The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert
Dragonbrand has been playing for 2nd place since day 1, sandwhiching us whenever possible.
At first I thought it was strategy because we nightcapped our win last time and they were just getting us in last before Monday, but then after seeing the population JQ had at night last night I came to realize DB is just playing for 2nd which is another legit strategy.
Our server hates Dragonbrand more than Jade Quarry tenfold because of this weekend even though JQ is the one kittening on us
Because 1v1v1 isn’t nearly as fun as 2v1 amirite?
I quite like the heart-shaped plan for EB.
What is truly ridiculous is that our borderlands in CD almost always has a Queue, even though we can never seem to rally together more than 30 people or so at any given time. It is freaking stupid, and I’d honestly chalk up a lot of it to the stupid bots in the borderlands by the skritt that Anet does not seem to care to be aggressive about banning. Heck they don’t seem to be aggressive about banning ANY bots. I will sometimes see bots for days in a row in the exact same spot, even though I have reported them and know several others have as well.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we could actually get numbers to fight with and make real plans instead of being forced to defend, and the worst part is, when we DID have the numbers last night in our own Borderlands, we were “this” close to getting our garrison back and POOF like magic most of our guys lose connection and get the login servers are down error, and to make matters worse while our guys still could not get back in, 40+ JQ guys come swarming at our towers in the northern borders. How the hell is it even close to right that they have seemingly no issues with being kicked off when we are suddenly down to 10 people?
Not saying this is JQ’s fault, I’m just saying it is ridiculous.
JQ player here, How come you want to pick on us? We get double team’d last week by HoD/SBI and now you want to do it again to us this week? Fight for your own win, it will feel better if you do.
I was in CD borderlands tonight manning the cannon that was hamming CD un-uniformed zerg as it trickled through the gap in the garrison wall, I shouldn’t have been able to rack up such a kill rate but the dis-organisation just fanned the flames. It wasn’t until DB started hitting the other side of the garrison that we knew we had lost it.
Get your server a team speak and spread the word, it will help LOADS.
just to add, we didn’t notice the login error, maybe I just logged off before that, I’ll ask the guys if they got the same when I’m on next
(edited by JwintooX.4189)
That def sucks Sisho, but the suck seems to be reasonably distributed. We tried to take DB’s garrison Friday night and after we smashed our way in, the commander was permanently invulnerable. Disappointed, we moved our zerg to the hills keep which you guys were taking back from DB. You captured it right as we were about to break the outer door, reseting it to full health. Adding insult to injury, right as we broke it you attacked back after claiming the keep and dropping a full set of 12 hour buffs on it. We got wrecked. And then this morning, one of the orbs was bugged and held by DB, even though we had captured the keep it was in a while ago… go figure.
We finally pushed our way across the bridge to Etheron hills, and the keeplord was immune
Not an alliance per say, but I’m just gunning for the top spot. If I’m not attacked then CD is no threat to me.
I know this is totally random but I just want to say that I did enjoy playing with CD and DB. Let’s end wvwvw with an all out war!
aye it was fun against Jade Quarry too, much better than last week.
You guys are just SO RICH! If you want something there is no way for us to stop you because you just have so much siege to use and a never ending supply of it.
JQ also experienced the login server issue. I was on TS with the server and all of a sudden, everyone was DC’d. We all worked to get in as soon as possible to protect Garrison.
Also, for those wondering: I play on JQ in WvW from 12am CST to 5am CST. We don’t have an Oceanic presence as much as we have a lot of dedicated players who stay up way too late to make sure we are good to go for the AM crew. We hurt on presence and organization most during off peak hours, but we do what we can with what we have. We have commanders that take up leads at specific times in specific BGs and we ask everyone participate in TS. We coordinate pushes, siege, and respond to defenses quickly. We usually have 1-2 big commander groups coordinating efforts across the whole map.
After HoD/SBI, JQ has really put forth an effort to coordinate and get everyone on the same page. Otherwise we are just a high population server without organization. I love the JQ server community — it is pretty laid back and friendly. I’m happy to see us trying to organize and work together more.
(edited by Prophecy.5204)
CD player here we hate double teaming if we lose we lose with pride !
I remember that garrison log out, We were on the Northwest Gate about to push in, when we all got kicked lol Dragonbrand was sooookitten when it happened. we lost any chance of getting into the garrison after that.
DB has honestly just been pushing hard on JQ at Greenlake hoping CD would take back Garrison and push on Askallion hills, but when we saw you guys weren’t even taking back Stargrove…we stopped caring about helping CD out
Open calls for double team go largely ignored. BLOOD is the only answer.
CD player here we hate double teaming
if we lose we lose with pride !
DB here and this ^ we will never give up even if the odds are against us (mass zerg server) we will do the best we can with the situation given…but at the end of the day we will say “hey we gave it our best shot…hope we do better next time!…aka we have more online players trololo”.
@ANet…just STOP matching servers between eachother based JUST on score. That is just “preemptive kitten inserted” (sry for language but i don’t have a nicer word to explain it). U have to match them based on:
1. Score
2. WvW active population (in general..not strict to the last online person)
3. Server daytime/nighttime player in…if a server has more players at night..u match it up against another server similar.
Right now..even if u do it like that…it’s no were close to being visible.
(edited by Rebound.3409)
No Alliance here! Even if we have to play for second which we kinda are now.. lol
Nononono no alliance. Every night, both focus on JQ simply because of the amount of map we have. But then it gets to the point when we’re going to get wiped out of the zone. Then things happen…
Last night, (DB Border) CD pushed hard into Etheron Keep, and Dragonbrand pushed hard into Dreaming Bay. Miraculously, we managed to hold off both forces, to come back and fix it all up, and wreck up all of DB’s obnoxious trebuchets.
It was an epic battle last night and I commend you all. However, I would love to see it between CD and DB without involving us at all . :P
Frac, I concur.
I would love to see CD and DB either one on one or with the third server being someone like Ioj. Probably would be an excellent fight.
Still remember the night in EB where JQ owned SMC, and CD was pushing on their main keep, took 2 south towers and Golanta and were holding them off while we ignored Dragonbrand and let them push on SMC.
After Dragonbrand got SMC rather than push the north JQ towers they immediately went after durios forcing us to send some people to defend losing our positioning on south JQ and then not 1 hour later JQ retakes SMC.
There’s green everywhere now, people will just cruise till server reset. Can’t wait till 2 week games start -.-
Can’t really blame them when JQ W3 population is like DB/CD combined, and then doubled it.
I for myself have given up and joined the bandwagon(HoD), apparently server hopping is the intended way to play W3
Can’t really blame them when JQ W3 population is like DB/CD combined, and then doubled it.
I for myself have given up and joined the bandwagon(HoD), apparently server hopping is the intended way to play W3
Whose blaming them, certainly not me.
Every week 1 server has dominated 2 others to the extent of nearly 100%.
The thing that amuses me is that its been like this since BWE.
Can’t really blame them when JQ W3 population is like DB/CD combined, and then doubled it.
I for myself have given up and joined the bandwagon(HoD), apparently server hopping is the intended way to play W3
Although I wont server hop, lets not get to silly with W3. There is work to be done by Anet before I and I suspect a lot of other people take rankings/performance in W3 to seriously.
Although this is all over the forums from a few servers I can tell you a large alliance of DB hasn’t put any effort whatsoever after we woke up saturday
There just isnt a point to put in any effort, gold, time, etc to see everything disappear overnight
I think the system is sad when pop wins and overnight coverage decides the outcome
Sad thing is next week we will see another huge zerg guild so it looks like we will probably WvW one day again next week
Kinda sad being the main feature of the game and it is only worth it to do 1/7 of the week.
Maybe we won’t do it at all. I guess we will see what the matchup gives us
And btw I find it absolutely atrocious that servers would combine to beat another. This nonsense has to stop. The system of 3 servers make WvWvW a great system and ruining it with alliances is just horrible play
So many pansy gamers now
You call pansy gamers, but you just admitted that half our server gave up after one night of fighting. Granted it really sucked none of us could log on for an hour that night, but you can’t call out someone else after saying you gave up..
Also giving up just ruins the system even more. Why not put forth the effort every night and try to help balance the system. Who knows maybe next week we’ll end up losing, but at least it’ll be better than dropping down 2 tiers and justkittentheir face and then repeating the method until you and other babies are happy again
what happen to Cd night cappers ? o_O
did they transfer out or something ?
CD quit day one as well
Hate to break this to you, but from my experience in WvW this week, Crystal Desert is either incapable of strategic thinking or they are actively working to help JQ win. The nobler part of me wants to believe the former. I did notice the same guild tags on both JQ and CD a few times.
I only played on two of the borderlands and in both I noticed a lack of animosity between JQ and CD, so maybe it was different in the other border/Eternal. There was one moment where JQ was attacking the Bay keep for almost 30 minutes and they owned Garrison(in CD home turf) and CD didn’t take Garrison. If they made an attempt it was obviously a pitiful one.
What’s sad is that it is not a sever wide thing, really all it takes is for one guy to transfer servers spend a 100g on commander icon and then lead the troops to ruin all while conversing with his guild on vent. I certainly don’t believe that entire servers align together, but the way WvW is setup it only takes a few to ruin the day.
Again maybe CD just lacked strategic thinking and I am reading too much into that. Entirely possible that there were same shenanigans on DB as well.
Yeah either CD have the worst team work and strategy or are helping JQ defeat DB. Conspiracy theory’s ruled out their behavior was particularly strange at least in the DB borderlands. JQ owned all of the lower camps, towers, and keeps leaving CD without a pot tokitten in yet every time I saw a CD zerg they were up north in DB territory where they had no business to be in. Instead of focusing on trying to secure their starting area tower and camps and pushing toward the CD side lower keep, they would be running around zerging DB players at the top of the map when they had nothing. Its no wonder you guys have done so bad, so you were either helping JQ or just have no idea what your doing. Sorry if my words sound mean but I call it how I saw it.
Yeah and the shenanigans like fake commander that Varathiel mentioned is possible on DB as well we had some commanders that were so fail, maybe im just trying to make excuses for why they are so bad but maybe its a JQ member in disguise. Same thing could of been happening on CD but I doubt it how many are going to pay 100s of golds just to throw matches like that is beyond my comprehension.
(edited by Warlord.9074)
Cd player here. From what I can tell, we are quite disorganized. No we don’t want to help JQ. From what I can tell the server seems to be split on what to do. Some ppl are trying to take things back from JQ, others are attacking DB and leaving JQ, b/c well fighting JQ is pointless, andwould rather take second from DB than fight a pointless fight with JQ. Personally I’ve been just doing the pointless JQ farmfests praying to get my 50 monthly wvw kills (18 lol), however that would be what’s going on.
Edit: Also our server has given up I believe. All 4 maps last night I had the outnumbered buff. Today so far has been no better.
aww DB have you guys sink so low as to use siege exploits within your citadel’s invulnerable zones?
We don’t need any help on DB but thanks.
Without any “Super epic awesome sponsored l33t” guild we have consistently moved up the rankings on Dragonbrand, we don’t need anyone’s help. REDUNDANT
During peak we have consistently out performed or matched JQ in points.
We are actively working on establishing a night shift that will pick up the slack during off peak. CD should be focused on how they can win the third tier bracket and get back to top 5. All the whining about exploiting should stop, every single server has taken advantage of every scenario they could to get ahead, I have seen every safe zone with siege in it at one time or another. #worldsmallestviolin
@ Gofr
I’m obviously on DB. What am trying to say is that the disorganization or helping on CD and perhaps even DB is what has allowed JQ to dominate. You’re right that at this point it doesn’t matter if you attack JQ. But at the beginning of the week when things were still tight and DB was even in first for a little bit it was bad. The week before that DB was agaisnt Magumma and Isle of Janthir and several times I would be heading to take a supply camp and would find Magumma and IOJ locked in battle. This phenomena did not occur even once in the first 3 days of JQ/CD/DB while I was playing. This could be a coincidence, obviously.
I’m not outright accusing CD of helping JQ just stating the possibility based on my experiences in game. Like I said earlier if even a few people on CD and/or DB are helping JQ then it would have a huge effect.
They need to institute a WvW suspension after a server transfer. Can’t WvW for 24hrs or even the rest of the competition. This would go a long way toward fixing that particular unbalance.
@ Diablos
While I know you are trolling, I will still respond to this. What you posted is true, they need to fix that bs. But maybe you should check around your own Borderlands and post screenshots of your guys doing that crap too. Because I’m pretty sure there are players on every server who know about it and decide to ruin everyone’s day.
I can’t say for sure what happened earlier this week, so I’ll have to give you the benefit of the doubt. I have stayed out of WvW this whole time and only just started it for the very first time yesterday. Looks like I picked a great time to jump in, huh? It doesn’t matter though. At this point it would seem our server is just waiting for a new match up. Can’t even leave our spawn points now with JQ constantly at the door.
There are at least three exits from every spawn point on the maps, just have to look for them. As for CD/DB, as long as you guys roll around in groups of 3-4 people that I can stomp solo, I welcome the fight.
You call pansy gamers, but you just admitted that half our server gave up after one night of fighting. Granted it really sucked none of us could log on for an hour that night, but you can’t call out someone else after saying you gave up..
Acquiring an entire servers help to fight another server 2 vs 1 and realizing that 10 hours of time is taken apart in 4 is a huge difference. I still played on day 2 in the morning and night and what happened when I woke up Sunday, it was almost 80/10/10. That isn’t being a pansy that is being realistic. Beating people during prime time is all well and good but the hours when most of us don’t play is when the match gets decided
Going to a keep with basically everyone that was on the map only to see that we were completely outnumbered by jq and yet we had a queue for the map, again isnt being a pansy.
Taking any time at all taking points serves 0 purpose.
I dont think CD is bad at all. I actually want to have them again without the super zerg factor
The first wek matchup was the same we dominated but really when your up there is a point that serves no purpose.
I want a dogfight. I want to be interested. I want to play everynight. We’ll see next week I can tell you without question if it is a competition we will be there every night. If it has purpose we will be there every night. We want to be there every night
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a good match up, but my point was you can’t expect one if you give up a few days in and then hope the following week would be any better, because it’s based on a scored system. if Tier 3 team comes up and out scores both us and we let CD get ahead of us (which is stil possible) then we drop to a tier III bracket, and we’ll be dominate yet again cause the same problem. That’s why I think it’s always worth trying even if it’s only for a small gain every night. If you want to make this flawed system work you have to at least try your best at it.
I’ll keep fighting because honestly last night CD was ahead of us for a few hours and if they kept that up and JQ let them…we’ll be on repeat for another week with everyone just bored of owning everything
It’s obvious DB doesn’t need any help…exploits included. Seems like we’ve taken care of this matchup.
DB player here as well. I refuse to sink any gold into upgrades that will be lost overnight. We had no queue on EB yesterday; why should I blow gold on upgrading a keep, when even fully upgraded keeps WILL be lost, simply due to noone being there to man the siege we’ve been dropping?
After that, been more of a Coron-style “focus on gaining exp and karma, recap things” mentality instead of a “hold onto points, upgrade and play to win” mentality.
Wouldn’t be surprised if that happened on many servers. After the weekend, most people decide if they think it’s worth investing the time and resources for the rest of the week, or if it’d be better to save, and then come out swinging the week after, when there might be weaker opponents.
It’s obvious DB doesn’t need any help…exploits included. Seems like we’ve taken care of this matchup.
I don’t know why you’re proud of a 2PM fight again a door
It’s obvious DB doesn’t need any help…exploits included. Seems like we’ve taken care of this matchup.
I don’t know why you’re proud of a 2PM fight again a door
Lol…you think that it’s just because of the time? Look at the score man are you blind? Both of you guys are being dominated right now, I’m proud of a lot of things. This must be the first time either servers have gone against any server with skill. Before you get your panties in a bunch let me explain what I mean by that: Our last match up was against HoD and SBI. Even though the only reason they knocked us down was because of the constant double teaming, they still possessed a higher quality of skill in terms of actual pvp confrontation (not just sieging). Inside Obsidian Sanctum (The Puzzle in EB) the fights were way more fierce against each other. Right now against CD and DB the fights are a breeze.
I think even though you guys are getting dominated, that exposure to a higher skill set is good so that you guys can each improve with experience and destroy the next tier you face.
Nononono no alliance. Every night, both focus on JQ simply because of the amount of map we have. But then it gets to the point when we’re going to get wiped out of the zone. Then things happen…
Last night, (DB Border) CD pushed hard into Etheron Keep, and Dragonbrand pushed hard into Dreaming Bay. Miraculously, we managed to hold off both forces, to come back and fix it all up, and wreck up all of DB’s obnoxious trebuchets.
It was an epic battle last night and I commend you all. However, I would love to see it between CD and DB without involving us at all . :P
Your quite welcome to stay out of the way. Honestly I think most of our zerg is honked off at DB more than JQ judgeing by map chat but its kinda hard to fight DB when we keep haveing to fight through JQ to get to them because you own everything. not really sure why there is so much animosity to DB but meh whatever.
It’s obvious DB doesn’t need any help…exploits included. Seems like we’ve taken care of this matchup.
I don’t know why you’re proud of a 2PM fight again a door
Lol…you think that it’s just because of the time? Look at the score man are you blind? Both of you guys are being dominated right now, I’m proud of a lot of things. This must be the first time either servers have gone against any server with skill. Before you get your panties in a bunch let me explain what I mean by that: Our last match up was against HoD and SBI. Even though the only reason they knocked us down was because of the constant double teaming, they still possessed a higher quality of skill in terms of actual pvp confrontation (not just sieging). Inside Obsidian Sanctum (The Puzzle in EB) the fights were way more fierce against each other. Right now against CD and DB the fights are a breeze.
I think even though you guys are getting dominated, that exposure to a higher skill set is good so that you guys can each improve with experience and destroy the next tier you face.
You have quite the ego considering you’re in 4th place and DB is getting doubled teamed by you and CD(psst we’re still holding second) I’ve read the chat against JQ you guys are a joke in Tier 1, and think you’re hot kitten because you’ve been taking keeps in the latenight/morning.
DB alliance jsut admitted they haven’t been attempting to fight back since the weekend. CD admitted to attacking DB for second place. So I think you are either not reading the forum, or really are full of yourself. It’s ok keep thinking you’re hot stuff I can’t wait to see you in Tier II again 2 weeks from now. so you can feel good about yourself against a door
As a warfighter for JQ, I welcome your alliance. It’s getting kinda boring spawn camping you guys. This just in: (see attachment)
@Eurlin – You obviously can’t read numbers very well. Taking keeps in the morning and night doesn’t make that number go so high. Also in Tier 1, we were getting rolled by both servers at the same time. It was a longstanding argument here on the forums, but as most losers do joining the bandwagon is a week and a half late. I too welcome your alliance. Also it’s not that I’m full of myself, it’s that I let the numbers do the talking. I meant what I said about having a challenge. What hardship have you guys faced before JQ? Take this as positive experience so you can be better. It’s okay =)
Took this screen yesterday.
Sorry guys.
In the meantime, the battle over Etheron last night was good. No idea how that [Fang] guild kept sneaking in there through our walls, considering the mes we found was hiding outside the outer wall. I call hax, but whatever.
On the plus side, the week is almost over, and you should have a much better time next matchup.
Here’s your math at 660 per tick you gain
2,640 an hour
63,360 a day
We’re on 4 days 20 hours according to that last post
63,360*4=253,440 (4 days worth) plus the 20 hours from today
Total score if you were constantly keeping us down* should be 306,240.
but it’s actually 258,344 which is roughly 47,896 points lower than you should be, and that’s lowballing it considering you took everything yesterday. I mean everything you were at 695 every 15 minutes that’s 2,780 an hour.
So if you want the numbers to do the talking you’ve got 24 hours~ to make up for which in the span of 4 nights(prime time fighting) that’s 6 hours where you’ve been slacking it’s ok if you can’t keep the math up
Not to mention that we’ve had CD on us since day 1 for some reason, and we’ve had 2 log in problems on 2 separate nights. One was first day where it’s crucial to define the dominate server. Which was a direct cause of a number of guilds to not want to participate in. So I’ll say it again… see you in 2 weeks maybe this time when we’re not doubled teamed we’ll put up a good fight
Are you honestly trying to compare you guys to JQ? I mean CD is trying to ally with you to take us on I think you’re missing the point. The entire match JQ has been in the lead, and now sweeping. Fancy bit of math you having going there, but not only do the numbers not lie, neither does the score.
At the end of the day, you’re getting slaughtered and should probably take this guy’s advice.
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