Gandara - Miller´s Sound - Far Shiverpeaks
Gandara are really being carried by a few guild and dedicated pugs which sit on Ts and play the night while talking to each other …
MM are realy puting in the time this weekend staying up till stupid hours of the morning More respect
DYE are alway around before prime time and smaller groups like YARR, LXY. Etc
Yak &Dius week is starting Monday so only time will tell Just hope you don’t get 2/3 guild on your map
Good luck let the hunt begin <3 YaK
POV necro must respect to Reji and the Yak family
contact :
(edited by icey.7368)
Watch out for DYE at around 4pm uk time. They tend to bring their golems then
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Gandara are ours now and you can’t have them back!
(edited by eremos.8142)
u are wrong, pay back time
Oh boy oh boy, this tier is so much fun! Solo/small team roaming friendly too, which is superawesometastic <3 If anyone’s up for duels n stoof, poke me in game por favor :>
Some small skirmishes from Saturday, thanksu guys for brilliant fights!
Salute to the asura mesmer and norn guardian combo from FSP (FSV guild IIRC) who were doing their thing in the Gandara Borderland early this morning.
very persistent. I enjoyed the looonngg 1 v2 fight we had in water camp.
on Piken Square and Gandara.
I believe Gandara has a very week night crew, the poor soldiers stuck on it had an incredibly tough times in the upper Tiers mainly because of the huge forces the other sides were fielding; so much so that we went from top T3 to bottom T4 within a few weeks, a few transfer guilds to AG, their triple 30 man night groups/guilds, and the Riversiders getting an arrow cart buff to go with their 60+ morning blob meleeing down Overlook North doors thrice over before midday, well it got a bit tedious
I think a lot of who is where in GW2 is coverage based, and guilds leapfrogging. Just glad our night crew got what seems like a well deserved break.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
Stop it gandara you aren’t allowed to go back up! You are to stay here and then AG can come down and then RS, AM and MS can go have a big german orgy then everyone will be happy!
Our night coverage has been a fair bit stronger this week than it has in a while.
Its been fun basically, people tend to hang around when theres some fun fights to be had
We have poked FSP’s garrison etc a few times to get you to come out and play with us again but I wouldn’t worry, it’ll settle a bit in time i’m sure
Gandara BLwas such a nice and friendly roaming border
Then MS happened…
So boring :c
But we will keep charging in your blobs
Yeah go to our border instead Far Shiverpeaks so the people in gandara can have some fun fights…
That “forbidden word” is just so boring and lame.
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
enywhere in this tier happens dueling without stomp? like vs AG near windmill before?
I’m kill you’r bessies
Stop it gandara you aren’t allowed to go back up! You are to stay here and then AG can come down and then RS, AM and MS can go have a big german orgy then everyone will be happy!
I lol’d. +1
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
It’s been a long time since i wrote english so i’m sorry if i suck at it
Well i’m happy that Millersound moved up.It’s a big different compared to the last few weeks and kinda demanding to stand against your well organized guildtroops
Apart from the “love” that seems to loom between Shifty and MYA ..and all the other stuff that might turn this thread into “Flamewars”
I hope anyway that we’ll have some fun and good fights this week. I’m sure we will try our best to keep up with Gandara and Shiverpeak but in the end if we get relegated then we are just not meant to be there.
No matter what.. I for myself see it as an opportunity for our server to learn a lot in WvW.
@ Gandara.. hey guys ..does anyone of you know the guild Honour or knows if they are still on the server ? Been looking for them already in our last match long long time ago ^^ There are/were some mates in there who i haven’t seen for last info was they have left GW2 again ..but who knows
@ Gandara.. hey guys ..does anyone of you know the guild Honour or knows if they are still on the server ? Been looking for them already in our last match long long time ago ^^ There are/were some mates in there who i haven’t seen for last info was they have left GW2 again ..but who knows
Your guess is as good as ours I haven’t seen any of them on MS as far as I can tell, but Gandara has a few if we’re talking about the same thing, just to be sure what was their tag and leader? In-game names or alternatively account names would help tremendously, but if not the tag might be enough.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
It´s a fairly different situation as the weeks before and this is quite exciting and it makes fun.
We Millers would have the Quality to play in brackets like this, but we allready don´t have the numbers to prevent a wholetime coverage per week and per day, which imo is a basic. But doesn´t matter – we have fun, we have the opportunity to learn and we are able to have some nice fights.
Fights, like yesterday, just before midgnight, as the Gandaras (Yak´s, WvW´s and a lot of others) attacked our HL fortress at both northern doors. If the ports wouldn´t have been there, we would have lost it, but with the port and the engagement of a lot Millers we were able to hold it. Nice fight, lot´s of bags for us and a wipe for Gandara (just kiddin´, no offence
Hopefully we can have such nice fights some more times this week – but not in OUR FORTRESS
Yeah I believe WvW had a good op yesterday, another new leader; unfortunately I won’t be able to lead as much as I’d like to in the near future, but should be back to normal in a couple weeks.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain
but we allready don´t have the numbers
It´s a fairly different situation as the weeks before and this is quite exciting and it makes fun.
We Millers would have the Quality to play in brackets like this, but we allready don´t have the numbers to prevent a wholetime coverage per week and per day, which imo is a basic. But doesn´t matter – we have fun, we have the opportunity to learn and we are able to have some nice fights.Fights, like yesterday, just before midgnight, as the Gandaras (Yak´s, WvW´s and a lot of others) attacked our HL fortress at both northern doors. If the ports wouldn´t have been there, we would have lost it, but with the port and the engagement of a lot Millers we were able to hold it. Nice fight, lot´s of bags for us and a wipe for Gandara
(just kiddin´, no offence
Hopefully we can have such nice fights some more times this week – but not in OUR FORTRESS
No offense taken.
TDA and Dius had some great fun on your BL last night /salute
We had some really nice fights yesterday on FSP borderland and certainly lots of fun with gandara camping in vale ^^
One of the Leaders
Honestly neither of you need more coverage to compete in this tier … you’d probably have a hard time in T4 but with a good prime time you’d manage anyway. As i said earlier we’ve been stronger off peak than we’ve been for a while but it wont last. People cant survive on 3/4 hours a sleep forever xD
T3+ is when coverage becomes a real issue. Piken have pretty huge morning force of Russians mostly. BB have a huge force at night. AG had a huge force at night too and i dont know how they didn’t go up a tier really.
All of them would have about 3 20-30 organised, well drilled groups around at weird hours but are fairly dead at other hours.
Your coverage will be an issue when you run into them but its not a matter of consistency so much as having a strong period to counter their point scoring.
(edited by Caid.4932)
so far su fun!
Yesterday we moved to MS border due usual queue on ours for the “Italians do it better” event (TNN, GoD, SIGH + others), our size was around 30-35 and we had some excelent fights with everyone, including a 3-way fight at north camp around 22.00 that was really fun (except for the number of bags I left on the ground when MS decided to play hard), every time we got wiped, we go back to wipe enemies harder. And were able to defend Bay until 23.00 when we become outmanned.
We had another 30’ of fun there then we moved to our home border where Gandara was defending Vale like hell and, after they went to bed, we retake the border.
A pity looking at overall points score, FSP don’t have the same night coverage as you, still after so many weeks tied in the same matchup, this week is bringing some fun!
GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square
… this week is bringing some fun!
So kitten right
Was there with some Guildies yesterday, as our Public Commander took back the bay for MS – maybe my hammer did hit you^^
Was really astonished, that it was going so “easy”, cause I didn´t check, that your were allready outmanned.
Had some nice fights with people from Yak, also got invited by one of you guys for a nice chat Looking forward to more fights, best regards from Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Frou video spam time!
Most of the Gandarians have been happy about not bumping into any rude people doing /dance and /laugh after getting stomped. However, for whatever reason it seems to happen to me, no matter which tier or server we face. It might be a hidden ranger trait too since even during our guild raids it’s only me who gets teabagged!
Anywho, I don’t usually mind it but this time after couple of good fights against FS by their garrison’s sentry, this one necro started to teabag me. We had been killing each other few times, I wiped his group with my sidekick, they wiped us, we wiped them and it went on and on till the teabaggery came along. I tried to invite the dudero into our party so I could challenge him for 1vs1 so we could see if the teabagging was justified, but he declined my invitation. So as any good citizen I started to hunt him down, diving into the mob just to take him down and /dance on his body. Revenge. Sweet sweet revenge. Malicious joy and the scream laughter in TS. And then a video. Enjoy. I know I did!
PS. FS [lion] necromancer. I’m still out to get you. The hunt is on till you accept my invitation for a 1vs1 dance.
A little video of yesterday fight on vale camp on Fs border….12 min of 40 min of continuos inc….very funny night!
:) see u in border!
Best match-up gandara has had for weeks/months. Too bad for the blobs…
I’m not blaming any server, cause gandara has it’s own blobs :/
Best match-up gandara has had for weeks/months. Too bad for the blobs…
I’m not blaming any server, cause gandara has it’s own blobs :/
lol is any group of over 20 people described as a blob now?
Looks like both of those screens are like right outside of a spawn point so of course you’re gonna get a kittenton of people wanting their stuff back grouping up.
Crocodile Dundee accent time!
‘Call that a blob, THIS is a blob!’
(edited by Space.8053)
Best match-up gandara has had for weeks/months. Too bad for the blobs…
I’m not blaming any server, cause gandara has it’s own blobs :/lol is any group of over 20 people described as a blob now?
Crocodile Dundee accent time!
‘Call that a blob, THIS is a blob!’
Absolutley sign!..
See you later guys!
A small guild group from Gandara golem rushed garrison/bay at 7:30AM CEST. Meanwhile, FSP was derping in EB failing to retake Mendon, and nobody even noticed we lost garrison until it was too late. Once we did notice, nobody bothered to move border and we lost Bay as well. I won’t bother naming the Gandaran guild or the FSP commander(s) on EB.
Psst, that was SVSL that took your garrison then bay then defended your garrison for 4hrs and 50mins before you finally pushed after failing to treb it 3x from longview, raming to inner 7x then failing to breach inner. You finally got a treb at cliff, breached the wall, attempted to cata on west wall and failed after loosing a ram at the gate to ac, lost 3-4 rams at mid inner and then you had no choice but to zerg the gate down for 10 minutes.
This was all defended with no more then 5 of our guys for almost 5 hrs
- Gandara
@ Gandara.. hey guys ..does anyone of you know the guild Honour or knows if they are still on the server ? Been looking for them already in our last match long long time ago ^^ There are/were some mates in there who i haven’t seen for last info was they have left GW2 again ..but who knows
Your guess is as good as ours
I haven’t seen any of them on MS as far as I can tell, but Gandara has a few if we’re talking about the same thing, just to be sure what was their tag and leader? In-game names or alternatively account names would help tremendously, but if not the tag might be enough.
Sadly i duno which tag they have took nor any names
Used to be a member in this guild for about 4-5 years when we played “star wars galaxies” and “Age of Conan” Gildleadersname there was Makavelee.
Had contact to 1 member “Urshulgi” a few month ago so when he told me they are on Gandara i was looking forward to meet them in WvW. Meanwhile he stopped playing so i was wondering if there are still some Honour guys about who i might know from the past
Maybe i’ve met them already and just don’t know it lol
Thank you for your help though
We’re having some serious fun especially in small scale fights in gandara BL. Thanks for the nice 3v3 and 5v5 we had the last couple days.
And Gandara better watch out for your T3 bay next time. Was fun opening the outer gate with 3 ppl yesterday 2PM CEST (and then seriously taking it from you with 15+)
cya later on gandara BL, and may the blob be with you! Eh the force! Whatever, Yoda!
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die
A little video of yesterday fight on vale camp on Fs border….12 min of 40 min of continuos inc….very funny night!
:) see u in border!
“Mario me lo tiri su”
“Guardate il commander”
“levatevi da liiiiii!!!”
“venite dove sto io might might might”
not so different from the shouts we have, only we are a bit more colorful due the strong presence of people from Tuscany.
At what time did you make the video?
we arrived with really few numbers (5-7 after 23.30) and I’m quite sure I made a guest appearance on minute 5.50
See you soon on the borderlands.
GM and Commander of Leoni Bianchi [Lion]
Piken Square
PS. FS [lion] necromancer. I’m still out to get you. The hunt is on till you accept my invitation for a 1vs1 dance.
You go get em. There are only a couple of instances where I think /laugh is appropriate. Someone using Dagger Storm on your team while you have retaliation up and do nothing else is one of those times.
However, /laugh after a fair fight – and especially one in your favor – is just disrespectful and deserves punishment.
Jesus christ FSP :/
Do none of you know how to have fun?
Good fights few and far between tonight. AoA just had way too many for our 12ish people, but when TDA and Dius collaborated, the ensuing fight with you guys and your puggies was a fun one as we weren’t insta-rolled .
A fun fight against Dc, we messed up a little so well played to you guys there
Idd a lot of fun fights we had a clash with DC as well , didnt go as planned but i think each clash we had we lost 1 , decent necros you got there =)
Also to the AoA blob that just chased us from vale to the otherside of lake , meh
I didnt even bother to hit you :p
Jesus christ FSP :/
Do none of you know how to have fun?
i was having fun with 5 man attacking millers bay on gandara BL, untill mya send 20+, no im not joking 20+ to wipe the 5 of us…
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Jesus christ FSP :/
Do none of you know how to have fun?
i was having fun with 5 man attacking millers bay on gandara BL, untill mya send 20+, no im not joking 20+ to wipe the 5 of us…
If you don’t like that kind of gameplay, mebbe you should sort out AoA. 50+ chasing our 10 around the map. In the end we just waypointed whenever we saw them, because there’s no point. Not like there was even a need for that blob, there was only our 10, and TDA’s 10 on the map, nobody else. And we weren’t even running together. The one time we did join forces, AoA had to go change their soiled underwear in Lake.
We had a lot of fun with Dius and TDA too, i think we outnumbered TDA by 2 or 3 people, great fight though.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrowe
Miller´s Sound[DE]
PS. FS [lion] necromancer. I’m still out to get you. The hunt is on till you accept my invitation for a 1vs1 dance.
You go get em. There are only a couple of instances where I think /laugh is appropriate. Someone using Dagger Storm on your team while you have retaliation up and do nothing else is one of those times.
However, /laugh after a fair fight – and especially one in your favor – is just disrespectful and deserves punishment.
I either /salute or /bow after a good fight, I don’t see any reason to be a silly bean and /laugh or /dance because after all one has to tank the floor. He gave me his wxp and badges, I don’t need to be a jerk about it. Except on this case. The necro shall and will suffer!
Its nice to hear that u guys had as much fun as we had.
We had some very nice fights against u(Dius and TDA).
We noticed that u guys from TDA were less than us, but in my opinion you fought very well.
U kept fightig even when u lost the first encounter.
I’m looking forward to some realy nice fights until Friday and hope we stay in this Bracket 4 one more weak
RiseAndFall Command and Co-Leader of [dC]
Jesus christ FSP :/
Do none of you know how to have fun?
i was having fun with 5 man attacking millers bay on gandara BL, untill mya send 20+, no im not joking 20+ to wipe the 5 of us…
If you don’t like that kind of gameplay, mebbe you should sort out AoA. 50+ chasing our 10 around the map. In the end we just waypointed whenever we saw them, because there’s no point. Not like there was even a need for that blob, there was only our 10, and TDA’s 10 on the map, nobody else. And we weren’t even running together. The one time we did join forces, AoA had to go change their soiled underwear in Lake.
AoA running around in blobs has nothing to do with me, but you also having experience with zergs over triple your own teams size having to come to wipe just proves my point that it happens and is rediculous, and i cant see the fun in it.
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Jesus christ FSP :/
Do none of you know how to have fun?
i was having fun with 5 man attacking millers bay on gandara BL, untill mya send 20+, no im not joking 20+ to wipe the 5 of us…
Sorry, we was only with our guild on Ganadara and maybe ~10 publics. So there was no point to split us.
Its nice to hear that u guys had as much fun as we had.
We had some very nice fights against u(Dius and TDA).
We noticed that u guys from TDA were less than us, but in my opinion you fought very well.
U kept fightig even when u lost the first encounter.
I’m looking forward to some realy nice fights until Friday and hope we stay in this Bracket 4 one more weakRiseAndFall Command and Co-Leader of [dC]
We were very happy to find a similar sized guild, definitely looking forward to fighting you more You guys hurt
You were what made this night fun, as FSP were running a bit too many for us and we just let em kill us to get back to spawn sooner as they weren’t worth out time.
Kudos to their thief though in the NE tower we took, he was impossible to catch.
(edited by multivira.7925)
Awesome fight yesterday night, we really enjoyed to defend the previous capped bay in Gandara Borderlands. Unfortunatly, we had to move to help on our border, and then we had few numbers to fight.
We’ve made a video too, i hope you’ll enjoy it
Keep fighting
fun in EB from YaK’s where all the guilds hiding in this match up …
TY for [PUNK] for not running away much respect to everyone in EB tonight
contact :
Much respect to all three servers this week, nice fights all round. Much fun was had in GBL and later Miller’s BL last night. Not happy Anet saved your bay but stuff happens.
[MM] recruiting currently