Tarnished Coast Server
TC vs. CD vs. FA
Tarnished Coast Server
Despite the noncooperation of a lot of FA people that-don’t-read-the-forums and/or hate-yaks a very very reduced yak parade did safely get the yak through. The yak will no doubt suffer from depression due to missing the fireworks but maybe an artificer can whip up some medication to help it cope.
Of course, it’s FA that ruins the Dolyak walk. Hope you guys are ready for the repercussions.
I was not there and do not know much about this, but i hope you guys know that VERY few people actual read the forums…
I’m not scared; in fact, we’re all coming over to FABL now to say ‘hello’. CD might join us too. Thanks for ruining Team Dolyak.
I was not there and do not know much about this, but i hope you guys know that VERY few people actual read the forums…
70+ people walking and shooting fireworks mixed in together but barely an FA to be found. Until a group of BT, PD and other random guilds from FA showed up while we were in ruins and just standing around in animal form. They immediately start killing people. You don’t need to read a forum to see there was something going on there. Never mind the fact that no one fought back for about 5 minutes while they proceeded to slaughter. I’m with the above poster, I’m staying in FA BL this week, next week, and however long it takes.
like i said before -_- i was not there, KITTEN!!
Yeah, this was entirely FA’s fought. I apologize on behalf of them for not letting the parade go longer than 3 and a half minutes but I had fun while I was there. I got to meet some pretty famous people from the other servers through the DOLY guild too.
The “it’s red, it’s dead” was being advocated by the commanders in team chat when I was trying to advertise the event in map and make sure people weren’t attacking. But, meh, we have our version of fun. They have theirs. It’s just a shame their version ruins our fun. v.v
(edited by Serelisk.6573)
Tsk Tsk FA…now you must pay!
Please keep in mind there were a few folks from FA marching amongst us.
You can’t control the actions of everyone on your server. ^^
While FA and their ballistas were disappointing, there are always a subset of people who will want to a) kill anything red and b) ruin anything they can and c) fail to read chat.
I’m sure the FA folks marching with us informed their comrades of the situation, and I’m equally sure the FA who chose to keep attacking ignored them.
It was fun, and CD and TC co-operating together, even for 10min (with a few wonderful people from FA!) was entirely worth it.
Cheers to you, Appledainty, and your many dolyaks in their quest to upgrade All The Things.
~Nyari Cil
(edited by Vagrant.1094)
Ok, let’s not again derail this thread, and this is a request to all the sides.
To change everyone’s mood:
Hello! I just wanted to make some small requests of my fellow players.
If you are from CD you probably think of me as the mad red pirate that toils endlessly alongside a dolyak in an endless quest to upgrade All The Things.
If you are from FA or TC you probably think of me as that squishy blue ranger toiling endlessly alongside a dolyak in a hopeless quest to upgrade All The Things you are just going to take anyway.
My fellow CD players, I would ask that if you should see me walking alone beside a slowly plodding dolyak, that you please toot your horn or otherwise put a speed burst on as you pass to assist my efforts. It is for the good of the server!
And ye nemesis of TC and FA, I ask that if you should see me toiling all alone with a dolyak, that you wave at me before you stake me to the ground.
Team Dolyak & FluffyhoovesJayne.9251:
Personally I think we should all make a big 3-server marching parade with Appledainty at the end of this week and walk with her and her Dolyak.
Let’s try to make this happen!
This was a great idea and fun.. For about 5 minutes, and then some FA ‘players’ and I use the term loosely, started attacking everyone.
I propose this.. CD and TC combine to strip FA of every tower, camp and fort for the next 24 hours until the reset. Maybe this will show FA the consequences of poor sportsmanship.
To any FA players who were not involved with the poor showing of your fellow server mates; I apologize for being caught in the middle, but unfortunately these FA members who decided to attack everyone simply reinforced the poor opinion your server already has.
Let’s take down FA in a blaze of glory.. Split their items right down the middle, half blue and half green, what do you say CD?
Screenshot for those that missed on on this quick, but amazingly big event.
I honestly thought everyone would start attacking each other at the start, but on the bridge part, green names were freely running into a sea of red. Thought it was awesome.
One FA thief in the DOLY guild killed me when I was a dolyak though. Not sure why…rabies? :P
Tarnished Coast
This will be my first post on these forums, and it pains me at such a message. I, Commander Jadon of Principality Of New Katulus [PiNK] (guild leader), very much enjoyed the dolyak walk that was meant to be done in peace, but ended up in sad state of affairs. [PD] and [BT] as well as other randoms that joined in from Fort Aspenwood server made short work of all three servers fun. Yes many do not read the forums but I doubt those from FA that were with us did not yell and cry and scream for everyone to hold fire…which was not done. While it is understood that not all are responsible for the actions of few, it is an unfortunate fact they are still on the same team as the rest of Fort Aspenwood, and the bitter taste in my mouth will only be washed out with blood.
For this next week, I as a commander, intend to personally push Fort Aspenwood as a whole as much as possible and will bring the wrath of the Golem God to their door step.
Prepare yourselves Fort Aspenwood, for good ol fun times.
lol theres a queue right now for fabl on TC
I appreciate you all getting together in a big pack so we could hit you with our ballistas. You guys should do it again tomorrow too, I had some pretty full loot bags.
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
lol theres a queue right now for fabl on TC
I just vacated a spot for you! Have to hit the hay!
Go team TC .. go get em ..
Oh and any CDers reading this .. there’s a mandate to NOT hit CD players on FABL map tonight … you can go ahead and take up the right side of the map
Was pretty disgusting to see FA folks come in and ruin what was supposed to be a peaceful event .. but I guess that just gave both CD and TC a more definitive target.
But, meh, we have our version of fun. They have theirs.
Heh, and now it seems that their version of fun is about to be repaid tenfold. Are we having fun yet?
My guardian appreciated the dolyak parade… it was good xp. We should have a parade every night. BTW we were well aware when this was going to happen before hand.
This will be my first post on these forums, and it pains me at such a message. I, Commander Jadon of Principality Of New Katulus [PiNK] (guild leader), very much enjoyed the dolyak walk that was meant to be done in peace, but ended up in sad state of affairs. [PD] and [BT] as well as other randoms that joined in from Fort Aspenwood server made short work of all three servers fun. Yes many do not read the forums but I doubt those from FA that were with us did not yell and cry and scream for everyone to hold fire…which was not done. While it is understood that not all are responsible for the actions of few, it is an unfortunate fact they are still on the same team as the rest of Fort Aspenwood, and the bitter taste in my mouth will only be washed out with blood.
For this next week, I as a commander, intend to personally push Fort Aspenwood as a whole as much as possible and will bring the wrath of the Golem God to their door step.
Prepare yourselves Fort Aspenwood, for good ol fun times.
We got your back!
BTW … who was the tall norn with the white beard and braids from CD that I was dancing with before all the mess happened? I was the elementalist in pink .. you sir, were lovely
(edited by Jayne.9251)
This will be my first post on these forums, and it pains me at such a message. I, Commander Jadon of Principality Of New Katulus [PiNK] (guild leader), very much enjoyed the dolyak walk that was meant to be done in peace, but ended up in sad state of affairs. [PD] and [BT] as well as other randoms that joined in from Fort Aspenwood server made short work of all three servers fun. Yes many do not read the forums but I doubt those from FA that were with us did not yell and cry and scream for everyone to hold fire…which was not done. While it is understood that not all are responsible for the actions of few, it is an unfortunate fact they are still on the same team as the rest of Fort Aspenwood, and the bitter taste in my mouth will only be washed out with blood.
For this next week, I as a commander, intend to personally push Fort Aspenwood as a whole as much as possible and will bring the wrath of the Golem God to their door step.
Prepare yourselves Fort Aspenwood, for good ol fun times.
This wasn’t a Dolyak farm? I needed Red Meat!
Sigh I make an effort NOT to post on this thread because usually everything turns into a giant pile of drama, but for once i’m actually super sad about my server
On behalf of all the kind, friendly and not kill hungry players of FA, I apologise.My computer crashed and had a big fit before the Doly event happened, so I missed out on it ;_; but I really wanted to join you guys because I love making friends/hanging out with people from opposing servers. I do it all the time at EB jp, laying/sitting/dancing with random CD’s and TC’s at the big chest
It makes me sad to see all the anger towards my server, and the lack of respect we have from you all
I guess what I really want to say is, yes, there are bad apples on my server, but remember there are a lot of other FA’s that arn’t
Don’t judge me because of the server I call home! -waves white flag-
Whoa bros… Take it easy bros. We were just having a sweet RP sesh and came across a mad pack of charging cows bros. For the safety of tyria we had to kill those foul beasts bros. We did it for your protection bros. You’re welcome bros.
Yeah, this was entirely FA’s fought. I apologize on behalf of them for not letting the parade go longer than 3 and a half minutes but I had fun while I was there.
I got to meet some pretty famous people from the other servers through the DOLY guild too.
The “it’s red, it’s dead” was being advocated by the commanders in team chat when I was trying to advertise the event in map and make sure people weren’t attacking. But, meh, we have our version of fun. They have theirs. It’s just a shame their version ruins our fun. v.v
Sorry you had to go through that, it must have been painful to watch and have no one listen. Apologies also that your server is now the favourite target .. my friend, maybe it’s best to sit it out until this cools off? Or even better, transfer to TC or CD? You sound like a good fit for either, and we’d love to have you on TC
sadly I missed the yak farm, but you guys are just as bad as the people who complain about fighting in the jumping puzzle. It is WvW, the point of which is to kill your enemies. There are plenty of pve events where you could have went to walk dolyaks without getting attacked.
80 Human Ele
Despite the noncooperation of a lot of FA people that-don’t-read-the-forums and/or hate-yaks a very very reduced yak parade did safely get the yak through. The yak will no doubt suffer from depression due to missing the fireworks but maybe an artificer can whip up some medication to help it cope.
That’s awesome!
Of course, it’s FA that ruins the Dolyak walk. Hope you guys are ready for the repercussions.
I was not there and do not know much about this, but i hope you guys know that VERY few people actual read the forums…
Not much of an excuse. It’s not like they can’t be informed through map chat.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
You should come to TC Warm Ember. I think you will be alot more appreciated here
sadly I missed the yak farm, but you guys are just as bad as the people who complain about fighting in the jumping puzzle. It is WvW, the point of which is to kill your enemies. There are plenty of pve events where you could have went to walk dolyaks without getting attacked.
You’re missing the point entirely. A player from CD wrote something that amused and inspired us all, and players from not just her home server, but other servers, loved what she wrote too. So it was agreed upon that this event would be held. This was about showing honour, being as good as your word, and representing your server. And if your word means nothing, then … well you can connect the dots.
Despite the noncooperation of a lot of FA people that-don’t-read-the-forums and/or hate-yaks a very very reduced yak parade did safely get the yak through. The yak will no doubt suffer from depression due to missing the fireworks but maybe an artificer can whip up some medication to help it cope.
That’s awesome!
Of course, it’s FA that ruins the Dolyak walk. Hope you guys are ready for the repercussions.
I was not there and do not know much about this, but i hope you guys know that VERY few people actual read the forums…
Not much of an excuse. It’s not like they can’t be informed through map chat.
They were informed through map chat. Numerous times.
sadly I missed the yak farm, but you guys are just as bad as the people who complain about fighting in the jumping puzzle. It is WvW, the point of which is to kill your enemies. There are plenty of pve events where you could have went to walk dolyaks without getting attacked.
You dont get it. Its the aftermath of this Dolyak event that I enjoy the most.
Well I am not an RPer, just a pvp guy on a mature RP server. I CAN tell you one thing about RP’ers though… they DO NOT like their rp greifed. I think you guys at FA brought some non pvp’ers out tonight
I think we’ve all come to a conclusion today: don’t kitten with TC’s roleplaying.
“You put WHAT in my drink?” – Socrates
“There’s only like eight of them over that hill.” – Custer
Awww did we rain on your parade? Does this mean we aren’t going to be invited to the ice cream social?
So CD and TC are going to gang up on us on the FAB? That’s something new!
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
(edited by Sir William PD.9615)
As a CD player, I just want to give my utmost respect to those who took part in the Yak event, regardless of the server you play on.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Unfortunatly, i didn’t use MS paint to make this. But lawd, have I ever felt so loved by the opposition in WvW?
The Dolyak Parade was so much fun~
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.
You should come to TC Warm Ember. I think you will be alot more appreciated here
As much as I hate to say it, I’ve actually thought about hopping to TC lately… It sucks because i’ve been on FA since… BWE’s, and I had planned looooong ago to join a server with anything Kurzick related (I love kurzicks!) But I find myself losing all my server pride lately, and I have met so many awesome TC-inininans. You guys seems like a really friendly bunch!
So they did read the forum
sadly I missed the yak farm, but you guys are just as bad as the people who complain about fighting in the jumping puzzle. It is WvW, the point of which is to kill your enemies. There are plenty of pve events where you could have went to walk dolyaks without getting attacked.
You’re missing the point entirely. A player from CD wrote something that amused and inspired us all, and players from not just her home server, but other servers, loved what she wrote too. So it was agreed upon that this event would be held. This was about showing honour, being as good as your word, and representing your server. And if your word means nothing, then … well you can connect the dots.
Who agreed, I know my guild didn’t. And I am sure others didn’t. A handful agreed to somethign the vast majority did not. Oh well.
80 Human Ele
Who agreed, I know my guild didn’t. And I am sure others didn’t. A handful agreed to somethign the vast majority did not. Oh well.
The fact that your server can’t get it together enough to take part in an event like this isn’t something to come to the forums and brag about.
It’s kinda like a small version of the entire week in which FA showed a total inability to understand why 2nd and 3rd focusing against 1st would have worked to benifit both servers. You guys are just too short sighted.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
Ah well at least we made it across the bridge. I’m proud of all of you who came and participated in a peaceful way. You have my utmost respect.
Who agreed, I know my guild didn’t. And I am sure others didn’t. A handful agreed to somethign the vast majority did not. Oh well.
The fact that your server can’t get it together enough to take part in an event like this isn’t something to come to the forums and brag about.
It’s kinda like a small version of the entire week in which FA showed a total inability to understand why 2nd and 3rd focusing against 1st would have worked to benifit both servers. You guys are just too short sighted.
playing for 3rd or 2nd place is something IM ALL ABOUT! The fact that people don’t understand some people play the game to have fun, and have good enjoyable fights in wvwvw isn’t my fault. If you have EVER played an MMO you know events like these always end badly.
you died in a wvwvw zone. I thought your event was a great success!
[BT] Black Talons
Don’t worry F4. You can have your stuff back next week.
CD player here
Loved the idea of the doly walk. Would have joined the walk if not for the timing of the event when most of the oceanic players are rushing off to work in the morning. I am pleasantly surprised how such a parade can take place with all the intense rivalry all week. I only get to read about the coverage the the happenings on the forum from my office. Kudos to those that took time off to join in the parade.
Shanmugong from Kome
Crystal Desert. [KoME]
Once an Engineer, Always an Engineer
Woah woah..hold on….
What you are telling me is PvP happened in a PvP area?
This is just wrong on so many levels
Fort Aspenwood
I think AwesomeSauce needs to update his signature line with famous last words:
“Hey, let’s go kitten up that dolyak parade! What’s the worst that can happen?” FA Commander
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
sadly I missed the yak farm, but you guys are just as bad as the people who complain about fighting in the jumping puzzle. It is WvW, the point of which is to kill your enemies. There are plenty of pve events where you could have went to walk dolyaks without getting attacked.
You’re missing the point entirely. A player from CD wrote something that amused and inspired us all, and players from not just her home server, but other servers, loved what she wrote too. So it was agreed upon that this event would be held. This was about showing honour, being as good as your word, and representing your server. And if your word means nothing, then … well you can connect the dots.
Who agreed, I know my guild didn’t. And I am sure others didn’t. A handful agreed to somethign the vast majority did not. Oh well.
Like you said, it’s WvW . :p TC and CD can be just as bad.
I think AwesomeSauce needs to update his signature line with famous last words:
“Hey, let’s go kitten up that dolyak parade! What’s the worst that can happen?” FA Commander
Thank you for that! Made me chuckle
Yea, CD with a vast oceanic crew and TC with a monster NA server, heh Yep this is hilarious…See, people do understand the principle behind WvW. Hopefully the people in FA really thought this through. :p
(edited by Shrouded.6450)
As many of us were in the DOLY guild for the event I don’t know which FA guilds/players were participating nicely. If you lot haven’t hopped off the roster yet maybe we can figure out which FA guild/players should have a magical protection bubble? If you were trying to play along and want to not suffer the wrath of the roleplayers for the next however-long-it-lasts you might want to rock the DOLY tag, though who can say how well we will be able to communicate to the pugs that we’re trying to not kill you lot specifically.
(edited by Hekatombaion.4320)
Alright, first of all I missed the Dolyak walk as I just saw the schedule this morning when I woke up and was there pre-event for some good 20mins in my golemite avatar. It was lots of fun with fireworks, dancing and all that with guys from all 3 servers. To the Asuran thief with [BS] tag from FA that was trying his best to do halloween costume brawl with me, sorry dude I tried as well, but I guess it doesn’t work with enemies. I saw you crying later, so did I. After a while I had to leave as I was getting late for office.
On my way to the office I was thinking about the event and was hoping it all went well. Here I come and read the whole thing and recalled one person’s post here that said, “I lost faith in humanity of MMO gamers” to which I replied, “Its time to restore faith in humanity”. With a lot of embarassment I admit I was wrong, although those who adhered to the peace treaty for a good little time have my respects and I bow to them.
To those trying to convince themselves and others that not everyone reads the forums – you have the evidence right infront of you in the above posts where some people from the mentioned griefer guilds had the guts to come out here and happily admit that they enjoyed crashing the peace party and loved the loot bags. And from the guild tags mentioned here, hell I haven’t even heard of those, do you guys even show up on the battlefield or are just one of those JP campers? How about show up to fight with both TC & CD bringing their wrath upon you and enjoy killing you while we both laugh at your dead corpses? That’s right you won’t show up. It was openly advertised on all 3 servers and people did turn up and used tonics to show that they are non-hostile. Yet you decide to take advantage of the situation as you knew the enemies won’t attack you back for a long time.
While I appreciate the FA guys that showed up for the event and joined in for the fun, I feel sorry for you guys due to the actions of your fellow Aspenwoods you also have to pay the price. Maybe just not show up on FABL until reset and let these griefers pay the price? They seem to enjoy fighting a lot although they don’t show up for actual fights, let them save your server to secure 2nd place maybe?
Just pathetic. I had to edit this post 3 times before posting to get the message across without getting it deleted. Highly frustrated!
Tee See
To think this would happen when people killed Dolyak fanatics!
Yours truly, a Stick-wielding Mesmer twit.
your comparing a video game to humanity……….Really? was the dolyak run raising funds for cancer research?
[BT] Black Talons
People are still justifying their actions here? Yea its PvP, where all 3 servers were having a peaceful moment for a mere 10 mins. You could’ve let it finish and THEN get your lootbags? But no, YOU HAD to show up then and there to crash it. Give me a kittenin break! I don’t care if I get suspended for my tone, the excuses are kittenin ridiculous.
Tee See