in WvW

Posted by: satkis.7021


You guys have been climbing up the ladder like nobody else.

Reading this as a player from Miller’s Sound hurts a bit:D

We started as 26th into the 1 week matches and are currently 8th and leading with 8k points in our new match up against Baruch and FS (I know we havent had a primetime yet, but still..^^)

26th -> 24th -> 23th -> 21th -> 19th -> 17th -> 13th ->8th

Hope to meet you guys from Top6 soon.


I should have defined top6 after my sentence to make it more clear that I was talking about the top6 servers at the moment. Now we have new top6 servers since FS did what I feared and gave up. Times change and FS is history in EU top servers. For now. Nice job on Miller’s keep it up!

ANet said wvw was a 24/7 battle, not that you had to bring worldwide people to get this coverage. Otherwise, what was the point of an EU ladder in the first place ?

If Deso wanted a worldwide 24/7 coverage, they should have gone to the USA ladder.

By bringing NA guilds in EU ladder, they are denying competitive interest in the ladder for all the localized server (FR/ES/DE) which represents 50% of EU ladder.

About double teaming : have you seen the income graphs ? It’s pretty obvious there isn’t any alliances going on like last week end…

As I said before: One big serverpool would be the right thing to do. No crying no whining just 24/7 fight as it was supposed to be from the very beginning. So far French servers have done good job. They won last week and even if AS gets kicked out of t1 I wouldn’t see VS dropping very soon. Again: Equal top 6 servers would be mind blowing. Each one could drop to t2 and then rise again.

Thanx for the encouraging words, satkis, just let me add a small correction:
Fakt is, we do have three ladders at the moment.
NA, EU and International/worldwide, which still has to be announced officially by ANet.
I do not mind this at all, I truly wish all the best to all servers, just wanted to mention it

Very interesting! But I still think the best solution is to make only one ladder not three. That would end up having one “superserver” on each ladder dominating. Too many ladders allows too few players to have too many choices.

And of course SFR is good at their primetime. There are Finns!

satkis [TLA] – Guardian – Desolation

Only a WvW player

(edited by satkis.7021)


in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


[EU] Sea Farers Rest is the best manpower to score ratio server in the world



in WvW

Posted by: Lord Siotrad.2519

Lord Siotrad.2519

As I said before: One big serverpool would be the right thing to do. No crying no whining just 24/7 fight as it was supposed to be from the very beginning. So far French servers have done good job. They won last week and even if AS gets kicked out of t1 I wouldn’t see VS dropping very soon. Again: Equal top 6 servers would be mind blowing. Each one could drop to t2 and then rise again.

Yes but no

At the beginning of the game and VS came 1st … FS and Deso was complanig because of our nightcap.
We said that we have organized us to have a “night team” to have the most efficient 24/7 coverage … for the EU ladder … not the NA (the worldwise one)

It was angainst EU server and EU guilds … so there was competition … because WvWvW is an orgasisation of the forces of a server, the ability to federate, to create a server identity.

You on Deso, you even don’t tryed to organize you, you just recruit … and recruit NA guilds so yes 24/7 coverage but without competition because no investissement for your serveur exept welcoming RUIN.

[ACSK] – [GC]
Vizunah Square

(edited by Lord Siotrad.2519)


in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


So what was up with that whole French Canadians thing, then?

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn


in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


So what was up with that whole French Canadians thing, then?

French Canadian guilds all play on the US ladder

Vizunah Square [FR]


in WvW

Posted by: Rakshata.7908


So what was up with that whole French Canadians thing, then?

Lol but seriously you were pull by a one man canadian guild named CaSu. He was alone that’s all. VS like AS just organize them to make night team work.
You can see that AS come 1st one week against VS without canadian too (some wuld say yes there was Armata but they were 6/7 poeple to play at night not a 200+ poeple like RUIN)
For AS when we see RUIN come in deso we tried an ally (a lot were against but it was the only way to stay in T1 because there was noone at night to counter this). The ally failed and now AS just hope to quickly get back to T2 to get some good fight with real EU server. It’s just that we are warholic so in prime we continu to act but the night team now can sleep and we wait for better match up.


in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So what was up with that whole French Canadians thing, then?

Well thats different because there were less of them then there are on Deso now from the US.
Basicly someone else does the same thing as they did, only better, and suddenly its lame and destroys WvW.

BT seems to disagree, we’ll see them in tier1 shortly. And no doubt more international servers will rise up and things will settle. Ofcourse this means national servers will plummet, thats why its servers with tags like [fr][de] making a lot of noise about this.

They know their initial advantage is running to an end and they’ll drop down, which would lead to the serious WvW guilds abandoning their servers, causing them to drop even more.


in WvW

Posted by: jroekke.7210


Heey, FSP havent given up even though all our russians chose the easy way out and transferred to BT. We will probably fall down to tier4 atleast, but hopefully rebuild. Getting some more organization etc going now, so dont rule us out completely for the future.


in WvW

Posted by: satkis.7021


I see your concern. That argument is invalid though. Blaming Desolation for having different timezone players. You can’t escape them. They will always be involved in a 24/7 fight. There have been different timezone players before Ruin came. That is why one international ladder without flags would be good. All could choose to have as many timezones covered as possible or then just put up their own night/morning team and be burned out. I like to sleep and have my personal life besides the game.

satkis [TLA] – Guardian – Desolation

Only a WvW player