone who keeps gong down and being revived will soon be killed. It seems the down penalty lasts like 20 seconds, make it last 2? minutes.

This would be on the surface subtle changes, but it would punish players who are constantly downed and revived over and over in the same battle, while not changing the downed state itself much.

Other games had hard penalties for Ressing in Combat usually.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


See I like downed states, I do think it’s reasonable in 1v1’s and 2v2’s…and also reasonable in big group fights where team work and getting the dead up is actually a test for awareness. On the other hand…it kind of sucks for anything in the middle. And it definitely makes it hard for people to win against larger teams. Like some classes do have an advantage, like thief invisibility makes stomping much easier. Ele can get a free stomp if they want to waste mistform on it. Every other class with stability also can waste a utility spell for a free stomp, but thieves are the only ones with that big advantage.

So I like it for the most part, it adds a team work element….but it makes fighting outnumbered crappy and hopeless.

When it’s equal numbers yea, it’s reasonable.. 1v1 for Example… Because it most likely won’t save you, only delay your death some…2v2 its somewhat reasonable because 2 people can destroy the person ressing very quickly..

However in 2v1…Its not reasonable..

Down state instantly becomes unmanageable when one side outnumbers the other.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


I’d prefer to keep the downed state, it’s a good mechanic for game where you don’t have people spamming heals on you that give you 50% of your hp every 2 seconds.

But when someone is downed, they get a second or two of invulnerability. Why?

All it does is reduce the amount of damage they take for no apparent reason, making it take even longer to kill them. It’s annoying if someone gets downed midway through rapid fire or a similar channeled burst ability, because half of it gets wasted. Plus all the conditions disappear to. I feel sorry for all the condition necros, getting 15 stacks of bleed on a target just for them to all disappear and lose all the pressure that was built up (and possibly waste a great outbreak opportunity).

Remove the invulnerability, it gimps some builds heavily and makes it harder to finish off the downed player.

Also +1 for removing rally. Just stupid that it’s a race to kill someone on the other team ( or some irrelevant npc) so all your downed players get a free rez. To many times I’ve seen people ignore downed players and try to go for the kill (and often failing).

And +1 for removing mist form’s ability to go through tower portals.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Yes, let’s remove a core part of combat because it is annoying to some people.


Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Ravien.4823


Oh yes, remove that invuln! As a necromancer, ugh…

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Yes, let’s remove a core part of combat because it is annoying to some people.


If the core part of combat was 1 shotting someone..Would you think that shouldn’t be removed because its “annoying” to some people.

Just because its the “core” part of combat in this game, doesn’t make it reasonable..Or frankly any good…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Bastionhawk.7120


I don’t get why people cry about this……………

Ele downed state sucks, yet im not complaining and i don’t have a problem with downed state.

People need to realize that its part of the game.

Get used to it or go L2P.

also, competition time:

how many threads can you link crying about the downed state?

Ele downed state sucks? Perhaps you need to “L2P”.

I don’t mind people complaining about mechanics in the game like this. It is sometimes frustrating to beat someone a second time after you’ve already…beat them. Especially in <1v1 situations. I personally like the down system but I can see how it would wear on people.

By the way, classic comment engineering here by roostapro. People will label a thread/post as crying or QQ to immediately belittle the topic and think they are somehow glorifying themselves. If you are so much better than a post where someone is “crying” then you should go ahead and not reply to it. You add nothing to the conversation.

Aauryn | Sylvari Ranger
EJS I | Human Guardian
Tarnished Coast

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Yes, let’s remove a core part of combat because it is annoying to some people.


Not discussing game mechanics at length and in-depth to evaluate them is probably one of the worst things you could do to a videogame. As it stands, many of the other posts have given reasoning why downed state should be toned down, because it is to pro-numbers.

Yesterday on my ranger defending bay, the amount of people I downed and got them to 20% of the downed state, before 5 people came to rez, them was ridiculous. Can’t exactly jump down into 30 enemies to stomp them.

Oh yes, remove that invuln! As a necromancer, ugh…

Invulnerability removing bleeds plus 900 range for bleeds is why I stopped playing mine, despite how fun it was. I found it annoying trying to survive zerg v zerg. Running around in 5 or 10 mans was fine though.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


However in 2v1…Its not reasonable..

So, yesterday…

I’m a fairly average WvW thief. I have decent battlefield awareness but I’m not exceptionally skilled by any measure.

A thief and a guardian charge me. The thief tries to Heartseeker newb-spam me and I kill her while evading with Shortbow. The guardian goes to res her. I daze the guardian, then start stomping. In case he’s got CC, I pop Signet of Shadows to blind him when he’s about to come out of daze. The thief ports; I port with her and finish the stomp. I daze the guardian a second time and he runs away to a nearby tower instead of staying to die.

This fight was way, way, way more fun than it would be without downed state. That’s true of 90% of skirmishes I’ve had in WvW.

TL;DR: You can still triumph in 2v1 with superior play, even with downed-state ressing. You just need to save your cooldowns a bit and be aware of what abilities your enemies might bring to the table.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

(edited by ASP.8093)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


However in 2v1…Its not reasonable..

So, yesterday…

I’m a fairly average WvW thief. I have decent battlefield awareness but I’m not exceptionally skilled by any measure.

A thief and a guardian charge me. The thief tries to Heartseeker newb-spam me and I kill her while evading with Shortbow. The guardian goes to res her. I daze the guardian, then start stomping. In case he’s got CC, I pop Signet of Shadows to blind him when he’s about to come out of daze. The thief ports; I port with her and finish the stomp. I daze the guardian a second time and he runs away to a nearby tower instead of staying to die.

This fight was way, way, way more fun than it would be without downed state. That’s true of 90% of skirmishes I’ve had in WvW.

TL;DR: You can still triumph in 2v1 with superior play, even with downed-state ressing. You just need to save your cooldowns a bit and be aware of what abilities your enemies might bring to the table.

Or you can be a thief , In otherwords, the only reason the Guardian didn’t get the res off…Was because your class, It had nothing to do with skill…It didn’t make the fight more interesting, Your class simply allowed you to counter a crappy mechanic.

If you were another class, Chances are that thief would of gotten ressed and went back to noob spamming Heart Seeker.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: carnivorum.5038


Downed is just ridiculous. Getting necro downed 3 times in ~30 sec and still he was revived faster than a stomp+1sec

Piken Square
Ram Built Yoda Need [GG]

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


Yes, let’s remove a core part of combat because it is annoying to some people.


Pretty much this. Downed state stops being so annoying when you stop considering it an add-on to how things “should” work. Downed state is an organic part of GW2 combat, and the way you fight should always take it into account.

You can no more cherry pick out the downed state from GW2 combat than you can make the complaint that “siege ruins WvW and everything would be better without it because other game did it like that”.

Using overwhelming numbers to keep up allies, fighting near NPCs so you can rally off of them, “special” stomps (stability, mist, stealth, quickness, etc) are all part of the downed state meta that is supposed to develop around this part of GW2 combat. They aren’t extraneous novelties, they’re how the game is built and supposed to work.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


Yes, let’s remove a core part of combat because it is annoying to some people.


Pretty much this. Downed state stops being so annoying when you stop considering it an add-on to how things “should” work. Downed state is an organic part of GW2 combat, and the way you fight should always take it into account.

You can no more cherry pick out the downed state from GW2 combat than you can make the complaint that “siege ruins WvW and everything would be better without it because other game did it like that”.

Using overwhelming numbers to keep up allies, fighting near NPCs so you can rally off of them, “special” stomps (stability, mist, stealth, quickness, etc) are all part of the downed state meta that is supposed to develop around this part of GW2 combat. They aren’t extraneous novelties, they’re how the game is built and supposed to work.

Was going to make a post, but found this ^

Just get in the habit of thinking of “downed health” as just another part of the health bar. Noone is dead until they have to respawn. (get into some spvp tournies if your having trouble with this concept)

Downed health adds a whole layer of dynamics to the gameplay, i personally dont get so annoyed by it and I find that ppl who do are just bringing bias from other games. IF you seriously have a problem in 1v1 because of downstate it is not the game thats at fault it is your spec or skill level.

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Something those favoring keeping downed state in Wv3 seem to be missing….you can rez in combat! So why the need for downed state?
I mean, i understand the broad concept of it:
You’re in a fight and get beat but not killed so you’re laid out, the last fight before death. Ok gotcha. But um…imho if your downed, cant move, almost dead…in RL that would pretty much mean you’re for all intent and purposes completely defenseless. So why isnt that reflected in downed state?

Remove it from Wv3 or make it so you can instant spike someone, downed state attacks are 50% nerfed from players normal attacks.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Onur.5346


I seriously dislike downed state in pvp period.

1- it’s nearly impossible to 1v3+ – I would really love to test my skills going up against 5-10 and killing all – now that’s skill.. and this game just doesn’t allow that.

2- In an outnumbered zerg vs double # zerg = double # will always win for obvious reasons – LET ME REZ YoU

It’s just not like any other game in this game, it’s just so annoying not to be able to pick on a group of 5 alone, very ! Aside from 1v1, it’s definitely making the game a non-skill teller – also making this game a cookie-cutter… for below/average players…

Onurx – Elementalist – Affinity [BADS]
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Onur.5346)

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


I seriously dislike downed state in pvp period.

1- it’s nearly impossible to 1v3+ – I would really love to test my skills going up against 5-10 and killing all – now that’s skill.. and this game just doesn’t allow that.

2- In an outnumbered zerg vs double # zerg = double # will always win for obvious reasons – LET ME REZ YoU

It’s just not like any other game in this game, it’s just so annoying not to be able to pick on a group of 5 alone, very ! Aside from 1v1, it’s definitely making the game a non-skill teller – also making this game a cookie-cutter… for below/average players…

/seen lots of WvW vids of classes soloing large groups.
Downed doesn’t give any bigger advantage to the bigger team then they already have. It more rewards players who know how to manage it. Killing an enemy within their own lines doesn’t count for much, but if you make them over extend, that when your kills start to make a difference. In WvW, it’s not numbers that win the day, it’s whoever pushes the other back that is the victor, and it’s completely do able with smaller force if the force aims for tactical advantages.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: maloki.3527


SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE… And your team is dead against the zerg.

Really think about this before you argue for removing removing Downed state in WvW.

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I seriously dislike downed state in pvp period.

1- it’s nearly impossible to 1v3+ – I would really love to test my skills going up against 5-10 and killing all – now that’s skill.. and this game just doesn’t allow that.

2- In an outnumbered zerg vs double # zerg = double # will always win for obvious reasons – LET ME REZ YoU

It’s just not like any other game in this game, it’s just so annoying not to be able to pick on a group of 5 alone, very ! Aside from 1v1, it’s definitely making the game a non-skill teller – also making this game a cookie-cutter… for below/average players…

/seen lots of WvW vids of classes soloing large groups.
Downed doesn’t give any bigger advantage to the bigger team then they already have. It more rewards players who know how to manage it. Killing an enemy within their own lines doesn’t count for much, but if you make them over extend, that when your kills start to make a difference. In WvW, it’s not numbers that win the day, it’s whoever pushes the other back that is the victor, and it’s completely do able with smaller force if the force aims for tactical advantages.

You seen a lot of classes soloing large groups of people that are either A. Elementalist or B. Thief..

Now ask yourself, why do you see those 2 classes as the ones able to solo large groups of people? Could it be because they have methods of stomping people with extreme ease.

Like I said, it rewards certain classes and punishes others..It rewards larger numbers.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE… And your team is dead against the zerg.

Really think about this before you argue for removing removing Downed state in WvW.

Thats how it is right now, only the people on the zerg you actually down are instantly ressed.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Downed is just ridiculous. Getting necro downed 3 times in ~30 sec and still he was revived faster than a stomp+1sec

I downed an engineer 2 times just now, Both times he got up because some Random moronic mob joined the fight and died.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Downed state in WvWvW should be removed

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


Or you can be a thief , In otherwords, the only reason the Guardian didn’t get the res off…Was because your class, It had nothing to do with skill…It didn’t make the fight more interesting, Your class simply allowed you to counter a crappy mechanic.

If you were another class, Chances are that thief would of gotten ressed and went back to noob spamming Heart Seeker.

Because daze and blind are somehow unique to thieves??

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·