T2 - Deso / SFR / Kodash 24/5/13 - ???
Don’t you guys read the forums.. SFR don’t blob man.. seriously.
Well…you guys managed to convert this topic that was full of respect and friendship to a zombie blob kitten Bullshlaha! Congrats.
Big shoutout to INVI for yesterday’s fights on Stargrove. It was very refreshing. It was a very intense fight for me. I sincerely hope we will meet more often. Cheerio !
Back to buisness. This discussion about blobb this, blobb that is meaningless and pointless. Everyone blob from time to time, don’t you get that ? There are no servers who “never blob” there are situations when even 3 roaming groups sandwitch someone in one place, they do blob then right ?
You even said that CoN is blobbing. We were raiding on Kodash yesterday and got a call for help “Whole Kodash zone attacking south bay, 4 trebs, wall 10%, need assistance” People on the border made slots for us. We switched. We went there and killed you after 30min of intense fighting. But we do blob right ? We were always attacking from a different side or engaging you alone without the rest of the people. But we still blob right ? When CoN raids, we a l w a y s move aside from all other groups to keep the pressure on other locations. We roam in search for some good fights. But we still blob aye ?
There is no end to this blob kitten discussion. Try to understand that already and stop spouting this nonesense. It’s utterly boring. Thank you for reminding me why I wasn’t using this forum for a long time.
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
Big shoutout to INVI for yesterday’s fights on Stargrove. It was very refreshing. It was a very intense fight for me. I sincerely hope we will meet more often. Cheerio !
Back to buisness. This discussion about blobb this, blobb that is meaningless and pointless. Everyone blob from time to time, don’t you get that ? There are no servers who “never blob” there are situations when even 3 roaming groups sandwitch someone in one place, they do blob then right ?
Yes, thanks for the fights and hopefully we can have more.
Back to my picture, it was tongue in cheek and referring back to my last post where I stated everyone blobs and people need to stop singling out individual groups/servers. Many SFR posters on here speak like they’ve never ‘blobbed’ in their life and it would be a sin if they did, which is pathetic.
For what it’s worth, the picture actually shows a huge presence of [iddQ] and [Rise], with a few followers from [BooM], [BOOM], [FD], [VG], [ECL], [TwoX] and [TCH]. I’d certainly class that as a ‘blob’.
As for INVI, they actively try not to have pug followers when on any of the borders in order to keep it a guild raid, but yes on EB will often try to lead the pugs.
Man, there is no ‘never blobbing’.
There is only action and reaction.
What we can do is TRY not to trigger that reaction.
What I can tell you 100% is that most WvW guilds on SFR like running solo. They will team up sometimes to beat the odds, or when attacking same opbjectives.
PuG trains are different than guilds tho. I guess you can call it a blob is it reaches some proportions.
PuG trains are a necessity tho on maps like Home BL on EB. We have some very good pikachus commanders on SFR ( Hjerim, Wemil, Alien, Gondova , etc ) who will run you over with a PuG karma train.
That’s the good thing about SFR : PuG trains and guild raids backing each other up.
(edited by Grok.6714)
pikachus? now that’s insulting, i’d rather being called a PUG (as in someone that was randomly chosen for a “Pick Up Group”) than being compared to a cartoon rat …
just saying -.-
Yeah we told everyone that pug is not offensive but they still said they didn’t like it. Said it’s offensive. We called them pikachus after and they were more happy. It doesn’t really matter. Anyone with any sense of humour will either laugh or ignore it and move on.
If we have some people that feel offended by something so insignificant well…internet is not a place for you guys :P In da internet, da internet ogres troll a lot !
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
1. This conversation about blobbs makes me tired. You blobb sometimes, we do. Who cares. Play the Game and try to roam more with smaller groups.
2. To the Picture of our ‘massive’ Blob. Even if one of our guilds has a guildraid it often happens that we invite/allow few players from other guilds to join us. Not because we need the Manpower but just because we are nice guys and we have a nice community where we share love to each other.
This may be the difference to some other servers
Da Butti
(who is representing his own opinion and not SFR’s)
Big shoutout to INVI for yesterday’s fights on Stargrove. It was very refreshing. It was a very intense fight for me. I sincerely hope we will meet more often. Cheerio !
Back to buisness. This discussion about blobb this, blobb that is meaningless and pointless. Everyone blob from time to time, don’t you get that ? There are no servers who “never blob” there are situations when even 3 roaming groups sandwitch someone in one place, they do blob then right ?
Yes, thanks for the fights and hopefully we can have more.
Back to my picture, it was tongue in cheek and referring back to my last post where I stated everyone blobs and people need to stop singling out individual groups/servers. Many SFR posters on here speak like they’ve never ‘blobbed’ in their life and it would be a sin if they did, which is pathetic.
For what it’s worth, the picture actually shows a huge presence of [iddQ] and [Rise], with a few followers from [BooM], [BOOM], [FD], [VG], [ECL], [TwoX] and [TCH]. I’d certainly class that as a ‘blob’.
As for INVI, they actively try not to have pug followers when on any of the borders in order to keep it a guild raid, but yes on EB will often try to lead the pugs.
Avery brief history of Desolation PUGs in EB.
EB of Desolation always was from the main point-pools for the server and always counted on regular, for months and almost every single day logged in, (I can easily name at least 25- 30 ), players either from different guilds or guildless. We had very good commanders such Silent Leaf, Toglos (I am not sure for the nick, an Asura Guardian) Moorta and others and above all we used to respect each other, have team spirit and modesty.
If we have some people that feel offended by something so insignificant well…internet is not a place for you guys :P In da internet, da internet ogres troll a lot !
Yeah, i guess … as long as other servers don’t start picking on us because of that. XD
And if that happens pleeeeeeeeeease, don’t start calling people “Teletubbies” :S
Anything but that!
(edited by Aioros.4862)
Velocity were naming random people bambi s they are so lost !
Leader of [CoN] Circle of Nine
Well…you guys managed to convert this topic that was full of respect and friendship to a zombie blob kitten Bullshlaha! Congrats.
Big shoutout to INVI for yesterday’s fights on Stargrove. It was very refreshing. It was a very intense fight for me. I sincerely hope we will meet more often. Cheerio !
Back to buisness. This discussion about blobb this, blobb that is meaningless and pointless. Everyone blob from time to time, don’t you get that ? There are no servers who “never blob” there are situations when even 3 roaming groups sandwitch someone in one place, they do blob then
You even said that CoN is blobbing. We were raiding on Kodash yesterday and got a call for help “Whole Kodash zone attacking south bay, 4 trebs, wall 10%, need assistance” People on the border made slots for us. We switched. We went there and killed you after 30min of intense fighting. But we do blob right ? We were always attacking from a different side or engaging you alone without the rest of the people. But we still blob right ? When CoN raids, we a l w a y s move aside from all other groups to keep the pressure on other locations. We roam in search for some good fights. But we still blob aye ?
There is no end to this blob kitten discussion. Try to understand that already and stop spouting this nonesense. It’s utterly boring. Thank you for reminding me why I wasn’t using this forum for a long time.
I am not pointing fingers at all. I am simply mocking his discussion aswell. We nigtcap/blob one night. Next night SFR does it. Probably pug forces anyway. I just laugh all these people who immediatly point fingers towards entire servers. Each server has people going to blob so all this forum rage about each other is useless. Hence my satiric comment
And yes big ups to CoN for the fights we had was awesome!
It would also be interesting to hear about those hating Deso for nightcapping now that SFR is nightcapping AND morningcapping… unless you really believe that you can tick at 450+ due to “skill”… heh.
Let’s hope we don’t get SFR either in next matchup
Yeah, we also night capped and morning capped for 300+ yesterday in prime time.
We suck so bad…
Wish we could beat Deso fair and square
Now, now, no need to hate.
I never accused SFR of anything. I was just pointing at the irony of having a server with a couple forum warriors accusing Deso of nightcapping, being hypocrites and ruining T2 (you can read all of this in this very same thread) just for the spontaneous activity of extremely few players who stayed up late at night during the weekend, and then having that very same server setting up a morning alarm clock to win the matchup as happened today.
The strategy itself is legitimate, if lame, and in fact it’s the ONLY strategy you can use to win a match. Just recognize the fact that your server does it too as soon as it can, instead of hating others when they do it to you.
And remember, the buck stops firmly at Arenanet for this crap.
As for your other remark about prime too: it’s absolutely true, you held the point advantage the whole day.
Now, do you want to remember us all which map gave you that point advantage, and what was the situation on that map the whole time, or do you prefer me to do it for you?
Thx to the [Buka]’s and other Kodash players on Deso BL today. We finally managed to cap Redlake from you!
Give more guilds fights !!! If any guilds wants to do GVG contact me ingame or Assyl.
200,000 WwW Kills
Kinda funny, but also pleasing that all the nagging in this thread is going on without Kodash participation.
TL:DR above? Blob this, blob that and nightcap. K, done.
That said, SFR and Deso have been my overall personal favorite opponents, eventho Kodash lost most matches against eighter of them in the past. You can’t wish for better quality enemies on the battlefields. I don’t play as much these days, but so far almost every enemy encouter has been pleasant and challenging.
Keep it up and have fun everybody!
100% agree. its really refreshing and a great pleasure to fight you. overall jade and elona player quality was so much worse then yours! love you guys.
Stomp some Piken!
Thx to the [Buka]’s and other Kodash players on Deso BL today. We finally managed to cap Redlake from you!
Funny fights next time we meet i hope our amount of Players (Buka) >2.
While Deso and SFR fight each other in this forum who has the biggest Blob Kodash still has the longest (random zerg on the Borderlands)! :P
For me it was even fun when Kodash and SFR blobbed into each other on SFR Borderlands yesterday.
We kept you guys busy and grounded on your own Borderlands.
The outcome of EoW & Kodash randoms (no offense Kodashi fighters ) vs CoN & SFR allstars was a clear 4:4 (as we counted the wipes)^^
Great fun, although I’m looking to some small scale PvP again.
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!
grounded ? You count 2 wipes on 40 from 80? honestly? and we hold all our t3 keeps ? how does it make us grounded ?
Anyone else notices “BlaBlaBla” ?
My first Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPF9SmvW4jE
And yes big ups to CoN for the fights we had was awesome!
this all over CoN made it so difficult to take stuff back in deso last night props to them
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
15 ppl taking bay and got a nasty suprise of non blobbing sfr
Just fun, everyone blobs on occasion not trying to complain
was just a bit fun ^^
lol noddan, we just took bay and the pug zerg was going for the camp..
sh!t like that happends all the time, i could take 100s of pictures when me n some friends try a tower or keep n a deso zerg raid us, even stack up, veil n etc against 5 of us! :P
just drop this, we in SFR allready told you we do blob up at times but mostly avoiding it special on borderlands.. You can’t take a few guy denying blobing then flame the whole server for it.
It happends on all servers, when you cant fight a guild raid you have to blob.
Funny it came from an INVI member again, you guys love to flame SFR when Kodash is the one who blob up most of the time, special when they have no chance against our russian guild raids..
Did our server own Chuck Norris Jr aka Wemil drove INVI away from EB or what they doing in borderland?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
just drop this, we in SFR allready told you we do blob up at times but mostly avoiding it special on borderlands..
Can you please tell me which special borderlands SFR is NOT blobbing? ;-)
I was this evening playing couple of hours in Deso BL. I couldn’t see much anything else than SFR blobs. Just avoid confusion:
blob = 10 or more
Most of the SFR blobs I saw today had roughly 20-30, some had more, but it is difficult to count past 30 in a hectic fight.
Anycase my prediction was that SFR will win this week, Deso will be #2 and Kodash will be #3, seems to become reality. Let’s now start predicting what opponents you will get after the reset and new random system. I hope Desolation will face Kodash and Piken Square in next match up, which is possible, but also it might be so that SFR + Kodash + Deso will stay in same tier.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
wow desolation count blobs that way? :P ( I hope not , it’s silly ^^ )
SFR call everything less than 50 for a zerg, Blobs for us are like entire zone players on 1 spot 50++
Cool now my mini scout guild can be called a blob too , we are 12 active members woohoo~
Hands down to SFR on their homeland this evening. Despite the fact that Ive been experiencing massive lag spikes since last friday, we were unable to take Hills. Worthy match and definitely gave us a hard time figuring every possibility out. Too bad that the Siege Placement bug arrised, as we were having a great time.
Hands down to SFR on their homeland this evening. Despite the fact that Ive been experiencing massive lag spikes since last friday, we were unable to take Hills. Worthy match and definitely gave us a hard time figuring every possibility out. Too bad that the Siege Placement bug arrised, as we were having a great time.
It was fun trying to defend T3 Bay and Hills at the same time with one commander, Kodash had about 60 at Bay and Deso about 40 at Hills. Sadly we lost bay in the end and could only focus on hills but still had some fun fights. Deso was mainly AFTL and EXG if I remember correctly and SFR were CoN and some smaller guilds. The siege bug did help us tbh :P.
(edited by Repuran.1859)
lol noddan, we just took bay and the pug zerg was going for the camp..
sh!t like that happends all the time, i could take 100s of pictures when me n some friends try a tower or keep n a deso zerg raid us, even stack up, veil n etc against 5 of us! :Pjust drop this, we in SFR allready told you we do blob up at times but mostly avoiding it special on borderlands.. You can’t take a few guy denying blobing then flame the whole server for it.
It happends on all servers, when you cant fight a guild raid you have to blob.Funny it came from an INVI member again
, you guys love to flame SFR when Kodash is the one who blob up most of the time, special when they have no chance against our russian guild raids..
IF YOU COULD JUST READ WHAT I WROTE YOU WOULD SEE THAT I DO NOT BLAME YOU!!!! grow up, not everyone is taking this game 100% dead seriously.
lol cool down boy, the second text was pointed out to the ppl keep saying “SFR never blob” when we have players here saying we do blob up at times..
Lately the “SFR never blob” with screen shots came from INVI so it feels like you guys are against SFR and leave Kodash out of the picture..
I’m not complaining, it’s just funny
I have nothing against INVI, you guys are fun to fight
(edited by DaveVN.5987)
lol cool down boy, the second text was pointed out to the ppl keep saying “SFR never blob” when we have players here saying we do blob up at times..
Lately the most “SFR never blob” with screen shots came from INVI so it feels like you guys are against SFR and leave Kodash out of the picture..
I have nothing against INVI, you guys are fun to fight
Most of the SFR posters on here are the main culprits of complaining about ‘blobs’ and give the impression their own server never does it. It’s sad really and yes some have said (be it in this thread or past) that “SFR don’t blob”. Would love to know what SFR class the ‘groups’ that have been on Kodash border for the past couple of hours.
People just needs to stop pointing fingers, realise everyone does it and that everyone should try not to because ultimately it is not fun and can cause serious lag.
Away from the ‘blobbing’ rubbish, this match up has up until today been very enjoyable and have had a lot of good fights with both servers. It’s a shame it took both SFR and Deso so long to escape Tier 1, especially now the match-making will change this week. Be interesting to see what that brings, fingers crossed not Vizunah
Scanz yeah, agree with you mate ^^
I think it’s because on SFR when we say blobs we are talking about 50+ ( like 2 guilds with lots of pugs around, or it looks like entire zone players at 1 spot )
30-40 is called a big zerg , 40-50 a huge zerg be ready for a hard fight
So yeah we run 25-40 most of the time so they probably don’t count it as a blob ^^
and we have to blob up to 60+ to fight 80 kodash somtimes
It’s how most of us count zerg and blobs after the madness in tier 1 xD
(edited by DaveVN.5987)
Thx to the [Buka]’s and other Kodash players on Deso BL today. We finally managed to cap Redlake from you!
Funny fights
next time we meet i hope our amount of Players (Buka) >2.
Hope to meet you again with equal numbers I wouldnt mind doing some groups fights against you guys.
I like the playstyle of 1 of your asura mesmers btw, if initial burst fails → blink away
Thx to the [Buka]’s and other Kodash players on Deso BL today. We finally managed to cap Redlake from you!
Funny fights
next time we meet i hope our amount of Players (Buka) >2.
Hope to meet you again with equal numbers
I wouldnt mind doing some groups fights against you guys.
I like the playstyle of 1 of your asura mesmers btw, if initial burst fails -> blink away
this was me laugh i had to play a bit carefull.. Standing still into your group without invulnerability always hurts a “bit”
I was enthusiastic when this week started. We had some good fights, it was tight and intense for a while. That enthusiasm is all gone now. Sort of back to the situation we had in tier 1 with Vizunah. Having two servers that didn’t have the numbers outside primetime isn’t all that interesting. Alright, we may a few hours at night where we manage to get some points with some tiny groups scattered about, but even that seems to slip away now. At least there is no point in pulling those extra hours anymore.
Waking up to tier 3 towers, keeps. Trying to do something about it, but then get countered by a group of 60 SFR. People here can’t be bothered trying anymore, you are no fun. At this rate your odds of facing Vizunah again next week will drastically increase. Weekend wasn’t bad and it was fun while that lasted. I’m not the one to judge or blame players in particular, but I want you to know.
Was fun meeting some duelists which respect fairfighting on Deso and SFR this morning/noon. I’d kindly embrace some more fellows like them. Getting chased by 5, 10 or 25 players if roaming solo is boring aside the maplead.
Come on, let’s have some fun fights instead.
Avallora Erasleigh // e
Tara Airgetlám // m
I was enthusiastic when this week started. We had some good fights, it was tight and intense for a while. That enthusiasm is all gone now. Sort of back to the situation we had in tier 1 with Vizunah. Having two servers that didn’t have the numbers outside primetime isn’t all that interesting. Alright, we may a few hours at night where we manage to get some points with some tiny groups scattered about, but even that seems to slip away now. At least there is no point in pulling those extra hours anymore.
Waking up to tier 3 towers, keeps. Trying to do something about it, but then get countered by a group of 60 SFR. People here can’t be bothered trying anymore, you are no fun. At this rate your odds of facing Vizunah again next week will drastically increase. Weekend wasn’t bad and it was fun while that lasted. I’m not the one to judge or blame players in particular, but I want you to know.
SFR didn’t nightcap until two days ago, Deso nightcapped all of our t3 stuff even EB keep over the weekend so now SFR is simply doing the same.
Sorry Deso golem rushers on EB, we were supposed to be asleep.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
From what i have read on this forum – You SFR guys are spineless (sorry to say). You whine about blobs then you suddenly start the everybody blobs talk. (Grow some balls if you are going to write it on forum back it up in game). Dont say we dont blob cause you do, and dont say we dont night cap cause you do.
lets stop this childish act.
kudos to the Kodash guy in the above thread that claimed openly about them blobing – now that is a man.
just to add – i played on 3 maps today and there were 40-50 sfr on each map AM and PM. Am sure you all close your eyes when this is happening or you set your wvw character limit to 5.
Dont even get me started!!!
Owner of Candy Shop [CS] and Desolation Commander
Be the change you want to see in the world.
(edited by oaagamer.6594)
well this evening and this night it was quiet fun the pvr, you know, players vs runners … maybe you stop run like chicken, and fight ?
just to add – i played on 3 maps today and there were 40-50 sfr on each map AM and PM. Am sure you all close your eyes when this is happening or you set your wvw character limit to 5.
Dont even get me started!!!
next time stop switch map with us
btw i really loved the 2nd golems rush on valley, it was really excellent, but i don’t understand why you didn’t take it (both of deso and kodash) i really laughed kodash zerg wiped in lord room … it was a T0 keep… ah maybe there was an opposition ? and excellent use of arrow cards from deso 10/10 !
I was enthusiastic when this week started. We had some good fights, it was tight and intense for a while. That enthusiasm is all gone now. Sort of back to the situation we had in tier 1 with Vizunah. Having two servers that didn’t have the numbers outside primetime isn’t all that interesting. Alright, we may a few hours at night where we manage to get some points with some tiny groups scattered about, but even that seems to slip away now. At least there is no point in pulling those extra hours anymore.
Waking up to tier 3 towers, keeps. Trying to do something about it, but then get countered by a group of 60 SFR. People here can’t be bothered trying anymore, you are no fun. At this rate your odds of facing Vizunah again next week will drastically increase. Weekend wasn’t bad and it was fun while that lasted. I’m not the one to judge or blame players in particular, but I want you to know.
Maybe cause we aren’t that organized atm we may not have the dedicated coverage but it’s since the weekend at prime time we sometimes slag off pugs or vice versa who need to be taught but we don’t always set the right example all the time , maybe this new content isn’t a good thing but it might be good if we can find some dedicated wve’ers from the latest influx. We’re not organized to keep or bring back people on certain maps like when we lost a T3 Deso Garrison 2 days ago that was bad enough, we are mostly stacked on EB where it seems to get the mother of all laggy blobs from all 3 servers.
The siege lock bug after the patch was one of the most frustrating bugs I’ve ever seen preventing us to do anything on SFR BL after that, we tried a golem rush with AFTL earlier who had to hop to help Deso BL later earlier but it didn’t go quite as planned I was scouting elsewhere but Kodash reset Bay and we couldn’t do much after that and the bug.
And btw this reading is more and more like a Tier 1 thread we all thought Tier 2 was nice change couple of days ago and reality hit but it doesn’t mean we need to hold grudges like it’s Vizunah all over again and stop trying.
P.S Apologies for bringing internal server problems in this thread but it has to be said.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Sorry Deso golem rushers on EB, we were supposed to be asleep.
And we were wondering why we can’t make any siege, then someone said “we can make golems”… So you know the rest
Not any serious try (however it may have looked like). More like “for lulz” cause no other siege worked and ppl started throwing all their golems on the floor – not much to do with them in the end
Tought SFR wanted to stay in T2?
Looks like you want to go back … :-(
nice double teaming by the blobs from kodashian’s rest square. well played. sad that you still failed
Did our server own Chuck Norris Jr aka Wemil drove INVI away from EB or what they doing in borderland?
We run our guild runs in borderlands so we can get as many members together as possible. It’s rare for EB to not have a queue on Desolation, our server simply loves that map.
Besides, borderlands have more guild groups and small groups than eb tends to. Eb tends to be 3 large blobs just by the nature of the map, so it’s hard to really get our training in. We enjoy fighting on both(most of us) and have been having an absolute blast in T2.
Big shoutout to INVI for yesterday’s fights on Stargrove. It was very refreshing. It was a very intense fight for me. I sincerely hope we will meet more often. Cheerio !
Thank you to CoN for inviting us to fight on SFR Border with them two days ago! Feel free to invite us anytime, we loved fighting you!
Council of The Inner Sanctum [Coin] | Blackgate
I loved the golem’s , thanks to all who participated that night! Thanks to both Kodash and SFR for the fights in EB during the night.
I know just wish I didn’t have 1 min- 2 min delay during our primetime…
@earthian.1520- Silent Leaf is still here ;P
Requiescat in pace momma golem….
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359