Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: zuube.5930


Question to all the new Mag transfers:

Why do you remain on a server that dosen`t want you?

Someone on Mag tell Bunzy I left a treat out for him.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: russia.9057


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

It’s really hard to be bad at P/D Thief. It’s easier to be really good at P/D than it is to be really bad at P/D if that makes sense.


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I honestly expected more from Yak’s but their teamwork and coordination is extremely lacking. It really makes it hard for me to give them credit for their work against Maguuma a few weeks ago. It’s like they try to do something, start failing at it, then completely fall apart.

Yaks got all the way to east keep lord, they didn’t contest the way point so this allowed Mag to pour in. Mag wipes them.

Yaks got to inner at west keep, they start running around the walls, not sure of what to do. Mag wipes them.

During both times Yak’s and Mag held equal numbers. But Mag pushed with ease.

Three people run at a group of 10 IoJ, they fall back. IoJ builds a cata in arrowcart range TWICE and a treb in open field, AS we are watching them… it’s like a bad sitcom.

I can’t stress this enough. Get in parties, prioritize targets, call them, and take them out. Burn each person one by one until they all fall. Focus on downed enemies. And for the love of Great Lord Flame Ram, you have twelve stacks of confusion, STOP ATTACKING, CLEANSE IT, OR ASK AN ALLY TO. Especially if you see a necro/mesmer combo.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

It’s really hard to be bad at P/D Thief. It’s easier to be really good at P/D than it is to be really bad at P/D if that makes sense.

I really hate them atm, there are 2 Yak’s Bend guys running around P/D and all they bloody do is cloak cloak cloak…. It’s driven me nuts.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

It’s really hard to be bad at P/D Thief. It’s easier to be really good at P/D than it is to be really bad at P/D if that makes sense.

I really hate them atm, there are 2 Yak’s Bend guys running around P/D and all they bloody do is cloak cloak cloak…. It’s driven me nuts.

And? They’re on any server, dunno why you want to single out YB.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Sol.4310


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

It’s really hard to be bad at P/D Thief. It’s easier to be really good at P/D than it is to be really bad at P/D if that makes sense.

I really hate them atm, there are 2 Yak’s Bend guys running around P/D and all they bloody do is cloak cloak cloak…. It’s driven me nuts.

And? They’re on any server, dunno why you want to single out YB.

Maybe cause I’m currently fighting P/D thief’s from Yak’s and it driving me nuts that they spend most of the time cloak cloak cloak. Where is the skill in that if it was IoJ I would of said IoJ.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Yak’s have numbers, but no clue how to use it.

Don’t be silly! Of course we know how to use them – make all lubberly just to kitten Maguuma off.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


So far I’ve seen 3 great players, which is unusually high for a WvW match, but they’re all IoJ. There’s 5x as many yaks but nothing has stood out yet.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Notus.5769


Yak’s Bend, you guys have some epic bad P/D thief’s cloak all day long.

It’s really hard to be bad at P/D Thief. It’s easier to be really good at P/D than it is to be really bad at P/D if that makes sense.

I really hate them atm, there are 2 Yak’s Bend guys running around P/D and all they bloody do is cloak cloak cloak…. It’s driven me nuts.

As a dude who used to run this – just bail on us. You don’t need to fight us and it is always going to be a long, dumb, pointless fight. Our contribution to a group is like the smallest of nearly any spec. We take a year to kill seige. We can’t contest points very well. All we can do is steal a few minutes of your life better spent doing literally anything else.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Darcie.7864


lol 3 golems inner, we wipe like hah no problem

yaks suck

Mag being classy as usual..

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: NoodllZ.8376


Don’t know our (Yak’s) WvWvW presence has been lacking since we battled Dragonbrand.
Enjoy your easy win Maguuma.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Tool.3749


Well here is one difference for ya. I play every prime time for Yak’s and maybe im wrong here and someone else from yaks can say there was. But I never recall a single time in any match up against Mag. has there ever been a que to get in on your map. In each matchup the other server was more of a threat and saw the bulk of our attention. From day 1 we have only been able to focus 2 maps with a scattering of players on a 3rd. So the fact is that you have lost your entire map to us on serveral occasions when we didnt even give it a real focus. I remember the last time you guys were up in this barcket that we speceficaly ignored Mag. for 1/2 the week because Ebay portal hacked into one of our keeps and we wanted to send them back down a tier and didnt let them have more then 20pts at any time for the rest of the match. Thats how much we cared about what what Mag. was doing in that match up. That for 1/2 the week we ignored that you were even playing.

So, basically, you could have stomped us our past half dozen matches on reset, but just chose not to.

Basically yes, mag’s border was for the taking at any time we wanted. So why focus it on a Friday night when we have maybe 2.5 maps coverage? DB or Ebay were both bigger servers with more coverage so we had to fight YBBL, EB, and maybe 20 or so ppl on thier border. At no time was Mag focused on in them matches. there were times where we would tell everyone in chat to leave mag alone and let them on the map as long as it wasnt YBBL. We have a ton of fair weather WvW players. If we are winning over weekend they come out of the woodwork. But if we are not then they will just PVE the entire week. It’s as frustrating to the few of us who play WvW each day as it is to our oposition when they see drastic number changes from week to week from us.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: John Widdin.9618

John Widdin.9618

That’s unfortunate. Maybe once people are rewarded for their progress in WvW, there will be more dedicated players. We can only hope.

Zachary ~ Mesmer/ John Widdin ~ Warrior/ Zazmataz ~ Engineer
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


That’s unfortunate. Maybe once people are rewarded for their progress in WvW, there will be more dedicated players. We can only hope.

It really boils down to how they incentivize it. If they keep a similar scheme to how badges/karma/etc are handed out it won’t really matter because you need a somewhat dominant position to make the most of taking towers and keeps as the main source of progression.

I’m excited that they mentioned rewarding short-term and individual accomplishments, but like you said only time will tell.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Xthnru.2079


Given the current state of things, I’d like to propose an alliance between Maguuma, Yak’s and IoJ.

If you would be so kind as to not fight each other and just cap all of our stuff, I’m sure our “core players” (read: the people who don’t ruin fun) would be more than happy to let you do so with impunity if it results in us “trimming the fat” (read: driving off bandwagoning scum).

As a show of good faith, I will personally extend to you this offer by idling in WvWvW and doing as little constructive action as possible.*

*unless it’s hilarious

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Given the current state of things, I’d like to propose an alliance between Maguuma, Yak’s and IoJ.

Your request has been forwarded but I can say from a preliminary inspection that your terms do not specify what benefit YB is to derive from such an arrangement.

As a proposal for an initial round of negotiations, we table that Maguuma must henceforth revoke false gods by refraining in perpetuity from placing rams of any nature in any location. They must refrain from ever suggesting that YB is a zerg server and instead maintain a permanent zerg of their own comprising all personages of notoriety who host notions about roaming and duelling. And they must cease talking about themselves.

Should any of these terms be unacceptable, we have scheduled a meeting for Jan 28th to discuss them.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: thetreebranch.4831


As a Yaks player, it is disheartening to see us still play like we did a month or two into the game. Players still zerg at gates instead of building/protecting the catas behind them. Instead of building siege at the chokes of towers/keeps, we zerg outside, chase too far, and let groups of people slip behind us to take control of the tower.

We’ll have a group of players plop down siege at an easily defended supply camp (pangloss), fully knowing that the enemy zerg at orgath is going to stream right in and only get a handful back to defend it.

People constantly pick up supply at camps, but very few people plop down siege to use it. And when siege is put down, its a trial and a half to actually get people to build it.

I don’t know if our core WvW people are just taking a long break until the new patch or if we really just haven’t improved that much since the start.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

As a Yaks player, it is disheartening to see us still play like we did a month or two into the game. Players still zerg at gates instead of building/protecting the catas behind them. Instead of building siege at the chokes of towers/keeps, we zerg outside, chase too far, and let groups of people slip behind us to take control of the tower.

We’ll have a group of players plop down siege at an easily defended supply camp (pangloss), fully knowing that the enemy zerg at orgath is going to stream right in and only get a handful back to defend it.

People constantly pick up supply at camps, but very few people plop down siege to use it. And when siege is put down, its a trial and a half to actually get people to build it.

I don’t know if our core WvW people are just taking a long break until the new patch or if we really just haven’t improved that much since the start.

To be fair, I’ve always found it really easy to pull five or six of my enemies and kite them around for a minute or two no matter their server.

Sometimes, I’ve pulled detachments attempting to capture our supply camps all the way back to where our zerg just wiped their zerg! They were summarily executed.

(edited by Parsee Komeiji.2049)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


If anyone wants to have some duels, PM me, we have at least one of each server at the moment.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ *wink wink*

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ wink wink

What is IoJ?

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ wink wink

What is IoJ?

Isle of Janthir

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: DanzigDevil.9725


Wait a minute…I’m confused here…Was there a wealth of server transfers lately to Maguuma? It was not more than 3-4 weeks ago when they cut a side deal with Yak’s to get 2nd place when Ehmry Bay proved too much for them and they still lost…BAD!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Wait a minute…I’m confused here…Was there a wealth of server transfers lately to Maguuma? It was not more than 3-4 weeks ago when they cut a side deal with Yak’s to get 2nd place when Ehmry Bay proved too much for them and they still lost…BAD!

Are you Jesse Cox? I bet your sources are as good.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

Wait a minute…I’m confused here…Was there a wealth of server transfers lately to Maguuma? It was not more than 3-4 weeks ago when they cut a side deal with Yak’s to get 2nd place when Ehmry Bay proved too much for them and they still lost…BAD!

Are you Jesse Cox? I bet your sources are as good.

I think he means the week where Maguuma had particularly low turnout and they both ganged up on us for “free” points, but we still managed to keep a narrow gap between us and EB.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


lol 3 golems inner, we wipe like hah no problem

yaks suck

Mag being classy as usual..

I like how you take the literal troll bait then generalise a sever but you ignore the real posts.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Wait a minute…I’m confused here…Was there a wealth of server transfers lately to Maguuma?


Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Mike.7320


Most recent update..kinda boring out here.


Idolizethis Warrior

Arkham (Ark)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

Most recent update..kinda boring out here.


I’m glad I’m not missing much while I’m busy reinstalling… I guess?

…I feel really bad for IoJ, though. :c

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: uflyandy.6392


Let me start off with great job maguuma I get into eternal as we were having a commander meeting and yaks was taking a lot of ground we had a few new commanders in eternal today and let me start off with thankful for the help when I got there. I know we don’t want any more transfers but if they are willing to work with us I don’t see the big deal. Nice to see every Bl is blue

Title: Commander and Leader of [GOA] Legion Alliance [Maguuma]Name: Promethieus

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


They tried to take East Keep.

But we had already spoke with GLFR and it was too late


Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

(edited by ViperWire.4261)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


Man, looks like we’ll be T3 next week just as Kaineng hits T4.

The truth is, Maguuma is scared of Kaineng and is running away from them, up the rankings. I’m not sure we’ve thought our strategy through, but like true Maguumans, we will stick to it and build a flame ram on top.

Back to reality, props to both Yaks and IoJ for giving us some really great battles this week. We’ve gained a shedload of new players, but the true test of Maguuma will be what happens when we inevitably lose next week or the week after. I say inevitably because either we lose next week and drop back down, or we face Kaineng the week after no matter what.

It will be refreshing to lose the glory hunters who transferred here – although scathing as I am, we’ve had a whole load of really high quality transfers from people who really know what they’re doing, so it’ll be interesting to see how good we really are once we’ve had a chance to lose a few matches.

I predict we’ll be back in T4, fighting with Yaks on a much even playing field. Just like the old days, guys.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ wink wink

What is IoJ?

Isle of Janthir

I know, it was a joke.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Maguuma has da maddest skillz


[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: JarXLite.6720


I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ wink wink

What is IoJ?

Isle of Janthir

I know, it was a joke.

Well in that case… it’s time to d-d-d-duel!

IoJ commander

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Da yakkest skillz


[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Rummie.9720


Cool, yeah. This is fun.

(edited by Rummie.9720)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Any fine person from CRIT or BINQ that can PM me? Preferably an officer or a leader

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: uflyandy.6392


Lol dude they do YouTube videos they have not done anything all your guilds are leaving your server.

Title: Commander and Leader of [GOA] Legion Alliance [Maguuma]Name: Promethieus

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: Cain.9724


Any fine person from CRIT or BINQ that can PM me? Preferably an officer or a leader

This is probably in reference to the BINQ mesmer who has been repeatedly exploiting to put portals down inside buildings that have not been breached, such as the garrison and NE tower. Tho I do not think BINQ is a real guild, he was in full party and taking camps with SA.

Here is a screenshot right after he dropped a portal inside the tower to let his buddies in who all wiped to half their numbers.. Sad part was, the breakout was going and they took the tower the legitimate way.. there was no need to exploit but he still did..


Caen [SM] – Thief
The ShadowMoon

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


That pic is shopped, everyone know IoJ does not exist.

I think that maybe somebody needs to hand a few towers over to IoJ wink wink

What is IoJ?

Isle of Janthir

I know, it was a joke.

Well in that case… it’s time to d-d-d-duel!

Do you think you can win only if I lose?

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: chichobits.3450


So this is about ten Mags right outside of YB citadel. Not sure how they got there


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: chichobits.3450


Here is some more on the steps of YB Citadel


Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


It’s quite easy, actually.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: chichobits.3450


It’s quite easy, actually.

Really, I was not aware of that.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Yup, and no exploiting involved.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: chichobits.3450


Well thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


i dont get why people care if enemies get inside your spawn, you are invulnerable there. if anything its free loot bags.

Maguuma - Isle of Janthir - Yak's Bend 1/18

in WvW

Posted by: chichobits.3450


I didn’t care that they were there. It was just weird. I’ve never seen an opposing server there before.