Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)
Wow there’s quite alot of friction goin on here! I will say as a IOJ player, who is often outnumbered, ive seen good fighters from both DH, and DR, and as per usual i have also seen bad one’s from both sides. But you can’t expect that every person you run into is going to be the next coming of Leonidas lol… I tend to stick to small unit fighting unless something big is going on and MoW is called to help out for a bigger goal. That said, in my experience (which albeit is limited, i was about to quit this game out of boredom after lvling to 80 in a 7 man guild where i was the only one playing lol, until i joined MoW), the DH guys i run into with small group’s are almost ALWAYS a solid thread of my pants type of fight. Not to say i have’nt run into the same with DR(i specifically recall a thief from OINK catching me off guard down by victors lodge this weekend and absolutely destroyin me lol), just that in my experience, this is how it has been. That said, were all here to do the same thing, we enjoy this game and it’s WvW, so maybe we should all take a step back and remember were in this for the FUN! Anyways, just my 2 cent’s can’t wait to run into to you guys when i get off work! Best of luck to all
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
This thread is beautiful. It makes me want to transfer down and win 1vX fights over and over till the forums hit critical QQ. Too bad the hardest decision is whether I transfer to DR to play with dreztina or to IoJ to duel him.
I do find the trash talk in this thread fairly amusing. I’m really not playing much these days, but if you did transfer to IoJ I’d log in to fight ya. :p
Mod note: zastari is my brother please let me make fun of him:(
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
Does this tier have any action from 10AM – 4PM Central or is it mostly a wasteland.
I think you would like dr, it’s similar to how mag was when it was only the mumble crew. A few of us have been pushing to unite the server on our public ts, but maybe 20-30 people using it regularly besides on reset. Come on tsarazi come teach these guys the art of portal bombs, you’d have a lot of fun with adqqsty.
Guild Leader
Yeah well you get to make fun of him in game but only if he is your older brother on the third day of every second week in the fifth patch of the month.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
So last night turned out to be interesting.
Peeked into IoJ’s borderlands and followed around a decent size militia force as they took a tower and a couple of camps, before deciding to make an attempt for Hills. Of course we came up against what I would say is a slightly more numerous presence of IoJ and their many arrow carts. A bit of back and forth happened between the tower and Hills keep, we’d push to the stairs, IoJ would man the siege and pepper at us, they pushed back to the tower, where we provided them the same courtesy. At some point we noticed that we were outmanned, but we carried on, with the IoJ surrounding the tower, eventually breaching the wall and charging in.
As the took the tower, I finally took a breather and noticed something rather odd. While IoJ were busy trying to take a single tower, DH had, meanwhile, taken their Bay and Garrison. Rather curious about what happened there.
Seeing how there was a rather impressive number of DH out and about in IoJ, I decided to drag a comrade to Darkhaven territory to take a couple of camps, just to spite them. Took one, ran out, and spotted a few people from an allied guild, so we decided we might as well take a tower while we were there. A few rams got tossed down, conscripted another comrade into my party, and our five man party turned into a ten man force. Seeing how there weren’t any other sigils around, I flicked mine on, and as we grew in numbers to about fifteen, our mob charged to the east and took a fortified tower without even a hint of Darkhaven, which gave us an idea.
Personally, I thought that we were doomed, the Darkhaven were going to start piling in, and we should take Hills, but after a bit of polling I half guided half followed our mob to Bay, took out a couple of walls, and found ourselves the new owners of a lovely new keep. My guildie was muttering about how DH was giving us trouble in EB, and how we should probably run off to defend it, but personally I figured that all this fortified stuff could use a little renovating and a change of flags, and as someone began tossing down golems, the DR rabble began to do something we oh so rarely do: Attack Darkhaven’s Garrison.
We knocked down a gate before Darkhaven finally started to send some of their rampaging forces from other maps to here, but it was a tad too little, too late. We took the garrison, admired the view, and even ran up further north to take a tower (that had an improved DH presence in it, but again, not enough to stop us) before I finally shoved command on someone else and skittered off to get some sleep.
Yes I know, we were mostly fighting against empty structures, so hardly a challenge, but personally I think it went rather well.
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood
Does this tier have any action from 10AM – 4PM Central or is it mostly a wasteland.
DR has some decent coverage during the day, pretty horrible during the night time. You should come, the OINK bro’s need some more love <3
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life
last episide guild of our lifes: isle of jambo accident choke daughter child on candy pinata then derk haven perform rush doctor to woe away then save car hit dog of jambo. meanwhile debonas rest more five pregnant anger mother then tattoo get to anger also
chairman munong approve eye dazzle opener to hit drama. link of tech future five commodore 64 computer bring audience edge cutting wow hi def emotion.
For any of the DH that saw me at southwest tower in DR border… Sorry for getting sucked into the wall :[ I hopped onto the ledge beside the portal and it dragged me in. At least I just sat there and waited!
Edit: After the tower flipped back to our side, I tried to blink out and it wouldn’t let me. So I couldn’t even waypoint out of there when it was under DH control due to being in combat.
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
(edited by Pentzski.4620)
This thread is hilarious, just skimmed this for the first time. Getting outnumbered/outmanned happens in every matchup….just accept it, handle it and move on. Why QQ over something so trivial.
The most entertaining posts are definitely Acelerion’s. Kid just logs onto forums, puts on this front like he’s the biggest baddest beast on the block but in reality is probably the most frustrated that DR is coming up short every week. I hope he reads this because I’m disappointed he haven’t said much after page 1. Please speculate more about rolling zergs in trios or stomping players in uneven fights you kitten
last episide guild of our lifes: isle of jambo accident choke daughter child on candy pinata then derk haven perform rush doctor to woe away then save car hit dog of jambo. meanwhile debonas rest more five pregnant anger mother then tattoo get to anger also
chairman munong approve eye dazzle opener to hit drama. link of tech future five commodore 64 computer bring audience edge cutting wow hi def emotion.
Excellent work, both on the fighting and the editing.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
We don’t come up short though… If I recall correctly we got second place last week pretty quickly when we had people cuz of the patch (that was lovely :P people actually came to WvW… a lot of new faces). I’d say we are more or less on equal footing as IOJ, but we always get a server like DH. If I had some kind of power, I’d make an alliance with IOJ and crush DH Hit em from both fronts and push em back to the spawn! YEEE! Build balistas and make DH unable to leave! Or build trebs and shower their spawn just for fun! (Just kididng…) Wouldn’t really care if we get 1st, 2nd or 3rd, as long as the big-bad-boy server doesn’t win haha. An alliance would be fun…. maybe one day…. :P
And it’s really not cool to complain about people complaining about being outnumbered… Yeah some people complain too much, but you should try being simply outnumbered. Some of the time, if we had good tactics we COULD hang on and do well, but that takes a lot of work and most people are not that hardcore (TS, etc. etc.) ….and most of the time the enemy forces are just overwhelming… What can you do when all of your forces are defending against 20 enemies at one tower, while a whole other 20 is going for the other tower? Sprinkle a little bit of IOJ icing on top as well…. You should try being outnumbered some time…. but from what I heard, I think DH was outnumbered recently? Then you know We (DR and probably IOJ) have been in that position for over 4 weeks, even longer. By this time, most of us (including me) are already used to it…although it does come up as a topic here and there. I just wish we’d adapt a lil more, cuz it think it’s possible to do well even with smaller numbers, but it takes a lot of commitment and coordination.
Working on dat commander icon, then I’ll muster up some decent defenses …so watch out
(speaking from EB point of view)
YouTube Channel
(edited by MethaneGas.8357)
I can understand people not wanting to witness or acknowledge people on their server getting killed by one-half or one-third of their number but if you watch the movies you will see that the only complaint Iodged was when 50+ people came after 15 (after having their 25-30 get killed by the those 15 a few times).
You will never get better that way.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
It indeed did happen to DH the past weeks, when we got outnumbered by Anvil Rock. If DH’s zerg is big you should see theirs. It is what it is, thats the unfortunate truth. It’s been happening since launch!
I can understand too that its frustrating and some come here to vent a bit. But to come here and trash a more populated wvw server with players who just want to game and have fun? With lines like “time to roll zergz wit me and my elite buddies yo”, thats just unwarranted and comical.
Excellent work, both on the fighting and the editing.
leg hugs 4 u
It indeed did happen to DH the past weeks, when we got outnumbered by Anvil Rock. If DH’s zerg is big you should see theirs. It is what it is, thats the unfortunate truth. It’s been happening since launch!
I can understand too that its frustrating and some come here to vent a bit. But to come here and trash a more populated wvw server with players who just want to game and have fun? With lines like “time to roll zergz wit me and my elite buddies yo”, thats just unwarranted and comical.
We’ve fought against Maguuma zergs (coordinated and playing for points), SBI (uncoordinated and playing for points), Ebay zergs (coordinated and willing to jump over the walls most of the time).
Zergs are needed to take large defensive points, and those of us in the ‘elite buddies guild’ understand this. But to go from fighting 1s and 2s, to 15s and 20s, to 30+, and then 50+ all in the course of an hour or so is a bit ridiculous. What we are wondering is why we don’t see more people getting together with a few friends and trying out roaming. Or even better get 10-15 of your friends and BUILD a group.
I guess what Oozo is trying to say is that if DH realizes that instead of sending 50 people to kill us they can just get 15 decent people together and try to roll us, they have just freed up 35 people who can go do something productive.
But I guess that’s why DH is barely beating IoJ and DR in a match up where we are horribly outnumbered.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
This thread is hilarious, just skimmed this for the first time. Getting outnumbered/outmanned happens in every matchup….just accept it, handle it and move on. Why QQ over something so trivial.
The most entertaining posts are definitely Acelerion’s. Kid just logs onto forums, puts on this front like he’s the biggest baddest beast on the block but in reality is probably the most frustrated that DR is coming up short every week. I hope he reads this because I’m disappointed he haven’t said much after page 1. Please speculate more about rolling zergs in trios or stomping players in uneven fights you kitten
Such language.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
Shout out’s to [EDGE], [AD] for the duels tonight, had a fun time. Also shout out to Oink and Bsty for the good fights in IOJ! Much respect to you all
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
(edited by urbanevil.7145)
Whoever said that DH has almost no week time presence…lol
Whoever said that DH has almost no week time presence…lol
And yet they fail to take absolutely anything 60v15.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
lol the fun never stops with a couple of you folks. during half of Grave and the majority of the bankers shift darkhaven is barren..its a little better now that some pve’rs have come out to play since a win is guaranteed.
to the person who said why dont we run in smaller groups and spread people out. thats the sole purpose of GRIM we run 10 man skirmish teams 7 days a week for atleast 6 hours a day. taking camps,towers and the occasional fort when the opposition decides to lift skirt . we do this so larger forces can do their thing….so to answer the question of why they dont split, they dont have to.
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
at the end of the day i think one thing is important to remember.
It aint cool to fake the funk , lets keep it real shall we.
Jaxx of GRIM.
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Shout out’s to [EDGE], [AD] for the duels tonight, had a fun time. Also shout out to Oink and Bsty for the good fights in IOJ! Much respect to you all
Thanks bro, gl out there.
..see I can be cordial.
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos
lol the fun never stops with a couple of you folks. during half of Grave and the majority of the bankers shift darkhaven is barren..its a little better now that some pve’rs have come out to play since a win is guaranteed.
to the person who said why dont we run in smaller groups and spread people out. thats the sole purpose of GRIM we run 10 man skirmish teams 7 days a week for atleast 6 hours a day. taking camps,towers and the occasional fort when the opposition decides to lift skirt . we do this so larger forces can do their thing….so to answer the question of why they dont split, they dont have to.
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
at the end of the day i think one thing is important to remember.
It aint cool to fake the funk , lets keep it real shall we.
Jaxx of GRIM.
GRIM? Haven’t seen ’em.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs. In this current match up it just so happens we have the most players. A few weeks ago we had Borlis & Anvil and we were in DR/IoJ’s position. Difference is we didnt complain about the numbers (just about every non t1-t2 has this issue) and just kept at it.
Last few days i’ve had some solid fights with your alliance and your players are good, no hating here. I look forward to more of them, props to the cond mes & war in AD i fought today in the afternoon. When those pugs came through i just sat down and watched you guys battle them. Teach them for interrupting! =p
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Lot of fun tonight everybody. That small group of DR (I think it was 3 or 4 btsy and maybe 1 qqsomething) that kept poking us and harassing IoJ in the southern part of IoJ along with that big ’ole IoJ group provided some great times!! Glad to see everyone still kicking during the week.
“you are kind of annoying on the forums. "
Call the kettle black why don’t you lol
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes
(edited by Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982)
Call the kettle black why don’t you
Haha. I guess I can be annoying, yes. But at least I try not to blatantly lie to people
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
Lot of fun tonight everybody. That small group of DR (I think it was 3 or 4 btsy and maybe 1 qqsomething) that kept poking us and harassing IoJ in the southern part of IoJ along with that big ’ole IoJ group provided some great times!! Glad to see everyone still kicking during the week.
It was fun all dance-boppin’ around eachother, mhm!
leg hugs
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
There was a warrior and someone else that was in downed state right before the zerg rushed us, all of us were up at that time. Pretty sure it wasn’t one of the twin mesmers. Also as for ‘getting crushed’ we hit it twice. Once where nearly all of us got away, and then the next time where we took it down. And if I recall there was that SE mesmer that did come up from supply. But you were with about 15 people coming back, not like you were solo, lol
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.
Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.
You are laughable. Really.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Taking and holding bay in dh, I think it was last night was pretty fun. Think we had a 6 v 10-15 infront of SE gate. Was good fun rompastomping you guys!
Darkhaven, can I make one request though?
Stop immobilizing me.
Pic related:
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.
Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.
You are laughable. Really.
-Nice screen. Why dont you actually show the one when you were fighting. SS don’t mean anything really as one of your own said earlier it’s easily manipulated by perspective. I could have taken one were i was isolated with 30 DR and say im soloing a zerg.
-Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.
Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.
You are laughable. Really.
-Nice screen. Why dont you actually show the one when you were fighting. SS don’t mean anything really as one of your own said earlier it’s easily manipulated by perspective. I could have taken one were i was isolated with 30 DR and say im soloing a zerg.
-Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.
Episode 1 of mischievous Swindler; “The one that got away.”
Stay tuned for episode 2 of mischievous Swindler; The straightest 4v4 since Village People met the Jonas Brothers.
Tarnished Coast
Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.
Wasn’t there, so no clue what happened but… please tell me that you and your wife aren’t running identical model/armor mesmers. Please… :P
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
Does this tier have any action from 10AM – 4PM Central or is it mostly a wasteland.
Only one way to find out! Zastari, you must transfer to DR. Then world domination can begin.
Come on, you know you want to.
Sylvari Rouge
I haven’t played in days but I still read this thread regularly because it’s so amusing. AD is like the OG of t6, except with 2-3 groups. I don’t trash talk anymore, but it’s fun watching you guys keep it going.
Game ain’t no fun w/out a bit of drama… hillbilly.
Sylvari Rouge
and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.
It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.
60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.
I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.
I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.
That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.
Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.
Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it
Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?
What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug
You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.
Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.
You are laughable. Really.
-Nice screen. Why dont you actually show the one when you were fighting. SS don’t mean anything really as one of your own said earlier it’s easily manipulated by perspective. I could have taken one were i was isolated with 30 DR and say im soloing a zerg.
-Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.Episode 1 of mischievous Swindler; “The one that got away.” tuned for episode 2 of mischievous Swindler; The straightest 4v4 since Village People met the Jonas Brothers.
You did get swindled, again thats not me thats my wife lol. Notice the assaulter tag on that one, and the recruit or w/e on the screen gab provided. Also my tag says champ slayer and hers says none. All i really saw in that video is you 10v1 some commander, and you guys failing to catch a lone player. Grats! Again, if you want to fight me im down. I called you out before and got crickets in return. Your move.
Oozo, yes, yes we are. It’s hilarious and helps troll big groups as a duo.
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
I haven’t played in days but I still read this thread regularly because it’s so amusing. AD is like the OG of t6, except with 2-3 groups. I don’t trash talk anymore, but it’s fun watching you guys keep it going.
Bunzy is the sole reason why I started talking trash on the forums.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
You did get swindled, again thats not me thats my wife lol. Notice the assaulter tag on that one, and the recruit or w/e on the screen gab provided. Also my tag says champ slayer and hers says none. All i really saw in that video is you 10v1 some commander, and you guys failing to catch a lone player. Grats! Again, if you want to fight me im down. I called you out before and got crickets in return. Your move.
Oozo, yes, yes we are. It’s hilarious and helps troll big groups as a duo.
Yup, thats all that happened on that video. You’re right. kitten that amount of under-analysis that goes into your posts HAS to be trolling, it just has to be. Otherwise I’d be worried that the same analysis goes into your everyday life, like driving or eating food. If I remember our first little meeting with you two it ended with you losing a 6v3, and then winning it whenever one of the 6 logged on their guardian and said the reason that we lost the second fight was because he was on his 80 this time…yea that was the reason we lost the 6v3 the second time. And the next time we met you two learned about the Zamboni of Death a couple of times.
Anyway, you were there plus caught on video for most of it. What was that lame quote from earlier? You shouldn’t fake the foot funk when you cross-dress? I dunno, something like that.
Ya know…this is exactly like talking to Bunzy, lol.
Transferred over and this tier is a kittening ghost town zzzzzzzz
It’s kind of sad how bad the average player in this tier is though. Not having WvW bonuses isn’t nearly enough of a handicap to make it fair.
Transferred over and this tier is a kittening ghost town zzzzzzzz
50+ of IoJ and DH at Valley Keep =P
It’s kind of sad how bad the average player in this tier is though. Not having WvW bonuses isn’t nearly enough of a handicap to make it fair.
What server did you end up on?
Sylvari Rouge
It’s kind of sad how bad the average player in this tier is though. Not having WvW bonuses isn’t nearly enough of a handicap to make it fair.
What server did you end up on?
Devona’s Rest
What a band wagoner. Did your recruitment efforts on maguuma not pan out?
Mesmer-Thief – Small group videos