New WvW progress, character or account bound?

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Mank.2183


Ignore the whine and don’t try to please everybody ArenaNet, it’s your game, you’re the designers and programmers, you have the stats and logs, you have a vision for this game, and no matter what you do people will sook.

Stick to your guns.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


By all means stick to your guns and become trion with dead game after dead game.

Account bound

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I’ve been playing warrior, guardian, necromancer, mesmer, thief and elementalist in wvw, all have about the same playtime. If I get bored, I play another. If this update is char bound, then that would force to play the same char over and over until it bores me to hell and even continue then to get some ranks… Not so cool imo. Sometimes we almost have nobody of a certain profession online, and could really use their support, then I offer to Log on that profession, and offer my services. Is Arenanet aware, that this will kill this kind of freedom?

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Ignore the whine and don’t try to please everybody ArenaNet, it’s your game, you’re the designers and programmers, you have the stats and logs, you have a vision for this game, and no matter what you do people will sook.

Stick to your guns.

What a truly dreadful argument. People are offering their own experience and worries about the system that is coming, this is not something ANet can gather off ‘logs’ or ‘stats’.

Fact of the matter is that sPvP ranks are entirely account bound and a system which rewards only on a per-character basis is detrimental to the game as a whole. It means people who care about this progression may end up playing only one character, lessening the fun they have in the game and burn out faster.

It’s incredibly simple.

And before you use a tired argument like “but then just don’t, don’t do things that aren’t fun just for X, Y, Z”, please think. People will always strive to be as efficient as possible and they enjoy earning new things in MMO’s.

Making World XP (and by extension, titles / ranks) character bound over account bound is a horrible mistake.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

(edited by Intigo.1653)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Lets take a step back from the “OMG ACCOUNT BOUND MANIFESTO NO GRIND,” and actually explain why we are unhappy.

When we first heard about the WvW progress, we assumed that his would be a long system. The type where you don’t reach “max level” unless you play WvW like a maniac (which most of us in this forum do). We saw this progress as a long term plan to spice up WvW, just like fractals keep dungeon lovers busy for a LONG time.

Our image of what WvW progress will look like does not mesh with character bound progress. A great many of us do not want to spend ALL of our time on one character. Our image of WvW progress also makes retroactive credit very important. If we have been playing nonstop for 6 months, shouldn’t we get 6 months worth of credit?

But the truth is, the developers didn’t specify all of that. They did not tell us that this would be a long system, keeping hardcore WvW players busy for months to come. Perhaps retroactive credit is pointless because there is not 6 months worth of content. Perhaps progress is character bound because a hardcore WvWer can complete the progress in a week.

The truth is, we don’t know what to complain about right now.

Let me put it another way.

Current Possibilities:
1) WvW progress is short and character bound
2) WvW progress is long and character bound

Ruled-out Possibility:
3) WvW progress is long and account bound

What I’m hearing in this thread, is that we wanted option 3. Most people are sad because they don’t want option 2. However, I think it is far more likely that option 1 is the case. If it is indeed option 1, then making WvW progress account bound will not solve the problem.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Harshaw.1406


Do you mind giving us a reasoning behind this decision?

It seems like you are trying to force people into playing only 1 character which makes for monotonous gameplay as different classes excel at different parts of WvW (for instance, I roam on a ele and zerg on a necro). Not to mention what kind of a joke it’ll be once you release new classes in the future…

Anet – alienating customers and reducing expansion sales one decision at a time… suite yourselves, gamers have alternatives.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


What I’m hearing in this thread, is that we wanted option 3. Most people are sad because they don’t want option 2. However, I think it is far more likely that option 1 is the case. If it is indeed option 1, then making WvW progress account bound will not solve the problem.

If it’s option 1, then the system itself is a failure no matter which way we turn it. A long and meaningful progression which rewards you along the way is far more interesting than a short and character-bound progression which you’ve finished in less than a few months as a hardcore WvW’er.

Realm Ranks (not Realm Abilities, which may have been too strong, but were interesting) in DAoC were excellent. It took a long time to get to RR11 or similar, but it was very neat to constantly go up in rank as you racked up kills.

The way I see it, option #3 is the only good option, which is why I’m very worried about the direction ArenaNet is taking. Hell, #1 is even worse than #2 as there will be no actual progression if it’s so short that it’s over in a heartbeat.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Victim.3016


You guys can chirp away all you like, but this guy said it best.

I feel like it should be account bound, like dailies, monthlies and every other achievement.

The only things that should be character-bound should be gear.

Commander status should be account bound as well. It’s not reasonable to expect commanders to put up another 100 gold every time they want to play an alt. That’s a good way to get some of your most visible players to burn out faster and quit.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Glad it’s character bound. When nerfs/buffs come the rerolls should be forced to put some effort in other than dumping a bit of gold for insta 80.

=p That said, commander status should be account bound.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Arkedi.5934


Glad it’s character bound. When nerfs/buffs come the rerolls should be forced to put some effort in other than dumping a bit of gold for insta 80.

I wonder why you assume that all the people who have alts leveled them in the matter of a few hours by crafting and such? I have 4 level 80 fully-geared WvW-ready characters and I have put nearly equal amount of effort and time in every one of them. In a few hours of playing in WvW on one character the gameplay gets repetitive and less fascinating. Moreover, different periods of playing in WvW require from you to fulfill different roles: supporting your group in combat, solo scouting, guarding the towers, etc. Why should I abandon 3 of my characters, limit my playstyle options and lower the amount of help I can offer to my group/server in favor of just one character to get this so-called WvW progression? Is being versatile punishable now? Thus, account-bound progression is clearly a better idea.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Glad it’s character bound. When nerfs/buffs come the rerolls should be forced to put some effort in other than dumping a bit of gold for insta 80.

I wonder why you assume that all the people who have alts leveled them in the matter of a few hours by crafting and such? I have 4 level 80 fully-geared WvW-ready characters and I have put nearly equal amount of effort and time in every one of them. In a few hours of playing in WvW on one character the gameplay gets repetitive and less fascinating. Moreover, different periods of playing in WvW require from you to fulfill different roles: supporting your group in combat, solo scouting, guarding the towers, etc. Why should I abandon 3 of my characters, limit my playstyle options and lower the amount of help I can offer to my group/server in favor of just one character to get this so-called WvW progression? Is being versatile punishable now? Thus, account-bound progression is clearly a better idea.

He assumes that because he has no actual argument – much like covenn earlier.

And it’s silly that you have to abandon 3 of your characters if you would like to focus on the WvW progression that they are introducing in March.

I feel bad for the people in my guild who play various classes depending on what the raid needs. This is honestly one of the worst decisions in regards to keeping the game fresh and interesting for people who enjoy multiple characters.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Mank.2183


Making World XP (and by extension, titles / ranks) character bound over account bound is a horrible mistake.

Habib said it himself, “The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.” You want pve xp to be account wide too?

Judging by how easy levelling is, the new system probably won’t be the end of the world either, and I’m looking forward to specialising on all of my alts. ANet have made it character specific for a reason, I’d guess that having it account wide takes away most of the meaning, for both the progression and specialisations they have planned.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Atticus.7194


WvW ranks & abilities are character based. The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.

This is a poorly thought out idea, by making ranks character instead of account bound all your doing is locking people into playing one character to “progress” in WvW which will inevitably equal players getting bored and leaving just as they are now.

How do you guys not understand that the right way to do things is to offer players as many choices and as much diversity as possible to play the game as they want to keep things fresh? Sure you’ll extended the “progression” of characters a little further by making them grind rank every time they want to try a new class but is that what you want? You really think that players doing the same grind over and over again is going to make them happy and keep them interested? Being locked into one character because they can’t or don’t want to invest that time in a new class?

Stop trying to figure out new ways to keep that carrot just out of reach and start thinking of new things to offer and new ways to do it because eventually that carrot is going to rot and we’re all going to find something new to go for.

Making World XP (and by extension, titles / ranks) character bound over account bound is a horrible mistake.

Habib said it himself, “The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.” You want pve xp to be account wide too?

Judging by how easy levelling is, the new system probably won’t be the end of the world either, and I’m looking forward to specialising on all of my alts. ANet have made it character specific for a reason, I’d guess that having it account wide takes away most of the meaning, for both the progression and specialisations they have planned.

See you’re basing your assumptions off of your personal preferences, you don’t mind grinding the same thing over and over and over again for all your alts, however for myself that sounds like the definition of boring. You feel that the reason they’re making this progression character bound instead of account bound is to make sure it isn’t trivialized, to me I see this as a means to control the amount of progression there is and make sure that players choose specific goals rather than having the freedom to experience multiple ways to progress. If you’re cool with grinding the same thing over and over then that’s awesome, but for me I’d like the option of playing whatever character I like on any given day in WvW and not feeling like I’m starting from scratch. To each their own.

(edited by Atticus.7194)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Arkedi.5934


Well, in the end what matters is your time and how you want to spend it. I like to have a choice concerning my gameplay and I see nothing bad in it. Nobody demands any particular actions from me, I am doing what I consider to be important at the moment. And progression is an essential part of the game and naturally I don’t want to spend 4 times as many hours to bring all my characters up to the same level, as it happens with an ascended gear right now.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Making World XP (and by extension, titles / ranks) character bound over account bound is a horrible mistake.

Habib said it himself, “The best way to think of this system is as alternative/extended character progression.” You want pve xp to be account wide too?

Judging by how easy levelling is, the new system probably won’t be the end of the world either, and I’m looking forward to specialising on all of my alts. ANet have made it character specific for a reason, I’d guess that having it account wide takes away most of the meaning, for both the progression and specialisations they have planned.

Little more grind added to multiple little grinds, even if it´s “just a little grind” doesn´t mean it´s ok.

Progression can be done easily even with account bound, gw1 alliance battles show this well enough. Specialisations will not be permanent (atleast they better not be), so i would expect to be able to easily switch specialisations when you switch characer.

Personaly i don´t see good enough reasons for it to be character bound, but please point out exact reasons you think it´s would be better if character bound.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Odaman.8359


He assumes that because he has no actual argument – much like covenn earlier.

And it’s silly that you have to abandon 3 of your characters if you would like to focus on the WvW progression that they are introducing in March.

You’ve lost your mind if you think the casual friendly devs at arenanet are going to create a power gap with this kitten. We’ll be lucky if any of it is even useful. You’re right though, I don’t have an arguement. Just wanting character progression to be character progression rather than be another dumbed down system. Account progression would benefit me more than most of you since I have every class to 80 and geared with multiple suits. I wouldn’t throw a hissy fit either way… but apparently you will.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

(edited by Odaman.8359)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: hplee.2839


I am ok with WvW progression being player bound, because i played different role when i use different characters, for instance , when i play my ranger, my role is usually standing on the wall and snipe down those down enemies and use Longbow 5 on choke point; for my Guardian i usually stand behind the bulk of our troops and use support skill such as staff 4 and shout utilities.

Depend on how the system is implemented, i will love to progress my characters differently and gain the benefits that are suited to the specific roles i give them.

So yeah, i am ok with the idea of wvw progression being character bound, as long as the badges remain account bound, and i hope anet can make sieges account bound ,too!

Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia

(edited by hplee.2839)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Fate.5961


I think it’s too bad that more grinds and currencies are being added every other month, contrary to the original philosophy that this company used to back. But going back on words isn’t new. Look at what happened with HoM, a promise that was virtually kicked into the gutter after years of hyping it (and keeping GW players at it).

My concern is that the powers above have lost their ways by being too focused on looking through what’s essentially the eyes of god, except this one is suppressive, micromanaging, and too high up in the sky to be able to see things at the ground level. Patch up all the fun, ignore all the bugs, and increase the amount of work. Make GW2 a second and third job.

Game theory is getting played out. All this progression just further discourages the everyday players from helping out the overall community. The scale keeps tipping further towards personal progression. This is not a good thing. All I can do is hope that my favorite game crew will take a look back at their roots and put just a tiniest bit of work into improving the overall community, which in turn will make loyal players want to play for years and years. And by community, that doesn’t mean a handful of charming favorites from the beta days who are all talk and have little knowledge.

Additional grinds like this makes only makes the good people wonder, why even bother? Let’s all just submit to this trend and just play for ourselves, until we burn out and go on to another game. Why do anything that will help and grow a community, when I can continue to focus on myself? Maximize my personal interest by farming, take advantage of gem sales that can’t be afforded by community-focused players, then scorn and laugh at all the Anet supporters, casual players, and newer players who will have to buy gems with real cash to deal with inflation and catch up to the increasing grind, of course while secretly cheering on exploiters, scammers, and botters who couldn’t care what game they play (I’m talking about you, map chat). Just stop caring, burn out, and move on to something else. It’s an outlook as depressing as this rambling post.

Illustrious Leader of
Love and War [LAW]

(edited by Fate.5961)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Ignore the whine and don’t try to please everybody ArenaNet, it’s your game, you’re the designers and programmers, you have the stats and logs, you have a vision for this game, and no matter what you do people will sook.

Stick to your guns.

You know what I do when I’m truly fed up with a company (in any commercial environment)? I don’t tell them a thing. I don’t tell them what they did wrong, I don’t tell them why I’m upset with them, and I don’t tell them what I think they should do differently. I simply quit buying their products or services. I want them to keep screwing up and I want them to go out of business.

If ArenNet is stupid enough to listen to your advice instead of listening to the feedback from their customers , they deserve to go out of business too.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: felivear.1536


I may be the vocal minority here but having everything account bound is so care bear. If you want something on another character, then earn it. It’s what MMOs are. This isn’t some IOS game that you play to pass the time between bus rides. It’s meant to engage you and have you coming back. Accoun bound items are the bane of longevity to MMOs.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


I am happy to wait and see, the system may be fine, I play these games for fun and a certain amount of challenge often provides that fun.

If the character progression system is of a reasonable duration ( to me ) I will level many alts in the wvw progression as I enjoy playing each character type.

If it is not reasonable ( to me) I will likely level just my main until I am bored and seek other more enjoyable worlds.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradox Xion.1038

Paradox Xion.1038

General ranking ie: level 0-80 Character bound as it is now
General PvE titles/stats: Account bound as it is now
WvW titles/stats: Account bound
Commander title: Account bound

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I may be the vocal minority here but having everything account bound is so care bear. If you want something on another character, then earn it. It’s what MMOs are. This isn’t some IOS game that you play to pass the time between bus rides. It’s meant to engage you and have you coming back. Accoun bound items are the bane of longevity to MMOs.

Character by character grind is the bane of enjoyment in MMO’s.

One of the key selling points for GW2 when it was first being hyped by ArenaNet was that it would try to avoid gear/ability/skill/etc grind as much as possible. They said they were going to focus on making the game equally enjoyable and playable for new subscribers as well as old. Having to resort to progression means that they couldn’t figure out how to live up to their promise. It isn’t carebear to want to just play the kittening game you paid for without some crap like having to “earn” your way there.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Commander title: Account bound


Account bound facilitates bad commanders getting around name recognition of being bad, amongst other negatives (PvE clutter of doritos, and PvE “commanders” running around in WvW, refusing to turn off their tag, etc; these things are minimized by the cost). It also makes it an exercise in bookkeeping if everyone is running around with alts with commander tags just to remember who is who and who isn’t who (particularly the latter when the formerly noted issue comes into play).

(A good commander is not and really should not, have trouble getting the necessary capital to buy another tag if they are in dire need of an alt. That’s what a community is for (on your server), and that’s what name recognition is for (on your server)…)

Feel free to point out some glaring issue I’ve missed, though. I’ll happily amend my views if I’m shown something paramount that I’ve missed.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Paradox Xion.1038

Paradox Xion.1038

Having the tag on one character or all characters wont effect a commander refusing to turn off the tag, it wont make a good commander bad or a bad commander good.

Good players will very quickly figure out and recognize a bad commander from a good one and will stop following a bad one regardless of what name/character he is using. They will also remember the good ones no matter how many names they use. Many of my guild members have multiple alts with names that are very different from their other character. Somehow Ive managed to remember who is who despite that.

Also, Im guessing that every server has a community voice server. Most players join that server when playing (at least they do in my server). You get to know who is who simply from that.

If someone REALLY wants to have the tag on more than one character right now all they have to do is pull out a credit card and buy the extra books (Im sure that would make Anet very happy). What difference does it make if its already account bound or people donate for extra tags or players buy them with a credit card. The end result is the same: multiple characters on the account with the tag.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Mank.2183


See you’re basing your assumptions off of your personal preferences, you don’t mind grinding the same thing over and over and over again for all your alts, however for myself that sounds like the definition of boring. You feel that the reason they’re making this progression character bound instead of account bound is to make sure it isn’t trivialized, to me I see this as a means to control the amount of progression there is and make sure that players choose specific goals rather than having the freedom to experience multiple ways to progress. If you’re cool with grinding the same thing over and over then that’s awesome, but for me I’d like the option of playing whatever character I like on any given day in WvW and not feeling like I’m starting from scratch. To each their own.

I do mind grinding, that’s why I gear my alts for different experiences. I understand your worries, but the point of character progression is to bring meaning to how a character progresses and what they specialise in. You won’t get that with account wide systems, even if xp is account bound and abilities are character bound. I’m sure account based xp would be helpful if done right, but the effort in balancing xp gained on an 80 that you then use on a lower level doesn’t seem worth the effort, especially when suitable level rewards are already in place for characters.

To me, account wide progress will combine the experience in such a way that either most of my alts feel very similar, I have less emotional attachment to them, I am forced to play an 80 to level an alt efficiently (or WvW account xp on an 80 could be so nerfed that I may as well play all my alts), or that the choices I make per character are overall pointless.

~To others~

Some of you are forgetting what “RPG” means. ANet are giving us an alternative/extended character progression. First in WvW, but considering they deem WvW as part of the pve framework, there’s a good chance this system could be extended to pve. You do not see expansions that raise the level cap, or add alternative advancements make progress account wide.

Anyway, we don’t know how beneficial the skills are yet, nor do we know how difficult it will be to progress in the new system. People are acting as if they’ll make this a massive grind, won’t listen to any feedback, can’t change the curve, and are unable to make this viable for alts.

Little more grind added to multiple little grinds, even if it´s “just a little grind” doesn´t mean it´s ok.

You want everything just handed to you don’t you.

(edited by Mank.2183)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


This game certainly sends out mixed messages. Is it about the virtual character or the end user? For me, it should be about us, the actual living person. With less concern given to or control over the avatars we chose to use. For in the end, we can only use one at a time. And, any control mechanism will create frustration..

It’s like having a drivers license. We can have many cars but, use one at a time. Any tickets or accidents are on us, the individual, not the vehicle. My good driving credit is under my name, not the vehicle…

Habib, if I may, please focus more on the individual.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

(edited by DeWolfe.2174)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Little more grind added to multiple little grinds, even if it´s “just a little grind” doesn´t mean it´s ok.

You want everything just handed to you don’t you.

There´s this thing that this is a guild wars game.
Some of us were fans of gw1. We liked what it was like. It was very alt friendly, we could easily gear up our alts, we could focus on trying new things and builds, we could tinker with whole character, from equipment to attributes and skills very easily to develop and create what we felt like was our character and what suited our playstyle.
To us, our character progression came not from game telling us that we´ve gained a new level, it came from how we played that character, how our skill builds and playstyle evolved, how we interacted with the game.

Now while this is gw2, and should not be exactly like gw1, i think it´s reasonable to want it hold atleast some core principals of what made gw1 the game we liked. Instead, we now have to go through a process of getting alt to 80, gearing him with exotics and now we can start experimenting with builds and stuff, but oh…we need to get different set of exotics if we want to try out different build, well better start grinding those again.
Personaly, i only started to get attached to my alt after i got him to level 80, started toying with the build and looks of the gear and actualy playing the thing i like most, wvw. Before that i had to just grind away at things i had already gone through with my main, same areas, same events, same mobs, same npcs. Aside from personal story (beginning of that anyway) there was very little unique about my playthrough. Skill set was a bit different, true enough, but i only began truly appreciate that after i had fully unlocked it along with traits.

So as matter of fact i don´t want everything handed to me, but i would like it to take less than months of casual play, all taken out of time i could´ve played things i like (wvw for example) to get an alt to point where i can actualy start playing with it. And furthermor, i´d like if i wasn´t made to go through same process of artificialy building my character and then another and another, everytime they release an update.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


ANet it account wide. Make it long but account wide.

For me personally character bound will make GW2 much more short lived than it should be, and i think im not alone in this boat.

If you want to make something character bound, make titles character bound, those are considered fluff that you need to grind for, but make actuall skills (functionality) shared among all your characters. Isnt that how its supposed to be? Isnt that what GW2 is supposed to be about?

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

(edited by MikaHR.1978)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


PvPer dont mind progression systems to be some sort of short tutorial to not overwhelm, as long as the power ceiling is fast achievable i.e.:
- Leveling skills to lvl 30
- unlocking additional skills to diversify
- unlocking weapon skills
- achieving a ladder position/ranking (depending more on current playerskill)

Only a few things pvper dont mind to “GRIND” for…:
- Lifetime achievements/Titles (or unlocking all additional (not urgently needed…) skills/skins and such)
- keeping rank/position in a ladder
- evolving own playerskill over long periods of time

Thats why you CANNOT use/compare pve or Pen&Paper RPG progression systems with pvp…

…similiar reason why shooter fans dont like unlocking of weapons/maps to be part of pvp modes. If there is a new weapon (or map) released, you want to use (LEARN…!) it NOW..not haveing to grind for it…
Still, Devs all over the world cant seem to figure out this distinction between “pure” pve VS pvp “progression”… cough Planetside cough
(seems, the concept of horizontal VS vertical progression is TOO hard to grasp…^^)

Slightly Offtopic…
My main problem, how this game is “evolving slightly” into a generic “mmo-gateing-zoo”. (Ascended Gear…)
Instead of evolving existing systems and building on them, they add one new system after the other, while existing systems/mechanics get neglected…
(…or not touched, out of fear they could break?!)

- Karma vs Laurels
We had already karma IG (lots of other specific tokens), what was the need for laurels then…? Would crafting economy “derail” because some might push all karma into craft materials??
(…punishment for those who dont like to go for legendaries and therefore are sitting on “useless amounts” of karma?…^^)

- WvW Achievements…
Instead on expanding/adding more “in-between-steps” (wvW monthlies, own daily category, etc.) for the existing WvW we get a “new system” decoupled from the old…makeing the old system (even) more “worthless”…

- Skill points…
Yeah, other than for Mystic Forge/Legendaries…again a nice system becoming useless or “misused” (…why use skill points at all for crafteing?!).
Why not use skill points for more skills…like WvW skills??

(edited by Edragor.9164)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Laxuar.3504


+1 for Account Bound

I don’t understand why anet don’t use a survey sistem for these things.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Dralor.3701


Sad to hear this is account wide, assuming a good number of us switch chars based on situational needs, for variety, solo vs grouping etc. This will be especially brutal if the higher ranks will be difficult to obtain like high RR in other games.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


You want everything just handed to you don’t you.

You mean because we paid real life money for a game that was hyped to have little to no grind? Yeah, pretty much that. Video games are entertainment, not some real-life character-building experience. I don’t have to earn the right to see a movie that I pay for, I don’t have to earn the right to buy a ticket to a basketball game, and I don’t have to earn the right to watch a concert on TV. I shouldn’t have to slog my way through anything to enjoy WvW the way it was originally portrayed, with an immediate focus on skill, strategy, and tactics and without the need to grind for anything of substance.

Take your misdirected sanctimonious crap elsewhere …

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Delete.3975


Account Bound progression is really the only way to go with this, unless you want people to feel forced into playing only one character, which, in this game, is really just not a good idea considering you guys are making money off people wanting to play more characters. There is no reason behind making it character bound, you may think “Oh but it adds progression, something to be proud of” but the community sees it more as “I’ll log to my other characte- wait, no that character doesn’t have these bonuses, I’d be better off just staying on this character”

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


I have multiple 80s. I’ll be leveling each of them up with the WvW abilities/ranks.

Seriously… I’m OK with that. It’s not the end of the world. Rather than mass-grinding a single character up I’ll be more casually working them up individually. Not a big deal, really.


New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Mank.2183


You want everything just handed to you don’t you.

You mean because we paid real life money for a game that was hyped to have little to no grind? Yeah, pretty much that. Video games are entertainment, not some real-life character-building experience. I don’t have to earn the right to see a movie that I pay for, I don’t have to earn the right to buy a ticket to a basketball game, and I don’t have to earn the right to watch a concert on TV. I shouldn’t have to slog my way through anything to enjoy WvW the way it was originally portrayed, with an immediate focus on skill, strategy, and tactics and without the need to grind for anything of substance.

Take your misdirected sanctimonious crap elsewhere …

Ugh, are you self entitled or what. You didn’t read anything did you. No one has said it will be a slog, we don’t even know how difficult it will be to progress, and we don’t know how beneficial the skills are yet. With how easy 1-80 is now I highly doubt it will a terribly grind. If anything character bound progress will bring more skill, strategy, and tactics to the field, as the buffs/skills could encourage some sweet emergent gameplay, with our characters having a more defined role in WvW.

If you’re going to completely disregard everything I said, only to ignorantly insult me and exaggerate something you know nothing of, then you are one of those people I kindly warned ANet not to listen to.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Torres.2890


First WvW update and this is what they do?
Make it account bound omg!

Baruch Bay.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: playandchill.3908


Keep you tears for the patch guys.


[LANI] Multi glad pewpew


New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


You want everything just handed to you don’t you.

You mean because we paid real life money for a game that was hyped to have little to no grind? Yeah, pretty much that. Video games are entertainment, not some real-life character-building experience. I don’t have to earn the right to see a movie that I pay for, I don’t have to earn the right to buy a ticket to a basketball game, and I don’t have to earn the right to watch a concert on TV. I shouldn’t have to slog my way through anything to enjoy WvW the way it was originally portrayed, with an immediate focus on skill, strategy, and tactics and without the need to grind for anything of substance.

Take your misdirected sanctimonious crap elsewhere …

Ugh, are you self entitled or what. You didn’t read anything did you. No one has said it will be a slog, we don’t even know how difficult it will be to progress, and we don’t know how beneficial the skills are yet. With how easy 1-80 is now I highly doubt it will a terribly grind. If anything character bound progress will bring more skill, strategy, and tactics to the field, as the buffs/skills could encourage some sweet emergent gameplay, with our characters having a more defined role in WvW.

If you’re going to completely disregard everything I said, only to ignorantly insult me and exaggerate something you know nothing of, then you are one of those people I kindly warned ANet not to listen to.

Say what you want, your comment that some of us "want everything just handed to " us deserved that response. “Self entitled?” Bullkitten. I can practically guarantee that I have worked harder in real life for what I have than you have, and I have a great deal to show for it as a result. I just don’t see the carryover to a video game that I play as a diversion from such matters.

Besides, it’s pretty silly of you to warn ANet to ignore the 90% or so respondents to this topic that disagree with you. I would say that ANet does so at their peril.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Taldek.6105


I agree character based bad, not really any good excuses for it honestly. And based on conversations I have heard and the vast majority of comments here I am not in the minority. Those of you trying to tell yourselves otherwise, whatever your reason may be in showing support or defending this, just remember rule number 1 in a PvP based game: you need other players present. I hope this game doesn’t go down as other pvp-centric games have and self destruct by ignoring this simple fact.

Blackgate – [KnT]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Ubi.4136


I remember reading a post that they couldn’t make auto-loot actually go into our bags because it broke a few things, that they could never sort out.

(not sure if I am laughing about this next part, if it’s the case)
Why do I get the impression that the reason they have ‘decided’ to go with character bound is because they just aren’t capable of making it account bound? Seriously, like no one there actually knows how to do it.

I like the game, or I wouldn’t play, but every time they change something (especially when it completely negates/contradicts their whole “manifesto” thing [I’m still expecting them to raise the level cap at some point like they are adding new tier of equipment now]) I am reminded of why I left Rift. I know our government constantly says one thing and then does another, is it sad that I want/expect more from MMO companies?

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Why do I get the impression that the reason they have ‘decided’ to go with character bound is because they just aren’t capable of making it account bound? Seriously, like no one there actually knows how to do it.

They don’t have issue tracking other things across multiple characters (they do this regularly with dailies), so I don’t see why tracking “experience” would be an issue (and they already have an achievement that does that too). In this case they’d simply be adding a WvW experience bar and tracking it… just as they track any other WvW related achievement or achievement in general, or sPvP rank.

If anything is to be likely is that, even if they change their mind, they may not have time to change it before March launches. (The other likely thing is that they thought that people would like character progression in WvW… since that’s what people scream about fairly regularly.)

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Mank.2183


Say what you want, your comment that some of us "want everything just handed to " us deserved that response. “Self entitled?” Bullkitten. I can practically guarantee that I have worked harder in real life for what I have than you have, and I have a great deal to show for it as a result. I just don’t see the carryover to a video game that I play as a diversion from such matters.

Besides, it’s pretty silly of you to warn ANet to ignore the 90% or so respondents to this topic that disagree with you. I would say that ANet does so at their peril.

/sarcasm Because what you and I have worked for IRL is absolutely relevant to what kind of character progression developers want in their game…

Again, you’re misunderstanding me. That specific comment was directed to Strang.8170, I haven’t meant to portray that everyone wants everything handed to them. I also didn’t warn ANet to ignore everybody that disagrees with me, I said it’s their game, they know more than we do, and no matter what happens people will complain, so don’t completely buckle under the pressure. Of course they should take feedback into account, but do what they think is best. For all we know they could come up with some crazy hybrid account wide+character bound progression system.

“If ArenNet is stupid enough to listen to your advice instead of listening to the feedback from their customers , they deserve to go out of business too. I paid for this game, and so deserve every new addition to the game AFTER I paid progressed and unlocked for me, yet when I get fed up I won’t tell ANet what they did wrong, I want them to keep screwing up, and I want them to go out of business” is exactly the kind of talk I meant for them to ignore. I paid for this game too, and we’re getting a kitten good deal for our money as it is. It is very self entitled for people to think they deserve everything thereafter their way, simply because they previously bought the game.

This has run it’s course, I hope we get something we both can enjoy. Good day.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Trikki.5803


I think this will be a true test to whether Anet listen to the community or not.

This patch will absolutely make or break my decision to stick with this game long term.

Trikki – GM [NOC] Nocturnal (Oceanic Mature Age Guild)

(edited by Trikki.5803)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


When did players get so lazy that they expect everything to be account wide, or retroactive.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: blasius.4723



I think this will be a true test to whether Anet listen to the community or not.

This patch will absolutely make or break my decision to stick with this game long term

….1000% agreed..
Anet should see the majority from players…if most of us disappointed ..ppl left and then what happen? ..merging servers ? then the game goes down…imho ( i just remember daoc )

Sea of Sorrow : since day 1 – my home land
Bone(engi80)-Taran(thief80)-Clea(ele80)-Enci(guard80)-Mina (mesmer80)

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


When did players get so lazy that they expect everything to be account wide, or retroactive.

Dunno, I don’t think there’s anything bad about giving us an account bound rank like sPvP’s rank.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


Note to ANET.

Players may enjoy progression.


Dont think they have a free will.

Meega Kweesta

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: MikaHR.1978


When did players get so lazy that they expect everything to be account wide, or retroactive.

Ever since they cant enjoy the game because of pointless idiotic redundant grinds.

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


Again, you’re misunderstanding me. That specific comment was directed to Strang.8170, I haven’t meant to portray that everyone wants everything handed to them.

And yet you don´t love me enough to reply… love me kitten love me!

Those ignorant people who think it´s lazy to want account bound, what are you smoking because i want that kitten too. Doing something that feels like work in a videogame that is made, bought and consumed for enjoyment purposes is bad, simple as that. We´re willing to work for our titles/skills/etc. once, so that we feel we´ve achieved something and to make those rewards have more oomph factor. We´re not willing to work and work and work for it all over again everytime we want to change our playing experience by changing characters.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]