Leader of Reckless Bravery [rB] (Dragonbrand)
Haters gonna hate
All Omen WvW’ers that wish to stay on JQ are welcome in SG, per Mance. Send me a PM here or whisper me in game.
All Omen WvW’ers that wish to stay on JQ are welcome in SG, per Mance. Send me a PM here or whisper me in game.
I’ve tagged along with SG and Mance while they weren’t looking, any that choose to go there won’t regret it at all.
Of course, that’s true of most of the guilds as well.
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
I’m sorry we didn’t put in 72hour shifts like you. Truly sorry but if your going to talk crap realize something. When BG was the threat why would we not push BG. It’s map tactics 101. If your in first you push down #2. Plain and simple if you can’t realize that you need to lay off the koolaid.
So i thought to myself….
T1 is too small for all those “hardcore WvW guild’s” egos…
2) Dragonbrand is climbing the ranks because of good players. You can have a full server and still lose a WvW match. Quality over Quanitity.
..You aren’t…serious, are you? The WvW score is coverage and coverage only. You can be as skilled as you want but as soon as you log off you lose everything. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that DB started rising as soon as they got transfers.
You are not prepared. TC and our amazing ERP will destroy you!
2) Dragonbrand is climbing the ranks because of good players. You can have a full server and still lose a WvW match. Quality over Quanitity.
..You aren’t…serious, are you? The WvW score is coverage and coverage only. You can be as skilled as you want but as soon as you log off you lose everything. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that DB started rising as soon as they got transfers.
Dragonbrand (the ORIGINAL Dragonbrand) – got to T2 on their very own. They fought hard and deserved the glory of moving up. ..SNIP..
Thank you evalana. I remember you being with EA and the many hours you would put into owning hills and all that. You should take a bit of pride in how well Db has done helping pave the way to t2 while we were in t3-t5.
I think this is a fact often forgotten and really does a disservice to the amazing SEA prime time guilds who are on Dragonbrand as well as the formerly less populated timezones who fought as hard as they could against more powerful servers during those times.
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