Riverside vs Gandara vs Aurora Glade
I will say that for every guild AG has gained they have lost one as well. Reset is great for us but once most of us were done, Riverside took everything.
That’s the way it goes, nobody has 24/7 coverage, the winner is often decided on how they can deal with their worst hours without losing too many points.
That Riverside warrior lowbie @ AG BL who was teabagging, dancing, sitting, sleeping on top of my body, fondling my womanly parts while I was tanking the floor, I’m going to get you. I’ll find you. I’m going to hide legos inside of your shoes and leave dirty laundry inside of your fridge. Sadly I don’t even remember your guild tag or how you look like so I’ll just have to kill every single RS and do exactly the same things to them. Viva la memory of a goldfish!
Sounds fun, can I help?
hobby: busting Trebuchettes
Gandara server
RS Zerg last night in AG BL gave me ptsd. Epic fights where you wiped 3 separate guild groups from AG multiple times. Good fun!
As an aside, any RS/Gandara guilds interested in GvG with a small AG guild running 8-12 people in WvW, please do not hesitate to PM me in game or in forums. We are looking to refine our movements, strategies etc., and anyone willing to spar with us is more appreciated!
Have a great week!
I am taking a break this week. Nothing in this match up for a 15 man group anymore :/
Best of 5 GvG 17vs17 against FURY.
Thanks to the FURY guys for the fights. Good sportmanship and I definetely recommend to other guilds to gvg with them.
(edited by Reager.2496)
TuP – thanks for the interesting fights we had tonight , that train did hurt abit more than i expected xD
Think most we had was 12 on the first fights , still a lot of stuff to improve on, shame we dont have much reports on gandara for enemy movements -.-
I have been playing this game since the beta weekends and enjoyed it.The last 1-2 months I’ve been playing wvw more but over this time I have seen more and more mindless unskilled zergs from RS and BB player’s of 60+ and recently from AG as well. Instead of skilled 15-20 player groups and because of this as taken some enjoyment from it due to the amount of lag it causes.
TuP – thanks for the interesting fights we had tonight , that train did hurt abit more than i expected xD
Think most we had was 12 on the first fights , still a lot of stuff to improve on, shame we dont have much reports on gandara for enemy movements -.-
For a small number you guys run really tight and pack quite some punch. I think our numbers were fairly even for the first few fights, but as the night wore on we ended running with around 20 so felt slightly bad when engaging you. Sadly we’ve been hit in the back too many times when engaged with another enemy that we can no longer afford to leave smaller groups alone, so it’s got to the point that if it’s red it’s dead regardless.
I wish there were more guilds with your attitude though Climb, roaming around by themselves looking for fights. There’s certainly enough skilled players on Gandara for them to do that. However, as for Riverside, I can totally understand why you guys have to run around with such large numbers.
Does the Riverside Wehrmacht ever stop? Or do you just run golems around the maps until you get dizzy?
This is the way of the Riverside. They golemrush their way to massive leads in the weekends cause they are …. more bad …. rest of the week
Every Matchup, same whining from you…….
Don´t worry monday is coming then you can do once again your Night and Morning PvDoor;-)
Did you ever saw one us complaining about?
I suggest you to look just about the Points on PT there is AG first, we second and gandara third so step back from that point cause it is false.
As i said before on RS are just few organized Guilds who run on their own, all others are just randoms or smaler Guilds of 10 people so the run often together, you should accept this and play the Game instead of that some of you are complaining about Bullkitten.
AG has some very decent Guilds, DTK faced some of them and it was very funny, Gandara………….just 2 Guilds which are notable on my opinion, rest is mindless zergs, i see you learned a lot from BB and RS;-)
Greets Myrmi
(edited by Myrmidone.4362)
Does the Riverside Wehrmacht ever stop? Or do you just run golems around the maps until you get dizzy?
This is the way of the Riverside. They golemrush their way to massive leads in the weekends cause they are …. more bad …. rest of the week
We do on Weekend, you do the rest of the week, so its 2 days against 5;-)
Greets Myrmi
Well, we gandarans managed to hold 2 towers on AG borderland and we got into their keep 2 times from 8 through 11pm under Jaydhren’s first command. We were outmanned 3 to 1 by Aurora Glade, so good game.
Thumbs up for guildie
No point in complaining about blobbing really, when the game so blatantly caters to that approach.
Remove the AoE cap allready!
No point in complaining about blobbing really, when the game so blatantly caters to that approach.
Remove the AoE cap allready!
I agree to this point. No AoE cap means small groups aren’t limited to hitting 5 out of, say, 20 offenders, instead they would hit all 20 and would possibly be able to defeat them, by skill instead of by manpower.
Have to say the AoE cap is an annoying thing and would soon break zergs down in favour of smaller groups once again!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue
Even as a smallscaler, I’d say that removing the AoE cap would be the worst thing that could happen to this game. Changing it to sth that makes more sense would be smarter.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
No point in complaining about blobbing really, when the game so blatantly caters to that approach.
Remove the AoE cap allready!
I agree to this point. No AoE cap means small groups aren’t limited to hitting 5 out of, say, 20 offenders, instead they would hit all 20 and would possibly be able to defeat them, by skill instead of by manpower.
Sadly, it’s not as easy as that. An AoE cap removal would also mean that everyone of this 20 offenders could heal all the other 19 at once with his AoE healing skills if they grouped up… let alone buffs
No point in complaining about blobbing really, when the game so blatantly caters to that approach.
Remove the AoE cap allready!
I agree to this point. No AoE cap means small groups aren’t limited to hitting 5 out of, say, 20 offenders, instead they would hit all 20 and would possibly be able to defeat them, by skill instead of by manpower.
Sadly, it’s not as easy as that. An AoE cap removal would also mean that everyone of this 20 offenders could heal all the other 19 at once with his AoE healing skills if they grouped up… let alone buffs
They could just remove it for attacks. But yeah i’m with Zumy on this, it’d be a bad idea.
As a melee your just never going to hit more than 5 people regardless. Rangers / Engi’s with the piercing thing again you wont hit much more than 5.
It’d just be a massive buff to staff eles and glamour mesmers basically. It’d have pretty massive balance implications that i think most people haven’t really thought about.
If your fighting 80 guys the only thing that will work is auto attack anyway, it wouldn’t even help all that much.
Every Matchup, same whining from you…….
Don´t worry monday is coming then you can do once again your Night and Morning PvDoor;-)
Did you ever saw one us complaining about?
I suggest you to look just about the Points on PT there is AG first, we second and gandara third so step back from that point cause it is false.
As i said before on RS are just few organized Guilds who run on their own, all others are just randoms or smaler Guilds of 10 people so the run often together, you should accept this and play the Game instead of that some of you are complaining about Bullkitten.
AG has some very decent Guilds, DTK faced some of them and it was very funny, Gandara………….just 2 Guilds which are notable on my opinion, rest is mindless zergs, i see you learned a lot from BB and RS;-)Greets Myrmi
The golem rushes dont stop during the week from you
Not that im complaining, its all good.
Never found so many cheater as on riverside… gg
anyone from RS or Gandara intrested in some GvG pm me please
Riverside Guardian is looking for opponents from Gandara or Aurora for 1vs1 battles.
Just whisper Kaitho.4935
Some solo herpderping and dueling, quality á la cereal box. Bare with me!
(edited by FrouFrou.4958)
just smote XxX with half there numbers at the dredge spelden entrance.
aaaaaaaaaaaah the sweet sweet satisfaction. makes the loot bags that much better.
Thx for lovely battles TDA. Unfortunately [WvW] guild likes to backstab and ruin good fights =( They were atleast double our numbers in that camp fight
In the end i have had very good day in WvW.
Aurora Glade
Yeh we had had 3 different grps out in the bl so was hard to pull a neat fight since ppl flock really fast.
How many did you have in hills , the first time we met you?
I saw somewhat around our numbers , outside walls but didnt see you all, think we pulled a suprise one on you there.
Thanks for the good fights , and that blob near briar meh -.-
4 groups TDA, 4!!!!!!!!!
No sunday is a bit of a silly day for dius and we were running quite light tonight.
Nice to see UNITY are still around despite the name change (hard to mistake your leader / commander guy)
Some good fights even if we were a bit rubbish, wasn’t our commanders fault (we give different people a chance to lead on sundays and he did good) i spent most of our fights typing in /g chat about random crap or falling asleep at keyboard.
Around 20 max 25. Yea we were bit surprised there Sadly that we often get pugs to follow us even we run without tag. We had to sacrifice 1 our commander to get pugs off from us
I don’t like to blob but that’s something u gotta do nowadays or u will lose everything.
PS. leave me alone when u see me alone no need to hurt me that hard
I’m the Charr necro with pink Quaggan backpack
Aurora Glade
Around 20 max 25. Yea we were bit surprised there
Sadly that we often get pugs to follow us even we run without tag. We had to sacrifice 1 our commander to get pugs off from us
I don’t like to blob but that’s something u gotta do nowadays or u will lose everything.
PS. leave me alone when u see me alone
no need to hurt me that hard
I’m the Charr necro with pink Quaggan backpack
You are the old unity commander aren’t you?
erm i’m commander but not guild commander i never was.
so yeah i’m not the commander u r thinking :P
Well my commander tag is on my mesmer.
Aurora Glade
(edited by Beri.3156)
Thought you were leading them on the GvG’s ?
Ah well, your very recognisable anyway
Was good to see you out and about again anyway, you were missed
I didnt count dius , since you went to pick flowers :p
We picked the kitten out of them flowers though man …
We also died a lot, that warrants giving us a mention doesn’t it?
We suicided into briar after AG broke door down to take it back from RS, that was fun.
We did loads of productive stuff and we want recognition kitten
(da_mnit is censored -.- seriously?)
(edited by Caid.4932)
Speller said he was leading? xD
Then i dont doubt your effectivenes one bit!
Anyway thanks to all the ppl for good fights today, and cya on the battlefield in couple of days!
ps – remember have fun dont blob and break the game for everyone else as well!
Nah he was pretty good actually, its a bit weird changing leader though. You kind of form habits that you aren’t aware of till someone else is leading and wants you to stop doing that thing thats been subconciously drilled into you over hours and hours and hours : /
There was only 8 of us though and i think most of them were as hungover as me
Kali never would have let us run into briar there was like 40 AG or something in there so at least he appreciates a good suicide rush. You got to respect the suicide rushes.
(edited by Caid.4932)
Hey Riverside.. why dont you learn to play the game instead of relying on 2nd accounts to seige cap areas and upgrade keeps to use up all supply just as your 60+ man zerg arrives on the boarder
Thx for lovely battles TDA. Unfortunately [WvW] guild likes to backstab and ruin good fights =( They were atleast double our numbers in that camp fight
In the end i have had very good day in WvW.
You kidding me, right? We were running 25 at that camp fight, and it was a members fire ever time leading, having bought a badge an hour earlier -.- plus you can’t talk about double numbers :/ hypocritical much…
Just because our newest inexperienced leader couldn’t distinguish ‘oh they want to fight, let’s leave them alone’ rather than ‘we need that camp and TDA might need help, let’s go and help them’ doesn’t mean we were ‘backstabbing’. I don’t think this is a good impression you’re making, DAWN, and I don’t appreciate it.
-ominous thunder-
AG seems to be getting so many new guilds recently, RL have popped up running more organised groups along with DAWN; ECL and BOON have appeared… You guys must be the new favourite transfer destination…
And to the MNSG dudes under Lady Trashcan or w/e tonight, we all hate you, it’s not cool to Zerg duellists repeatedly, especially when you can barely kill one of them when you do. You guys have lost a lot of respect that I’m not sure you had to begin with. Not cool bros, not cool.
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
DAWN is NOT a transfer guild. It is a new guild formed from former players that left guilds (Unty for instance)
Immolator i wasn’t refering to that camp fight. It was more like overall from all fights today.
I admit we do backstab also.
PS. Caid i haven’t been away since im hitting rank 50+ atm
FYI im just low class member. I’m not officer or guild leader.
Aurora Glade
(edited by Beri.3156)
Probably mistaking you then, never really see charr necros but then i see ag groups all seem to have one each now i think of it lol. You must be the charr necro server or something.
99% of other server necros i see are asura … maybe the odd semi naked human female.
As for the welcome back, more talking about Unity …. which isn’t necessarily gone?
I dont know ive seen very little of them outside the one or two with the tag in other groups. They said they were back last week but still haven’t seen any around … i guess you guys just remind me of them a bit (which is good I liked Unity).
Also @ corran
funny, we’ve been getting quite a few untimely upgrades in keeps too
(edited by Caid.4932)
UNTY is still running around, just not that often or with that many people as it had before.
@ Immolator, as Beri said, DAWN is a guild formed by AG players, mostly UNTY players and rddt. RL have been to AG for some months now, they also were on AG at the start, so they just come back to their real home as T1 wasn’t something they enjoyed. So we’ve “only” got ECL and BOON, which are both great guilds and we all love them already. Also you might complain about NP now aswell which are from RoF, but I am not from RoF, I’ve been to AG my entire gametime in GW2, so have around half of their active members now aswell. But after what I know, your guild dosn’t originated from Gandara, but hey, did you see us shout about it the first time we meet Gandara?
Well, I’ve had a really joyfull week fighting both servers, guilds, randoms, roaming or blobbs. I’ve always had fun and I hope you guys had aswell
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
rddt is in T8 now. Dont remember if Blacktide or the one with the difficult name.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
And to the MNSG dudes under Lady Trashcan or w/e tonight, we all hate you, it’s not cool to Zerg duellists repeatedly, especially when you can barely kill one of them when you do. You guys have lost a lot of respect that I’m not sure you had to begin with. Not cool bros, not cool.
Take it easy, we wiped them 4x in a row and they disapeared from the map shortly after.
Overall great fights from NR and Uni last night, we rocked RS and Gandara zergs kitten
Aurora Glade
(edited by Jacky Nipper.3846)
watch your back you can be the next.
rddt is in T8 now. Dont remember if Blacktide or the one with the difficult name.
rddt did not move from AG.
Well, I met some of them in t8 yesterday…
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
watch your back you can be the next.
Hey nem, I am one of the DAWN commanders and just to clarify this video the bit in north inner hills were you ‘wiped DAWN’ was actually me and one other dawn member plus 15 randoms. Fair play you caught us off guard the first time, but you failed to post the next bit of the video were me and my randoms wiped you on the outer wall when we came back so don’t get too kitteny because you got wiped by equal numbers straight after.
Well, I met some of them in t8 yesterday…
rddt started out on Whiteside Ridge or Weißflankengrad wenns hillft. And transfered to AG around feburary (iirc). Seems like not every member transfered.
So you got the WvW-oriented players of rddt for a few months already now. The ones you meet on WSR arent very WvW-active probalbly.
Hard to organise a 500 man guild if you dont have the tools for it.
watch your back you can be the next.
Hey nem, I am one of the DAWN commanders and just to clarify this video the bit in north inner hills were you ‘wiped DAWN’ was actually me and one other dawn member plus 15 randoms. Fair play you caught us off guard the first time, but you failed to post the next bit of the video were me and my randoms wiped you on the outer wall when we came back so don’t get too kitteny because you got wiped by equal numbers straight after
strange we got wiped by fury+many other on the west walls and we changed border so i dunno of what u are talking about,only 2 dawn?good for u,hope meet the full guild sometimes then.
even number with the culling on,u are right,hehe a bit imposs die against the same number of pug:/
and if u was on the second inc u know exactly how its goes no?:)
Ps: and if its only 2 ,sorry for that but in the middle of a turtling is hard to indentify how many have the same tag,so just ignore it.
(edited by Nemesys.7251)