Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Kelo.4370


From ArenaNet today:
•Score interval increased from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.
•Stonemist Castle points reduced to 35 points from 50.
•Bonus thresholds reduced by half to prepare for one-week matches.
•Castle lord, bodyguards, and capture point for Stonemist Castle moved to the first floor.
•“Harpy Feathers” consumable effect disabled.
•Bridges fixed to make passable for NPCs.

I am really not very happy about the Stonemist changes, I mean seriously the point change is one thing and totally not warranted. But moving everything from the second floor to the bottom floor?!!? So like what the hell is the second floor going to be even there for now? Why are they even doing this? To stop the exploit of attacking the Castle Lord through the bottom floor roof? To stop the whole lining the third floor balcony with Arrow Carts and Balista? I just don’t get it the way it was setup was perfect it was the third line of defense after the inner wall of the Castle fell.

If the point was to fix the exploit then you guy at ANet need to seriously fix the problem in the map not put a band-aid over it like this. As for the other things those are perfectly viable defense strategies and easily countered if you have a zerg that runs past the Castle Lord to the third level first instead of just staying there and dieing. People still love to stand in red circles lol.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Kelo… I really, 100% believe the castle lord being moved is a temporary measure until the map itself can be fixed.

Moving spawn points and capture points would be easy… changing the properties of maps with permanent floors might take more time.

They won’t allow the top 2/3rds of SM Castle to be pointless for long, I think.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


For all we know, they thought Stonemist is too hard to flip. Otherwise, I have no idea what the point of the second and third floor is now, stairs to climb to the vista?

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


when you line the third floor with 15 arrow carts 5 ballistas and a couple trebs it gets to the point where their isnt even a strategic point in attacking stonemist anymore

Its come to the point where ignoring stomemist will win you the match

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I hope that he eventually gets put back on the 2nd floor.

Every battle I have had in StoneMist thus far has been completely off the charts epic. And the most epic part has always been the final struggle for the castle lord and the claiming. The enemies always set up siege equip on that ramp, and an extremely heated conflict always ensues.

I think once the battle for the inner keep went on for like 30 minutes, and each one of those was heart poundingly intense. By the end of the battle, the keep is just littered with bodies and there are normally maybe 1/10 of the original forces still alive.

I really hope that moving him to the first floor doesn’t make these battles less exciting.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Silvow.3748


Yeah lord back to 2nd floor, just prevent building on third floor, or make a sealing, Like a glass floor you walk on.
Its now just who got the biggest zerg!!
Please replace the lord

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


I wish Anet could stop being in emergency mode and start moving the game forward in a steady post release way.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


I too hope it is temporary to have the KL on the first floor. It just doesn’t feel right to me.

edit: what is the “Harpy Feathers” consumable effect disabled?

SOR – [Boss]

(edited by Setch.2398)

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


The Harpy Feathers effect has something to do with being immune or invisible. Can’t remember exactly, you pick it up in the world and press 1 to use it.

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


The Harpy Feathers effect has something to do with being immune or invisible. Can’t remember exactly, you pick it up in the world and press 1 to use it.

Oh. So this must be the invisible consumable people are talking about. TY

SOR – [Boss]

Major changes to WvW (September 14th)

in WvW

Posted by: Discopumper.7260


when you line the third floor with 15 arrow carts 5 ballistas and a couple trebs it gets to the point where their isnt even a strategic point in attacking stonemist anymore

Its come to the point where ignoring stomemist will win you the match

If they didn’t change it a server could siege camp sonemist for the whole next week.