Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


the game isn’t really designed like the way he’s suggesting, Its an excuse used in every game that’s had stealthers

“Well, Such and Such stealther is meant to be amazing in 1v1”

Completely ignoring that my Stealth can do 1vsX and do much better then other classes as well

Actually the game this is templated after, Dark Age of Camelot, did just that. Stealth in that game quite literally had next to no escapes, tiny ranged damage, and no aoe ability. Also low mobility and though could perma stealth they could not stealth in combat and damage popped them.

Thieves in this game are capable of everything.

Stealthers in DAOC were such a different beast then this game…Its amazing that over time Developers have actually took a solid concept of the Stealth in DAOC, and completely made it worse all around balance and gameplay wise.

At least when they did Warhammer Online they improved on the Stealther Concept.

Though Stealthers were a bit more powerful then their DAOC counterpart, Stealth was much weaker over all in comparison to make up for it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


SPvP thieves are different from WvW thieves, they nerf their damage and certain specs are more limited (See Condition Thieves, where you don’t have access to Rare Veggie Pizza for example)

its why the title of my thread is Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf

It also why the very first sentence in my OP is

PVE it’s fine, even in structured it’s fine to some extent.

The fact that some Thieves in this thread want to use SPvP now and PVE now is kind hilarious when talking about WvW

Now I seen some posts on here about taking an S/D thief to TA or Orr was it?

What exactly are you wanting the S/D rogue to do..cause if you give me a specific cause I’ll try and film me killing mobs in Orr on an S/D thief without stealth..Though not really sure why that’d matter

TA would be a bit different as Tactical Strike isn’t going to make a big difference as you think in a Dungeon.

From my stand point, in PvP, kitten D has no burst, it needs to pressure to kill effectively and it does it’s best pressuring when you use Tactical Strike and use it often. This is especially the case when you aren’t running glass cannon and it can only be achieved through stealth.
I have no interest in burst builds and I don’t want to be railroaded into one. S/D is more dependent on stealth the D/D so and nerfs to CnD hurt S/D way worse then D/D so I’m against stealth nerfs of this manner. Bringing Dagger main hand in line should only effect dagger main hand.

As for the PvE stuff. In PvE my build uses CnD and tactical strike to achieve Daze, Blind, Regen, Condition Removal and Might every 3 seconds in combat and the blind can happen twice in a row depending where I’m standing. The blinds alone make me able act as a stand in Guardian in dungeon runs with my guild. I don’t think any other set do all that as often az S/D can.
If you do a video, I want to see survivability and team support on that level achieved without stealth.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

(edited by Dual.8953)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Basedgod.7328


Players just need more feedback. Feedback that stems from good gameplay from players that know the patterns and timing to counter stealth.

Other than that, yeah, well, there is a cullinig issue that is making stealthers give more stealth uptime than what’s intended.

Funniest Ele NA
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: hammer.9721


heres why people have such a hard times with thieves in wvw

they dont know how to spec
they dont dodge
they dont auto face
they stand still

my necro lost to 1 thief out of over a hundred 1v1 fights and im a average player that does everything on my little list but most others who play this game just want to pew pew then run to the boards when they die.

now for all those saying removing stealth wont hurt thieves grab yourself a p/d and dont use stealth in fights and come back here and let people know how you did or better yet record it.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Well said hammer

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


heres why people have such a hard times with thieves in wvw

they dont know how to spec
they dont dodge
they dont auto face
they stand still

my necro lost to 1 thief out of over a hundred 1v1 fights and im a average player that does everything on my little list but most others who play this game just want to pew pew then run to the boards when they die.

now for all those saying removing stealth wont hurt thieves grab yourself a p/d and dont use stealth in fights and come back here and let people know how you did or better yet record it.

Agreed totally!

Now comes the argument of if you lose to a thief, then they are a bad thief and aren’t doing it right.

Then there comes some other people saying you can trait without stealth so join ‘my playstyle’ when he doesn’t realize so many playstyles would be obsolete if a big nerf came. It’s cool and all that you can build a thief without stealth, but you are going to destroy one of the most popular traitlines because you ‘think’ you are OP.

Fact: So far no patch notes recently have addressed stealth. And why does it have to be stealth? Why not nerf thief dps. Why not buff other classes. I think a lot of people just dislike stealth mechanics because they can’t bother to learn how to play against them but instead choose to play as them and find some baddies to try to prove a moot point.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


And can a mod move this to the “Thief and it’s gameplay mechanics” thread please?

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


And can a mod move this to the “Thief and it’s gameplay mechanics” thread please?

No, Cause i’m about to release another video for this lovely thread.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


It is supposed to be about stealth, not thiefs specifically. Its just that it turned into a rant about how some people got owned by thiefs and since they don’t know how to deal with it, they must be OP.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


It is supposed to be about stealth, not thiefs specifically. Its just that it turned into a rant about how some people got owned by thiefs and since they don’t know how to deal with it, they must be OP.

Its Stealth on thieves mainly, granted I’ve not played a Mesmer a lot so I don’t know if they can really accomplish the same thing I do on the thief.

People who claim its perfectly balanced though are kidding themselves, nothing is balanced about it.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


nb4 Xsorus releases another video promoting his youtube page. Can we all just subscribe to him and get it over with.

I am seriously starting to think you really are here to get more views for your youtube. Like people are waiting in line for your next release. Obviously your motives are presenting themselves you make GW2 videos. Then come to WvW section disguising promotion of your videos into a debate.

Pretty plain to see why you roam WvW with all your different classes and don’t care for objectives because you know people wanna see montage type videos not you on some siege.

I have my popcorn ready though

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


nb4 Xsorus releases another video promoting his youtube page. Can we all just subscribe to him and get it over with.

I am seriously starting to think you really are here to get more views for your youtube. Like people are waiting in line for your next release. Obviously your motives are presenting themselves you make GW2 videos. Then come to WvW section disguising promotion of your videos into a debate.

Pretty plain to see why you roam WvW with all your different classes and don’t care for objectives because you know people wanna see montage type videos not you on some siege.

I have my popcorn ready though


Man….I never seen someone so bent out of shape over someone releasing videos of them playing a class in a video game.

By the way, If I wanted more views….I’d not record my thief..I’d record my ranger..Cause my Ranger Videos have more views (and will continue to have more views, because its more challenging to play the Ranger)

Hell My absolute highest viewed videos are my Natures Ninja ones (which I can’t do anymore)

I’d also be promoting my videos more, By putting them on the thief forums, and putting the video in its on thread on page 1, instead of like page 5 or 6 in this thread or in the case of the new video, Page 11. Now there is a video I will release at some point that I will post on the thief forums…These though are dealing with an issue and not about owning in a 1v1 and such (i’ve been saving a couple videos for that one)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


heres why people have such a hard times with thieves in wvw

they dont know how to spec
they dont dodge
they dont auto face
they stand still

my necro lost to 1 thief out of over a hundred 1v1 fights and im a average player that does everything on my little list but most others who play this game just want to pew pew then run to the boards when they die.

now for all those saying removing stealth wont hurt thieves grab yourself a p/d and dont use stealth in fights and come back here and let people know how you did or better yet record it.

Such an interesting post because you first basically say anyone losing to a thief can’t play and then you say show a p/d thief without using stealth be successful. I’d grant you it’d be pretty hard for a p/d thief to be successful without stealth.

I find this interesting because I think most good WvWers(I’m not one but I’ve spoken with several in regards to this very specific type of thief) will admit a good p/d thief is one of the most ridiculously difficult classes to beat. Just the other day, me and three others were pulling our hair out at a tower we owned trying to take one p/d thief out who was still inside. I’m thinking they were geared/specced similar to how Xsorus is because they never stayed out of stealth for long but their poisons + caltrops were absolutely nasty.

I’ve seen it time and time again where p/d thieves will give fits to an entire group. And not just for a few seconds. The thieves KNOW they have such an advantage with stealth that they are literally playing with the group for as long as they want. Taunting and laughing. I’ve never seen another class do that. Never seen any other type of thief do that. But I’ve seen it several times now with p/d thieves.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


heres why people have such a hard times with thieves in wvw

they dont know how to spec
they dont dodge
they dont auto face
they stand still

my necro lost to 1 thief out of over a hundred 1v1 fights and im a average player that does everything on my little list but most others who play this game just want to pew pew then run to the boards when they die.

now for all those saying removing stealth wont hurt thieves grab yourself a p/d and dont use stealth in fights and come back here and let people know how you did or better yet record it.

Such an interesting post because you first basically say anyone losing to a thief can’t play and then you say show a p/d thief without using stealth be successful. I’d grant you it’d be pretty hard for a p/d thief to be successful without stealth.

I find this interesting because I think most good WvWers(I’m not one but I’ve spoken with several in regards to this very specific type of thief) will admit a good p/d thief is one of the most ridiculously difficult classes to beat. Just the other day, me and three others were pulling our hair out at a tower we owned trying to take one p/d thief out who was still inside. I’m thinking they were geared/specced similar to how Xsorus is because they never stayed out of stealth for long but their poisons + caltrops were absolutely nasty.

I’ve seen it time and time again where p/d thieves will give fits to an entire group. And not just for a few seconds. The thieves KNOW they have such an advantage with stealth that they are literally playing with the group for as long as they want. Taunting and laughing. I’ve never seen another class do that. Never seen any other type of thief do that. But I’ve seen it several times now with p/d thieves.

What server you on? cause a few days ago I was doing that in a tower, and that might of been me.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


By the way, if I come across an underleveled player, I don’t attack them if they’re solo.

it presents no challenge.

If there is more then one, or they attack me first, I’ll kill the group, or if they’re solo, I’ll down him and then leave

@3:44 that guy looks solo to me and underleveled, then his underleveled buddy comes to join in AFTER you already staked.

Guy getting his vista underleveled gank mode. Actually there is alot of you in this video walking up to people level 80 and underleveled who are already engaged in a fight. Like the 2 underleveleds fighting the grubs in eternal battleground. I am sure you saw them and said Challenge!

This one here I loved how you used guard to go on top of the keeps to kill people. Yea you totally knew that was working as intended. Didn’t abuse that at all. I wonder in your post history if there is a post that says that needed to be nerfed? See if I can dig something up.

Love the videos man keep them coming!!!

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


By the way, if I come across an underleveled player, I don’t attack them if they’re solo.

it presents no challenge.

If there is more then one, or they attack me first, I’ll kill the group, or if they’re solo, I’ll down him and then leave

@3:44 that guy looks solo to me and underleveled, then his underleveled buddy comes to join in AFTER you already staked.

Guy getting his vista underleveled gank mode. Actually there is alot of you in this video walking up to people level 80 and underleveled who are already engaged in a fight. Like the 2 underleveleds fighting the grubs in eternal battleground. I am sure you saw them and said Challenge!

This one here I loved how you used guard to go on top of the keeps to kill people. Yea you totally knew that was working as intended. Didn’t abuse that at all. I wonder in your post history if there is a post that says that needed to be nerfed? See if I can dig something up.

Love the videos man keep them coming!!!

A. The guy attacked me first, You can see i’m standing there and don’t attack till he hits me, The only reason that video actually made it into the video was the crappy level 80 Ranger who eventually added in. If it had stopped at the two green up arrows they wouldn’t of made it. So yea..

B. This is a Troll Video, I’m actually surprised you didn’t catch that..Since the first song is kitten Song and the second song is Rickrolled song…i specifically looked for underlvled players for this video or people we zerged down (I wanted to have a video of 4 Stealthers zerging down solo players)

C. I don’t think Guard should of been nerfed, as Pets are a major part of our damage as a Ranger, and we should be able to use them in sieges and such….I don’t think we should of been able to use Guard + Search and Rescue to res a Mesmer so he could port people in.. …But i would of rather them nerfed Search and Rescue instead of Guard. So save your time trying to dig it up, as I’ve openly complained about them nerfing it… They changed the ability to work like that after we complained our shouts are bloody useless… then changed it back after people start using Search and Rescue to res mesmer’s in keeps. Basically Guard/Search and Rescue are still crap…and to some is Sick Em (its buggy)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Since the first song is kitten Song

……They seriously censor the name of that song? Really anet? Really?

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted. Not many people died in that video so I don’t see a problem. Its P/D make a video of you doing that with D/D and S/D trolling a group that size.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456


At least this has moved to being a specific problem with p/d thieves.
So a p/d thief needs to use stealth from c&d to fire sneak attack to get a worthwhile bleed stack.
Actual time in stealth from the c&d is minimal. They are a ranged class that has to live in melee to land c&d every 3 seconds. The whole play style revolves around getting stealth and dropping it straight away.
Either keep them at range or cc in melee.
Yes they can run away and reset. Reset works both ways.
If they don’t reset all they are doing is letting bleeds fall off.
Still no problem with caltrops and poison cloud breaking stealth, wouldn’t change much but reasonable.

Culling , never see them, etc. Well 5 players is not a zerg. When I am on my ranger, grd, or necro I have no problem seeing stealthers outside a zerg. When I am on my thief players that seem aware of their surrounding are targeting me the second I drop stealth and are aoe, cleave & ccing while I’m in it.

Mustard Pepper

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted.

A. Yeap… He died cause he had no condition removal, Not what video is about but go ahead.

B. I’ve never seen that happen, On any characters…Not once.. in the entire time i’ve played World vs World…I’ve seen Warriors run out and fight for a bit before running back in (Ele’s do the same, Hell I do it on my Ranger) That was just put in to show what you can do though as a Condition Thief.

C. I have a message that says Culling Ftw in the video..I think that would suggest I knew it was Culling…grin
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted.

A. Yeap… He died cause he had no condition removal, Not what video is about but go ahead.

B. I’ve never seen that happen, On any characters…Not once.. in the entire time i’ve played World vs World…I’ve seen Warriors run out and fight for a bit before running back in (Ele’s do the same, Hell I do it on my Ranger) That was just put in to show what you can do though as a Condition Thief.

C. I have a message that says Culling Ftw in the video..I think that would suggest I knew it was Culling…grin

Title of the video is why stealth needs to be nerfed volume 2 in your on going biography of trolling.

You never seen a warrior jump down and interrupt people? Bouncing them back then the warrior does 100bs and pops endure pain and goes back inside ever? You should go around keeps more often then you wouldn’t think your poison caltrop trick is so hot.

Those blow caltrops and poison out of the water when combined with 100bs in a keep defense.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Wait for March Patch.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles… (it’s loud, gives away their position and has a visible animation along with red outline.. please..)

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

(edited by Xsorus.2507)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: tom.7468


Xsorus when they have finished nerfing you’re theif whats the next profession that “need” to be nerfed? ranger maybe since you have this also or ?

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted.

A. Yeap… He died cause he had no condition removal, Not what video is about but go ahead.

B. I’ve never seen that happen, On any characters…Not once.. in the entire time i’ve played World vs World…I’ve seen Warriors run out and fight for a bit before running back in (Ele’s do the same, Hell I do it on my Ranger) That was just put in to show what you can do though as a Condition Thief.

C. I have a message that says Culling Ftw in the video..I think that would suggest I knew it was Culling…grin

Title of the video is why stealth needs to be nerfed volume 2 in your on going biography of trolling.

You never seen a warrior jump down and interrupt people? Bouncing them back then the warrior does 100bs and pops endure pain and goes back inside ever? You should go around keeps more often then you wouldn’t think your poison caltrop trick is so hot.

Those blow caltrops and poison out of the water when combined with 100bs in a keep defense.

I’ve seen warriors run outside all the time, and do their shenanigans ..hence why I said i seen them do it..I’ve also done it on my ranger and i’ve seen it done on an Elementalist.

I’ve not seen Warriors do the Death from Above talent..Could just be because they don’t run it.

If I had to guess why, I’d say its because they have a lot of talents in that specific trait line that are already really good and probably fit their build a bit better.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Xsorus when they have finished nerfing you’re theif whats the next profession that “need” to be nerfed? ranger maybe since you have this also or ?

Ranger already ate 2 massive nerfs this patch..

I imagine their Trap line is going to eat a nerf in the March patch….

If they keep it up, we won’t have any lines left.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able by almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

(edited by Stiv.1820)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Or endure pain and get away with greatsword, and warhorn
Rampage as one and greatsword
RTL lightning strike to get away, conjure flaming sword
Decoy, mass invis or prestige to get away, temporal curtain, distortion, veil,

Yup thief is only one in game with mobility and damage mitigation to allow them to escape. Nerf mobility and teleports

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted.

A. Yeap… He died cause he had no condition removal, Not what video is about but go ahead.

B. I’ve never seen that happen, On any characters…Not once.. in the entire time i’ve played World vs World…I’ve seen Warriors run out and fight for a bit before running back in (Ele’s do the same, Hell I do it on my Ranger) That was just put in to show what you can do though as a Condition Thief.

C. I have a message that says Culling Ftw in the video..I think that would suggest I knew it was Culling…grin

Title of the video is why stealth needs to be nerfed volume 2 in your on going biography of trolling.

You never seen a warrior jump down and interrupt people? Bouncing them back then the warrior does 100bs and pops endure pain and goes back inside ever? You should go around keeps more often then you wouldn’t think your poison caltrop trick is so hot.

Those blow caltrops and poison out of the water when combined with 100bs in a keep defense.

I’ve seen warriors run outside all the time, and do their shenanigans ..hence why I said i seen them do it..I’ve also done it on my ranger and i’ve seen it done on an Elementalist.

I’ve not seen Warriors do the Death from Above talent..Could just be because they don’t run it.

If I had to guess why, I’d say its because they have a lot of talents in that specific trait line that are already really good and probably fit their build a bit better.

Why you should hang around keeps you know those objectives nobody cares about. When its siege time Ill change to tricks recharge faster if I am running p/d so I can harass with caltrops more frequently rest of the time I run bountiful theft. Just saying Xsorus you might not care about objectives but there are people that do even though you find that hard to believe.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Or endure pain and get away with greatsword, and warhorn
Rampage as one and greatsword
RTL lightning strike to get away, conjure flaming sword
Decoy, mass invis or prestige to get away, temporal curtain, distortion, veil,

Yup thief is only one in game with mobility and damage mitigation to allow them to escape. Nerf mobility and teleports

Certain Warrior specs are actually extremely hard to catch if you’re not a Runner spec (like thief/elementalist) otherwise you can catch them easily.

Rampage as one on a ranger is iffy, It gives you Stability/Swiftness, However if you’re trying to use it to run away its probably from a Zerg, and they’ll either dispel those two buffs, or have them as well and will do enough damage to kill ya..If you see them far enough out you can get away though in certain area’s. If you run up on a zerg and fight them..Chances are you won’t escape….Greatsword is nice..So is Sword as well for it..

Ele’s are probably the closest thing to Thieves in terms of escaping, You can see multiple videos of people running away on Ele’s, and that is over the top..I don’t think you’ll find many people who think Ele’s are balanced….Hence why you see Ele’s are overpowered threads.

Mesmer’s if caught by a zerg are pretty much screwed unless they’re by a keep..They have invisibility and such..but their mobility is crap….That doesn’t mean they can’t get away, but they’re far below a Thief/Ele on escaping…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Watched your second vid and while entertaining you achieve nothing. At no point do you actualy go for it and start popping sneak attack properly putting yourself in danger.
Likewise if you meet anyone good you teleport away, achieving nothing.
Your argument seems to be stealth needs a nerf because it allows you to scout and slow a group not dying.
The players you are tagging like that would be better off just totally ignoring you. They are in no danger at all while you are fussing with shortbow or hoping they will stand in the trops.

Mustard Pepper

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Another video of me screwing around (I only killed like 2 or 3 people i think…and another Mesmer who’s video i’m saving for later)

1:56 1 guy dies cause he didn’t have condi removal and he chased you. Then you trolled some people with poison.

3:14 you drop caltrops and poison on people at the gate. A warrior could have jumped off the keep stomped and interrupted them and 100bs 4 or 5 people probably downing them if he was glass and made it back inside. Had it happen to me a ton of times seen it done 100 times.

@5:00 culling you didn’t render to them and some of them didn’t render to you has nothing to do with stealth. Unless you think that group used mass invis cause they knew you where there and wanted to surprise you lol.

Looks like a trolling video to me you fighting some people standing around distracted.

A. Yeap… He died cause he had no condition removal, Not what video is about but go ahead.

B. I’ve never seen that happen, On any characters…Not once.. in the entire time i’ve played World vs World…I’ve seen Warriors run out and fight for a bit before running back in (Ele’s do the same, Hell I do it on my Ranger) That was just put in to show what you can do though as a Condition Thief.

C. I have a message that says Culling Ftw in the video..I think that would suggest I knew it was Culling…grin

Title of the video is why stealth needs to be nerfed volume 2 in your on going biography of trolling.

You never seen a warrior jump down and interrupt people? Bouncing them back then the warrior does 100bs and pops endure pain and goes back inside ever? You should go around keeps more often then you wouldn’t think your poison caltrop trick is so hot.

Those blow caltrops and poison out of the water when combined with 100bs in a keep defense.

I’ve seen warriors run outside all the time, and do their shenanigans ..hence why I said i seen them do it..I’ve also done it on my ranger and i’ve seen it done on an Elementalist.

I’ve not seen Warriors do the Death from Above talent..Could just be because they don’t run it.

If I had to guess why, I’d say its because they have a lot of talents in that specific trait line that are already really good and probably fit their build a bit better.

Why you should hang around keeps you know those objectives nobody cares about. When its siege time Ill change to tricks recharge faster if I am running p/d so I can harass with caltrops more frequently rest of the time I run bountiful theft. Just saying Xsorus you might not care about objectives but there are people that do even though you find that hard to believe.

you keep trying to make this about objectives..or how bad the players are.. or a multitude of other things other then the fact that Stealth allows silly gameplay seen in the videos i’ve done. Hell how many times have I seen in this thread “Well they should of CCed you” I was CCed multiple times in that video and still lived…it just keeps on being about something else besides the issue, its excuse after excuse on trying to cover Stealth’s OPed nature…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: jportell.2197


Okay I am not sure why this thread has devolved into one guy trolling others or vice versa… The whole opener was stealth needs a nerf in WvW and people want to say well stealth as a whole… no… Because the classes that access it outside of the main stealth class get no or very miniscule added bonuses a thief can still trait to get a 100% crit chance from stealth and mug and then 30 points to spend elsewhere very few thieves go into their last line because the class mechanic “stealing” is of little importance outside of mug…

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Watched your second vid and while entertaining you achieve nothing. At no point do you actualy go for it and start popping sneak attack properly putting yourself in danger.
Likewise if you meet anyone good you teleport away, achieving nothing.
Your argument seems to be stealth needs a nerf because it allows you to scout and slow a group not dying.
The players you are tagging like that would be better off just totally ignoring you. They are in no danger at all while you are fussing with shortbow or hoping they will stand in the trops.

Sometimes it’s not just about killing people to win a fight, sometimes its just about delaying people.

They could probably ignore me, I’d kill straggler’s like you see in the video (few of them do ignore me)
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.

Haha too bad they don’t have public stat tracking so you can back up your claims of never dying. I simply don’t believe you. If it were true, I’d say you need to take more chances.

Anyway if you have to run you have already lost the fight. If you don’t feel like you lost then it’s just your own perception. Your enemy probably does. A Thief getting away is part of it’s core design.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Watched your second vid and while entertaining you achieve nothing. At no point do you actualy go for it and start popping sneak attack properly putting yourself in danger.
Likewise if you meet anyone good you teleport away, achieving nothing.
Your argument seems to be stealth needs a nerf because it allows you to scout and slow a group not dying.
The players you are tagging like that would be better off just totally ignoring you. They are in no danger at all while you are fussing with shortbow or hoping they will stand in the trops.

Sometimes it’s not just about killing people to win a fight, sometimes its just about delaying people.

They could probably ignore me, I’d kill straggler’s like you see in the video (few of them do ignore me)

That sounds like a legitimate thing to be doing in www. It might even help with objectives. So it should be nerffed because?

Mustard Pepper

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: hammer.9721


heres why people have such a hard times with thieves in wvw

they dont know how to spec
they dont dodge
they dont auto face
they stand still

my necro lost to 1 thief out of over a hundred 1v1 fights and im a average player that does everything on my little list but most others who play this game just want to pew pew then run to the boards when they die.

now for all those saying removing stealth wont hurt thieves grab yourself a p/d and dont use stealth in fights and come back here and let people know how you did or better yet record it.

Such an interesting post because you first basically say anyone losing to a thief can’t play and then you say show a p/d thief without using stealth be successful. I’d grant you it’d be pretty hard for a p/d thief to be successful without stealth.

I find this interesting because I think most good WvWers(I’m not one but I’ve spoken with several in regards to this very specific type of thief) will admit a good p/d thief is one of the most ridiculously difficult classes to beat. Just the other day, me and three others were pulling our hair out at a tower we owned trying to take one p/d thief out who was still inside. I’m thinking they were geared/specced similar to how Xsorus is because they never stayed out of stealth for long but their poisons + caltrops were absolutely nasty.

I’ve seen it time and time again where p/d thieves will give fits to an entire group. And not just for a few seconds. The thieves KNOW they have such an advantage with stealth that they are literally playing with the group for as long as they want. Taunting and laughing. I’ve never seen another class do that. Never seen any other type of thief do that. But I’ve seen it several times now with p/d thieves.

actually what i did was list some of things i see players not do in wvw i guess i should of also included look behind since few players do that as well.

i also listed p/d to show if you change stealth you destroy a spec heres a question for people what would you do if you see a p/d thief running at you?i for one dodge when they get close.i also dont fight them around any mobs and if more players show up during the fight i leave because he has way to many opportunities to land a cnd since like i said before way to many people just stand around.

if anet feels the thief(not stealth) is to powerful i am sure they will change it but they wont make stealth completely useless which is obvious what some people want.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.

Haha too bad they don’t have public stat tracking so you can back up your claims of never dying. I simply don’t believe you. If it were true, I’d say you need to take more chances.

Anyway if you have to run you have already lost the fight. If you don’t feel like you lost then it’s just your own perception. Your enemy probably does. A Thief getting away is part of it’s core design.

If I have to run i’ve already lost the fight? Well seeing as you’re talking about a 5vs1 against the greatest players ever..Yes I should lose the fight…so ya…Only difference is if I was on any other class, I’d actually LOSE the fight as in dying…

I die every now and again, It’s rare though…in the past 2 month’s i’ve maybe died 8 or 9 times in PvP on my thief.

I actually died more when I relied on Shadows Refuge.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Watched your second vid and while entertaining you achieve nothing. At no point do you actualy go for it and start popping sneak attack properly putting yourself in danger.
Likewise if you meet anyone good you teleport away, achieving nothing.
Your argument seems to be stealth needs a nerf because it allows you to scout and slow a group not dying.
The players you are tagging like that would be better off just totally ignoring you. They are in no danger at all while you are fussing with shortbow or hoping they will stand in the trops.

Sometimes it’s not just about killing people to win a fight, sometimes its just about delaying people.

They could probably ignore me, I’d kill straggler’s like you see in the video (few of them do ignore me)

That sounds like a legitimate thing to be doing in www. It might even help with objectives. So it should be nerffed because?

You don’t see a problem with a class attacking a zerg and getting way 99% of the time?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth isn’t needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Watched your second vid and while entertaining you achieve nothing. At no point do you actualy go for it and start popping sneak attack properly putting yourself in danger.
Likewise if you meet anyone good you teleport away, achieving nothing.
Your argument seems to be stealth needs a nerf because it allows you to scout and slow a group not dying.
The players you are tagging like that would be better off just totally ignoring you. They are in no danger at all while you are fussing with shortbow or hoping they will stand in the trops.

Sometimes it’s not just about killing people to win a fight, sometimes its just about delaying people.

They could probably ignore me, I’d kill straggler’s like you see in the video (few of them do ignore me)

That sounds like a legitimate thing to be doing in www. It might even help with objectives. So it should be nerffed because?

You don’t see a problem with a class attacking a zerg and getting way 99% of the time?

Its not how I play, I actually like to engage the enemy and pay the repair bill. If someone is harassing and slowing a zerg concentrating on survival and reporting movement, I have no problem with that.

Mustard Pepper

(edited by Roysten.3456)

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.

Haha too bad they don’t have public stat tracking so you can back up your claims of never dying. I simply don’t believe you. If it were true, I’d say you need to take more chances.

Anyway if you have to run you have already lost the fight. If you don’t feel like you lost then it’s just your own perception. Your enemy probably does. A Thief getting away is part of it’s core design.

If I have to run i’ve already lost the fight? Well seeing as you’re talking about a 5vs1 against the greatest players ever..Yes I should lose the fight…so ya…Only difference is if I was on any other class, I’d actually LOSE the fight as in dying…

I die every now and again, It’s rare though…in the past 2 month’s i’ve maybe died 8 or 9 times in PvP on my thief.

I actually died more when I relied on Shadows Refuge.

You actually require being outnumbered by bads or being around mobs to preform well. I’ve already told you how my mesmer can destroy a P/D 1 on 1. Other classes can preform fine against them as well such as condition swap necro and d/d ele. Ele is a stalemate at best vs a p/d even warriors/guards who know how to block/evade C&D. It’s pretty easy to not fight around mobs as well. If a P/D drags you over to mobs, you just ignore them. It’s no different than someone dragging you to guards or being a mesmer near a cliff… where they have a environmental advantage.

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


Lol @ thread.

If a thief is stealthing a lot, not just P/D, they will almost always have 30 in Shadow Arts and trait for Remove Condition every 3s and Heal in Stealth. They also will most likely have Hide In Shadows (if they don’t, then great!), Blinding Powder, and SR or SS.

Step 1: Thief runs at you. Dodge.
Step 2: Crowd Control – knockdowns/immobilize/chill/cripple. Thief stealths, removes condition, heals a little. Dodge.
Step 3: Stack on the AoE. Thief stealths more, removes condition, heals. Run around.
Step 4: Dodge/Block/Drop more AoE/Kite
Step 5: Repeat Step 2 until thief is no longer around or on the ground and dying.

The thief will eventually burn through all of his utility stealths and will be forced to use CnD, which doesn’t really do a lot of damage anyways (and if he’s hitting you, then he’s in range of anything you’ve got).

This is pretty much how you fight any thief, no matter the build (heck, this is how I fight D/D Eles). P/D thieves that CnD and then 1 are giving themselves the revealed debuff each time, so they are just as targettable even if they haven’t rendered. BS thieves need to land that first blow. Otherwise, they’ll run. And DD / SB or DD/PP condition thieves like me, well, you’re not going to have an easy time with me due to Death Blossom’s evade giving me an extra 2-3 dodges, but time your skills right and you’ll take me down just the same or I’ll run away.

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.

Haha too bad they don’t have public stat tracking so you can back up your claims of never dying. I simply don’t believe you. If it were true, I’d say you need to take more chances.

Anyway if you have to run you have already lost the fight. If you don’t feel like you lost then it’s just your own perception. Your enemy probably does. A Thief getting away is part of it’s core design.

If I have to run i’ve already lost the fight? Well seeing as you’re talking about a 5vs1 against the greatest players ever..Yes I should lose the fight…so ya…Only difference is if I was on any other class, I’d actually LOSE the fight as in dying…

I die every now and again, It’s rare though…in the past 2 month’s i’ve maybe died 8 or 9 times in PvP on my thief.

I actually died more when I relied on Shadows Refuge.

You actually require being outnumbered by bads or being around mobs to preform well. I’ve already told you how my mesmer can destroy a P/D 1 on 1. Other classes can preform fine against them as well such as condition swap necro and d/d ele. Ele is a stalemate at best vs a p/d even warriors/guards who know how to block/evade C&D. It’s pretty easy to not fight around mobs as well. If a P/D drags you over to mobs, you just ignore them. It’s no different than someone dragging you to guards or being a mesmer near a cliff… where they have a environmental advantage.

You asked what I would do if a group showed up, and i told you, move towards mobs..Now you’re saying “Well just leave him alone” defeating the purpose of your original question.

As for what you’d do on your Mesmer vs a thief, that’s great..Maybe you’re an amazing Mesmer player and pwn every thief you run across….I’ve personally not died to a Mesmer yet (almost did early though hehe, But that was my own fault, I still won the fight)

I actually fought a Guardian yesterday who I eventually killed, but he was annoying to kill I won’t lie and he probably could of ran to the keep we were next to at any point and lived.

But then he would of lost, cause running away is losing wink
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Lol @ thread.

If a thief is stealthing a lot, not just P/D, they will almost always have 30 in Shadow Arts and trait for Remove Condition every 3s and Heal in Stealth. They also will most likely have Hide In Shadows (if they don’t, then great!), Blinding Powder, and SR or SS.

Step 1: Thief runs at you. Dodge.
Step 2: Crowd Control – knockdowns/immobilize/chill/cripple. Thief stealths, removes condition, heals a little. Dodge.
Step 3: Stack on the AoE. Thief stealths more, removes condition, heals. Run around.
Step 4: Dodge/Block/Drop more AoE/Kite
Step 5: Repeat Step 2 until thief is no longer around or on the ground and dying.

The thief will eventually burn through all of his utility stealths and will be forced to use CnD, which doesn’t really do a lot of damage anyways (and if he’s hitting you, then he’s in range of anything you’ve got).

This is pretty much how you fight any thief, no matter the build (heck, this is how I fight D/D Eles). P/D thieves that CnD and then 1 are giving themselves the revealed debuff each time, so they are just as targettable even if they haven’t rendered. BS thieves need to land that first blow. Otherwise, they’ll run. And DD / SB or DD/PP condition thieves like me, well, you’re not going to have an easy time with me due to Death Blossom’s evade giving me an extra 2-3 dodges, but time your skills right and you’ll take me down just the same or I’ll run away.

Heals a little?

I’m over 600 HP/S while stealthed… If you run no healing power it’s Heals a Little.. if you run Healing Power though…
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: oZii.2864


You don’t see a problem with a class attacking a zerg and getting way 99% of the time?

Does he have all his cooldowns up? Or not? What classes are at the front of the zerg? What are the skill level of those players in a zerg? How big is the zerg? Do the other thieves in the zerg have venom share and baslisk and devourer ready? Is there a S/P haste theif? Is there a glass cannon shatter mesmer running sword/pistol in that group? Is the rangers elite up?

So many variables that don’t matter to Xsorus lets talk about balancing around trolling. I am sure every zerg you encounter you run right in there laying caltrops and poison wiping the entire zerg. As evidence by your video.

Delaying people is OP nerf anything that delays people. Nerf traps and wells and fear!!!

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Roysten.3456


Lol @ thread.

If a thief is stealthing a lot, not just P/D, they will almost always have 30 in Shadow Arts and trait for Remove Condition every 3s and Heal in Stealth. They also will most likely have Hide In Shadows (if they don’t, then great!), Blinding Powder, and SR or SS.

Step 1: Thief runs at you. Dodge.
Step 2: Crowd Control – knockdowns/immobilize/chill/cripple. Thief stealths, removes condition, heals a little. Dodge.
Step 3: Stack on the AoE. Thief stealths more, removes condition, heals. Run around.
Step 4: Dodge/Block/Drop more AoE/Kite
Step 5: Repeat Step 2 until thief is no longer around or on the ground and dying.

The thief will eventually burn through all of his utility stealths and will be forced to use CnD, which doesn’t really do a lot of damage anyways (and if he’s hitting you, then he’s in range of anything you’ve got).

This is pretty much how you fight any thief, no matter the build (heck, this is how I fight D/D Eles). P/D thieves that CnD and then 1 are giving themselves the revealed debuff each time, so they are just as targettable even if they haven’t rendered. BS thieves need to land that first blow. Otherwise, they’ll run. And DD / SB or DD/PP condition thieves like me, well, you’re not going to have an easy time with me due to Death Blossom’s evade giving me an extra 2-3 dodges, but time your skills right and you’ll take me down just the same or I’ll run away.

Heals a little?

I’m over 600 HP/S while stealthed… If you run no healing power it’s Heals a Little.. if you run Healing Power though…

All about survival again, no excuse for having healing power, you shouldn’t be in stealth long enough to get enough reward out of it. Harass and survive, legitimate but still all about not dying not about attack.

Mustard Pepper

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Art.9820


The only change that is actually needed is a 1 point DD added to Poison Arrow and maybe Trops utility (fix culling too but that’s just a noob crutch excuse, it won’t matter much). A thief should not be able to initiate damage and remain stealthed. Even if the people who die to this are god awful. Trops are so easy to avoid though it’s hard to justify, even PvE players should know to stay out of red circles…

Other than that, showing videos of a thief trolling bads in WvW proves nothing but how terrible a large portion of the WvW player-base is. You can troll a zerg all day but then you run into 2-5 guided decent PvPers and treat them like the masses and they will roll you hard. I wonder if that’s happened to you yet on your Thief OP?

rofl, the population is just bad, so nerf to stealth needed grin

And no it’s not happened yet… know why?

Because if i get trouble I can teleport away..

Eles are faster than you. Refuge is counter-able to almost every profession. You got one 1200 step and then either Heartseeker spam or shortbow to run which is slower than both Eles and wars not to mention other thieves.

How can you not have run into any good players?

A. Ele’s are welcome to chase…..They won’t catch me though..Cause I just have to reach a mob (to which there is plenty) to get away consistently in PvP…and no group is going to chase a solo Thief around for 20 minutes hoping to catch him.

B. I don’t use Refuge, you can see that in the video.

C. I’ve been chased multiple times, It’s extremely easy to get away…Maybe you get caught cause you’re bad at the thief..I don’t though..So don’t know what to tell ya.

Haha too bad they don’t have public stat tracking so you can back up your claims of never dying. I simply don’t believe you. If it were true, I’d say you need to take more chances.

Anyway if you have to run you have already lost the fight. If you don’t feel like you lost then it’s just your own perception. Your enemy probably does. A Thief getting away is part of it’s core design.

If I have to run i’ve already lost the fight? Well seeing as you’re talking about a 5vs1 against the greatest players ever..Yes I should lose the fight…so ya…Only difference is if I was on any other class, I’d actually LOSE the fight as in dying…

I die every now and again, It’s rare though…in the past 2 month’s i’ve maybe died 8 or 9 times in PvP on my thief.

I actually died more when I relied on Shadows Refuge.

You actually require being outnumbered by bads or being around mobs to preform well. I’ve already told you how my mesmer can destroy a P/D 1 on 1. Other classes can preform fine against them as well such as condition swap necro and d/d ele. Ele is a stalemate at best vs a p/d even warriors/guards who know how to block/evade C&D. It’s pretty easy to not fight around mobs as well. If a P/D drags you over to mobs, you just ignore them. It’s no different than someone dragging you to guards or being a mesmer near a cliff… where they have a environmental advantage.

You asked what I would do if a group showed up, and i told you, move towards mobs..Now you’re saying “Well just leave him alone” defeating the purpose of your original question.

As for what you’d do on your Mesmer vs a thief, that’s great..Maybe you’re an amazing Mesmer player and pwn every thief you run across….I’ve personally not died to a Mesmer yet (almost did early though hehe, But that was my own fault, I still won the fight)

I actually fought a Guardian yesterday who I eventually killed, but he was annoying to kill I won’t lie and he probably could of ran to the keep we were next to at any point and lived.

But then he would of lost, cause running away is losing wink

So if I run away to reposition myself and not let my opponent have control over the fight, then come back and kill him, did I lose?

All classes