T4: SoS/CD/SBI (5/17/13)
I’m not one to brag, even if we are opportunists at best, but after some SoS from FaTe started hating earlier in the week when you guys got SM from us, I felt like executing my own form of poetic justice even if we’ll just lose it in again (edit: while I was posting this, LMAO). At least I got to use FaTe’s heroes’ banner!
To whoever knocked me off the top, I lol’d.
Glad you got to use our banner hope you guys enjoyed it haha.
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)
unless you knew about what was going on rising dusk?
Yes, you’ve caught me. I’m actually a triple agent for CD who switched to SBI to party with SoS at your beach party. I know all of the masterful tricks, and I’m actually on all three servers’ VOIP servers at the exact same time. You have no chance to survive make your time.
No but really, I’m just poking fun because that dude earlier in the thread did the same to us.
Ya’ll remember this guy from the last thread?
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle.
http://www.twitch.tv/ailesdelumiere/c/2286241You can see more of this on my stream!
Because of his mouth, I decided to find him a couple of days ago to show him a real CD fight. He runs a gimmicky build and gets a good majority of his kills from complete surprise, whether his victim is running solo or attempting to take a camp. To his credit, he was able to catch me with his burst just one time but has failed to do so since.
My friends and I got a good laugh when I went toe to toe with him and he rage quit just before I could spike him, which is recorded at 13:04 at:
I gave him a dose of his own medicine today and then he called me a terrible name! I felt so bad, really I did. He was attempting to troll an open field fight between SOS and CD, as he usually does, and I decided to show him how trolling is properly done . . . to him. Anyways, you can hear what name he called me at 2:46 at
I was only trying to show him how to properly do what he was attempting to do himself.
You can see him try to do the same thing to me at 2:22 while I was finishing an SOS player. Of course, he failed as usual.
He logged about 16 minutes after.
Totally logged because I got ghosted and trained, not because it was 2AM in Japan. Yup.
How real CD fight: Zerg harder and hug NPC.
Not to say it isn’t effective (because it is), but at least play like you’ve got a pair if you want to talk trash.
Only CD I currently have respect for are that one mesmer from cAc (who I have no clue who they are. If anyone has their character name, I’d really appreciate it,) and Iskandarex from TOFU.
That said, the build is pretty glassy, and is based off of the standard D/P Backstab thief in tPvP. It’s really not supposed to win any head on 1v1s which is why I think its hilarious how it does in WvW.
If you want to win a good 90% of 1v1 matchups, play a (good) D/D triple cantrip Ele.
I’m confused. Where in this video does the CD player zerg and hug NPC’s? Because that’s what you imply in your post. In the video you come to a fight between SoS and CD – you jump in and try to take some of them down as they’re fighting one another. Shortly thereafter, the CD player comes in and pretty much destroys you, to which you respond with some epic (albeit quiet) nerd rage.
The CD player was doing the EXACT same thing you were attempting to do (except he does it more effectively). Funny thing though, I didn’t see the CD hug any NPC’s or bring a zerg to you – just saw him flatten you into the ground. So with that being said…I’m fairly certain that he’s earned the right to trash talk you. Straight up.
Clap Clap Clap good job there CD,if your way of dealing with hardships is by glitching your way in then you are truly deserving of haveing us farming you.
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap
Now that one was all us! GG at your EB keep, SoS!
Now that one was all us! GG at your EB keep, SoS!
Congratz on taking a paper keep with 0 supply and no siege with damaged gates while our zerg is away defending a paper SM due to hackers….I guess?
Congratz on taking a paper keep with 0 supply and no siege with damaged gates while our zerg is away defending a paper SM due to hackers….I guess?
Nice hacks, CD.
Now that one was all us! GG at your EB keep, SoS!
Dont gloat too much when reaping the benefits of someone else’s cheating.
Makes you look like an 8year old.
And just for a reminder,wait for monday.
See if you can keep up with us.
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap
Ya’ll remember this guy from the last thread?
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle.
http://www.twitch.tv/ailesdelumiere/c/2286241You can see more of this on my stream!
Because of his mouth, I decided to find him a couple of days ago to show him a real CD fight. He runs a gimmicky build and gets a good majority of his kills from complete surprise, whether his victim is running solo or attempting to take a camp. To his credit, he was able to catch me with his burst just one time but has failed to do so since.
My friends and I got a good laugh when I went toe to toe with him and he rage quit just before I could spike him, which is recorded at 13:04 at:
I gave him a dose of his own medicine today and then he called me a terrible name! I felt so bad, really I did. He was attempting to troll an open field fight between SOS and CD, as he usually does, and I decided to show him how trolling is properly done . . . to him. Anyways, you can hear what name he called me at 2:46 at
I was only trying to show him how to properly do what he was attempting to do himself.
You can see him try to do the same thing to me at 2:22 while I was finishing an SOS player. Of course, he failed as usual.
He logged about 16 minutes after.
Totally logged because I got ghosted and trained, not because it was 2AM in Japan. Yup.
How real CD fight: Zerg harder and hug NPC.
Not to say it isn’t effective (because it is), but at least play like you’ve got a pair if you want to talk trash.
Only CD I currently have respect for are that one mesmer from cAc (who I have no clue who they are. If anyone has their character name, I’d really appreciate it,) and Iskandarex from TOFU.
That said, the build is pretty glassy, and is based off of the standard D/P Backstab thief in tPvP. It’s really not supposed to win any head on 1v1s which is why I think its hilarious how it does in WvW.
If you want to win a good 90% of 1v1 matchups, play a (good) D/D triple cantrip Ele.
I’m confused. Where in this video does the CD player zerg and hug NPC’s? Because that’s what you imply in your post. In the video you come to a fight between SoS and CD – you jump in and try to take some of them down as they’re fighting one another. Shortly thereafter, the CD player comes in and pretty much destroys you, to which you respond with some epic (albeit quiet) nerd rage.
The CD player was doing the EXACT same thing you were attempting to do (except he does it more effectively). Funny thing though, I didn’t see the CD hug any NPC’s or bring a zerg to you – just saw him flatten you into the ground. So with that being said…I’m fairly certain that he’s earned the right to trash talk you. Straight up.
Lol. You should watch a little bit more then.
Ya everyone needs to really take a step back. A CD guild hacked into SM, and our Keep, and you guys brag and gloat? That is just very poor sportsmanship. Brag after you have taken something fair and square, then I will say congrats to you.
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)
(edited by Truth.2164)
Wonder how far CD can go with hacks. Doubt they can even come close to us even while glitching into T3 castles and keeps.
Good job SoS!
So some random hacker on CD takes your castle and keep and now its the whole server’s fault?
So some random hacker on CD takes your castle and keep and now its the whole server’s fault?
Your entire server happily capitalized on the situation. We lost a total of over 3000 supply in less than half an hour from your draining of our lowlands and SM. Pretty sure ‘some random hacker’ did not drain 3000+ supply alone. Also, both servers took advantage of the hackers and took our supply camps and towers while we had to retake our Lowlands, and you were more than happy to assault our homelands repeatedly while the hackers were flipping our keep / castle. From what I’ve seen, you seem very happy with your hacking glitchers and capitalize on their work.
Good going CD.
Edit : You have siege in the SKY. Floating above SM. What?
(edited by Lyndis.2584)
I would hardly call random hacker an entire guild
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap
I understand the gut wrenching feeling when keeps castles towers etc are exploited into. That being said, it is not SBI or CD servers fault, it is individuals or in this case only one guild.
Most WvWers would not even have known about the exploits when they entered the taken fortifications. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
Good luck all, hopefully the exploiters were reported and we can just get on with the game.
Ok not impressed SoS, I spend countless gold and time trying to defend sosbl with limited numbers, while we have FIVE commanders on SBIbl trying to take a keep a holding ONE paper tower. The result? no camps on SOSBL briar lost lake lost,Garrison gone wood gone. Lets be clear karma training has a place, but NOT while our map clearly is not under control. CD took briar with 6 people and then there zerg came and took the rest. Show weakness with camps pulls more to your map and the result is a red or blue sosbl. Time after time i see commanders pulling what little defenders we have on sosbl to basically karma train, trading paper towers/keeps for our upgraded BL should not be an option. Its a good server but we need to play smarter imo we only win because our peak is longer than the other server ATM.
Also commanders jobs are not just running around with groups, far too often im told a commander has been on the map for x amount of hours but little has been upgraded. As a commander you should be keeping an eye on upgrades and camps as much as running around. North towers only had 1 upgraded wall and 1 gate upgrade and no other upgrades and crag had paper gates.
At the end of the day if/when sos get to t3 this kind of play will leave us in 3rd place until we are kicked back to t4.
We need the bigger W3 guilds to hold a presents on sosbl when if they can, even calling ppl into the map takes too long sometimes more so when 5 golems are involved like at garrison.
Going to take a break from wvw until june now but goodluck sos and i hope we can sort out these problems soon.
The problem is that the game itself doesn’t reward defending well enough.
Perhaps if they made it so that guilds could get significant rewards for holding their claimed objective for a decent period of time…
Ya’ll remember this guy from the last thread?
Just thought I’d add some extra content to the thread.
A pretty typical SBI vs CD battle.
http://www.twitch.tv/ailesdelumiere/c/2286241You can see more of this on my stream!
Because of his mouth, I decided to find him a couple of days ago to show him a real CD fight. He runs a gimmicky build and gets a good majority of his kills from complete surprise, whether his victim is running solo or attempting to take a camp. To his credit, he was able to catch me with his burst just one time but has failed to do so since.
My friends and I got a good laugh when I went toe to toe with him and he rage quit just before I could spike him, which is recorded at 13:04 at:
I gave him a dose of his own medicine today and then he called me a terrible name! I felt so bad, really I did. He was attempting to troll an open field fight between SOS and CD, as he usually does, and I decided to show him how trolling is properly done . . . to him. Anyways, you can hear what name he called me at 2:46 at
I was only trying to show him how to properly do what he was attempting to do himself.
You can see him try to do the same thing to me at 2:22 while I was finishing an SOS player. Of course, he failed as usual.
He logged about 16 minutes after.
Totally logged because I got ghosted and trained, not because it was 2AM in Japan. Yup.
How real CD fight: Zerg harder and hug NPC.
Not to say it isn’t effective (because it is), but at least play like you’ve got a pair if you want to talk trash.
Only CD I currently have respect for are that one mesmer from cAc (who I have no clue who they are. If anyone has their character name, I’d really appreciate it,) and Iskandarex from TOFU.
That said, the build is pretty glassy, and is based off of the standard D/P Backstab thief in tPvP. It’s really not supposed to win any head on 1v1s which is why I think its hilarious how it does in WvW.
If you want to win a good 90% of 1v1 matchups, play a (good) D/D triple cantrip Ele.
I’m confused. Where in this video does the CD player zerg and hug NPC’s? Because that’s what you imply in your post. In the video you come to a fight between SoS and CD – you jump in and try to take some of them down as they’re fighting one another. Shortly thereafter, the CD player comes in and pretty much destroys you, to which you respond with some epic (albeit quiet) nerd rage.
The CD player was doing the EXACT same thing you were attempting to do (except he does it more effectively). Funny thing though, I didn’t see the CD hug any NPC’s or bring a zerg to you – just saw him flatten you into the ground. So with that being said…I’m fairly certain that he’s earned the right to trash talk you. Straight up.
Lol. You should watch a little bit more then.
OK. Should I watch the most recent one or should I watch the previous one where you rage-quit when this same CD thief beat you in a 1v1? I kinda like the rage-quit one myself.
So some random hacker on CD takes your castle and keep and now its the whole server’s fault?
Your entire server happily capitalized on the situation. We lost a total of over 3000 supply in less than half an hour from your draining of our lowlands and SM. Pretty sure ‘some random hacker’ did not drain 3000+ supply alone. Also, both servers took advantage of the hackers and took our supply camps and towers while we had to retake our Lowlands, and you were more than happy to assault our homelands repeatedly while the hackers were flipping our keep / castle. From what I’ve seen, you seem very happy with your hacking glitchers and capitalize on their work.
Good going CD.
Edit : You have siege in the SKY. Floating above SM. What?
Couldn’t of said it better myself. However on the flip side the battles tonight were great since SM and our keep was paper it brought both of you out in force. Too bad it took CD hacking for this to happen.
SoS Commander (SoS since BW1)
Snip * Snip* sorry for copy pasting a post likely to be reported.
Declan; I am from Sea of Sorrows , By the way…..I can pretty much assure you no whole server condones exploiting, neither mine, CD or SBI.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Ya everyone needs to really take a step back. A CD guild hacked into SM, and our Keep, and you guys brag and gloat? That is just very poor sportsmanship. Brag after you have taken something fair and square, then I will say congrats to you.
I’m sorry, I looked through the thread and when did CD gloat about taking SMC? All I saw was a guy from SBI gloating about how SBI took SMC.
Ya everyone needs to really take a step back. A CD guild hacked into SM, and our Keep, and you guys brag and gloat? That is just very poor sportsmanship. Brag after you have taken something fair and square, then I will say congrats to you.
I’m sorry, I looked through the thread and when did CD gloat about taking SMC? All I saw was a guy from SBI gloating about how SBI took SMC.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was in fact talking to the poster from SBI that was above me. I was not talking about CD in my post.
SoS Commander (Proud to call SoS my home since BW1)
This week’s thread is a juicy one! popcorn
Ya everyone needs to really take a step back. A CD guild hacked into SM, and our Keep, and you guys brag and gloat? That is just very poor sportsmanship. Brag after you have taken something fair and square, then I will say congrats to you.
I’m sorry, I looked through the thread and when did CD gloat about taking SMC? All I saw was a guy from SBI gloating about how SBI took SMC.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I was in fact talking to the poster from SBI that was above me. I was not talking about CD in my post.
No problem, mistakes happen. Regardless of whether CD or SBI did indeed exploit into SoS territory, I think we should just drop the subject. I have exams this week and WvW isn’t worth failing my tests! :P
is it weird if i prefer to read thrash talk forum threads over actually playing the game?
i think wvw needs a revamp
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
Here’s a pic of an SoS ranger from guild Elite Ones [LeeT] having invulnerability for like 2 min straight until we just gave up haha =)
lol just pretend he has RI
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
Here’s a pic of an SoS ranger from guild Elite Ones [LeeT] having invulnerability for like 2 min straight until we just gave up haha =)
Seems like a thief, not a ranger. And he probably has the protection buff from being close to the homebase. Do you even WvW?
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
If you have to report one every week or so, it shows poor cohesion on your server for not blocking the abusers out from your system.
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
Here’s a pic of an SoS ranger from guild Elite Ones [LeeT] having invulnerability for like 2 min straight until we just gave up haha =)
Yeah…the guy is just standing right next to our garrison. The only blame to lay here is on Anet for not catching that one spot where they can be attacked but still have invulnerability lol.
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows
Seems like a thief, not a ranger. And he probably has the protection buff from being close to the homebase. Do you even WvW?
And that spot is not suppose to give you that buff. Does it matter which class that is?
If you have to report one every week or so, it shows poor cohesion on your server for not blocking the abusers out from your system.
So, its the whole server’s fault that we cant stop players from using exploits? Please teach us how to block abusers. I’d gladly pay you for that invaluable knowledge
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Ok not impressed SoS, I spend countless gold and time trying to defend sosbl with limited numbers, while we have FIVE commanders on SBIbl trying to take a keep a holding ONE paper tower. The result? no camps on SOSBL briar lost lake lost,Garrison gone wood gone. Lets be clear karma training has a place, but NOT while our map clearly is not under control. CD took briar with 6 people and then there zerg came and took the rest. Show weakness with camps pulls more to your map and the result is a red or blue sosbl. Time after time i see commanders pulling what little defenders we have on sosbl to basically karma train, trading paper towers/keeps for our upgraded BL should not be an option. Its a good server but we need to play smarter imo we only win because our peak is longer than the other server ATM.
Also commanders jobs are not just running around with groups, far too often im told a commander has been on the map for x amount of hours but little has been upgraded. As a commander you should be keeping an eye on upgrades and camps as much as running around. North towers only had 1 upgraded wall and 1 gate upgrade and no other upgrades and crag had paper gates.
At the end of the day if/when sos get to t3 this kind of play will leave us in 3rd place until we are kicked back to t4.
We need the bigger W3 guilds to hold a presents on sosbl when if they can, even calling ppl into the map takes too long sometimes more so when 5 golems are involved like at garrison.
Going to take a break from wvw until june now but goodluck sos and i hope we can sort out these problems soon.
Yes what happened today on SOS bl was bad, really really bad, but typing about it in the match thread is not necessary or appropriate. That’s a message for our internal forums.
I suspect you will start getting taken more seriously by the other commanders when you stop swearing and getting abusive when someone disagrees with your opinion.
Just my 2 cents
Tarnished Coast.
Just to pick up on this somewhat, yes there are plenty of sloppy commanders out there. Honestly, T4 has been fun, but it really hasn’t done us any good insofar as being technically good and organised. Why waste the time with advanced tactics when the really simple baits, flanks and charges are doing the job most of the time? Why waste time and money upgrading and defending when you have your opponent on the back foot? This is not to take away from the folks that do spend a lot of their time and money on upgrading, scouting, etc. However, I honestly think this kind of sloppiness will see us getting rolled for the first couple of weeks in T3. If I look at how even some of the current groups going out there performed back in higher tiers, I think they’d roll over their current selves. But, this is not a case of starting from scratch. There are very few bad players, let alone commanders who don’t appreciate that to be performing at 100%, we need to be covering all of our bases and extremely organised in how we do things. For the most part, they’ve all been there, done that, got the t-shirt. It is literally just a question of weaning ourselves off of the bad habits we’ve picked up when we hit a fight that isn’t a mismatch in our favour.
Could we receive a little more detail about the specific hack / cheat that people are using to get into buildings and how to identify it so that it can be reported? I’m not sure how to tell the difference between lag / speed hacks, and rezzing through a door or whatever seems like an issue that can be circumvented / prevented with appropriate preparation.
What is this “glitch” people are talking about with keeps? It’s obviously not a mesmer portal or something, because that would make it legitimate, right?
Or SoS could just leave the tier already so they can stop making excuses about why their Oceanic domination isn’t winning them enough points to move already… or we could keep crying about hacks, bots, and exploits on the forum instead of actually playing the game and just /reporting issues we see.
Can we all stop complaining and have a good match up please?
The guild TOFU on CD i really like your play style at times. goodjob guys keep it up! Hopefully soon i get get a team from my guild together and we will maybe do some sort of GvG?
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Nobody in CD is condoning it, and we are taking active measures to report and even video anyone we saw using exploits, if that is not enough, I don’t know what is.
This is not about server vs server, its about honest players against exploiters/hackers, we help each other weed it out, and that is it. If you find someone using exploits/hacks on our side, let us know. Like wise, we will do the same. No reason to smear the honest players in each server over such things, I expected SoS to be better than this
Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§
Could we receive a little more detail about the specific hack / cheat that people are using to get into buildings and how to identify it so that it can be reported? I’m not sure how to tell the difference between lag / speed hacks, and rezzing through a door or whatever seems like an issue that can be circumvented / prevented with appropriate preparation.
What is this “glitch” people are talking about with keeps? It’s obviously not a mesmer portal or something, because that would make it legitimate, right?
Or SoS could just leave the tier already so they can stop making excuses about why their Oceanic domination isn’t winning them enough points to move already… or we could keep crying about hacks, bots, and exploits on the forum instead of actually playing the game and just /reporting issues we see.
Sadly Anet will delete any post from people who post exploit info on here and they risk THEIR account if they share it on here or in-game. Even talking about people exploiting eg who, when, where is grounds for post removal by devs and warnings given out. Any exploiters caught should be directed to exploits@arenanet.com with all the info you can get. Even asking for info about current exploits is risky to your account.
It is rather unfortunate I forgot to record an upleveled cd mesmer walking thru sm walls when I have fraps on. /facepalm
Effing rallybot
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
Here’s a pic of an SoS ranger from guild Elite Ones [LeeT] having invulnerability for like 2 min straight until we just gave up haha =)
Thats the spawn protection buff there lad,and it also means that you and your buddies camped outside a spawn and waited to kill anyone walking out of it.
The devs left on purpose those small spots on all bl’s so people can come out relatively safe without getting hit by 5 balistas.
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap
Sadly Anet will delete any post from people who post exploit info on here and they risk THEIR account if they share it on here or in-game. Even talking about people exploiting eg who, when, where is grounds for post removal by devs and warnings given out. Any exploiters caught should be directed to exploits@arenanet.com with all the info you can get. Even asking for info about current exploits is risky to your account.
Well, that’s good to know.
SoS1: Hey, hackers exist and they make your server look bad so you should do something about it.
SoS2: btw, if you talk about it you might get banned.
While I do appreciate your warning that I might receive a warning, it’s not exactly incentive for us to try to change anything or put extra effort into writing to a robot box about exploits. I guess I’ll let the people who know what’s going on take care of it then.
If your matchup is lagging more then usual, please support this!
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
I have video of the CD mesmer wallhacking ports through gates which includes his toon and account name but idk if I should post it on forums or not, already gotten warned of posting about botters
I wont post link for video on forums but if u msg me in game ill give you link there, he hasnt been banned yet either.
[oof] Crystal Desert
(edited by Aitadis.8269)
If you have evidence of a guild member on SoS hacking, you’re always welcome to contact us directly. Obviously we can’t always do much about it, but a lot of guilds won’t tolerate it and would prefer to know if their member is up to something so they can get rid of them.
If you have evidence of a guild member on SoS hacking, you’re always welcome to contact us directly. Obviously we can’t always do much about it, but a lot of guilds won’t tolerate it and would prefer to know if their member is up to something so they can get rid of them.
Proud Member of [CA] from Aurora Glade.
Lol. You should watch a little bit more then.
You got destroyed in a legit 1v1 duel and rage quit like a 12 year old and caught it on video. It’s obvious how frustrated you are. It’s just a game. Take a break and just “breath” rather than logging out when downed. You do know that he still gets the kill and loot right?
http://www.twitch.tv/ailesdelumiere/b/404214420 @ 13:05
Pretty much the entire CD side that plays during your times refers to you as “Ragequit Reikou” since you apparently do it so often.
Totally logged because ***snip
Please no more excuses, you rage quit because you got steamrolled in a fair fight, nothing more nothing less. The second video you posted which shows you hurling vulgar insults (again, after losing a fight) is another clue to the frustration these fights apparently bring you. Really, it is just a game, and there’s no reason whatsoever to throw mini temper tantrums every time you die. And you might want to reconsider recording these videos if you can’t control yourself in that aspect, just a thought…
So if we find a hacker from SoS, does that mean the whole SoS server hacks? or if they capitalize on the hacker’s distraction, does that make them a bad server? … not really. Best you could do is just report it.
Don’t generalize and pick out one person/guild for their actions because every server has their own hacker/glitcher/oppurtunist/etc.
Here’s a pic of an SoS ranger from guild Elite Ones [LeeT] having invulnerability for like 2 min straight until we just gave up haha =)
Yeah…the guy is just standing right next to our garrison. The only blame to lay here is on Anet for not catching that one spot where they can be attacked but still have invulnerability lol.
Oh jeez lol that’s my bad then! I do WvW but I’ll be honest I never really noticed the invul buff lol. Also, no we weren’t camping him, we chased too far from Sunnyhill I guess and then that happened. It was a ranger cause he had a pet, but guess doesn’t matter now haha. Thanks for info btw =)