March update- Predictions/expectations

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


So the big WvW patch is supposed to be this march and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m not much of a PvEr (mostly open world PvE is my thing) and these guild missions were a big let down for me, along with the current state of sPvP and WvW. Im really hoping they improve these two aspects.

I’m hoping for the following.
-More rewards that don’t feel like such a grind. Honors are nice, but the acquisition method is counter productive for the game type.
-More rewards for winning, in the PvE world too. Right now players should feel a need to win WvW. WvW should have an effect in the PvE world since updates to classes are often bunched together with the PvE changes. I mean these are our servers FIGHT TO THE DEATH in the mist! Lets make it seem like it matters to the entire server if we win or lose.
-Claiming has something to it besides just banners flying. Maybe make it so that if a guild has something claimed at the end of the match something special happens. Like merrits. Though this could promote infighting which would be ridiculous too.
- Put some penalties on zergs. The whole bigger the zerg, the slower they go idea was a terrific idea. After 10 players, every 5 players would add in another 5% speed decrease.
-Culling, of course
-Make every class matter. Something about the current meta is it doesn’t bring out the uniqueness of any class except for a few (Mesmer and thief). Minions are unique to necros, though they suck in everything (almost. sPvP and sometimes PvE), turrets/gadgets are the same for engineers. Warriors just hit stuff and do damage (more emphasis on banners and group support would be cool) Rangers the same way except at ranged (more emphasis on traps/spirits would be nice), guardians i’m not up to date on, but they seem to be melee spellcasters with lots of support/passive abilities that also have offensive aspects. Ele’s seem perfect where they are at in terms of making them unique.
-Disable trebuchets inside structures. Nothing kills the glory of taking a place then seeing 4 trebuchets inside of stonemist just launch a frenzy of stones at one wall, and any attempt to build counter trebuchets are only met with destruction, unless you speed build a bunch inside, of course, another structure.
-More options on how to siege a place. I hate how the only way to take a structure is to attack it dead on. Sure you can cut off its supplies, but it wont do much. I’d love to see more emphasis on keep the supply lines open, perhaps blocking the supply line affects npcs or upgrades somehow. I’ve been looking at The Elder Scrolls online version of a huge war, and it honestly sounds great (but we all know how hype is, so I’m not sold on it yet, I want to see some gameplay).
-Creative Siege. Things used for not just dealing damage. Pathblockers (with a build limit so you can’t build a ton next to each other), Way to slow troops down (Asuran freeze machine. In an Raidus around it, slows up to 10 enemies by 10%).
-More Maps. EB is great, Borderlands are ok. But we really need more maps. I honestly would have done away with the borderland maps and just did 3 different but still balanced maps. In every match I’ve been in, the owners of the borderlands own the entire border land of their own and ignore enemies. Only when one server is steamrolling does this change.
-Of course, more guild support.

So what are your predictions? Things you’d like to see in WvW?

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Things you’d like to see in WvW?

1. i belive the major issue at this moment is
skill lag at peak, when ever 2-3 major zergs collide all players on map get stucked
private chat 2 minutes -3 delayed
For me WvWvW is unplayeble betwen 19:00 -24:00 at prime time, then i am forced to leave/ take an break or do fractals
2. i would like to see some rewards for badges, yes badges drop rate has been increased a lot , but at this moment i can only use them to buy 4 exotics and trow them intro forge.
Not necesarly ascended , i would like to see :
Some appearance items
t6 matterials
3. daily wvwvw reward (wvwvw only)
no.1 WvW kills

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


What we do NOT need… a new currency in WvW. Anet seems to be creating new game currency every update (a really bad idea). Let’s hope that stops. Badges are the WvW currency, so I hope they use that.

Other hopes:
1. All ascended gear is available for purchase with badges
2. A new 2 server set of maps.
3. Ability for commanders to unclaim keeps/towers/camps if there are no active buffs
4. Culling fix. At the least, revert back to the original culling system

Some things that I disagree with the OP
1. There should not be penalties for zergs. Some of us really enjoy that type of fight and it is the reason we even play WvW. Smaller groups should be encouraged through increased drop rates or achievements.
2. Keep WvW and PvE activities separate. There are way too many bandwagon jumpers in this game already. We don’t need to see people jumping servers every week based on the buffs.
3. Eles seem perfect? They are the strongest class currently in WvW. The heal nerf from sPvP should have been carried over.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


My predictions:

The only major thing they will add is the world experience advancement system and I’m not sure if Ascended will be tied to the new system or badges. They will completely remove culling and then people will start whining about their computers not being able to handle it. Everything else will be a HUGE letdown and PvE players will be absolutely furious that they need to PvP to get Ascended gear. Of course the ascended cost will be insane, as usual, and more people will quit the game.

Am I close :P

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


My predictions:

The only major thing they will add is the world experience advancement system and I’m not sure if Ascended will be tied to the new system or badges. They will completely remove culling and then people will start whining about their computers not being able to handle it. Everything else will be a HUGE letdown and PvE players will be absolutely furious that they need to PvP to get Ascended gear. Of course the ascended cost will be insane, as usual, and more people will quit the game.

Am I close :P

Such a positive outlook on the situation

Pinkus – Webmaster

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Exasol.2765


I’m hoping for Spvp skill versions/balance to apply to WvW

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Im expecting another flop of a patch.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Deified.7520


What we do NOT need… a new currency in WvW. Anet seems to be creating new game currency every update (a really bad idea). Let’s hope that stops. Badges are the WvW currency, so I hope they use that.

Other hopes:
1. All ascended gear is available for purchase with badges
2. A new 2 server set of maps.
3. Ability for commanders to unclaim keeps/towers/camps if there are no active buffs
4. Culling fix. At the least, revert back to the original culling system

Some things that I disagree with the OP
1. There should not be penalties for zergs. Some of us really enjoy that type of fight and it is the reason we even play WvW. Smaller groups should be encouraged through increased drop rates or achievements.
2. Keep WvW and PvE activities separate. There are way too many bandwagon jumpers in this game already. We don’t need to see people jumping servers every week based on the buffs.
3. Eles seem perfect? They are the strongest class currently in WvW. The heal nerf from sPvP should have been carried over.

What I meant in terms of Eles was that what they makes them unique is kinda magnified with the current meta. Other classes, mostly the ones i mentioned, are usually do physical damage by hitting him with this skill, or apply x condition with this attack. The things that makes the classes unique isn’t maginfied too heavily. Like necros main WvW thing in a lot of builds is corruption which is unique, but they can have so much more to offer, mostly minions i’d like to see an emphasis on.

It is true with the bandwaggoners sort of thing, but I’d like to see a reason to play WvW. Back in gw1 with Alliance Battles you’d achieve imperial points as an alliance and the alliances who had a lot of points would be assigned a town. Then those apart of that alliance had access to an Elite mission (they could also take people into those who weren’t in the alliance). This was marvelious because it ABs seem useful. Players wanted to do them to see that extra content. It wasn’t required because the gear from it wasn’t amazing (though it did look cool), but it still was fun/rewarding for those people who worked hard and fought a ton to seem popular and respected among the community.

I just want to have a feeling of usefullness when I do something in WvW with out players. Like taking a Keep. I just get the feeling "Oh thats cool. Let me tell guild chat. “Hey guys, our guild with some other people just took a tower in EB”. General response is either ignore, i dont care, or “That’s cool”. Then nobody remembers what me and the other players just accomplished 10 mins later.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


Such a positive outlook on the situation

Gotta go with the trend ArenaNet has given us each patch. Ascended has always had large time gates placed on it(rings were actually the lowest). So it’s only natural whatever ascended item they add to WvW will take at least 20+ days to get, perhaps a new WvW daily and currency? I joke, but also shudder because they’ll probably do that.

ArenaNet has also been alienating certain players each patch. At first it was WvW and Dynamic event players with forcing them to do fractals. Then it was forcing Dungeon players to do dailies. This patch it was WvW players(new dailies are hard to complete in WvW most days), dungeon players, and small guild players. Obviously next patch they will alienate dynamic event players and dungeon players.

Just saying that going by the patch trend I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I think after the patch you might have a bunch of people asking for it to be reverted, somehow they always take a positive addition and mangle into something that hurts the game.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


-changes so that who has the best 24/7 coverage isnt the match winner anymore(like an upgrade so it is very hard to take the keep hour for 8 hours, that only is active if to less people of that wvw world are in game → so doesnt work if the server doesnt have an outmanned buff)
-changes so that running in one very large zerg isnt the best tactic anymore (biggest group = not easy winner). Make people so they have to spread out more.. even keep fights should be about surrounding a keep instead of all infront of 1 gate)
-a way to have less queues and force people to spread out more over server
-a bigger and more less static ladder, with more and better competition(liked capped wvw worlds(max like 500 accounts or something) instead of wvw servers(so more wvw worlds on each server → blackgate 1 blackgate 2 etc..)
- no dead in 2 seconds. A better way to defend yourself/or others in very large fights, so you dont day within 2 seconds (damage reduction, or defence abilities work better in large fights. And recheck of some classes who can do to much burst damage in a few seconds.
- no ability lag and culing
- ascended gear you can get doing wvw(badges) and a promise to never ever make better gear that can be used in wvw.(balance problems)
-more fun siege fights: better defence on walls → you cant target them should mean they cant hit you(change of ground targets).. siege walls you can build to hide behind(build your own low health temorary fort that breaks fast on melee range(special bombs → people need to charge ourside a keep).. Not able to treb other keeps/towers from within a keep/tower.. so decreased range…
Increased health of walls and doors. So keep/tower fights will be long battles with fights all around the keep and tower (so not boring siege with siege weapons till somethings breaks.. but groups charging out to destroy a group of sieges defended in a build fort)
-change so wvw wil be loose from pve (like spvp) . With own abilities. Classes changed for wvw in role classes. With abilities suited to forfile that role in a group. And an option to change class/race in wvw. so you always have the right classes for a good group.The new role/class combinations will give lots of new tactics you can use to battle larger groups. (each combination has its weekpoints)
-a personal point system, with a ladder on a webside.. For best class.. or best guild.. best defender , best sieger etc… that resets every week. The best x player on each ladder will get a long timer(hours or maybe once a day) special ability they can use next week till next reset. With ofcourse a special gear they can only use that week(skins) and a title.
- a new area in Lions arch with statues / guild flags of last week winners . And people can sign up/change wvw worlds, look at ranking, where the portals are etc..
- more use of tokes: upgrades keeps towers, gear, crafting items etc..

Oke guess I should stop dreaming now.. But i will be glad if they fix:
-ability lag
-more ways to force servers to not run in a large zerg (more smaller(20-35 ) scaled battles), or make it less efective
-more ways to force peope to spread out more over servers. (or change it so the largest server with best 24/7 coverage isnt the only factor anymore to be the winner: if not people will spread out more by them selfs)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Daendur.2357


my predictions:
almost unplayable WvW for 3 to 5 days due to lag and crashes.
complete rollback to “fix some strange behaviours affecting servers handling more than our 3 characters test crew”
no more WvW updates untill they are ready.
Obviously no Orbs back.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Urrid.4593


I expect: A pile of dead kittens in a sack.

Anything more and I will be overjoyed.

(My expectations are so low the devil itself would have to dig to find them.)

Coral -Mesmer- Omnomnivore and TC’er.

(edited by Urrid.4593)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I expect: A pile of dead kittens in a sack.

Anything more and I will be overjoyed.

(My expectations are so low the devil itself would have to dig to find them.)

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Expects nothing, you will not be disappointed.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


I dont expect anything.
I fear of it.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

-changes so that who has the best 24/7 coverage isnt the match winner anymore(like an upgrade so it is very hard to take the keep hour for 8 hours, that only is active if to less people of that wvw world are in game -> so doesnt work if the server doesnt have an outmanned buff)

You could add a 3 stage buff to outmanned. Stage 1 would make npcs, walls,gates harder to take down. Stage 2 would do the same for the players and stage 3 would make seige cost less and more of a boost to the other 2 stages. also on stage 2 and 3 would make suplies doyaks more faster

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


I’m hoping for Spvp skill versions/balance to apply to WvW

Definitely disagree. Some changes should be carried over (ele heal nerf), but not all. WvW and PvE are way different than sPvP. The truth is that most players don’t even want to play sPvP.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Expects nothing, you will not be disappointed.

Id suggest you expect the worst to not be dissappointed.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


When a server wins a week in wvw everyone on that server should get a mail saying congratulations and giving them a “wvw reward chest” with 5 laurels in it.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Zatoast.3792


With the new system we are supposed to gain some kind of exp for some kind of “wvw rank”. We can do something like every single player, on death, give like 100exp. this 100exp will be divided by the numers of the attackers. So a small group of 5 ppl will gain 20exp each, while a zerg of 50ppl will gain just 2exp each. Same for badge and quality drop. Running in a large zerg will give you more kills but for lower exp, running in small group will give less kills but with more reward.

Zatoast Deathsin – Leader of Oscura Simmetria [OS] on Gandara
Jitte Deathsin – Dobermann Deathsin

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: silkysoft.6749


So many theives are going to qq that they are going to get rolled because of culling being turned off.
You are going to actually need skill in tactics not game mechanics to win battles.
SO many people crying that their 3 year old low range systems can’t handle 30 people running around with their settings on max.

“We have given the PvP patch another miss as a game called Guild Wars doesn’t actually need any guilds to fight each other. We have changed WvW into co-op.”

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: buki.3108


How many badges do you think the Ascended pieces will be worth now that we get tons of bags?

Atm I’m getting 250 badges on a slow night, but I know some people are getting around 1k badges/night.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


My expectations for this march patch:

  • Get rid of message suppression for commanders (this is top priority because a commander must be able to communicate with the team – but how on earth is he/she able to do so whilst suppressed?)
  • Give commanders the ability to change the colour of their commander tag – makes it easier for other players to know at a glance who is where without needing to join a squad.
  • Increase reward types for wvw-only type of players (add in options for ascended items for badges)
  • Add in a few new siege type weapons for versatility (siege weapons that can slow down enemy movement speed, block a small area or similar mechanics)
  • Prestige titles (this is probably already going to be included)
  • More rewards for doing the smaller (but important) things in wvw – like escorting yaks, sentrying, defending objectives etc.
  • Improved loot drops (wvw costs a lot of gold for upgrades etc. try to make the loot relatively rewarding)
  • Culling removal (apparently confirmed) as well as tweaking the game to allow for more optimised fps and smoother game play in zerg vs zerg battles.
Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Prediction: yet another delay

Expectation: Culling removed but lag becomes so unbearable people leave in droves until anet is forced to turn culling back on and admit they don’t know what to do.


March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Pixelninja.6971


My predictions:

Quaggan Sneakers
Underwater tooltip-fixes
More stuff to grind

(edited by Pixelninja.6971)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


- I predict WvW will continue to be unbalanced, the more populated servers will continue to dominate and coverage will remain the main virtue of a winning server. Meanwhile Anet will keep ignoring this pink elephant in the room and say WvW is fine as it is. I will continue not to fight a T5 server, but that’s ok because they are obviously bad players, otherwise they would evolve and multiply

- Some flashy changes that won’t really solve any of the core problems

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


My expectations for this march patch:

  • Get rid of message suppression for commanders (this is top priority because a commander must be able to communicate with the team – but how on earth is he/she able to do so whilst suppressed?)
  • Give commanders the ability to change the colour of their commander tag – makes it easier for other players to know at a glance who is where without needing to join a squad.
  • Increase reward types for wvw-only type of players (add in options for ascended items for badges)
  • Add in a few new siege type weapons for versatility (siege weapons that can slow down enemy movement speed, block a small area or similar mechanics)
  • Prestige titles (this is probably already going to be included)
  • More rewards for doing the smaller (but important) things in wvw – like escorting yaks, sentrying, defending objectives etc.
  • Improved loot drops (wvw costs a lot of gold for upgrades etc. try to make the loot relatively rewarding)
  • Culling removal (apparently confirmed) as well as tweaking the game to allow for more optimised fps and smoother game play in zerg vs zerg battles.

Whats you source that culling removal is confirmed? There is no way they can fix culling imo. FPS drops in big fights even with culling. I think they will remove culling and the result will be a slide show which will force culling to be put back on and anet to admit they cant fix it and will instead “work on improving the current system”.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


Whats you source that culling removal is confirmed? There is no way they can fix culling imo. FPS drops in big fights even with culling. I think they will remove culling and the result will be a slide show which will force culling to be put back on and anet to admit they cant fix it and will instead “work on improving the current system”.

Regarding the culling question:

“Habib Loew: Let’s start with how excited we are to get this patch out. We are really psyched to deliver this content to player and especially the WvW community. So there are two main priorities with this patch: the first is to eliminate Culling, the second is to add in WvW progression for players. The progression allows us to let players feel a sense of advancement past level 80. Also we want to give players some achievements beyond just regular character advancement.”

Habib works in the WvW department and he specifically stated that they’ll be eliminating culling with the march patch.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


I predict the game will stay essentially the same and those things most players find frustrating that have nothing to do with culling will still remain frustrating.

-Desirz Matheon

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: SchuMidas.4782


i hope they remove downed state,
i believe thats the problem in WvW beside culling, because they promote bigged zerg will beable to keep their number with so many spare people to ress.

then maybe they ll implement ability to kick offline / not in WvW in group.

SchuMidas – Guardian
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Yamato Shinobi.4378

Yamato Shinobi.4378

1- Put some penalties on zergs. The whole bigger the zerg, the slower they go idea was a terrific idea. After 10 players, every 5 players would add in another 5% speed decrease.
2-Disable trebuchets inside structures. Nothing kills the glory of taking a place then seeing 4 trebuchets inside of stonemist just launch a frenzy of stones at one wall, and any attempt to build counter trebuchets are only met with destruction, unless you speed build a bunch inside, of course, another structure.

1. I have to disagree with this. Putting penalties on zergs will only be counter-productive in getting people to get together as a force. Something like this could literally ruin the game for those guilds who all like to run together and be coordinated. The game is designed for each class to bring something to the table and an organized group of people in the game utilizing such skills should not be penalized. Also, what happens if you have 10 players together doing great, but then random people just come up and follow the bandwagon? So the 10 original people (all from the same guild for example) should be penalized? Your suggestion wouldn’t work the way the game is designed and to change it would require a major change to how the game and classes play/work together in WvW.

2. There’s nothing wrong with trebuchets insides structures. There are plenty of ways to take them out, even without taking the structure. Additionally, it is further incentive to take a tower/keep that has one that’s attacking your position. Strategically, it makes sense so I wouldn’t want to see this changed. Oh, and I’ve been a treb operator several times being able to take out trebs inside another keep/tower from a well defended position outside of our own keep/tower.

That said, I agree that some classes need to have more specialized abilities useful in WvW compared to the Thief/Mesmer.
Firstly, Thief needs a little bit of a tone down on it’s stealth abilities.

Other than that, some classes (like the Ranger) need to be fixed. Their run speed off the signet isn’t accurate, pet AI sucks and pets are basically useless in WvW.

I like your idea on traps. Let rangers be able to place different types of traps in strategic places and allow those traps to persist and cause a respectable amount of damage. Pet’s need to be more useful, so, at minimum improve the pet AI.

Allow thieves(if spec’ed correctly) to be able to detect and have a chance of disabling traps Rangers/Engineers place without triggering them.

Necros should have the power to be more effective at stealing health from the enemy and raising the dead(allies in WvW). Also, be able to plant on walls and gates destructive(to attack enemies) and protective ooze. This can weaken/strengthen gates from certain types of attacks.

Allow this class more ability to plant bombs and charges. Give this class bonuses for being able to operate and build siege, repair walls, etc.


Yes, we really only have two maps for WvW (the borderlands are redundant). We really need a spice up on map variety.


For example, if a server is totally dominating(like 80% positions held), have a chance to kick off a Dragon Event. The Dragon will attack a tower/keep of the dominating server. The dominating server needs to protect its position until the dragon can be defeated. Other servers can also join in to fight the dragon. Something like this would throw the chips in the air and provide something different.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


I know most of my server/home world would love WvW to have a bigger stake to bring more people to it to want to win it more. Right now I don’t think the extra buffs for your world is really enough motivation for people to join the WvW fight. If there was a bigger stake in WvW for each world, you would probably never have to see the outmanned buff again, which in all honesty I think is worthless. What good does an outmanned buff do if you only get run over by a zerg every time you step into the WvW area, especially when other servers spawn camp you. I haven’t really seen any major updates to WvW since the start in august which is a real shame. But yes the major point I was trying to make was each world should have a bigger stake in WvW to bring more people to fight there and be more competitive and I hope Anet take a serious look at WvW in march because having a team of 10 most of the time is destroying any longing of mine to participate in WvW. Just a thought of mine…and most of my server.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Regarding the trebs, they still need to be allowed to counter enemy siege outside the keep, disabling them inside forts wouldnt work.

They could instead apply a modifier to siege weapons, that reduces their dmg versus structures if they are placed inside an existing defensive structure.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


For example, if a server is totally dominating(like 80% positions held), have a chance to kick off a Dragon Event. The Dragon will attack a tower/keep of the dominating server. The dominating server needs to protect its position until the dragon can be defeated. Other servers can also join in to fight the dragon. Something like this would throw the chips in the air and provide something different.

Not again with this PvE tigerkitten… Multiple threads have had similar ideas come up and only a small handful people ever want to see PvE content of this magnitude in WvW. The temporary, fleeting, and in no way sticky at all population impact would generate queues for as long as the event exists, and disappear just as quickly. The whole overflow+guesting situation in PvE comes to mind fairly clearly.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


Expect nothing. Then everything is a pleasant surprise.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Gedikli.7956


i also expect nothing

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Mehmed.9210


you can be right but as i say maybe!!

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


I predict more adjustments to underwater combat!

Engineer grenades will be nerfed again for some reason!

The culling adjustment and probably some other promised stuff will be pushed off yet again to the April patch!

Expect nothing. Then everything is a pleasant surprise.

Personally, I always expect things to get worse. That way when they do go pear shaped I can be filled with smug satisfaction.

(edited by Attic.1562)

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


I sure hope they do something with the commander and squad system. They need some support for NON zerg force grouping in WvW. Just no in game tools to coordinate multiple groups running together effectively.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

Only thing I expect is more people leaving the game. There is so much hype and expectation on this patch. I really hope it goes well, but I’m not crossing my fingers on anything.

TC Thief

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


Not much is needed to fix WvW. I guess the following three things would make this a killer update already:

1) Remove culling
2) Loot goes directly into bag unless it leaves you encumbered, in which case it stays on the ground
3) A way of getting ascended gear by playing WvW

If those three things are in the update, then it is a massive update. Anything else is just the icing on the cake.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


Not much is needed to fix WvW. I guess the following three things would make this a killer update already:

1) Remove culling
2) Loot goes directly into bag unless it leaves you encumbered, in which case it stays on the ground
3) A way of getting ascended gear by playing WvW

If those three things are in the update, then it is a massive update. Anything else is just the icing on the cake.

Forgot 1 actually: Fix the T8 problem.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


The major issue for WvW is – “what the hell does winning matter”
It just doesn’t matter. Yeah we won. Boo we lost. So what, just bat up against the same 2 opponents again.
More bags is nice, hoperfully something good to use them on is coming.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Only thing I expect is more people leaving the game. There is so much hype and expectation on this patch. I really hope it goes well, but I’m not crossing my fingers on anything.

This. I think it is a huge failing to have ‘big’ patches for any style of content. GW2 has done an awesome job I think of their system of class balancing. Minor tweaks each and every patch, rather then big class balance patches that invariably break more then they fix. Why they didn’t apply this logic to WvW upgrades is beyond me.

It creates a build up of expectations and hopes that will be next to impossible to meet and will result in folks leaving the game, regardless of how good it is.

As for the OP:

I want culling fixed.

I want a progression system that does not favor massive zergs, ie a person should be worth X points. If you kill with 20, X is divided up into 20, not X given to each of those 20 people like the system is now.

Lots of new skins and ascended gear for purchase witch badges.

~ AoN ~

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

When exactly is WvW update? I could have sworn it was the 10th..

TC Thief

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: globe.7238


Lol whats up with all of these people complaining about zergs? This is WvW, theres supposed to be big battles, theres supposed to be small groups/solo roaming, its a combination of them all. Do what makes YOU happy and where you find your most enjoyment. The zergs arent forcing their game play style on you, how about you not force yours on them? And fyi, i’m a small grouper/solo roamer

What we do NOT need… a new currency in WvW. Anet seems to be creating new game currency every update (a really bad idea). Let’s hope that stops. Badges are the WvW currency, so I hope they use that.

Other hopes:
1. All ascended gear is available for purchase with badges
2. A new 2 server set of maps.
3. Ability for commanders to unclaim keeps/towers/camps if there are no active buffs
4. Culling fix. At the least, revert back to the original culling system

Some things that I disagree with the OP
1. There should not be penalties for zergs. Some of us really enjoy that type of fight and it is the reason we even play WvW. Smaller groups should be encouraged through increased drop rates or achievements.
2. Keep WvW and PvE activities separate. There are way too many bandwagon jumpers in this game already. We don’t need to see people jumping servers every week based on the buffs.
3. Eles seem perfect? They are the strongest class currently in WvW. The heal nerf from sPvP should have been carried over.


Imminent Demise » [iD] « Blackgate

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


My Predictions/expectations are, the devs will continue to improve the game mechanics, fix bugs etc.. and mostly culling, Also not forgetting , making major overall adjustment to class balance mechanics.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: LordByron.8369


i hope a HUGE nerf to thieves stealth…..
They are the most hated, and most problematic class in game and yet they complain abouty every other class that is not a free kill for them…(ele, mesmer, guardian even rangers and engineers).

Also some compensation on some mechanic that require skill for them….

also fix to lag issues

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


At this point in time I think I would be happy if they’d at the very least put Condition Damage, Vitality, Toughness gear on the PvP merchants.

I’m not expecting much to be honest.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


dont forget ORBS pls

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell