HoD sweeping in WvW

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


I don’t want to limit anyone’s fun.
What I’m suggesting is some of the serious pvp overnight crews on HoD transfer elsewhere for an even split.

How fun can it really be to just steam roll through keeps and not fight anyone?

If we the players do not fix this, ANet will likely try in a panic maneuver.
And they will likely fail.

Much better if the players take proactive measures to ensure a balanced gaming experience for those involved.
But that’s just my opinion.

I think Im going to play tonight, record it and post it here.

The keeps aren’t empty at night, nor are the battle fields.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: chanw.1934


I don’t want to limit anyone’s fun.
What I’m suggesting is some of the serious pvp overnight crews on HoD transfer elsewhere for an even split.

How fun can it really be to just steam roll through keeps and not fight anyone?

If we the players do not fix this, ANet will likely try in a panic maneuver.
And they will likely fail.

Much better if the players take proactive measures to ensure a balanced gaming experience for those involved.
But that’s just my opinion.

Then you havn’t played on oceanic prime time then because we still see lots of player on ET and SBI defending their keep on Monday oceanic prime time. If you think no one is defending your keep, then you would see all the keep and camp is being taken by HoD and fully upgraded too on Monday NA prime time like Tuesday.

The reason why we are winning now is because your guys didn’t log back into the game after the server restart while HoD player continue to play.

You have to understand the graph of ANet and do not add your own imagination to the graph.

any queue time > 0 means the map is full. Any queue time = 0 does not mean the map is empty, it just means the map is not full.

(edited by chanw.1934)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zahdane.4029


Well just going by the information given by Anet – HoD fields a much larger force than any other server past midnight.

I really can’t argue beyond that without a true population count, but you have to agree that does mean something to have a que at all times in the day.

Zahzah – Stormbluff Isle
Asura Engineer

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: chanw.1934


Well just going by the information given by Anet – HoD fields a much larger force than any other server past midnight.

I really can’t argue beyond that without a true population count, but you have to agree that does mean something to have a que at all times in the day.

Larger force? Probably true when its 1 server vs 1 server. But when it is WvWvW, you have ET and SBI players to keep things interesting, we can’t simply won against both server players without having our backdoor knocked on. We focus 1, the other advance, we focus both, we divided our resources.

There is a limit on player from a single server. We cannnot send in all our people into the game.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Since when was recruiting a lame solution.

Who would we recruit? That’s right, people off of lower pop servers. It’s the only option available and exactly opposite of what Anet was asking us to do by posting the graph.
It’s a lame solution because it’s nonsensical. Yes, let’s recruit more players so that lower pop servers perform worse and come weekend we get an even longer queue! OUTSTANDING!

What are you expecting Anet to do? Ban the Oceanic players from playing in their own hours? You’d rather we couldn’t play during our peak hours, than go to the trouble of recruiting Oceanics yourself?

I see them doing something similar to what WoW did with Tol Barad. Wintergrasp had a system much like what is in WvW currently. Population imbalances and a buff to the defending group of players in order to compensate. That model failed because even though people were buffed like raid bosses it didn’t help in an objective based game. They learned from this and in Told Barad they only allowed equal population (with like a minimum of 5-10 people).
Equal population is the only way you can have a level playing field in an objective based game.
Unfortunately for HoD and any other server that out numbers their opponents greatly, this would result in an increased queue time. On the bright side, it would help to even out the population.

I agree completely. I don’t understand why certain groups are so short-sighted that they would gladly destroy GW2 and WvW in order to “win.”

Because some people cant stand losing. I am from SBI and I don’t care if we win or lose, but it is demoralizing HOW we lose. When for 3 days points are within 150 for each team and then the next day one team is up by over 500 while the other 2 servers are barely on the map, there is a problem.
The mentality goes from “let’s try to make some progress on HoD” to “Let’s try to get some points to compensate for how horrible they destroy everyone at night/early day”.
Coming in 2nd is fine when it’s a lack of strategy, or execution, or simply being out played, but when the problem is really outside of the player bases control, you can’t help but to feel defeated.

How fun can it really be to just steam roll through keeps and not fight anyone?

That’s where the problem and this mentality comes from. They aren’t fighting no one. They are fighting people. The people are outnumbered and don’t stand a chance, but when you are fighting for an objective and fight the enemy you still feel an accomplishment. You still feel as if you fought a hard earned victory even though the defending side really didn’t stand a chance to begin with.
Not to get all political, but it really reminds me of Romney and him basically saying he had just as many opportunities as any other American. He’s rich, has always been, but he doesn’t see the difference because he did have to work for what he has. Even though he had his millionaire father behind him to support him when he faltered.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: cryptomega.3745


To be completely honest, at 0500EST this morning (0900UTC / 1700 HKT), HoD had just broken the 500+ PPT.

The player ratio on the board across all three homelands was > 5:1, even when we managed to hole up all 10-15 people on the map into the last keep. In other words, had either ET or SBI pulled every player into one BL, there actually might have been some good pvp (which is what we all want, right?)

That doesn’t particularly mean much in the grand scheme of PPT as the other maps would have been empty. Though it could be (and is) argued that in any 5:1 “token resistance” scenario you might as well be fighting by yourself, and isn’t much fun from the winning side, either.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Oops, double post.kittenserver was acting up.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


alright, iv fed on todays tears and im ready for another night of night capping, thats the plan until about 7pm anyway, by then we expect to have achieved full pacman and we will go back to patting ourselves on the back about how awesome we are and how we totally owned your doors and guards, n00bs.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] Trf-guild.com – Now Recruiting.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Razeo.2309


FYI to the HoD who says that the population gap is completely ok:

At this very moment as I’m typing this sentence…….. about 40+ HoD is attacking DFB at the NE gate with only a little over a dozen of us SBI are defending it.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


I left you a lunch on the keep table in case you get hungry

some terrible idiot in [pre]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


Its weird to see how HoD went from accusations of the other two servers double teaming them, to now defending their major advantage during oceanic hours and saying that ..ET+SBI still have players on during those hours? Yeah sure we have players…at a ratio of 4:1 if that makes you happy. Yeah sure we defend what we got but we’re stretched so thin that we cannot defend everything and push at the same time. And I highly doubt HoD players have ever seen an outmanned buff for nearly 6 hours straight.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


I don’t want to limit anyone’s fun.
What I’m suggesting is some of the serious pvp overnight crews on HoD transfer elsewhere for an even split.

How fun can it really be to just steam roll through keeps and not fight anyone?

If we the players do not fix this, ANet will likely try in a panic maneuver.
And they will likely fail.

Much better if the players take proactive measures to ensure a balanced gaming experience for those involved.
But that’s just my opinion.

I think Im going to play tonight, record it and post it here.

The keeps aren’t empty at night, nor are the battle fields.

i hope you streamed when the only real force in WvW was in Isle borderlands, after capping 4 points in EB.. so we can see how fast those points turned back in the EB… because there was no force there to defend lol…

honestly… if something falls in less than 3 minutes 99% chance that no one was defending, sorry bud

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


Its weird to see how HoD went from accusations of the other two servers double teaming them, to now defending their major advantage during oceanic hours and saying that ..ET+SBI still have players on during those hours? Yeah sure we have players…at a ratio of 4:1 if that makes you happy. Yeah sure we defend what we got but we’re stretched so thin that we cannot defend everything and push at the same time. And I highly doubt HoD players have ever seen an outmanned buff for nearly 6 hours straight.

cant tell them wrong.

if they lose, its not their fault, its because they got 2v1’d. and if they win its because we are bad and they are awesome, it has nothing to do with the outmanned buff and zero queue times that are on the opposing servers lol

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


HoD did poorly at the start not because they were being 2v1’ed… but because of their lack of experience at dealing with 2v1. On the Green Map last week, Dreadfall Bay and Bluebriar were being constantly 2v1’ed by JQ and HoD. After a week of practice, we were much more used to that tactic was much less effective, encouraging ET to attack HoD more often. JQ would very infrequently attack HoD, even when encountering massive resistance or if it was not profitible/practical to attack SBI.

Garrison traded hands about five or six times the first night of being 2v1’ed. By the third day their defenses were much stronger, and I imagine 2v1 would not work as often against that same group.

My point is: Justifying night-capping because of being 2v1’ed in a 3 player map is really silly. One has nothing to do with the other, and skill can make you overcome even the most aggressive teams pounding away at your gates. No skill will let you overcome being outmanned and losing everything, however.

(edited by Nokaru.7831)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


HoD did poorly at the start not because they were being 2v1’ed… but because of their lack of experience at dealing with 2v1. On the Green Map last week, Dreadfall Bay and Bluebriar were being constantly 2v1’ed by JQ and HoD. After a week of practice, we were much more used to that tactic was much less effective, encouraging ET to attack HoD more often. JQ would very infrequently attack HoD, even when encountering massive resistance or if it was not profitible/practical to attack SBI.

Garrioson traded hands about five or six times the first night of being 2v1’ed. By the third day their defenses were much stronger, and I imagine 2v1 would not work as often against that same group.

My point is: Justifying night-capping because of being 2v1’ed in a 3 player map is really silly. One has nothing to do with the other, and skill can make you overcome even the most aggressive teams pounding away at your gates. No skill will let you overcome being outmanned and losing everything, however.

truth, they just don’t want to admit that they don’t have experience dealing with servers that field equal numbers… they did poorly because they are used to just steamrolling things and not having to worry about organized groups taking things back.

but then the weekend ends, and so do most of the days queues for the other servers, and they get ahead through sheer numbers alone.

unfortunately all you hear when you aren’t HoD, is how its your fault for not collecting oceanics before they all fell into Hendge’s gravitational pull of win.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lego.7085


HoD has a huge Chinese presence, not to mention Titan Alliance recruiting even more AU guilds and being a large gaming community themselves.

Having massive numbers on both NA and Oceanic prime time coupled with even the slightest bit of organization makes for them being #1 all the time.

Sure other servers were close, or maybe even beat them, but they have a good 100 points up on the #2 and #3 servers. Most of the other servers are within 50 points (or less) of each other.

Until Anet shuts down free server transfers to stop the mass exodus from the other servers, the issue will only get worse for us and them. They will have a boring WvWvW experience, and everyone else will get tired of being annihilated all the time because of being outmanned at all hours.

The only people that are happy about the current WvWvW situation are the people who use winning to inflate their Internet ego and or RP fursona’s social status.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ernesto.7894


You could naturally also change that around and say that the only people who are unhappy about their current WvW situation are the ones losing.

The trouble is not a population one, the trouble is that when you are taking a beating, too many are quitting while on the other hand on HoD and in TA, noone quits. There are no breaks, when we take it in the face, we go again. Everytime. Go again. Winning. We drink Tiger Blood.

I’m really happy for you, so I’m going to let you finish, but HoD has one of the best fightingspirits of all time!

Leader of Ginnunga [Gin] on Henge of Denravi
Titan Alliance

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lego.7085


I wasn’t attacking HoD or Titan Alliance first of all, so check your privelage. Secondly it completely has everything to do with population. If other servers simply don’t have the numbers to constantly throw at their enemy, they can’t win. Plain and simple.

HoD does.


You just have a lot more. Your queue times are proof of that. How do you not see this? Let me break this down for you again. Maybe this time you can see past yourself and understand what I am trying to say.

There are HoD players that get bored in WvW because they aren’t having any fun steamrolling. There are players on servers against HoD that aren’t having any fun because they can’t field the people nessecary to compete. This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.

Just in case you don’t realize, here is the queue for your server versus the queue for the lowest ranked server Kaineng. To say numbers don’t matter is ridiculous.

I’m really happy for you, so I’m going to let you finish, but HoD has the longest queues of all time!

Also, Kanye West is horrible.


HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


“There are HoD players that get bored in WvW because they aren’t having any fun steamrolling. There are players on servers against HoD that aren’t having any fun because they can’t field the people nessecary to compete. This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.

Just in case you don’t realize, here is the queue for your server versus the queue for the lowest ranked server Kaineng. To say numbers don’t matter is ridiculous.

I’m really happy for you, so I’m going to let you finish, but HoD has the longest queues of all time!"

Patience. HoD players will get bored winning. Get bored sitting in queues. Get bored beating down un-manned walls. Go play borderland2, dota, torchight, pandas, etc.
Populations will even out over time.

I’m not really sure I understand the need to “compete” with #1. Does dragonbrand quit because they can’t be #1? Should every server have restrictions placed on it, so everyone is totally equal? What is wrong with fighting for #2 spot? You aren’t #1, why do you feel entitled to have a it artificially given to you? This is not a playoff, its a ladder. You play for your position. Not for #1. there can only be 1 #1. If being #1 is the only reason you WvW, then I have some serious news for you. There are going to be ALOT of very disappointed people. Literally, millions that can not be #1. There is as large of a gap, if not larger, between the top 4, as there is between #1 and the other top 4. is it fair to the rest?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.
Also, Kanye West is horrible.

I spewed my morning coffee all over my IPad, thanks a lot!

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Calae.1738


I agree with Casia.

HoD will probably bore themselves of long queues and playing against doors and walls. The servers competing against them will probably be participating in other activities during prime time. There are a lot of awesome games coming out soon and the beauty is Guild Wars 2 has no subscription fee.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


To be completely honest, at 0500EST this morning (0900UTC / 1700 HKT), HoD had just broken the 500+ PPT.

The player ratio on the board across all three homelands was > 5:1, even when we managed to hole up all 10-15 people on the map into the last keep. In other words, had either ET or SBI pulled every player into one BL, there actually might have been some good pvp (which is what we all want, right?)

That doesn’t particularly mean much in the grand scheme of PPT as the other maps would have been empty. Though it could be (and is) argued that in any 5:1 “token resistance” scenario you might as well be fighting by yourself, and isn’t much fun from the winning side, either.

I would also like to point out that, at 5:00 EST, SBI had a “Heavy” population (more than HoD) and ET had a “Medium” population (less than HoD).

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


War Machine wasn’t online when these screenshots were taken, eh?

i followed commander bahaness around because he was our best commander. he logged out 4 hours earlier than usual….
so …. yeah..

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Rested Fox.2560

Rested Fox.2560

thats not how it works in reality. the winning factions players get bored less easily than the losing factions players. this trend continues for a very long time…. i played aion for a year and yes, while the elyos players got bored and left, new players came and stayed for longer than asmos got new players that stayed active for short times.

if HoD does not lose this match, and wins the next match while being fully 2 v 1ed….. you will see this start to happen. some HoD players will get bored…. but it doesnt matter because the queue is large enough. all other top factions will start throwing the match when they play HoD.

i STILL dont understand why HoD isnt locked out at FULL….. and cant transfer to it. there should in the very least be a sliding scale transfer cost, want to transfer to the top server? sure, but PAY lots of money. whatever is done, HoD is obviously full of WvW players and could probably field a full WvW team with half its current players. why allow transfers there?

transfers should have been locked within a week or 2 of launch. 1-2 more matches of HoD victory and the problem will be completely irreversible without massive changes.

this bandwagon effect ruined aion (in addition to other problems with aion) however gw2 promises to have a 2 v 1 balancing effect to prevent uber factions like aion…. but wait! HoD can handle it and even plainly dominate during the week.

there is one solution players can reasonably do. TA, when anet announces the end of free transfers you should transfer to a medium pop server (not ET). dont announce youre going to do it, and complete it an hour before so that people wont know to follow you. DO IT for the good of the game. and why not? youve beaten a 2 v1, what else is there to do?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nanatte.3742


Its weird to see how HoD went from accusations of the other two servers double teaming them, to now defending their major advantage during oceanic hours and saying that ..ET+SBI still have players on during those hours?

About as weird as the lame claims over the weekend about how HoD can be taken down, given the right focus and it’s transition into ‘Night-capping to win’.

And it doesn’t really matter that much anyway, points at the end of the week does all the talking.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


thats not how it works in reality. the winning factions players get bored less easily than the losing factions players. this trend continues for a very long time…. i played aion for a year and yes, while the elyos players got bored and left, new players came and stayed for longer than asmos got new players that stayed active for short times.

if HoD does not lose this match, and wins the next match while being fully 2 v 1ed….. you will see this start to happen. some HoD players will get bored…. but it doesnt matter because the queue is large enough. all other top factions will start throwing the match when they play HoD.

i STILL dont understand why HoD isnt locked out at FULL….. and cant transfer to it. there should in the very least be a sliding scale transfer cost, want to transfer to the top server? sure, but PAY lots of money. whatever is done, HoD is obviously full of WvW players and could probably field a full WvW team with half its current players. why allow transfers there?

transfers should have been locked within a week or 2 of launch. 1-2 more matches of HoD victory and the problem will be completely irreversible without massive changes.

this bandwagon effect ruined aion (in addition to other problems with aion) however gw2 promises to have a 2 v 1 balancing effect to prevent uber factions like aion…. but wait! HoD can handle it and even plainly dominate during the week.

there is one solution players can reasonably do. TA, when anet announces the end of free transfers you should transfer to a medium pop server (not ET). dont announce youre going to do it, and complete it an hour before so that people wont know to follow you. DO IT for the good of the game. and why not? youve beaten a 2 v1, what else is there to do?

it is full, the thing is people do transfer off and then that spot gets opened, that’s why people can still transfer here.

It took my friend who recently got the game days to get in because it was always full.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


“There are HoD players that get bored in WvW because they aren’t having any fun steamrolling. There are players on servers against HoD that aren’t having any fun because they can’t field the people nessecary to compete. This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.

if this was true, then the people getting bored would be better off transferring to another server for more even fights, but we know that won’t happen because losing just isn’t an option.

it is unfortunate that the guilds on HoD will claims success at every turn, say that they planned it out to bring all these guilds in because its a tactic….. but when they do poorly they claim they couldn’t get any guildies in due to queues…. so it seems like all bases are covered

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


“There are HoD players that get bored in WvW because they aren’t having any fun steamrolling. There are players on servers against HoD that aren’t having any fun because they can’t field the people nessecary to compete. This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.

if this was true, then the people getting bored would be better off transferring to another server for more even fights, but we know that won’t happen because losing just isn’t an option.

it is unfortunate that the guilds on HoD will claims success at every turn, say that they planned it out to bring all these guilds in because its a tactic….. but when they do poorly they claim they couldn’t get any guildies in due to queues…. so it seems like all bases are covered

people like you are just looking for opportunities to flame and get other player defensive. You could say the same about any other guild.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mangocheesecake.1487


I think it’s good that we stay low while the free transfers are in effect. Rather be 2nd than deal with 4 hour ques.

Terrifying Kitties | SBI | Recruiting Active Players for WvW and PvE
PM Carme, Soji, Taper, or Mrsowrd in game

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Uruu.3468


i find it really weird for non hod players to complain about hod queque times, anyone?

i have been getting intant queque from 1 am up to now still in wvw on hod (and have been for more than a week), during prime time its about 1~2 hour queque time, its not bad at all actually.

whats the point of that graph comparision of wvw queque times of hod vs kaineng? they arent in the same ranking or put in the same wvw bracket, most of the top servers are always full or at high pop throughout the entire day (not just peak time). Simply looking at wvw queque time is not good enough, what you should look at is server population vs wvw queque on said servers.

Server population is not actually a problem, its the organization of the ppl that are actually online to cover a 24/7 war that is. Thats not an imbalance. -.-

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


“There are HoD players that get bored in WvW because they aren’t having any fun steamrolling. There are players on servers against HoD that aren’t having any fun because they can’t field the people nessecary to compete. This current WvW system is broken/infantile. This has nothing to do with your “fighting spirit” or whatever horrible energy drink you consume.

if this was true, then the people getting bored would be better off transferring to another server for more even fights, but we know that won’t happen because losing just isn’t an option.

it is unfortunate that the guilds on HoD will claims success at every turn, say that they planned it out to bring all these guilds in because its a tactic….. but when they do poorly they claim they couldn’t get any guildies in due to queues…. so it seems like all bases are covered

people like you are just looking for opportunities to flame and get other player defensive. You could say the same about any other guild.

not true, just statint that if the above quote is true, then people should take the initiative to transfer off and do their own thing..

unforunately people get a bad rap for leaving a server after helping it a bit. look at what happened to the whole Northern shiverpeaks thing.

no one wins here, its just choosing a lesser evil

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: silvermember.8941


i find it really weird for non hod players to complain about hod queque times, anyone?

i have been getting intant queque from 1 am up to now still in wvw on hod (and have been for more than a week), during prime time its about 1~2 hour queque time, its not bad at all actually.

whats the point of that graph comparision of wvw queque times of hod vs kaineng? they arent in the same ranking or put in the same wvw bracket, most of the top servers are always full or at high pop throughout the entire day (not just peak time). Simply looking at wvw queque time is not good enough, what you should look at is server population vs wvw queque on said servers.

Server population is not actually a problem, its the organization of the ppl that are actually online to cover a 24/7 war that is. Thats not an imbalance. -.-

You are getting instant queue in hod at 1 am. Anybody can get instant queue on any server at 1 am except during the weekends. The difference is that HOD still has a lot more players in WvW even if the queue is not met.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: silvermember.8941


I know i keep saying this but right I feel like i m playing aion on zikel all over again.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kracin.6078


^ what he said.

this morning, we had a group of 30-35 players in ET, taking some objectives back. in eb we took maybe 4 differnt things, and then went straight to the SBI borderlands… we were met with a strong defense there… in the borderlands… at 1 am! people were just waiting in large numbers from HoD for us to get there (and some from SBI).

and while we fougth a large number of people in the borderlands with our small group (that had the outmanned buff). all of the towers we took in EB, became green in a amtter of 15 minutes…. where we were outmanned as well.

even if you don’t have a queue, it doesnt mean that there aren’t significantly more people on the field than anyone else.

please tell me the reason HoD pulled ahead during the Na off prime hours was because they finally all decided to start playing, and were just sand bagging for fun the whole weekend when everybody had queues?

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fed.8594


It’s funny that HoD complained about ET and SBI ganging up on them, when it was obviously a valid strat and the whole point of 3 way warfare to take out the top dog.

And now no more complaints about that, and instead just defending their point accumulation through night time PVE. Obviously WvW is 24 hour and so Hod’s strat is also valid…. but overall, i do feel that PVE points cheapen WvW as a whole.

I wonder how many weeks Hod’s night crew will keep winning before other servers just stop playing or more players transfer over. I don’t see nigh wins as being very sustainable… folks say that night crew servers will get match with each other, but what if there’s only one server with the majority of the NA night population? Doesn’t sound like fun times.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


i find it really weird for non hod players to complain about hod queque times, anyone?

i have been getting intant queque from 1 am up to now still in wvw on hod (and have been for more than a week), during prime time its about 1~2 hour queque time, its not bad at all actually.

whats the point of that graph comparision of wvw queque times of hod vs kaineng? they arent in the same ranking or put in the same wvw bracket, most of the top servers are always full or at high pop throughout the entire day (not just peak time). Simply looking at wvw queque time is not good enough, what you should look at is server population vs wvw queque on said servers.

Server population is not actually a problem, its the organization of the ppl that are actually online to cover a 24/7 war that is. Thats not an imbalance. -.-

You are getting instant queue in hod at 1 am. Anybody can get instant queue on any server at 1 am except during the weekends. The difference is that HOD still has a lot more players in WvW even if the queue is not met.

it actually wasn’t even possible until this past week, which saw a lot of new game releases fyi.

up until the past 7 days you could not get an instant queue for any map at any time of the day. it didnt matter if it was 6am central us time.

heck for the first couple weeks the queues were over 5 hours during primetime. and it only ever went down to about 3 hours during offpeak hours, even at 4am.

honestly Titan has it pretty bad. they are pvpers, they came into this game to wvw, thats what they love to do and that was their mission. and they teamed up, knowing no one could do it alone and planned for it well before release. it really sucks for them that they arent even able to play the part of the game they signed up for a lot of the time, and its nigh impossible to even get their people in especially during peak hours.

Transferring has been an option of course, but they put a lot of work and effort getting this server to number 1, why go to a less populated server so they can break that match up and succeeding ones until they get back to the top?

That’s not even mentioning the fact that massive hordes of people will still follow them wherever they go because of their reputation now. they could transfer to kaineng and within 7 days they would be having the exact same problem they are having now.

they dont really have options atm other than ride this out, wait for the populations to settle down, and they will. the game is new and its still getting the extremely high concurrency rates expected. but it will die down. the only other option would be for them to just break up.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


It’s funny that HoD complained about ET and SBI ganging up on them, when it was obviously a valid strat and the whole point of 3 way warfare to take out the top dog.

And now no more complaints about that, and instead just defending their point accumulation through night time PVE. Obviously WvW is 24 hour and so Hod’s strat is also valid…. but overall, i do feel that PVE points cheapen WvW as a whole.

I wonder how many weeks Hod’s night crew will keep winning before other servers just stop playing or more players transfer over. I don’t see nigh wins as being very sustainable… folks say that night crew servers will get match with each other, but what if there’s only one server with the majority of the NA night population? Doesn’t sound like fun times.

ganging up on the top dog is a valid tactic. the reason it exists is so when a server is in a dominant position like we are right now and controlling all your servers stuff. it’s to give the weaker servers a fighting chance so they can get back in the game.

it’s not exactly there so two servers can gang up on one to spawn camp them out of wvw. granted no two servers even can pull that off on us, even when we get ganged up on we still hold our ground. we kept up our score over the weekend, we were only behind 1st by about 30k points. that’s not a huge lead and meant we still held about 25% of the objectives for the weekend.

It was surprising though, i expected this weeks match to be closer, especially from the weekend showing, but come the weekdays it’s like the other two gave up.

I expect SBI to pull together and get at least their stuff back, ET I don’t know what to expect.

but you guys can do it! team up! fight back! the week isn’t over yet! even if you don’t win, don’t let us win by such a large margin.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Casia.4281


No serious HoD complained about a gang up. Any complaints were directed at the denial of such a thing occurring, during claims of being awesome.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


What Casia said.

No one I read was complaining about the double team. What I did see were posts from SBI/ET/JQ/Random Guy stating the “downfall of HoD” after 1.5 days of a 7 day battle, and HoD players coming to say why they were down.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


What Casia said.

No one I read was complaining about the double team. What I did see were posts from SBI/ET/JQ/Random Guy stating the “downfall of HoD” after 1.5 days of a 7 day battle, and HoD players coming to say why they were down.

They were down because they were getting rocked? And night time capping wasn’t very effective over the weekend? Yes, I know so.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

You could naturally also change that around and say that the only people who are unhappy about their current WvW situation are the ones losing.

The trouble is not a population one, the trouble is that when you are taking a beating, too many are quitting while on the other hand on HoD and in TA, noone quits. There are no breaks, when we take it in the face, we go again. Everytime. Go again. Winning. We drink Tiger Blood.

I’m really happy for you, so I’m going to let you finish, but HoD has one of the best fightingspirits of all time!

lol i would have done same thing GO again, if i was in your server too… you guys are so overpopulated with WvW focused players with 24/7 coverage… why wouldnt they? see, us here in SBI it’s weekdays we got school and work to attend to that varies from 8-12 hrs range not including social life outside internet. Would we rather waste our time and efforts again playing WvW, when a server can get it back when most of us are offline within 8 hours or so? since we really dont have enough oceanic coverage?
No thanks, you guys can have it. We’ll play on weekends when most of us have time to play hard again. For the mean time, keep bragging this: HoD vs empty camps/tower/keeps…. HoD wins would be really sad if you guys cant. (",)

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fluxist.8045


What Casia said.

No one I read was complaining about the double team. What I did see were posts from SBI/ET/JQ/Random Guy stating the “downfall of HoD” after 1.5 days of a 7 day battle, and HoD players coming to say why they were down.

They were down because they were getting rocked? And night time capping wasn’t very effective over the weekend? Yes, I know so.

This forum post is proof that whatever we’re doing is worth it.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Tango.7089


So did you all honestly just expect HOD to get wrecked over the weekend and then say, “Screw it just let them win were fine with 3rd.” No, hell no. HOD comes back with a fking VENGANCE! and takes all our kitten back with the fury that was created by TBI and ET.

You thought you had your own areas but it all really belongs to HOD

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Um, score update? Isn’t this known to post scores in every page?! Hehe thanks.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025


O-o im not frustrated, depressed, or QQing.
in fact i really could care less if HoD has a strong night time, day time no lifers.

only thing im PO’d about is Anet resting everything in our bases after that patch so we couldnt defend… plus it wasnt a time when most NA players are online…you know since it is a NA server. I’d also kinda hope that if WvW is suppose to be non-stop then why’d would they do something like that anyway…. thats not right on Anets part and if patches automatically reset siege and nothing can be done about it then maybe they should wait till the end of WvW matches…

But i will say that HoD post have gotten really dumb recently mostly by ppl i’ve never seen before… result of free transfers i assume because HoD used to be really respectful. now 80% of their post seem very glory riding(just my view on it)


(edited by Bunnehboo.6025)

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Aza.2105


What Casia said.

No one I read was complaining about the double team. What I did see were posts from SBI/ET/JQ/Random Guy stating the “downfall of HoD” after 1.5 days of a 7 day battle, and HoD players coming to say why they were down.

They were down because they were getting rocked? And night time capping wasn’t very effective over the weekend? Yes, I know so.

This forum post is proof that whatever we’re doing is worth it.

The proof is in the shift of the score from the weekend to the weekday. I won’t go further because all that will happen is some HoD player will come to try to justify why it was that way. When the answer is quite obvious.

Its not a insult to HoD per say, I’m not thinking HoD is full of people who can play 24/7. That would be a lie, its that HoD is full of people on a entirely different time zone than NA players. Can’t blame them because its not their fault. However, its wrong to say that HoD is #1 or sweeping. When clearly that is not the case.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Fluxist.8045


I don’t play much to win anymore. I play to read the forums posts ;P

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MikeB.3857


Why do people think HoD ques are horrific?

You log on. You que. You farm your mats asap and then WvW all night. Never played a night on HoD when I couldnt WvW and sometimes I have re-entered the que because of decent farming or crafting.

Revered – [REVD]
Maizen Blue – Thief

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Daedalus.3954


I don’t play much to win anymore. I play to read the forums posts ;P

OH you..

Commander Kaena Godsfire – Guardian
Server – Fort Aspenwood

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


The truth is that HoD gained ground against both SI and ET, for the most part, during full pop hours. SI gaine 10k per from ~11PM to ~8AM. There was more loss during early evening hours. Basically, sleeping hours and working hours were the weakest hours of HoD. That is what REALLY happened. So, I guess SI had a large group of people on a 3 day weekend. Once that ended, fairness in pops showed the real skilled server.