Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA
You know what I like about those BG boys.. they are bad, just sooo sooo bad.
but you keep losing to BG, so what does that say about you?
I hear Facebook might have some games more your speed.
Unrivaled Wrath -80 Guardian
[AAO] Blackgate Server
srsly, wooden chest is distracting ,i hope they just spawn in my bags
I got a few wooden chests and was all excited … until I opened it up and it was a blue piece of armour
TC EB had a 3 hour long queue tonight. At the 2 and a half mark I looked over at the map and we didn’t own a SINGLE base. There is definitely something not right with the queue system. Why else wouldn’t they allow us to see queue positions or give estimated times? The mechanics are not right and Anet needs to look at it because it is a huge turn off for many wvw’ers.
You guys had plenty of players in EB. If they wouldnt jump into places the game designers didnt intend them to, maybe the 2 servers wouldnt focus you in there.
TC we got some material regarding tonights matchup we want you to look at. Is there anyone we can contact regarding this, so it gets taken care of without beeing turned into a public flamewar?
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus
TC EB had a 3 hour long queue tonight. At the 2 and a half mark I looked over at the map and we didn’t own a SINGLE base. There is definitely something not right with the queue system. Why else wouldn’t they allow us to see queue positions or give estimated times? The mechanics are not right and Anet needs to look at it because it is a huge turn off for many wvw’ers.
Only 3 hours..? BG is almost at 6 hours.
Yak’s Bend
Tempest Wolves [TW]
about the trebs hitting the NE camp, i’m assuming you mean on reset night for TC’s first match in tier 2. it was 4 trebs, actually. i know this because that tower is my baby. my guild goes there every reset night, and sets up as much siege in there as can possibly fit. BG, you got to see that first hand when we wiped your 5 golems there tonight.
if you see the chalice on the banner, your best bet is to just move on past. because we get a sick thrill out of see how much siege we can fit in a tower. and we’ll stay there all night long. sleep is for the weak.
Great Fights in Fabl [KnT]. I think most of the weeks we spent in Tier 2 together you were in EB, and we didn’t get to run into you much. You guys are awesome.
We’ll be sending our repair build to KnT today…
I am impressed.
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
We’ll be sending our repair build to KnT today…
I am impressed.
What about the TC guilds? We probably share some of that repair bill. KnT is definitely impressive to fight though.
[VoTF] www.votf.net
Great fun in BG BL tonight.
Came up against GOF and huge numbers but by the time i logged off it had been fairly even in number of kills. Shame our TS3 sever went down just as we looked to have a chance at taking garrison.
I read all posts in the thread and i can tell you that FA is definitely not ready for T1 in terms of strategy of accumulating points. In terms of Zerg killing and quality of pvper, were going to bring the pain. Only a few guilds on either server will give us any hassle in terms of pure pvp skill.. Knt and as much as I hate to say it “prove it or we didn’t hack icoa” will be a new level of competition for us. O and anyone that posts about us not showing up if we’re loosing on points. Honestly 80% of us hope for the fare weathers to stop so we can 2 v 1 odds you and still win.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Enjoying the welcome to Tier 2 from Blackgate and TC, especially enjoying the bags.
I thought this was just a typical trash talk post… until I clicked the screenshot.
That’s some funny stuff
Aye those wooden chests make ye do crazy things ’n battle. Jes ta let ye down wit lack lustar booty ;(
The Shadow Legion (TSL) for WvW and
The Shipwrecked Pirates (TSP) on Tarnished Coast
Team Dolyak [DOLY] the official cross-server guild of the yak parade is looking for more members to join The Herd!
If you’ve never heard of the herd before, then lemme break it down for you. Every Thursday people from all three servers gather at 9pm in a prearranged location, use ruminant tonics to turn into dolyaks, and march around the map together exploding fireworks until they are killed by a hostile zerg or have a glorious three-way battle at the end.
We have guild banks on both Tarnished Coast and Blackgate for those who need or want free tonics.
More information here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/The-Multi-Server-WvWvW-Dolyak-Parade-1/first#post1307496
And now a musical interlude with video from the last parade with SoR and TC:
Team Dolyak [KH]
You haven’t seen ICoa in full force yet. We had almost 100 members on tonight ready to kick buttocks and take names. Unfortunately due to the queues we ran with less than 20.
Regardless, TC BL was a lot of fun tonight.
Team Dolyak [DOLY] the official cross-server guild of the yak parade is looking for more members to join The Herd!
If you’ve never heard of the herd before, then lemme break it down for you. Every Thursday people from all three servers gather at 9pm in a prearranged location, use ruminant tonics to turn into dolyaks, and march around the map together exploding fireworks until they are killed by a hostile zerg or have a glorious three-way battle at the end.
We have guild banks on both Tarnished Coast and Blackgate for those who need or want free tonics.
More information here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/The-Multi-Server-WvWvW-Dolyak-Parade-1/first#post1307496
And now a musical interlude with video from the last parade with SoR and TC:
Omg that was fantastic!
am i doing it right?
Lexx Kahern – 80 Midget Warrior
Member of PiNK and Newby Commander
I will band wagon onto the scoreboard thingy.
(P.S, doesn’t it look strange?)
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.
I know its reset night, but the rankings according to http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA at the bottom of the page look hilarious. It looks so f’ed up. Lol.
Bwahahaha, SoR is #14. All that hard work to get into Tier 1…
@skin -
I don’t think you read that in the right context! I wasn’t saying you we’re bad players, you know how the good RP TC girls like those bad boys of Blackgate.)) always trying to get us to smoke and stay out late!!
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
@skin -
I don’t think you read that in the right context! I wasn’t saying you we’re bad players, you know how the good RP TC girls like those bad boys of Blackgate.
)) always trying to get us to smoke and stay out late!!
I think this is what you meant?
I will now picture all the boys from TC in pastels! Well, especially PiNK!
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Had more fun tonight than I did all of last week combined. Thanks for the fun TC and FA. Really looking forward to more this week.
Although the match-up is still young, I have had a tremendous amount of fun today against BG and FA. (It’s incredible how much a worthy third server contributes to the fun and balance of power in WvW.) I fought entirely in EB today, including the three-way battle(s) for the TC Valley Keep, the Tale of Two FA Tower Trebs, and the numerous Danelon Exchanges. There have been incredibly tough fights against both BG and FA, but they were also fun. Let’s hope that all three servers can end this week just as classy as we have begun it.
For the Toast!
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
Naked humans are so boring, so plain, so non-iridescent. You need colorful sylvari to present the score.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
(edited by Chaba.5410)
Great fights tonight. FA open gate defense still amazes me, I feel like they would knock a hole in their own wall sometimes just to defend it. BG was getting some painful flanks on us featuring Icoa and others, very well executed every time.
I was in TCBL killing BG yaks heading for hills for a while until a group of BG had enough, but I would still try for them :P, sometimes succeeding. Only emote I got was a wave when I would fail, which was surprising lol. Very good game so far and not a lot of stupid emotes or other taunts going on, which may or may not last but tonight was just a good ole time, every server was holding their own imo.
I hate you…forsaken. I hate you. My yaks hate you too.
Good fights in TCBL, TC you guys are certainly persistent ;P Too tired too command, see you guys out there tomorrow.
<slips Verdant a $1 bill>
Make it two dollars!! VIP room, does that give the maps?
Sure does!
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate
First day fights on TCBL were fun and epic. Getting pushed from both sides was a struggle, but we pulled through.
And now a musical interlude with video from the last parade with SoR and TC:
Aw hon, that was fabulous! (yet again!)
Hats off to Icoa tonight in TC BL. You guys are a very organized group of players. Your zerg doesn’t break off just to run after one lowly player like SoR does.
This match is going nowheres until someone contains icoa or throws a bunch of necros/guardians at them. I don’t even think the united states army is that well drilled. WTH. And as far as cheating accusations go against icoa. Whatever. Here is something that I think will improve your guild and the people in it even more:
Genesis 17:17
Gensis 17:17
“Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?”"
Sorry, but I am not understanding…. o.O
Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer
I wonder why we use Dolyaks and not pack bulls to carry supplies… Look how much stuff this guy can carry:
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Absolutely loving the themed score updates, cracking me up. Keep em coming please.
As a former ioj player i must say the new (post xfer cost) tier 2 is a hell of a lot tougher than before it.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
You haven’t seen ICoa in full force yet. We had almost 100 members on tonight ready to kick buttocks and take names. Unfortunately due to the queues we ran with less than 20.
Regardless, TC BL was a lot of fun tonight.
This. DIS was running at about half force, and I feel this is going to be the plague all week long. Lets hope the queue issues are resolved quickly so we can get all of our members in and rolling.
Guild Leader, Commander – Dissentient [DIS]
Tarnished Coast
Great fun in FA bl last night. Hats off to PINK guild who were able to keep us at bay for a while. I wish we would have fought you more when we were in T2 a while back. There has to be something up with the Qs though. We had only 40-50 with us on the map at any given time and couldn’t get anymore in without 2 hour wait. What is the map limit? Regardless much fun and respect. Shout out to PINK again, I look forward to seeing you guys again tonight.
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)
Enjoying the welcome to Tier 2 from Blackgate and TC, especially enjoying the bags.
More blood* for the blood* god!
Tired. As I expected, TC and FA scrambled to hold on to whatever they could during my evening and late night.. I for one welcome our new overlords, BG. Am I right in assuming we have like 4-5 servers (Kaineng?) worthy of tier 1 right now?
Anyways, target rich environment for me I figure. Go FA, I’m proud of all of ya!
Dang! See that is why FA gets all the bags – BLOOD GOD. We’re just worshiping that Golem God still. I am still looking for a chest in these pics. I’m hoping to see one soon.
Good job, FA! I’m sure I am one of those bag – HAHA. Necro, in blue, winter’s staff – yea, I’m sure I died at your hands at some point. I’m learning a lot from you guys Thanks for the great fights.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
am i doing it right?
You have misplaced your score update. 5/10 for meeting half of the requirements. Actually, 6/10 because I appreciate your efforts. You will go far, grasshopper.
Enjoying the welcome to Tier 2 from Blackgate and TC, especially enjoying the bags.
More blood* for the blood* god!
You’re not naked.
There’s no score update.
1/10 try harder next time.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
This update brought to you by … the yellow bikini:
(If you look closely I’m actively making the “A” letter in the YMCA song, my friend to the bottom right already got the “C” … )
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Good fun in TC BL this evening. Was dead in the north camp and had 5 TC jumping on me and a naked female sit on me (wasn’t as good as it sounds). Then BG came along and killed them all much to my amusement. Taking bay twice was good fun then running around hills just for the lol’s was good fun =). Good fights from everyone!
am i doing it right?
You have misplaced your score update. 5/10 for meeting half of the requirements. Actually, 6/10 because I appreciate your efforts. You will go far, grasshopper.
Enjoying the welcome to Tier 2 from Blackgate and TC, especially enjoying the bags.
More blood* for the blood* god!
You’re not naked.
There’s no score update.1/10 try harder next time.
You just want to see me naked. That screenshot is from last night, I don’t think anyone wants a 12+ hour old score update. 1/10 try harder next time.
are there any small mans on FA?? looking for a good group of peeps to run with.. zerging is not my thing
This update brought to you by … the yellow bikini:
(If you look closely I’m actively making the “A” letter in the YMCA song, my friend to the bottom right already got the “C” …)
9/10 — first time participants are always welcome. Good selection of background and tasteful accentuation of one’s own features. The choice of scoreboard placement makes it easy for viewers to clearly interpret the score as it stands, and does not detract from the overall presentation. The addition of a map is an often overlooked feature that rounds everything out nicely.
One point was subtracted because the veteran guard in the background is highlighted, which distracts the eye. NPCs should blend into the background in future images, as they are ultimately part of the backdrop, not the ‘main course’.
The lack of proper siege feng shui would have lost you another point if not for the presence of the asura Eek Kee. His name — clearly an onomatopoeia expressing shock and embarrassment — pairs well with his actions, as he rapidly averts his eyes away from your bare form.
You just want to see me naked. That screenshot is from last night, I don’t think anyone wants a 12+ hour old score update. 1/10 try harder next time.
I don’t believe you understand what the phrase, “next time,” actually means. You will not go very far, young one.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
The lack of proper siege feng shui would have lost you another point if not for the presence of the asura Eek Kee. His name — clearly an onomatopoeia expressing shock and embarrassment — pairs well with his actions, as he rapidly averts his eyes away from your bare form.
So glad I wasn’t actually drinking when I read that. My monitor would not have survived unscathed.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
I don’t think you read that in the right context! I wasn’t saying you we’re bad players, you know how the good RP TC girls like those bad boys of Blackgate.
)) always trying to get us to smoke and stay out late!!
Hahah sorry to break it to you TC girls, but us “Blackgate bad boys” have really high standards
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
The TC girls rock <3
Beast mode