Gandalf Vs Far Shiverpeaks Vs Arborstone?
I don’t know if or, everything in the above post was sarcasm right? Like Rook’s message, the reply, everything; we all know that, right?
Even if my post was a bit sarcastic, it was meant to be a joke, same as Rook`s. It`s quite easy to see what type of wvw encounters Rook prefers from the youtube link in his signature
3 wvw kills
we tryed all the evening on FSP border not even a guild group running,only a big growing blob who always run away from us when we try to flank them,fps blob simply come out to fight 5/1 and when the fight still outnumber the other they see us they run in garrison:/ and there are some funny moment too,when they try to hunt us with like 50 /60+blob.
ty for the farm is not the game we want but is the only game we found this evening.
I will fix it for You.
We tried whole evening on FSP border to fight guild groups but all we encouter was a big growing blob of XXX, YAK and 3rd zerg of random Gandara ppl. XXX always run back to bay if they failed to flank becouse they can’t attack when they don’t use 3 or 4 veils and need to wait for cooldowns to try again. FSP players at start were split into 3 groups but since Gandara had the need to blob and use 3 zerg as one and outnumbered FSP “5/1” (was more like 2to1 tbh, ~20 XXX, ~20 YAK, ~30 randoms vs ~15/20 FSP dedicated randoms, ~10 Kale, ~10 PunK ). Even then FSP went out to fight that giant blob in open field until we got overhelmed and regroup in garrison. Then we tried again.
There was also funny moment when that 50/60 GA blob went to “hunt” smaller FSP regrouping forces. From FSP perseptive funny moment was when XXX never attacked first, they always waited for pug zerg and YAK to attack and then flank us after stacking 5 min.
Thx for badges, it’s not the game XXX want ( they want enemy players to stand still and never use any skill cause it can kill them and XXX don’t like to die) . Unfortunetly only game XXX found this evening and participate in was blobing.
P.S. XXX flank is awsome! I saw them flanking 2 players in a camp, good they didn’t die trying to do that.
P.S. As an old wvw player I had never encouter such a disrespectful zerg as Gandra pug one. It’s like emote for every skill they use.
Sincerely FSP
I had some really nice fights with my DW mates yesterday ;-) Specially a more or less 2 hour fight from garrison to bay ^^
Tho I have to admit that gandara has really huge activity recently and it doesn’t encourage our people to play.
As for blobs, I stop counting at 35+ and we just do our thing :P
One of the Leaders
Well keep in mind, that since Gandara is doing well this week the casual player population has exploded. When things are rough and you lack numbers they are no where to be found, but when you gain any kind of lead they immediately show up and zerg across the map in search of wexp.
A lot of us are dumbfounded as to where all these players and commanders are coming from. Where were they last week when we were getting sandwitch between the German zergs?
Fair weather WvW’ers what can you do?
Also I can not say this for every guild on Gandara, but a lot of our organized guilds do run seperate, and we do avoid using commander tags to avoid blobbing up, but it can be hard to keep from froming a tail when fighting is restricted to very small portions of the map.
You port out or run up north to try to shake them off but they just keep coming back.
While I understand that Gandara blobbing is deeply annoying for you, if you only attack one place, that’s where all our population is going to go.
The blobbing isn’t an active decision on our part, it’s just the reaction to there only really being one area where anything is happening.
I don’t mind Gandara blobing. You do what to u have to do. I just don’t understand some ppl from organised guilds and they urge to come to forum and tell us some fairy tales (XXX post).
Yes, all our forces were focused on getting bay back and we had lots of fun trying to do that, at least I know I had
Too bad that after 4 hours of fighting we had about 15vs15 and was about to make final push, your forces doubled instantly (your nightshift was awake) and we had to called it a night.
(edited by Suen.9715)
I feel for you guys. Been trying to find small skirmishes but every time I find 1 Arborstone or Shiverpeak person, 20 Gandarians appears out of nowhere. It’s almost impossible to get any decent fights now :<
Hi5 FSP for holding Quentin yesterday evening. We had 1 commander in the map who kept spamming in mapchat: WE NEED MORE PEOPLE! WHOLE SERVER TO ME! I went to check the tower and indeed our whole server was there, arrowcarts and trebs all over the open field. It was impossible to get anywhere close to the tower due the slideshow the amount of people caused. When I tried to get away and go back to doing my own thing, my game froze altogether. Our server has turned into a monster and I absolutely hate it.
Anywho, I actually managed to get a nice fight against Arborstones during the weekend. Marvelous battle, thank you guys!
Kinda agree with frou here , i was really hard to find any kind of small scale fights that didnt get ruined by another 20 of gandarns -.-
I was soloing since firday mostly had loads of fights ruined by people steamroling in =)
Got quite a lot of respect for both servers even though I haven’t seen too much of AS which can be understandable. Also like how both of you (AS and Far Shiverpeaks) still try fighting and won’t give up even though you’re pretty much outmanned most of the time.
At the people doing /laugh, well every servers have those but I myself have been bowing or cheering occassionally for AS or Far Shiverpeaks as I really enjoy fighting you guys compared to the RS/AM.
Gandara must be the only server in the game that have internal bandwagoneers Last week we had one map that was queued during weekend. Last night 1800 GMT+2 we had queues on all maps. Without a 3rd server with good cover this match up have turned very boring.
Dius will be out in WvW after some Guild Missions. Please look for us
Only place we could find some small scale fights was in gandra borderlands :p Ofc u can do that for only about hour before all ga groups scattered around decide to combine
If free transfers were still in place I would switch to AS or FSP so I could kill these bandwagoner Gandarans that appeared in WvW this week.
we tryed all the evening on FSP border not even a guild group running,only a big growing blob who always run away from us when we try to flank them,fps blob simply come out to fight 5/1 and when the fight still outnumber the other they see us they run in garrison:/ and there are some funny moment too,when they try to hunt us with like 50 /60+blob.
ty for the farm is not the game we want but is the only game we found this evening.
I will fix it for You.
We tried whole evening on FSP border to fight guild groups but all we encouter was a big growing blob of XXX, YAK and 3rd zerg of random Gandara ppl. XXX always run back to bay if they failed to flank becouse they can’t attack when they don’t use 3 or 4 veils and need to wait for cooldowns to try again. FSP players at start were split into 3 groups but since Gandara had the need to blob and use 3 zerg as one and outnumbered FSP “5/1” (was more like 2to1 tbh, ~20 XXX, ~20 YAK, ~30 randoms vs ~15/20 FSP dedicated randoms, ~10 Kale, ~10 PunK ). Even then FSP went out to fight that giant blob in open field until we got overhelmed and regroup in garrison. Then we tried again.
There was also funny moment when that 50/60 GA blob went to “hunt” smaller FSP regrouping forces. From FSP perseptive funny moment was when XXX never attacked first, they always waited for pug zerg and YAK to attack and then flank us after stacking 5 min.
Thx for badges, it’s not the game XXX want ( they want enemy players to stand still and never use any skill cause it can kill them and XXX don’t like to die) . Unfortunetly only game XXX found this evening and participate in was blobing.
P.S. XXX flank is awsome! I saw them flanking 2 players in a camp, good they didn’t die trying to do that.
P.S. As an old wvw player I had never encouter such a disrespectful zerg as Gandra pug one. It’s like emote for every skill they use.
Sincerely FSP
Maybe i know your problem. You probably were in that ridiculous zerg and now it hurts when you sit. Sorry about that, go find a pharmacy or something.
It’s pretty funny how you decided to stick whole border togheter to retake bay, but you didn’t even make it to the doors. Nice tactic
You could learn a couple things from FSV, like how to play the game and why there are guilds in this game. Or you can keep eating mud and then make up some numbers to write on forums to feel like a smart kitten Choice is yours.
And dear “old wvw player”, you deserve the laughs, you get the laughs. Want respect? Deserve some. Funny how this blob mindset gets even into forums, at least I’m not so arrogant to write for my whole server or my whole guild.
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
(edited by Naero.4895)
Simple: Cuz of lack of AB players, gandara easily takes their bl/eb spot.. At day and at night since they have the numbers to do so.. This has nothing to do with skill or tactics whatsoever (except for yak,XxX,MM..)
WvW basically comes down to numbers this week, simple as that
Although had some good fights! Like 2vs2 but then suddenly a zerg +40 passes and ya, they didn’t ignored me :p..
So ofc, FSp server got demoralized, aswel part of Arbor server I think.. Which I understand ofc, would be the same with me and many others..
Let’s see what next week is gonna bring!Cheers
I know it is a great issue and I know the guild players try to avoid blobbing, but there are so many PUGs atm, cause Gandara has been beaten down for weeks and now for once we are the strongest.
Me and my guild cherish small scale fights with equal numbers, but usually a blob comes disrupting it. We do try to do some fair fights, e.g. we attacked an AS zerg yesterday near briar with 5 people, and then the gandara zerg smashed them in the flank cause all the AS had started attacking my 5-man team. It’s not like we do nothing else than blobbing, that’s just the PUGs and some of the bigger guilds.
So anyways, if you see some AoS guys running around, lets have a match
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
we tryed all the evening on FSP border not even a guild group running,only a big growing blob who always run away from us when we try to flank them,fps blob simply come out to fight 5/1 and when the fight still outnumber the other they see us they run in garrison:/ and there are some funny moment too,when they try to hunt us with like 50 /60+blob.
ty for the farm is not the game we want but is the only game we found this evening.
I will fix it for You.
We tried whole evening on FSP border to fight guild groups but all we encouter was a big growing blob of XXX, YAK and 3rd zerg of random Gandara ppl. XXX always run back to bay if they failed to flank becouse they can’t attack when they don’t use 3 or 4 veils and need to wait for cooldowns to try again. FSP players at start were split into 3 groups but since Gandara had the need to blob and use 3 zerg as one and outnumbered FSP “5/1” (was more like 2to1 tbh, ~20 XXX, ~20 YAK, ~30 randoms vs ~15/20 FSP dedicated randoms, ~10 Kale, ~10 PunK ). Even then FSP went out to fight that giant blob in open field until we got overhelmed and regroup in garrison. Then we tried again.
There was also funny moment when that 50/60 GA blob went to “hunt” smaller FSP regrouping forces. From FSP perseptive funny moment was when XXX never attacked first, they always waited for pug zerg and YAK to attack and then flank us after stacking 5 min.
Thx for badges, it’s not the game XXX want ( they want enemy players to stand still and never use any skill cause it can kill them and XXX don’t like to die) . Unfortunetly only game XXX found this evening and participate in was blobing.
P.S. XXX flank is awsome! I saw them flanking 2 players in a camp, good they didn’t die trying to do that.
P.S. As an old wvw player I had never encouter such a disrespectful zerg as Gandra pug one. It’s like emote for every skill they use.
Sincerely FSP
Maybe i know your problem. You probably were in that ridiculous zerg and now it hurts when you sit. Sorry about that, go find a pharmacy or something.
It’s pretty funny how you decided to stick whole border togheter to retake bay, but you didn’t even make it to the doors. Nice tactic![]()
You could learn a couple things from FSV, like how to play the game and why there are guilds in this game. Or you can keep eating mud and then make up some numbers to write on forums to feel like a smart kittenChoice is yours.
And dear “old wvw player”, you deserve the laughs, you get the laughs. Want respect? Deserve some. Funny how this blob mindset gets even into forums, at least I’m not so arrogant to write for my whole server or my whole guild.
The fact they didnt got the doors just means how much ppl u got on your server.. Nothing to do with tactics..
It’s 11am now, gandara still outmans us in every corner we go.. I mean, that’s rly unreal.. I thought AM en UW were big but.. This is just insane..
I hope your commander on EB right now, doesnt say “gj to everyone” each time he took something to his zerg cuz they aren’t…. Once that zerg (atleast 40 Gandara) uses skill 1, our group just go “poof” since we were with 10 or so..
As u can see in attachement, this was taken at 11am.. FSP very high outmanned.. This is going 24/7 now.. So pls, dont say u have skills or whatsoever..
It all comes down to numbers, simple as that
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
I feel for you guys. Been trying to find small skirmishes but every time I find 1 Arborstone or Shiverpeak person, 20 Gandarians appears out of nowhere. It’s almost impossible to get any decent fights now :<
Same here T-T
The fact they didnt got the doors just means how much ppl u got on your server.. Nothing to do with tactics..
Yeah, so if you gather your zerg to capture bay and your kitten gets beaten on the way, you can’t do nothing about that and the only thing left to do is to stand still on garrison’s path (possibly getting farmed). Nothing to do with tactics.
Seems legit.
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
we tryed all the evening on FSP border not even a guild group running,only a big growing blob who always run away from us when we try to flank them,fps blob simply come out to fight 5/1 and when the fight still outnumber the other they see us they run in garrison:/ and there are some funny moment too,when they try to hunt us with like 50 /60+blob.
ty for the farm is not the game we want but is the only game we found this evening.
I will fix it for You.
We tried whole evening on FSP border to fight guild groups but all we encouter was a big growing blob of XXX, YAK and 3rd zerg of random Gandara ppl. XXX always run back to bay if they failed to flank becouse they can’t attack when they don’t use 3 or 4 veils and need to wait for cooldowns to try again. FSP players at start were split into 3 groups but since Gandara had the need to blob and use 3 zerg as one and outnumbered FSP “5/1” (was more like 2to1 tbh, ~20 XXX, ~20 YAK, ~30 randoms vs ~15/20 FSP dedicated randoms, ~10 Kale, ~10 PunK ). Even then FSP went out to fight that giant blob in open field until we got overhelmed and regroup in garrison. Then we tried again.
There was also funny moment when that 50/60 GA blob went to “hunt” smaller FSP regrouping forces. From FSP perseptive funny moment was when XXX never attacked first, they always waited for pug zerg and YAK to attack and then flank us after stacking 5 min.
Thx for badges, it’s not the game XXX want ( they want enemy players to stand still and never use any skill cause it can kill them and XXX don’t like to die) . Unfortunetly only game XXX found this evening and participate in was blobing.
P.S. XXX flank is awsome! I saw them flanking 2 players in a camp, good they didn’t die trying to do that.
P.S. As an old wvw player I had never encouter such a disrespectful zerg as Gandra pug one. It’s like emote for every skill they use.
Sincerely FSP
Maybe i know your problem. You probably were in that ridiculous zerg and now it hurts when you sit. Sorry about that, go find a pharmacy or something.
It’s pretty funny how you decided to stick whole border togheter to retake bay, but you didn’t even make it to the doors. Nice tactic![]()
You could learn a couple things from FSV, like how to play the game and why there are guilds in this game. Or you can keep eating mud and then make up some numbers to write on forums to feel like a smart kittenChoice is yours.
And dear “old wvw player”, you deserve the laughs, you get the laughs. Want respect? Deserve some. Funny how this blob mindset gets even into forums, at least I’m not so arrogant to write for my whole server or my whole guild.
Yes, I was in that ridiculous zerg but on the opposite side, the FSP one, not yours. I don’t need guild that is like yours, shouting and emoting opposite players when u have 20 behind your back, chasing one player. I don’t zerg also and I can sit alright. Also what I learned about guilds like yours is qq evrytime some1 kills u and hide behind zerg when u have even forces. Why would I want respect from ppl like you, it’s worth less than zero or from your pugs that will leave and never come back when u will be loosing.
Sincerely not XXX
(edited by Suen.9715)
Worst thing I know how your feeling right now since that was me last week, outmanned, golems knocking at gates and them being able to zerg a gate down in mins, all those people inside your keep were nowhere to be seen and next week when we need them they will be off doing their own thing but not in WvW.
Its not gonna help alot but I got thro it by waiting them out, they get bored and move on, so it became a wxp holiday for me also started watching for those tailng behind in zergs and taking all my frustration out on them, didnt help our points but made me feel better.
This isnt the true Gandara, this is the monster lucking in the background, and im not too impressed by the way they behaving either so much ive gone pve
Yes, I was in that ridiculous zerg but on the opposite side, the FSP one, not yours. I don’t need guild that is like yours, shouting and emoting opposite players when u have 20 behind your back, chasing one player. I don’t zerg also and I can sit alright. Also what I learned about guilds like yours is qq evrytime some1 kills u and hide behind zerg when u have even forces. Also why would I want respect from ppl like you, it’s worth less than zero.
Sincerely not XXX
You’re funny. First, it was you complaining about the “disrespect”. I just told you don’t deserve it, please don’t try again to sound as the smart kitten , ‘cause you can’t
Nobody cried about being killed, we complained because it was BORING. If your guilds could play as guilds, we definitely wouldn’t bother to fight your useless zerg.
Probably you would have liked better if we moved to flip camps so you could fight all the doors of the map without getting bothered to fight. We hide when we have even numbers? Nice try mate, if you want to troll, do it properly at least. As i said, you were the ones willing to attack and you were the ones that couldn’t even make it to the flag. Want small scaled action? Split your zerg, move as guilds and roam the map. We’ll be there to fight you, as everyone (apart from this guy, but it hurts when he sits, so it’s understandable) knows. We never avoid an even fight. So, my dear “old wvw player”, if you want to beat us, get a guild and look for us. If you don’t, stay inside the zerg and enjoy the mud. Sincerely,
Not that guy
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
Did I mention that thing about.. U got the numbers and we dont? Learn to read pls before comment.. Oh well, u dontneed to read it, u know yourself u guys always have more ppl on ur side.. QQ much cuz u die easily since ur from XxX?
Sorry, I can’t speak this weird language.
Haha, trying to troll cuz u know I"m right
/FAILIf it helps you sleep, yes. You’re right. You write like a 14 yo girl, but you’re right
I thought u couldn’t speak this weird language.. ARRRWWW, does it hurt much?
It was boring because u cause it by combining with zerg. All u do is hide behind your zerg or your guild that why i don’t want or need your respect. Also your fixation about my siting place is disturbing. Don’t worry about me,I don’t drop my soap like u everyday.
Don’t worry about me,I don’t drop my soap like u everyday.
Waw those emotes are too much for me too, my feelings gets hurt everytime I see someone using them, bweiiieiiii… (man up ladies)
Here are some new tactics:
1) All stay together, the closer the better. (guildgroups are lame and flanking is for kitten)
2) Do not use your class skills, build ballistas and arrowcarts instead. (Using a veil is the lamest thing you could ever do!!!)
3) Only fight in siege range.
4) Die.
5) Whine on forum.
Waw those emotes are too much for me too, my feelings gets hurt everytime I see someone using them, bweiiieiiii… (man up ladies)
Here are some new tactics:
1) All stay together, the closer the better. (guildgroups are lame and flanking is for kitten)
2) Do not use your class skills, build ballistas and arrowcarts instead. (Using a veil is the lamest thing you could ever do!!!)
3) Only fight in siege range.
4) Die.
5) Whine on forum.
“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”
? Oscar Wilde
Oh Suen my fellow in suffering You are angry.You are dying all the time.How i understand you.A little story from me which hapened some weeks ago.
Gandara was in a large crisis with people coz we were loosing.Same as always outmaned servers.People left the WvW coz of constantly defeats and there were only few guilds which stayed online. XXX, Yak, Dius and newly formed JDGE and some others,sorry if im not mentioning all of them.And as a member of Underworld battalion (WvW) we were slacking a bit.In fact XXX guild was not wel excepted as they were really running alone.They were always alone as they are today.And a lot of people was not satisfied with their way to play.And now you accuse them to bloob.This is not true.
I also posted and exact reply to a thread as you have done.Sad and without morale and insulting all over.I was just angry about being helpless against a zerg of 40+ peps.
My replay was cancelled because of many insults and i think you should be more positive about it.It is just a game my friend.
Get some positive waves my friend,some positive waves
Mishios Warrior
Gandaran infantry man
Waw those emotes are too much for me too, my feelings gets hurt everytime I see someone using them, bweiiieiiii… (man up ladies)
Here are some new tactics:
1) All stay together, the closer the better. (guildgroups are lame and flanking is for kitten)
2) Do not use your class skills, build ballistas and arrowcarts instead. (Using a veil is the lamest thing you could ever do!!!)
3) Only fight in siege range.
4) Die.
5) Whine on forum.“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”
? Oscar Wilde
At least he has some form of wit
Waw those emotes are too much for me too, my feelings gets hurt everytime I see someone using them, bweiiieiiii… (man up ladies)
Here are some new tactics:
1) All stay together, the closer the better. (guildgroups are lame and flanking is for kitten)
2) Do not use your class skills, build ballistas and arrowcarts instead. (Using a veil is the lamest thing you could ever do!!!)
3) Only fight in siege range.
4) Die.
5) Whine on forum.“Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”
? Oscar Wilde
“Using quotes of wise people doens’t make u as wise”
Random Quote Generator . com
Any FSP or AS guild doing small team roaming ?
I mean 5-10 ppl …
I think we should name a border stay there…. if there is someone interested, write below.
I thought u couldn’t speak this weird language.. ARRRWWW, does it hurt much
You guys both seem angry teenagers. Didn’t notice you’re a commander, that speaks for itself so there’s no need to go any further. Even trying to make you react doesn’t help, you’ll just keep making up numbers and stories to write on forums and i’m sure tonight you’ll still have the whole border on one pixel and tomorrow, you’ll be blaming someone else again if things won’t go as you would like to.
Instead of learning (not from us, i told you FSV is one of your guilds that could teach you a LOT) to play properly, (Guild Wars remember? GUILD wars!) you’ll keep fighting doors ‘cause it doesn’t require any commitment and makes it easier to farm badges, ranks and chests. Killing XxX is so easy, they can’t do this, they couldn’t do that, but when it comes to have a fight between guilds, everyone runs away (apart from FSV again). Keep blaming everyone else and feel accomplished, good for you it needs so little. Not going to get involved in this anymore, if not even calling you out works, enjoy doors and mud.
Rea Mania- Human Necromancer
Oh Suen my fellow in suffering
You are angry.You are dying all the time.How i understand you.A little story from me which hapened some weeks ago.
Gandara was in a large crisis with people coz we were loosing.Same as always outmaned servers.People left the WvW coz of constantly defeats and there were only few guilds which stayed online. XXX, Yak, Dius and newly formed JDGE and some others,sorry if im not mentioning all of them.And as a member of Underworld battalion (WvW) we were slacking a bit.In fact XXX guild was not wel excepted as they were really running alone.They were always alone as they are today.And a lot of people was not satisfied with their way to play.And now you accuse them to bloob.This is not true.
I also posted and exact reply to a thread as you have done.Sad and without morale and insulting all over.I was just angry about being helpless against a zerg of 40+ peps.
My replay was cancelled because of many insults and i think you should be more positive about it.It is just a game my friend.
Get some positive waves my friend,some positive wavesMishios Warrior
Gandaran infantry man
You didn’t understand me. I’m not mad, not even slightly. I don’t mind your zerg as i’m (mostly) not in mine. I still have fun in wvw and I won’t stop cause some XXX forum warriors is saying other things. Even tho I don’t have “awsome” guild like XXX I find my share of nice fights (mostly 5vs5) and I respect your players even if I don’t deserve yours.
I accusse them of zerging because they were, I’m not saying they do that all the time but why they joined already big zerg against smaller force and came to forum to complain it was boring? They say we can split. Into what? 5 ppl groups? Why couldn’t they split and went for hills or other towers on our borders making us split?
So to finish this, I lowered myself to XXX level and i’m sorry for that.
Cya on the battlefield.
Was a couple of good rounds since saterday morning to sunday evening on FSP border, been holding out bay from about 8’ish saterday morning =D took the whole saterday to upgrade bay to T3, since then there was so many attempts to take bay perhaps no and then you reached outter wal but we managed to push back… Was really fun a lot of loot bags, and I think I ranked like 10 times =D. Anyway gg FSP and good luck arbor. Hope we can keep bay further from today, and sorry about my baadass grammar (Dem mobile lag)
Commander ~ Soulboyy
Gandara ~ Warrior =D
Underworld Battalion [WvW]
(edited by SoulBoy.9608)
XXX doesn’t blob i can confirm that, they like a lot EB and they do flanking all day long.
you call out XXX for blobbing you’re blinb.
Gandara offers groups of all dimension, so you got outmanned in EB try to ask in an other borderland if the blob of FSP can split and came help.
Gandara has a bit more coverage of FSP so it will be normal to outman you, but i’m sure they will attack you if they 1:1 numbers and not siege range.
Start learning from the minimap how many you’re running because is easy to blob but is better to split.
If they are speaking about blob you do small roaming action that means they are not talking to you
If you run 25-30 nobody will call you blob.
Guild Leader
Oh Suen my fellow in suffering
You are angry.You are dying all the time.How i understand you.A little story from me which hapened some weeks ago.
Gandara was in a large crisis with people coz we were loosing.Same as always outmaned servers.People left the WvW coz of constantly defeats and there were only few guilds which stayed online. XXX, Yak, Dius and newly formed JDGE and some others,sorry if im not mentioning all of them.And as a member of Underworld battalion (WvW) we were slacking a bit.In fact XXX guild was not wel excepted as they were really running alone.They were always alone as they are today.And a lot of people was not satisfied with their way to play.And now you accuse them to bloob.This is not true.
I also posted and exact reply to a thread as you have done.Sad and without morale and insulting all over.I was just angry about being helpless against a zerg of 40+ peps.
My replay was cancelled because of many insults and i think you should be more positive about it.It is just a game my friend.
Get some positive waves my friend,some positive wavesMishios Warrior
Gandaran infantry man
Wait wait wait. Newly formed? Did we disband at some point? As far as I am aware, JDGE has been up and running for 7 years and we haven’t taken a break from wubwub during the GW2 history. Then again, I’ve been busy tanking the floor so I prolly didn’t notice.
(edited by FrouFrou.4958)
newly formed JDGE
Not a hissy fit but we are hardly newly formed
Officer of [JDGE] – [EU] Gandara
Formerly [EU] Desolation
Holy kittens, what happened here over the night?
FSP ppl need to chill cause we do blobb aswell, our blobbs just isnt to good since half of the people runs berserker or magic find gear…
What gandara is experiencing now will soon be over cause we had exact same thing few months back, queue to every single border and only 1 commander on the map.
So don’t you cast the first stone :P
Get your act together people and take it out on the battlefield and stop ragequitting after 1 lost fight.
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
Holy kittens, what happened here over the night?
FSP ppl need to chill cause we do blobb aswell, our blobbs just isnt to good since half of the people runs berserker or magic find gear…
What gandara is experiencing now will soon be over cause we had exact same thing few months back, queue to every single border and only 1 commander on the map.
So don’t you cast the first stone :PGet your act together people and take it out on the battlefield and stop ragequitting after 1 lost fight.
I like you.
No trolling, I really respect what you have said and its nice to see other people being able to empathize with what is going on, on other servers.
+1 for your good sir!
Officer of [JDGE] – [EU] Gandara
Formerly [EU] Desolation
yeah u all are right we was blobbing or its u all?hum
who know who is really blobbing yeah?u got emote?try ask why we dont like emote too.
Sorry JDGE but i saw you as a 5 man party a couple of times in WvW so i thouhgt you were new. Really sorry. You can spit on me in game whenever you aee me online..
if im right JDGE come in gandar 4-5 month ago +-
btw. ty some FSV for nice duels
I’m kill you’r bessies
People use the word blob way too often lately… I Was on Fsp border last night and i can confirm we were practically all in the same place. Then again we had no other choice because there was only 1 ‘small’ guild commanding and we had To Face several organised guilds Yak, Xxx,… regretably they also stuck Together instead Of trying to capture different objectives. Then again we had 2 guild groups On Gandaran Border and your pugs did exactly the Same Thing… So If you wanted some gvg Action xxx you should’ve gone there Xxx instead of trolling The forum. You wouldnt have lost Your t3 bay and hills then…
Far shiverpeaks
Sorry JDGE but i saw you as a 5 man party a couple of times in WvW so i thouhgt you were new. Really sorry. You can spit on me in game whenever you aee me online..
Haha no worries mate
We tend to do smaller roaming within the week bar on our raid nights where we hit up to 15~ people.
We do not spit on people! Only osicat, hes the only one we spit on when he portals us up an infantry columns kitten.
Yeah weve been going for 6/7 odd years and joined gandara a few months after the game started. We were on Deso originally but moved here and have loved it since.
Officer of [JDGE] – [EU] Gandara
Formerly [EU] Desolation
I thought u couldn’t speak this weird language.. ARRRWWW, does it hurt much
You guys both seem angry teenagers. Didn’t notice you’re a commander, that speaks for itself so there’s no need to go any further. Even trying to make you react doesn’t help, you’ll just keep making up numbers and stories to write on forums and i’m sure tonight you’ll still have the whole border on one pixel and tomorrow, you’ll be blaming someone else again if things won’t go as you would like to.
Instead of learning (not from us, i told you FSV is one of your guilds that could teach you a LOT) to play properly, (Guild Wars remember? GUILD wars!) you’ll keep fighting doors ‘cause it doesn’t require any commitment and makes it easier to farm badges, ranks and chests. Killing XxX is so easy, they can’t do this, they couldn’t do that, but when it comes to have a fight between guilds, everyone runs away (apart from FSV again). Keep blaming everyone else and feel accomplished, good for you it needs so little. Not going to get involved in this anymore, if not even calling you out works, enjoy doors and mud.
Dat frustration Q_Q
PS: I run alot with FSV, u got lack of information:)
People use the word blob way too often lately… I Was on Fsp border last night and i can confirm we were practically all in the same place. Then again we had no other choice because there was only 1 ‘small’ guild commanding and we had To Face several organised guilds Yak, Xxx,… regretably they also stuck Together instead Of trying to capture different objectives. Then again we had 2 guild groups On Gandaran Border and your pugs did exactly the Same Thing… So If you wanted some gvg Action xxx you should’ve gone there Xxx instead of trolling The forum. You wouldnt have lost Your t3 bay and hills then…
we dont care about point/keep/tower/wxp etc etc we dont care about t3keep t2 keep and bla bla bla so we dont care.
yeah u all are right we was blobbing or its u all?hum
who know who is really blobbing yeah?u got emote?try ask why we dont like emote too.
First pic shows enough, I was there, whole gandara zerg was on that roof (and u know it!), that’s why we were on it and whipe them nice try but no..
You care about good guild fights well fsv and aoa were on your border. But beating up a pug zerg and afterwards complaining about it is more fun right? Please
Far shiverpeaks
or queue is just so long and we cant enter?and dont think FSV guild have enough number to fight we avoided them many time and they know that,we got info AoA was running with 40+ member so where is point to go on them with 16/18?
People use the word blob way too often lately… I Was on Fsp border last night and i can confirm we were practically all in the same place. Then again we had no other choice because there was only 1 ‘small’ guild commanding and we had To Face several organised guilds Yak, Xxx,… regretably they also stuck Together instead Of trying to capture different objectives. Then again we had 2 guild groups On Gandaran Border and your pugs did exactly the Same Thing… So If you wanted some gvg Action xxx you should’ve gone there Xxx instead of trolling The forum. You wouldnt have lost Your t3 bay and hills then…
Personally regarding this whole flaming on the forum, bullkitten.
We all experience eachother as “blobs”. Someone mentioned that FSP on the FSP tryed to run as 3 groups, but when we started running at around 9.45 we only came across bigger FSP groups ( Ill try to avoid the blob word) consisting out of 2/3 guilds + pugs.
We ran several circles in hope of finding a guild group without succes.
Now what happens if you have several guilds on a border such as Yak and XxX, we both love a fights, so if we see a cross on the map we go there and usually find the other guild already there in a fight. We simply come across eachother even though we want to run appart for the simple reason: Arborstone does not exsist on that map, and FSP on the map ran all together.
Later on at garrison/bay well yes we are there, but that was simply for the reason the only activity was on the map there. Instead of you all farming there, why not split off a group and be smart and cap some stuff on the map? Yak wasnt even present on the map at that hour anymore.
Switching border was simply not an option for the reason there was a queu for all, cause trust me else we would have done it.
And last, personally I dont give a kitten about points or having keeps in this map, we roam, we dont like standing still and sieging stuff. Cause points in this WvW game are useless.
Now to Suen, guy please what is your problem? You seem to have a real hate towards us and I am curious to why?
Now people please go cry somewere else, seems like each matchup some server has to be pointed out and hated at. But seriously we experience you the same way.
yeah u all are right we was blobbing or its u all?hum
who know who is really blobbing yeah?u got emote?try ask why we dont like emote too.
First pic shows enough, I was there, whole gandara zerg was on that roof (and u know it!), that’s why we were on it and whipe them nice try but no..
Seriously dude, look at the mini map on image 1 and 2 and you see a huge amount of green dots there?, and look at the amount of red names.
Image 3 we were around a lot of pugs yes, but your FSP numbers were not even all visible on the image because of culling.