T8: 5/3 HoD/FC/ET
KWBH has been holding Hills and a tower in HoD BL for the last 8 hours we’ve been having fun good fun tower defenses.
KWBH has been holding Hills and a tower in HoD BL for the last 8 hours we’ve been having fun
good fun tower defenses.
8 hours and no wp???
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
They got close to the WP.
However, it takes a long time to get a waypoint if the enemy pressures you. BL camps spawn yaks slower and they generally have longer routes and are extremely susceptible to hits. For BL keeps on the offense, you can’t really count on yaks getting in from anywhere but water/vale for hills/bay respectively unless you’re just destroying your opposition. Even if you hold garrison, its unlikely many yaks will make it through from the north camp and the south camp will likely be flipped constantly by roamers from the third server.
KWBH did a solid job in our BL, even when most of our people thought they were pushed out, they boxed up the water camp and managed to retake redlake too for a while. I like that there’s a lot of movement in this matchup – there’s been weeks in the past where it seems like everyone just wants to sit in their own BL and fight over EB, and that is dull.
I found out how op arrow carts are last night
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Wow. Millenium hasn’t been updated since before I was on last night O.o
Score update?
Score update for those of us who don’t have time to login this morning? attempting to brush teeth while drinking coffee and tying shoelaces
you forgot the score update
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
go to work y not its not fair if I can’t come on
or just level your warrior
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Over 500? The cap for guild is 500…
Lol its called start another guild to fill more spot’s WZ2 ect……..
Just as stated before… CosA disagree that 500 is the cap…
^ All 3 (mainly 2 now) CoSA’s do.
Would have liked to fight the [SS] group last night but we were only 4 and they were about 10+. Looking forward to finding them with a couple less.
wel it was really like 7 with a couple pugs but yeah very unfair
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
wel it was really like 7 with a couple pugs but yeah very unfair
I wouldnt say very, t7 was very unfair, but just wasnt a contest. Rather have a contested fight where fight could go either way. Impressed you included having pugs. MAJORITY of guilds never admit there were pugs along side them.
Does anyone from FoE read this thread?
We do… we just don’t post. FoE isn’t big on forum warriors.
My fun laughs at your server pride.
@ET did I break your morale?
Greetings Sir, and well met.
Perhaps you don’t really know whom you face, FC and ET have been fighting SF for 13 weeks, non-stop, I believe you know, SF, the server you all ran and hid from (according to your Post ) when they came crashing though. Yah we battled them endlessly on T8, never giving up, no one could even dent our moral at this point.
The above is probably the greatest forum post in the mannnny weeks we’ve been partying around with ET. FC & ET both recovered from HUGE morale losses shortly before SF’s departure and we both battled them while they were here even though we knew we would lose at the end of the week. For those of us who showed up to WvW day after day even when it was bad there is no way our morale can be dented again. ET are some cool, cool people for the massive turnaround they did (as well as FC). Even though ET is suffering morale damage right now – you’ll be surprised when they bump back after a few weeks. They always do.
that’s wasn’t even that bad lol
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
Is there going to be a fight club again on Thursday?
I’m surprised anyone on our server would make a claim anyway. HoD and ET have had such a similar story that you’d think we’d understand. Huge exodus, pummeled for weeks by new opponents, pummeled for weeks by the same opponent (DH for us, SF for ET).
Millenium has some great memories to relive:
Sf barely had twice your combined scores there. In our descent together, that week Blackgate had 20 times our combined scores.
that’s wasn’t even that bad lol
I know, but I have to look thru 40 pages to find a score, so I took the first one I found.
Check the old Kaineng scores lol
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
I’m surprised anyone on our server would make a claim anyway. HoD and ET have had such a similar story that you’d think we’d understand. Huge exodus, pummeled for weeks by new opponents, pummeled for weeks by the same opponent (DH for us, SF for ET).
Millenium has some great memories to relive:
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/5#NASf barely had twice your combined scores there. In our descent together, that week Blackgate had 20 times our combined scores.
Some people are new to the server and don’t know the full history of HoD and ET of going down the ranks for months. The sad part was, we ended up being green in almost each tier. I got so use to Sunny and Cragtop naming convention b.c those were the only towers I ever tried to take back. lol
I think we all got our fair share of being stomped.
Valkyria Immortalis [VLK]
I’m surprised anyone on our server would make a claim anyway. HoD and ET have had such a similar story that you’d think we’d understand. Huge exodus, pummeled for weeks by new opponents, pummeled for weeks by the same opponent (DH for us, SF for ET).
Millenium has some great memories to relive:
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/5#NASf barely had twice your combined scores there. In our descent together, that week Blackgate had 20 times our combined scores.
The week I got my WvW map completion…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Anyone remember that week where it was HoD, ET, and SF, and SF had 500,000 points more than both of us?
Pretty sure we can all agree that the people still on our servers from those huge drops from Tier 1 will never have their moral broken by anything. (Not even getting spawned camp for ~14 weeks straight)
On another note: That fight for Vale in ET borderlands yesterday was amazing, until FC had to ruin our fun and cap Bay. (Although we got them back for that by taking their garrison 30 minutes later )
FrozenHydra – Elementalist
A Very Bad Idea – Mesmer
(edited by FrozenHydra.7608)
KWBH has been holding Hills and a tower in HoD BL for the last 8 hours we’ve been having fun
good fun tower defenses.
When we noticed how much attention you were paying them, we talking in TS and decided to make sure that we left your stuff alone in EB. This DOES NOT indicate a teaming up on HoD, but your attention pulled their zerg out of our stuff and back to their BL, so we wanted to show that we supported your decision.
Fun time fighting HoD, mostly VLK on FC bl tonight. Hopefully we can get bl back soon.
Heavens Rage
Just a reminder that meeting for our tiers small man pvp is tomorrow in our vent. We have invited as many small mans as we know. Send me a PM if interested if you havent already. Just a reminder.
WvW is now a game of paper/rock/scissors…
Here is my treb! INC FIREBALLS!
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
nice shootin’ tonight, Jeknar~! <3
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
Isle of Janthir
(edited by Flappybob.1950)
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
I don’t know when you were on, but before i got off we had around 15-20 fighting off around the same numbers from HoD at woodhaven while 2 golems with around 10 other HoD guys smashed hills door that was being defended by me and 2 others.
Not sure if all those guys from HoD just left or what happened but half an hour later when i got on to check the map we had garrison back, besides you were not the only ones that had stuff in our borders and i’d assume getting bay back is more important than fighting you guys off of one tower.
Sorry if you didnt find the fights you were looking for though, maybe another day.
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
You really expect us to run up to Dawn’s without assessing the situation first? You had 2 ACs in the Lords and 3 ACs in the hill (not to mention some of those were sup acs). Additionally, there were much more than 7 of you. Perhaps only 7 [Mend], but you had [Casa] there as well as some other guilds. The smartest move was to treb your ACs before attacking the tower and cut off your supplies that you guys were grabbing from Star.
(edited by Drastic.8920)
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
I don’t know when you were on, but before i got off we had around 15-20 fighting off around the same numbers from HoD at woodhaven while 2 golems with around 10 other HoD guys smashed hills door that was being defended by me and 2 others.
Not sure if all those guys from HoD just left or what happened but half an hour later when i got on to check the map we had garrison back, besides you were not the only ones that had stuff in our borders and i’d assume getting bay back is more important than fighting you guys off of one tower.
Sorry if you didnt find the fights you were looking for though, maybe another day.
@ Sam:
While we were defending a north tower from an assault by FC, ET brought 2-3 Alphas and an Omega to our watergate. The distraction FC gave them added to the fact that people had been leaving meant they capped it relatively easily. I can only assume afterwards, FC pushed to the keep, since its upgrades were wiped (We had managed to get it up to Reinforced Wall/Gates) and it had zero supply, you had a much easier time assaulting that.
@ Flappy:
There’s absolutely no reason to act passive aggressive, it doesn’t make for better fights, it doesn’t make your server mates proud, and it creates a hostile environment where nobody wants to come to the forums and talk about the glorious battles that did take place. Keep the battles on the battlefield, I know I and a lot of other people here come to the forums to see tales of amazing things that went on, not to see commanders talk smack to their enemies.
To the people on FC and ET that have been roaming around and taking camps in their borderlands, thanks for the fights. I don’t play my thief much, so I’m still making some pretty stupid mistakes, but nothing beats the thrill of tracking a group of 5 past 2 supply camps and assassinating their Thief or Ranger right under their noses. I’m still not convinced my Thief is better at anything than my Mesmer, but hey, with practice I can only improve.
Hope to see you around.
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
You should have swaped places with Battlecamp… He got kicked out of Greenbriar (ET BL) many times…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
@ Flappy:
There’s absolutely no reason to act passive aggressive, it doesn’t make for better fights, it doesn’t make your server mates proud, and it creates a hostile environment where nobody wants to come to the forums and talk about the glorious battles that did take place. Keep the battles on the battlefield, I know I and a lot of other people here come to the forums to see tales of amazing things that went on, not to see commanders talk smack to their enemies.
Hope to see you around.
+ 1
Bloody Swagmen[BS], Fergs Night Crew.
Senior Member, Commander Tag.
Da Sonic,
Your guild along with VLK had us looking everywhere this afternoon to find you guys. The tagging and misdirection was well played and it was hard to follow at times. Additionally, in open combat, it was rough for me personally to fight you guys to retake some of those camps. Props to you guys and look forward to more fights.
Apparently Im not Moobs anymore.
Boggles How is that a bad name? That’s silly.
Moobs: Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male.
Guess someone was offended, and reported you lol.
Heavens Rage
Back to commanding from a very long break, well IDK if I will keep commanding or not
Heres what ET did!!!!
GJ everyone
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.
No. Some TTA who were kitten about my guild reported me for no reason. I already made a ticket and over night they told me that they won’t revert it.
God that kitten es me off. I need to rename 6 of my 8 characters.
Sharks With Lazers [PEW]
(Need 15 characters to post)
Back to commanding from a very long break, well IDK if I will keep commanding or not
Heres what ET did!!!!
GJ everyone
Silly you, that’s nothing special, we do that to you everyday!
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi
No. Some TTA who were kitten about my guild reported me for no reason. I already made a ticket and over night they told me that they won’t revert it.
God that kitten es me off. I need to rename 6 of my 8 characters.
youll always be moobs to me ;(
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Moobs: Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male.
Learn something new everyday.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace
Back to commanding from a very long break, well IDK if I will keep commanding or not
Heres what ET did!!!!
GJ everyone
Silly you, that’s nothing special, we do that to you everyday!
Well we don’t, so it is still special, lol.
Duke Marco – Duke Allycat – Boa Hancuck
– Duchess Cute – Duke Garp – Shiecko.
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
You should have swaped places with Battlecamp… He got kicked out of Greenbriar (ET BL) many times…
more like tried and failed (once was a BO, even) to take twice before he finally came back with twice our number.
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
Moobs: Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male.
Learn something new everyday.
i find it hard to believe that you never heard moobs = man b00bs
sucks ya gotta change your name, man, but i’m also a bit surprised you kept it as long as you did. lol
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET
FC…I really wish I could say “Good fights” tonight in your BL but there really was none…You couldn’t move us from gari, you lost 5 v 20 fights (you had the 20), and you simply let us hold Dawn’s from you for the entire night. I was kind of expecting more from FC, especially WZ and the other big important wvw guilds!
Please…we just want a fight! Don’t ignore us!
And PLEASE, stop throwing trebs to kill our ACs, its really sad when we have 7 people and you have 20+…
I want to hide behind walls and use arrow carts to farm you. I get very upset when you kill my arrow carts. Next time please don’t kill my arrow carts and bring lots more people so I can farm your lootbags. After spending the entire night in the comfort of your tower walls I will log off and you can have your tower back. I just get bored if you don’t bother removing me from my tower. I cannot be bothered to do anything beyond turtling.
Once in a While Mediocre Commander