T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

Oh look!!! It’s Asura Thiefy! And guess what? When we had no tags, he FREAKED and actually moved from the spawn to Hills!



(edited by Miss Firesss.3704)

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: echo.2053


LOL undercover zerg. another great night. Thank you ioj and sf for helping my little lady to 80. Though im gonna miss all the fun attention i got for having a big green target :/.

Tis been a blast so far ( minus the dumb lag in sm) we shall go out with a big ol’ bang!!!!


Bender the offender – Proud violator of 17 safe spaces –

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: TogoChubb.3984


Shoutout to all the zergs that have been killed by us and have killed us. I’d like to give my respect to BURN and PD of DH for having some fun small roaming groups to fight. As well as MoW[aka annoying invis thieves guild] and HARD for also for some good fights. Abys had some too but they are usually in a zerg or more than us.

Gonna be a bit sad [only a bit] when we move onto different server. ~eXo

Right back at ya Verras….We def have to bring our “A-Game” when we see you guys. The week’s not over yet…let’s keep the fun rolling while we are in the present.

Commander Togochubb aka Chubby
Perfect Dark [PD] – Yaks Bend

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Verras.5013


Thanks for the praise. Indeed, let the good fights keep happening. If your interested in what things look like for eXo I have a youtube channel Verras The Best. Of course it’s made to make us look pro. I’m not going to add clips of us dying in 3 seconds. But, in case you’re curious.

Maybe, come reset we will still be facing off with each other or moved to a different server grouping. Until then, let’s keep having those fun fights!

King Verras ~ SF ~ Necromancer ~ [eXo] Guild
eXo taking credit for things we did not achieve.
eXo dying in outnumbered fights since May 2013.

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Is.. the battle for SM over?

Am I safe to once again load up GW2 without fear of encountering the almighty and terrifying lag-monster?


Henosis [ONE]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Is.. the battle for SM over?

Am I safe to once again load up GW2 without fear of encountering the almighty and terrifying lag-monster?


IoJ Won the SM battle in the end, and we still have it ;D

Isle Of Janthir

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


IoJ Won the SM battle in the end, and we still have it ;D

Gotcha, but apparently, the lag monster is still large and in charge. WvW is next to unplayable in EB for me

Hopefully this downtime will do something for it!

Henosis [ONE]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


IoJ Won the SM battle in the end, and we still have it ;D

Gotcha, but apparently, the lag monster is still large and in charge. WvW is next to unplayable in EB for me

Hopefully this downtime will do something for it!

:l I’m not getting any lag in eb, last night however I was getting about 5 seconds of delay, so idk what to tell ya T_T my skills are going off just fine atm

Isle Of Janthir

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Dear Mrs DH Squire! I’m glad we both found the humour in me running laps around SM; you simply unable to get the hit on me, but both of us being locked in this everlasting chase! If only your buddies hadn’t have shown up; we could have kept going forever… <3


Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Haha some intense fights went on all day long!!! ( atleast for me, commanding for 6+ hours is so fun :l )

SM, cant tell if its still IoJ’s or who has flipped it yet again. If its not IoJ’s, I can already predict some more good fights to come

Commander Nachonix

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

Dear Mrs DH Squire! I’m glad we both found the humour in me running laps around SM; you simply unable to get the hit on me, but both of us being locked in this everlasting chase! If only your buddies hadn’t have shown up; we could have kept going forever… <3

Hahaha! It’s always fun chasing someone around forever huh? Love the dotted map. (Wasn’t me chasing you, just found it amusing).


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zanydachico.7304


I been havin a lot of fun fightin [KING] Members. 1v1’s are interesting when it aint one of your mesmers. The other day was roamin alone at night and I seen a [KING] Mesmer getting 3v1’s so I decided to help. Fight dragged and I got killed so I Wp’d and came back and there was only a warrior left to take down from IoJ I continued to help him. After that we stared each other down and he decided to engage me. We had our duel and he easily Slipped out of every type of CC I thew at him. I knew I was dead after he broke free from my Grasping Vines before I could land my Burst and ended up wasting it on Air. Good fight random [KING] Mesmer. Which I could’ve gotten that thank you tho :P

“Hey…who’s that guy?” “What guy?” HEADSHOT
- Zannito [SE]’s Green Ranger
- DarkHaven

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


:l I’m not getting any lag in eb, last night however I was getting about 5 seconds of delay, so idk what to tell ya T_T my skills are going off just fine atm

Yeah… I dunno whats going on. Ever since right around when they introduced the API (which is AMAZING for the live maps on millenium!), I have been having really serious playability issues. Im not sure its directly connected to the API, but it started at about the same time. It seems I am not the only one from the multiple threads and sticky from Devon on the same topic in the dubveedub section here (constant lag resulting in crashes, etc).

Basically, if there are more than about 10 people, its unplayable :\ My pet doesnt even walk anymore, just teleports from one spot to the next, lol, and my shortbow shoots at a slower speed than the longbow (on Ranger).

Ah well, Ill just play another game for a bit. It seems to be very off and on, so we will see how it is tomorrow!

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grimno.6172


Usually JQ is quiet, people jumping along all hunky doory, but tonight is was camped camped camped! _
And not by 1 or 2 people, but like 15+ at one point.

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief

(edited by Grimno.6172)

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: LordKael.7260


Hey Darkhaven, just FYI… there’s a sylvari mesmer from Asylum Elites [FURY] that was blatantly speedhacking in SM just now. He’s dead, but it would be helpful if you guys figure out who he is and report him. Thanks!

Lord Kael – Guardian
Seventh Legion [VII]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


DH’s FURY needs to kitten off. Speed hack is no kittening bueno at all.
Intercepted at the last screenshot :s


Basic Banjo

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


said screenshot intercepting.


Basic Banjo

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: DisplayName.7802


One more here


Basic Banjo

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


DH needs to get their shameful speed hacks out of the BLs….kthnx

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


DH took our keeps in IoJ BL. We can’t even place sieges to defend.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


Speed Hacking + Broken siege timer from the patch….gg

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

We can’t lay most siege either, especially in EB I guess.


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Yeah but when you are on the offensive you can have golems which can be built. We as defender have nothing but our weapons.


So sad. All I can do is wait for the golem to break gate and cry.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: lilcoffeebean.3149


Hmmm….we can still build siege on our borderlands fine, it’s EB that’s the problem, but sounds like IOJ really got the short end of the stick if they can’t build when we are pushing there. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying we’re gonna leave, but I do feel a little bad for you.

Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


It’s not DH’s your fault IMHO. I will do the same if the situation was reversed. ANET should fix this problem, and fast.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

And when I was in EB wayyy earlier today, IoJ were the only ones who could build siege LOL. They really do need to get that fixed ASAP.


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Earlier (before the patch/fix) IoJ only have 1 person who can build siege and he was only succesfull twice putting down arrowcarts.

No it’s not “only” IoJ. DH was trebbing us from Klovan.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

I said when I was on earlier, that’s what was happening……Don’t get so defensive.


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


I’m not getting defensive all I’m saying is that we all have our problem with sieges. Some people apparently can put them in some places but not everyone.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

And it’s supposedly fixed now?


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


5 hours ago I was on and it’s not fixed. Hopefully it is now. No official word yet.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


Placing siege was working the DH borderland. Fun times 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 down in the Southwest.

Going to miss this matchup, even tho IoJ hasn’t won one yet.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

Going to miss this matchup, even tho IoJ hasn’t won one yet.

But you guys did get better each week and spent more on siege every week.

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Haqiang.6480


Placing siege was working the DH borderland. Fun times 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 down in the Southwest.

Going to miss this matchup, even tho IoJ hasn’t won one yet.

IoJ always play for 2nd place, it’s no surprise that IoJ hasnt won one yet.

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Come on now just admit it you worked together is it that hard to say or is the outcome you wanted not what you got

I have concluded (from his one sided conversations, and 5-6 consecutive postings) that Hippologic is kitten, to my credit I have tried to unlock some type of soothing unguent or cream in the forge to ease the discomfort he is feeling, sadly to no avail.

Hippo, my dear sweet mammal….The idea of the “alliance” was to do many things, I shall list a few of them so you are not completely in the dark for the rest of the week, and to save us all from reading your 20 posts in a row of random blurtings:

-For SF to “help” IoJ push DH, during NA primetimes. This was the main objective as during the Isle of Janthhaven days, DH sat back and got fat on the hog whilst IoJ got 2nd. To which I am sure you are thinking: Well IoJ still got 2nd, they play for 2nd, yadda yadda yadda. Again the idea was to knock that lead down a bit and give IoJ a chance (and SF to whatever extent possible) the ability to close the gap between 1st and 2nd.
Now from my personal perspective, the issue with these agreements, is that not everyone abides by them. So the results were hit and miss, due to fluctuations in the “plan” by random guilds/pugs, but overall I think the past week the scores were about as close as they have been to that point.

-Similar to the first point, but for IoJ to stop cherrypicking SF during the oceanic/offpeak times, because once again this allowed DH to run rampantly unchecked.

-To change the culture/thinking process of IoJ/SF as a whole: Why fight for the scraps of 2nd/3rd, when together you can attack the 1st place overlords.

TL/DR: The idea behind it all was: Sure IoJ can cherry pick SF during offpeaks, but all that did was entangle SF/IoJ…All the while DH sat back and held their BL (100%), held their 1/3 of EB + SM, thus freeing up the DH zergs to roam wherever and whenever they wanted. This also allowed DH to hold a substantial PPT throughout the week, which led to the huge leads they (DH) were posting at reset.

The IoJ/SF “alliance” (as you call it), was merely a way to: get a better match going for all 3 servers (something I have even seen DH people claim to have noticed), and to keep DH “honest”, meaning that you could not always just PVGate your way to 1st all the while having IoJ/SF do your dirty work keeping the other server busy.

Mag Server Leader

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I log on to Mos this morning to check things out and see IoJ is down to a +40 PPT x.x Thanks DH, I know once we can place siege us commanders will be having a lot of fun in your BL this week.

Isle Of Janthir

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: RAIN.1238


I will miss this match up, it’s been a good eye opener for DH especially. It’s shown us we can’t just faceroll through everything, and even though people still think it’s the only solution, it’s made a lot of the commanders wake up and start using some strategy. It sucks that Anet messed up so big on the patch, which single handedly destroyed any accurate positioning for the 3 servers. I do feel that all 3 servers have strengthened in WvW from this match up, and even though it has been pretty ugly, we definitely should be able to show next weeks servers that we know what’s up.

-HoD- [EVIL]
| Rainin Ash | Asher Nicole |

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: rcelbrechter.8947


Let me commend this group of servers. I guess I did not see the gripes that were initially brought up about SF however I will say that this has been a great learning process. LoJ definately made their point that they could control the flow of the matches with their input and DH with their coverages and numbers.

Despite the minor frustrations at time I feel I have come out of this stronger. I seem to see stronger and more coordinated play from all the servers on this tier. My salute to both Isle and Darkhaven. You both have made this a memorable experience.

Best be with both servers and I do hope we meet again in the future.


Renegade Lightsend [Chef] [TAC]
Guardian – Dragonbrand

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


/salute all around!

I have learned more from this match up “pairing” than any other, and I am very happy about that.

There are always the exceptions, but much respect to both IoJ and SF. Now if I could only actually play… It haunts my dreams.

Henosis [ONE]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

I would be saying this would be the closest match our 3 servers had intill a bug happen. DH would have taken first but we would had to fight for it and not just zerg it now like it is. Going to miss IoJ/SF after this week and i should start farmming gold for repair cost for the next match up.

GL to all of us(mostly us since we will need it)

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: neiliam.8614


I had a lot of fun in my roaming adventures with this match-up….made some friends too. Shout-out to Milo from IoJ and Lord Kael, Soul, NSP, 7Mirror, and Bunny of SF.

Keep up the good fights and keeping things interesting in small skirmishes

Lightning Gunblade
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Grimno.6172


I do feel that all 3 servers have strengthened in WvW from this match up,

I feel Isle of Janthir has gotten a lot stronger then what they previously were based on the weeks fighting them.
When we had attacked their keep last week and suddenly so many came pouring in to the point of being Outmanned, it was like “Dam! I don’t remember them having this much power!” lol
GL to them and SF in their future wars!

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


Lol, I’m inside Bluebriar on DH’s map with 6 ppl… and they’ve been trying to take it from us for almost an hour now with a zerg of 30. I almost feel bad ><

Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heiltdo.2891


Hah, DH will probably miss all that PvDoor at night time.

Hope you find a server with enough coverage to keep you entertained.

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

Man SF, we just wanted to have a little fun in your BL as animals. We can’t do anything while transformed! :|


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Well good bye my friends It has been a great journey. This new ranking system seems to have a lot of hurt in store for all of us. I hope we’ve all enjoyed our times here.

Shout out to [Abyss]. You guys represented strongly in our time together. I always perk up when I see one of those tags floating around. Quality large group and small group action. Though I’d say your large groups are far stronger (if your built around that it only makes sense).

IoJ, I kittening hate your late night coverage. DH too but that’s to be expected. A lot of us on SF didn’t expect the coverage curtain to be drawn so soon (thought T5 was when it’d hit honestly). Clearly we were wrong. Anything south of T6 IoJ will steamroll with little competition honestly.

DH… Good luck bro -.- You guys on the high end are going to get hit hard I expect, which is good, you need some competition at your level of coverage etc. SF can’t provide it (clearly, though we rep hard when time is available). We’re in the same boat, we’ll be kitten kicked by anyone of a T5+ simply due to coverage. We could have T1 class zergs and kitten during primetime but if we’re rocking 0 points (or kitten near) for 8 hours its hard to recover.

To be very arrogant and critical…. As far as zergs and groupings go, meh. T8 we had T1 guilds and such drop down so we know what a zerg ball is capable of. In that sense… meh. In T7 we learned what a small group is capable of. Again in this tier…. meh. We all need to tighten up when it comes to that.

So…. That said, thieves are your best source of blast finishers (shortbow #2). Stack on your guardians. Fire field + blast for might stacks. Guardians pop all their stability kitten for the group. Charge. Light field CC and such the enemy zerg and let your warriors/thieves/etc blast and whirl in the light fields (AoE retal and AoE condition removal). Warriors hammer and axe/axe. With the right build you’ll be able to F1 hammer all day long, swap into axe/axe #5 and do SERIOUS dmg. Restack on your guardians/commander/team leader. Drop a water field, blast and whirl the kitten out of it. Move away from water field, drop fire, blast the kitten out of it. Repeat. Necros plague form at this point, thieves poison field, throw poison around to reduce healing. Clean the zerg up.

DH especially has the ability to do this well if everyone’s on the same page. 20 running like this can wipe 60+ unorganized like they were nothing. Stay balled and spam F so anytime someone gets into downed state they’re immediately rezzed. This form the line, range AoE bullkitten zerg tactics won’t work against higher tiers. Always remember AoE has a 5 man limit.

Best of luck in future match ups Have enjoyed our stay together.

Frosura master race

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Miss Firesss.3704

Miss Firesss.3704

We enjoyed having you guys too SF, [KING] [CoSA] [SONG] especially, and sometimes that WalMart one haha! We always knew when we met you guys, or you were spotted on the map somewhere, we would have a good fight on our hands.

I have an inkling we will meet again though, we aren’t too far apart from each other in the rankings.

Good luck wherever you end up.


T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Oh god walmart shoutout -.- we’re done for. (inside joke)

Frosura master race

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: LordKael.7260


I had a lot of fun in my roaming adventures with this match-up….made some friends too. Shout-out to Milo from IoJ and Lord Kael, Soul, NSP, 7Mirror, and Bunny of SF.

Keep up the good fights and keeping things interesting in small skirmishes

You’re welcome to visit at anytime :P

Lord Kael – Guardian
Seventh Legion [VII]

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: neiliam.8614


Lightning’s WvW sillyness.

1. Round table soloing a camp.
2. Wooden chair soloing a control point.
3. Being a statue @ Sorrow’s Furnace’s waypoint in Darkhaven Borderlands — Saying hi to [CoSa]. (Took him a while to figure out I was not hostile — see my HP, lol!)


Lightning Gunblade
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.