Seventh Legion [VII]
T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF
Seventh Legion [VII]
Thankyou for wasting your supply repairing the wall instead of build lord siege or a treb to counter our catas [KING] guys
First time in WvW this week, yay!
DH especially has the ability to do this well if everyone’s on the same page. 20 running like this can wipe 60+ unorganized like they were nothing. Stay balled and spam F so anytime someone gets into downed state they’re immediately rezzed. This form the line, range AoE bullkitten zerg tactics won’t work against higher tiers. Always remember AoE has a 5 man limit.
Best of luck in future match ups
Have enjoyed our stay together.
You are correct good sir and this is why DH will not advance beyond tier 5 as they are more likely to have equal (or even greater) coverage than we do. But most of our players have never played on a higher tier and since we have never been a high server….these are the type of tactics that have become dominate to our own detriment. And I might be the minority opinion on DH….but I fully believe had every server had equal coverage we would not have been able to bridge, what imo, is an obvious skill gap between organized and efficient guilds in both SF (king namely…and idc to hear about how they hacked…as I never saw it. Though all the corpse laughing, teabagging and other such nonsense detracts from the guilds overall skill)and IoJ.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
(edited by lilcoffeebean.3149)
DH especially has the ability to do this well if everyone’s on the same page. 20 running like this can wipe 60+ unorganized like they were nothing. Stay balled and spam F so anytime someone gets into downed state they’re immediately rezzed. This form the line, range AoE bullkitten zerg tactics won’t work against higher tiers. Always remember AoE has a 5 man limit.
Best of luck in future match ups
Have enjoyed our stay together.
You are correct good sir and this is why DH will not advance beyond tier 5 as they are more likely to have equal (or even greater) coverage than we do. But most of our players have never played on a higher tier and since we have never been a high server….these are the type of tactics that have become dominate to our own detriment. And I might be the minority opinion on DH….but I fully believe had every server had equal coverage we would not have been able to bridge, what imo, is an obvious skill gap between organized and efficient guilds in both SF (king namely…and idc to hear about how they hacked…as I never saw it. Though all the corpse laughing, teabagging and other such nonsense detracts from the guilds overall skill)and IoJ.
It seems we all have hackers throughout the servers, although I have never seen KING have any hackers, it is definitely possible some bad apples may just randomly be in the ranks.
I have the same feeling it is like that for everyone, just as we saw a hacker from FURY tele into cliffside, and garrison on our BLs, we can’t say “fury is a bunch of hax0rz omg!” because we only saw the one person.
The day the bugs and cheats get fixed is the day we will have some truly epic fights! No more zoom cheating to AC over walls, no more flyers taking out lords with no white swords popping, and having the siege cap bug fixed up (and never coming back!)
Going from pvdooring your garrison gate down and running to hills with golems, we saw one poor SF fella? You guys gave up that quickly? Owait you were reflipping paper towers <3 LOL
Couldnt help but laugh at our failed attempts of a portal bomb when just charging in did the job <3
It seems we all have hackers throughout the servers, although I have never seen KING have any hackers, it is definitely possible some bad apples may just randomly be in the ranks.
I have the same feeling it is like that for everyone, just as we saw a hacker from FURY tele into cliffside, and garrison on our BLs, we can’t say “fury is a bunch of hax0rz omg!” because we only saw the one person.
Definately, I know the other day I saw a ranger on our server who was guildless that exhibited some very very suspicious running speed in WvW, but you get those people everywhere. At least he wasn’t in a guild though to tarnish a tag. I don’t know about every guild on our server, but I do feel like the majority would take hacking seriously and get rid of any minority that might be doing so if they were caught. The problem is catching them though as in a 10vs10 or even 5vs5 to some extent, you’re not gauging whether your guildmates might be doing something out of the ordinary….unless it’s just incredibly blatant.
I can only say I never saw firsthand any SF hackers, although in our bl’s at redlake I did somehow take damage from a thousand blades warrior while I was up near the lord’s room. He was in the tunnel attacking some players, but I think this was a bug rather than an actual hack. Often I think bugs get confused with hacking.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
(edited by lilcoffeebean.3149)
We enjoyed having you guys too SF, [KING] [CoSA] [SONG] especially, and sometimes that WalMart one haha! We always knew when we met you guys, or you were spotted on the map somewhere, we would have a good fight on our hands.
I have an inkling we will meet again though, we aren’t too far apart from each other in the rankings.
Good luck wherever you end up.
I must say I’m rather surprised to see a shoutout to my guild on here haha. Considering I’m the only regular (with a couple more that hop in now and then), it’s nice to know we made an impression somehow and it’s much appreciated.Btw, it was fun running around with you guys in animal tonics before the rest of our guys crashed the party :P
Don’t get too excited Kael they also mentioned Walmart….There will be no living with robot in Mumble when he sees that….
So I’ve had a lot of fun and good WvW these last few weeks, and I’d like to thank SF and IOJ for that. I’ve learned a lot and owe a better dub vee dubber to you all. And I give ~speshul thanks to [KING] and Seven Mirror, it’s been a stabbing fighting dying killing dueling pleasure <333
I have a huge screencap spam from the week. mostly of the Eternal Battleground epic weekend fights and some goofiness
To the Trojan horse SF Knight from [SONG] last night- You were a baby quaggan with us… then someone with a big sword hacking away at us animals. Haha, guess the yaks looked too tasty to pass up.
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
We enjoyed having you guys too SF, [KING] [CoSA] [SONG] especially, and sometimes that WalMart one haha! We always knew when we met you guys, or you were spotted on the map somewhere, we would have a good fight on our hands.
I have an inkling we will meet again though, we aren’t too far apart from each other in the rankings.
Good luck wherever you end up.
I must say I’m rather surprised to see a shoutout to my guild on here haha. Considering I’m the only regular (with a couple more that hop in now and then), it’s nice to know we made an impression somehow and it’s much appreciated.Btw, it was fun running around with you guys in animal tonics before the rest of our guys crashed the party :P
Don’t get too excited Kael they also mentioned Walmart….There will be no living with robot in Mumble when he sees that….
It was probably just Kael repping WMT
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.
Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
Starless Niight-80 Warrior-Commander
Niightchill-80 Mesmer-Portal Bomber
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
I do believe CoSa is an SF guild, the big WvW guilds on IoJ are [HARD] and [POOH] :P though hard tends to be a bit more organized ([GEN] is int here too, dont worry didnt forget you guys!)
I learned WvW on this match up as I had not played at all before, so I also owe everyone who’s been in recently many thanks. It took a few trait resets and a couple of armor sets to build a ranger that works in WvW for my style, but I’m still learning every day with each time I get slayed in the open. Anyone who is versed in ranger WvW, send me a PM and I can ask you some questions. gl,hf all, see you on shortly!
[RTH] Royal Tyrian Highlanders
Anyone who is versed in ranger WvW, send me a PM and I can ask you some questions
Feel free to send me a PM if you have questions. Its far too broad of a subject without specifics though!
I do not claim to be anything but an “above-average” player, but I am not too bad. I am relatively experienced with ~20k kills, so I am more than willing to share what I have learned in that time. Still a whole lot more to learn, but thats just life.
edit: Here is a link that kind of generalizes one role we can play in WvW. Like I said though, its pretty broad subject matter, so its tough to go into very specific detail. General WvW stuff is also helpful, but isnt really profession specific (siege placement, siege tactics, open field tactics, etc)
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
I do believe CoSa is an SF guild, the big WvW guilds on IoJ are [HARD] and [POOH] :P though hard tends to be a bit more organized ([GEN] is int here too, dont worry didnt forget you guys!)
yes Cosa is a SF guild! lol my bad.
Starless Niight-80 Warrior-Commander
Niightchill-80 Mesmer-Portal Bomber
To the
Trojan horseSF Knight from [SONG] last night- You were a baby quaggan with us… then someone with a big sword hacking away at us animals. Haha, guess the yaks looked too tasty to pass up.
Baby quaggans have a big appetite
Seventh Legion [VII]
Thankyou for wasting your supply repairing the wall instead of build lord siege or a treb to counter our catas [KING] guys
First time in WvW this week, yay!
Lol one KING guy counts as our whole guild now? And i don’t know what lord room siege is gonna do when there are only 5 defenders in there. Anyway good job with the PvD tsmorning Starkk, im gonna miss you guys
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
Holy crap like you guys can field 60 people??? No wonder it seems like there are so many of you -_-
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
I do believe CoSa is an SF guild, the big WvW guilds on IoJ are [HARD] and [POOH] :P though hard tends to be a bit more organized ([GEN] is int here too, dont worry didnt forget you guys!)
No [TRBO] and [GOG]? No more TRIGENGOG then.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
In all seriousness.
I will miss SF (no pun or sarcasm). I love fighting [KING], [SE] and [CoSA]. You guys are the best server I have fought so far.
DH on the other hand is good but I’m so tired of fighting you guys (no offense). We’ve been through a lot and me personally acknowledge that we cannot win when you guys are around.
I wish SF and DH good luck in the next group you are fighting against.
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
In all seriousness.
I will miss SF (no pun or sarcasm). I love fighting [KING], [SE] and [CoSA]. You guys are the best server I have fought so far.
DH on the other hand is good but I’m so tired of fighting you guys (no offense). We’ve been through a lot and me personally acknowledge that we cannot win when you guys are around.
I wish SF and DH good luck in the next group you are fighting against.
Lol, just like [CoSa] is not an IoJ guild (it’s SF)….[SE] is not an SF guild (it’s DH).
Member of Darkhaven’s [DHE]
In WvWvW, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine.
In all seriousness.
I will miss SF (no pun or sarcasm). I love fighting [KING], [SE] and [CoSA]. You guys are the best server I have fought so far.
DH on the other hand is good but I’m so tired of fighting you guys (no offense). We’ve been through a lot and me personally acknowledge that we cannot win when you guys are around.
I wish SF and DH good luck in the next group you are fighting against.
Lol, just like [CoSa] is not an IoJ guild (it’s SF)….[SE] is not an SF guild (it’s DH).
WTF! I’m confused now. LOL! You all look the same in RED! Hahahaha!
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Well looks like we are going to get the same match up again next week unless DH manages to climb up about 20 points in the ratings. Hope everyone is ready for another week of the same kitten. Oh and if you dont believe me look at the update for the wvw match ups.
[HARD] Thank’s everyone for the fights, good and bad, was definetly a fun and tooth and nail matchup. Much respect to DH and SF.
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]
Well looks like we are going to get the same match up again next week unless DH manages to climb up about 20 points in the ratings. Hope everyone is ready for another week of the same kitten. Oh and if you dont believe me look at the update for the wvw match ups.
Taken from the MOS website which is what most use to find the matchups “With these changes, currently we can only predict new ratings and rankings, but not next matchups. I hope will provide the random roll (through the API or leaderboards) before the end of the matchup. With this knowledge, we would then be able to predict next matchups.”
So no, the odds of us having the same matchup are extremely low although possible. This also assumes these changes won’t have bugs…..which I’m skeptical about =P
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
(edited by lilcoffeebean.3149)
Well looks like we are going to get the same match up again next week unless DH manages to climb up about 20 points in the ratings. Hope everyone is ready for another week of the same kitten. Oh and if you dont believe me look at the update for the wvw match ups.
Taken from the MOS website which is what most use to find the matchups “With these changes, currently we can only predict new ratings and rankings, but not next matchups. I hope will provide the random roll (through the API or leaderboards) before the end of the matchup. With this knowledge, we would then be able to predict next matchups.”
So no, the odds of us having the same matchup are extremely low although possible. This also assumes these changes won’t have bugs…..which I’m skeptical about =P
We were hoping to roll out the new matchup system for the next matchups but unfortunately we ran into a few snags. We are working hard to get everything working 100% correctly and tested and should be able to start the new matchups once we’ve checked everything. I’ll make sure to be back to let you all know as far ahead of time as I can. My apologies for the inconvenience.
By DevonCarver
We were hoping to roll out the new matchup system for the next matchups but unfortunately we ran into a few snags. We are working hard to get everything working 100% correctly and tested and should be able to start the new matchups once we’ve checked everything. I’ll make sure to be back to let you all know as far ahead of time as I can. My apologies for the inconvenience.
By DevonCarver
Well on a bright note, at least it ‘should’ be bug free when implemented.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]
WTF nuuuuuu not another week of Euros PVDooring on North American servers while we all sleep and work…………………………nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
In other news, and on a positive note, my temporary guild may prove that much more useful in the same matchup.
Holla at ya boy if you SFers wanna join/rep it. Not gonna troll it on here, yall know what it is lol…
Fun times tonight in DHBL. First time tagging up on the offensive; started out with a group of about 6 or 7, got up to roughly 20 at one stage – not enough to bring up orange swords, but just enough to have an effective portal bomb into your lord’s room, hehe.
I was, however, seriously disheartened by the amount of siege sitting in lake. Especially when my freshly built arrow cart dropped down to 0 health before I could even get my guys to build up a ram.
Thank you to my IoJ guys that followed me – and the patience you guys had when we were taking that tower, slowly. An excellent learning experience for me and my [roam] guys.
Also as a side note to anybody who sees us around ([roam]), we’re always happy to have a friendly duel or small-man vs small-man. Otherwise, you’ll probably see a stake to the face!
In the good-spirited nature of the thread (and yes, I am aware we’ll be fighting eachother next week again), I’d just like to make a few shout outs to some of the guys that my team – and just me solo – have been coming up against. [PD], you guys work great in synergy together. I haven’t gone up against you with my own team, but I have fought you solo, and also dueled one of your mesmers. In the later I won, but only barely.
[KING]; always fun to fight you. You’ve got a reputation on IoJ as the guys to watch out for – and for good reason. I’ve also had some great 1v1’s with some of your guys; learned a few things from Seven, and made friends with Dreadmode. Good times!
Once again; good fights, everyone have fun, don’t kitten on the forums (yeah, I’m guilty of this, but it’s a bad habit!), and hit Fellblade up in game if you want to organise some fights at all. Otherwise look for the round, white eyes and the [roam] tag. You’ll know me when you see me.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Yep looks like we’ll all be stuck together another week at LEAST, probably more like 2-3 knowing Anets records of getting things out :P
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Anet pulled this out a bit ago and proved me wrong xD
(edited by Banzie.5248)
Whoever created this thread, I hate you. I don’t know how you did it, but my eyes glaze over the title every time I’ve tried to find the thread this week, and it takes like 2-3 scans before I finally find it.
So shame on you! Also shame for not using the QA format for easy score updates. Anyway, enjoyed our time in t6 so far, looking forward to the new matchups regardless of where we land up though.
Sorrow’s Furnace – Commander/Officer
Kabal of the Righteous [Seed]
This is what Sorrows Furnace and I decided to do in EB with our superior numbers last night, hope you all enjoy it and ill miss you guys, maybe…
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
This is what Sorrows Furnace and I decided to do in EB with our superior numbers last night, hope you all enjoy it and ill miss you guys, maybe…
rofl, I like the part where you fall off the cliff. XD
I will so quaggan with y’all next time!
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame
As Melody said its been a great run! Although DH had the edge, IoJ and SF, you guys have put up a great fight. I know it seemed like we were getting double teamed but as Monk said earlier this week you were just hitting us while we were occupied which is good strategy. It made it really interesting and kept the score closer.
Special shout outs to KING and PVP from SF. Boosted some big numbers
HARD and COSA from IoJ as well.Here’s a scrrenshot of SE hitting IoJ’s Bay the Tuesday night. It’s about 1/3 of who we had from our guild there, I wish I had a better one. Whoever was commanding that defense good job! Took us a lot of effort to cap that!
Holy crap like you guys can field 60 people??? No wonder it seems like there are so many of you -_-
Haha that was are best night yet Monk! had close to 100 online in guild! We normally rally between 20-30 and 40ish on reset nights.
Starless Niight-80 Warrior-Commander
Niightchill-80 Mesmer-Portal Bomber
10 DH just flipped our hills vs 4 of us.. ONLY10!!! GJ on [SE] part there, took advantage of literally no one coming to help us in our BL, all busy in EB I guess cause EB is so important. Did our best to hold you til a few more came but was too late by then. Sigh, oh well, anyways again props to [SE] for taking advantage of that situation, woulda done the same thing as them in their position
This is what Sorrows Furnace and I decided to do in EB with our superior numbers last night, hope you all enjoy it and ill miss you guys, maybe…
That was fun. I was with you guys charging the IoJ Spawn(mesmer on the broom) I try telling other DH not to attack but wxp is wxp i guess. too bad this is the last week of this match or i’ll say a hugh 3 server Quaggan party
edit: If we every face you guys SF, I say we have a tonic fight club
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]
Now what am i gonna do with this guild, DH I sincerely hope that one day you get all those uplevels to 80.
GL HF, don’t die in a planecrash.
o/ Good bye DarkHaven, its been a fun 3months or more now with you never wanting to leave us :P and SF best of luck to yo u, needa fix those weekly numbers and you’ll be fine in future match ups ^-^
(edited by Banzie.5248)
In all seriousness, it was fun, learned a lot about our server. Most things we thought we already knew, DH did a good job of proving it to us.
IoJ if you guys ever get enough NA people in WvW you will be a force, Gl HF moving forward.
This is what Sorrows Furnace and I decided to do in EB with our superior numbers last night, hope you all enjoy it and ill miss you guys, maybe…
WAT. You missed the part where I was dodge rolling like mad on the inner steps of their spawn while I was in karka form for like a whole minute
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift
Seems like all 3 of our servers got favorable matchups or what should be at least. I will miss the challenge of this matchup, but I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon.
Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who.
Lilcoffeebean~Yak’s Bend~Perfect Dark [PD]