The departure of ND, MERC, & VOTF from SoS
This is going to be a cycle that repeats itself. Couple of months later SOR will be the victim of this cycle if they can’t break 3rd place.
Then there’s us tier 3/4 servers that are ok being at that tier. Its truly amazing how different each tier’s attitude on their tier placement is.
This is going to be a cycle that repeats itself. Couple of months later SOR will be the victim of this cycle if they can’t break 3rd place.
We’ve come second for the past 2 weeks….
I just hope these SoS transfers don’t flee BG if BG ever does poorly. It seems that quite a few SoS guilds have left, but I haven’t seen this happen to JQ, BG, Kain, etc. Those servers gained guilds, not lost. That’s why I asked how many of the guilds that are transferring now were transfers to SoS when they were #1 vs how many of those guilds transferring now were on SoS at launch. My guess is the ones transferring now were not on SoS at launch and just transfer around to the server that they think will be victorious server at the time.
Exception – I’m fairly positive MERC was always on SoS but with Jedahs leaving GW2, I get the feeling it was kinda Jedahs that kept MERC on SoS, but since he’s gone, this is what happens.
I doubt BG will do poorly this time around in T1. If SoR continue to sit around and do nothing to try to convince some new guilds, they will be the 3rd wheel in T1 fighting for leftovers.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
It is way too costly to keep hopping around to win. It’s roughly 35 gold or $25 to transfer which makes multiple transfers in a short period of time seem unlikely.
Good point. This was not always true though. Paid transfers just occurred recently. Before then, who knows how many times guilds transferred. That’s why I was asking/guessing. I am hoping my guess was wrong of course. Fair weather fans are never a good thing.
If people want to change servers they will. The only thing paid transfers does is make those that want to play in the top tier or those who were on a top tier server that died and don’t want to spend $25 on a transfer quit the game. Like every thing else Anet does paid transfers was the worst possible way to fix a problem… But i digress.
I can’t wait for BG to make it back into T1. The last few weeks have not been all that much fun / competitive.
This is going to be a cycle that repeats itself. Couple of months later SOR will be the victim of this cycle if they can’t break 3rd place.
SOR has endured losing to SOS and BG for months before getting to T1
I’m confident most of the core WvWers would stay even if we’re stuck at second or third
I doubt BG will do poorly this time around in T1. If SoR continue to sit around and do nothing to try to convince some new guilds, they will be the 3rd wheel in T1 fighting for leftovers.
It feels like SOS guilds are not considering SOR due to us being direct competitors in the current matchup :/
I just hope these SoS transfers don’t flee BG if BG ever does poorly.
It’s really not about doing poorly or losing, but how your server is able to handle it. The first time BG moved up to T1 then out in 3 weeks, it was pretty rough. We lost some guilds and players, and we had to do some real soul searching on where we went wrong and how we could improve. Thankfully, we were able to take some very heated comments from a player (who later left BG) constructively, and at least to some degree use them to better ourselves. We got more organized. Communication got better. Leaders stepped up and filled important roles.
In the end we dropped one rank spot and held it until our second trip to T1. That second time was much different. We performed admirably and earned the respect of our opponents. We took 3rd place three weeks in a row but never lost sight of who we are, and we dropped back to T2 feeling good about ourselves. So to again summarize my rambling thoughts, losing isn’t necessarily the cause of transfers. It’s failing to understand why, pointing fingers before asking questions, and not being capable of fostering ways to get better.
Regarding coverage vs. JQ, we shall see. I personally feel JQ will still have the edge, but I know BG will give them everything we got. However, our SEA guys have had the opportunity to work on their game against WM/KO/MEOW the past couple of weeks, so they’ve had some good practice against the zerg during their time zone. Watch out Foo!
[KnT] – Blackgate
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
1-2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
BG will probably move up as early as this Friday’s reset. It’s only Monday and the rating gap between SoS and BG yesterday was ~50k and is now down to 28k.
I don’t think this transfers will provide an auto-win for BG in T1 (that is IF glicko system would let them enter t1, we’ll see). But I think it would rather even the odds against JQ who at the moment has impressive coverage in all timezones. This would in theory net more numerous fights in T1. For the hardcore wvw players who like this types of match ups they wouldn’t have to worry about logging in 14+ hours in wvw to stay in the tier.
That’s just my take on it.
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
1-2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
BG will probably move up as early as this Friday’s reset. It’s only Monday and the rating gap between SoS and BG yesterday was ~50k and is now down to 28k.
I don’t want to say this or do this, i have respect for those staying on SoS… I almost think we / JQ should make sure SoS drops a tier this week. From the looks of it BG owns every thing on all BL’s and will be running up the score big time.
I just hope these SoS transfers don’t flee BG if BG ever does poorly. It seems that quite a few SoS guilds have left, but I haven’t seen this happen to JQ, BG, Kain, etc. Those servers gained guilds, not lost. That’s why I asked how many of the guilds that are transferring now were transfers to SoS when they were #1 vs how many of those guilds transferring now were on SoS at launch. My guess is the ones transferring now were not on SoS at launch and just transfer around to the server that they think will be victorious server at the time.
Exception – I’m fairly positive MERC was always on SoS but with Jedahs leaving GW2, I get the feeling it was kinda Jedahs that kept MERC on SoS, but since he’s gone, this is what happens.
I doubt BG will do poorly this time around in T1. If SoR continue to sit around and do nothing to try to convince some new guilds, they will be the 3rd wheel in T1 fighting for leftovers.
You act as though SoR didn’t talk to these guilds. Unfortunately, it comes down to two factors. First, AGG and FoE already went to BG and these guilds have that raport with those guilds. Second, all the above guilds including AGG and FoE are leary of jumping from server to server when they are in the same tier.
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
1-2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
BG will probably move up as early as this Friday’s reset. It’s only Monday and the rating gap between SoS and BG yesterday was ~50k and is now down to 28k.
That would be the 1 week case. If it stablizes now, two weeks. Should something weird happen, 3 weeks.
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
1-2 weeks, 3 weeks max.
BG will probably move up as early as this Friday’s reset. It’s only Monday and the rating gap between SoS and BG yesterday was ~50k and is now down to 28k.
I don’t want to say this or do this, i have respect for those staying on SoS… I almost think we / JQ should make sure SoS drops a tier this week. From the looks of it BG owns every thing on all BL’s and will be running up the score big time.
Yes please.
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym
EU does have stronger guilds to fight than NA. Although the recent loss of KAZ hurts quite a bit.
You can’t really claim that since you have yet to really fight all of the guilds on NA as you have for EU. Just like I can’t say NA guilds are better than EU guilds since I have not fought all of the EU guilds. Though please feel free to come back to NA T1 sometime and not be on JQ ;-)
I don’t think this transfers will provide an auto-win for BG in T1 (that is IF glicko system would let them enter t1, we’ll see). But I think it would rather even the odds against JQ who at the moment has impressive coverage in all timezones. This would in theory net more numerous fights in T1. For the hardcore wvw players who like this types of match ups they wouldn’t have to worry about logging in 14+ hours in wvw to stay in the tier.
That’s just my take on it.
People over estimate JQ’s coverage. Don’t get me wrong we have a lot of people on at all times but contrary to what many believe we don’t have ques for all BL’s at all times or anything. This morning we didn’t have ques for any of the BL’s. Late night , 2am central time, EB is usually the only BL i ever have to que for. Like i said we have a lot of people but not nearly as many as people outside our server claim.
Either way, it’s going to be fun facing BG with more even numbers. They earned a ton of respect from me last time they were in T1 and with the addition of some of the SoS guilds… I can’t wait to face them. =)
This is going to be a cycle that repeats itself. Couple of months later SOR will be the victim of this cycle if they can’t break 3rd place.
Then there’s us tier 3/4 servers that are ok being at that tier. Its truly amazing how different each tier’s attitude on their tier placement is.
Pretty much. The only thing I want for Tiers 3 and 4 is for the matches to be constantly even, just so nobody leaves their tier. At this point I’ve been so used to fighting Yak’s Bend that I keep accidentally calling Maguuma YB.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
First off i just wanted to say, told you all paid server transfers would not work and do nothing to stop people from stacking servers…
That being said, i can’t wait for BG to make it up into T1 with the SoS transfers. I have a ton of respect for those on BG who fought their hearts out last time they were in T1 but fell short mostly due to lack of coverage. I’m sure this time around things will be much different and a hell of a lot more fun for every one. I can say basically the same about SoS. When they had the numbers they were as good as it get’s. Sad to see that server fall but it is what it is.
Also, any one have any idea how long will it take for BG to make it back into T1 after all the guild transfers ?
If SoS gets as bad a score next week as they currently have (comparatively), it’ll be the week after that we move up.
What guilds exactly? I only know of AGG, FoE, MERC and ND. Is there one more that has stated they’re coming here?
I think the poster may have been referring to VotF, but I think they are moving to a European server (just speculation)
I love how people are just trying to deny they stacked their server. Who cares if you did accept it and be proud of it. No matter what you do, you’re not going to come into Tier I like some underdog.
Well just like when SBI imploded, SoR got 7 guilds out of that and became stacked while BG didn’t get anything from them. Now that we’re getting 2 other guilds from SoS we’re being called a stacked server lol. I think that we do have better coverage than the other T2 servers as of now, but come T1 the match will be very even between BG and JQ to where we can actually compete for the top spot and not get a hard steam-roll.
Just like you received guilds before the transfers, just like SoR gained guilds before that, just like… Yeah…
Compared to JQ you may be “competitive” as most BG posters have put it, but from the perspective of SoR, who is already having a competitive match against SoS for second place, you are looking to be stacked. I mean, back in T2 you already had nice coverage compared to us, we filled up that slot a little so we were probably neck and neck in that respect when we moved up to T1, but we couldn’t know for certain.
Now, you are receiving four main guilds from a still T1 capable server, filling up arguably your only time gap where you need coverage, where we as SoR have been fighting these guilds and barely scraping by with second place. Combine that with a server that has continually beaten us in the past, you can see where that statement comes from.
Ultimately, SoR, we are going to have a heavy fight coming up. It is going to be difficult fighting essentially two powerhouses with the depth that they have. All I have to say is that we as SoR are known for our tenacity. We never stop fighting, and we never stop having fun in WvW, and we never stop smashing the opposition while we are on the field of battle Don’t let the points get to you, because if you do, the next month or two when BG inevitably moves up will be painful.
Course I say all of that, but it has yet to be tested how we stand with BG nowadays ^^
Anyway, back on topic, I really wish SoS well as a server. I actually came to SoR during the middle of THE closest race I have ever participated in WvW, that fateful match that came down to the wire with SoS. Best match up to date for me. I hope you as a community continue to grow and love the game as I do.
P.S. This was in no way meant to be malicious, just trying to bring a little levity. I look forward to the battles ahead. They will be very difficult, but I will still smash anyone in my path ^^
I foot soldier of SoR
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
(edited by Proumbro.1376)
It’s interesting that t1 guilds don’t want to transfer within the same tier. Wonder what would have happened if that sentiment held true in tier 2 when SBI fell apart…..
Voft is like jq little “kitty”, they attack and defend a SoR tower and jq takes over all the sos towers they dont care even to defend from jq lol
It’s interesting that t1 guilds don’t want to transfer within the same tier. Wonder what would have happened if that sentiment held true in tier 2 when SBI fell apart…..
I highly doubt that was the only reason, but who knows really? Aside from those in the leadership of these guilds and those responsible for interacting with them on BG, no one really. This is all just speculation being thrown around :\
BTW, I want a dolyak parade I was only there for one and I disconnected right before the start
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
What guilds exactly? I only know of AGG, FoE, MERC and ND. Is there one more that has stated they’re coming here?
I think the poster may have been referring to VotF, but I think they are moving to a European server (just speculation)
VotF would never come to Blackgate. This of course is a good thing for everyone.
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
BTW, I want a dolyak parade
I was only there for one and I disconnected right before the start
Sadly TC is dropping to T3, so we’re all going to miss the parade for awhile. =(
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
BTW, I want a dolyak parade
I was only there for one and I disconnected right before the start
Sadly TC is dropping to T3, so we’re all going to miss the parade for awhile. =(
It’s been fun
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers though.
[KnT] – Blackgate
… Compared to JQ you may be “competitive” as most BG posters have put it, but from the perspective of SoR, who is already having a competitive match against SoS for second place, you are looking to be stacked. …
Good point. Compared to the server who holds the spot that we’re aiming for we’re not stacked. Thankfully though, our coverage will see a much needed improvement. We’ve learned a lot of new tactics & improved on them where we could since our last visit to tier 1 as well. Going-up against (and learning from) guilds like RG was a great experience while we were there, but these last few weeks training hard with TC & KAIN is what has really prepared us for another shot.
Btw: It seems like Kain may be in a good spot to earn a lot of points against SoS…similiar to what happened when SoR ran over an empty SBI. I’m curious to see if it will help their matchup numbers in the same way. If so, we know where the Pain Train will be headed during the next round of transfers…just kidding (on the square) of course;)
See you on the field when we get there!
I kind of wish the guilds transferring would’ve at least waited until the week ended. T2 was already hard going, now it’s impossible.
TC’s appearance in T3 will be short.
I was also there, as was my guild at that time. There was like 20k difference between first and third midway through the week. To this day that is still one of my favourite match ups. Never die are an amazing guild. Jq are in for a treat once the newly stacked bg gets back into t1
That just means we can be equal with JQ
Oooh… FA might move up to Tier 2 next week! I hope we stay in T2… We want another chance to zerker zerg Bit!
http://teamriot.org/riot-media/videos/ • http://www.twitch.tv/teamriottv
Btw: It seems like Kain may be in a good spot to earn a lot of points against SoS…similiar to what happened when SoR ran over an empty SBI.
SOS is not empty yet.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Btw: It seems like Kain may be in a good spot to earn a lot of points against SoS…similiar to what happened when SoR ran over an empty SBI.
SOS is not empty yet.
Yeah as I was reading through all of this I couldn’t help but feel badly for the folks on SoS who are remaining ….. This has to be hard to read. I’m sorry for that. I hope you guys regroup and surprise everyone
Btw: It seems like Kain may be in a good spot to earn a lot of points against SoS…similiar to what happened when SoR ran over an empty SBI.
SOS is not empty yet.
Yeah as I was reading through all of this I couldn’t help but feel badly for the folks on SoS who are remaining ….. This has to be hard to read. I’m sorry for that. I hope you guys regroup and surprise everyone
Yeah, my bad:( But hey, its just a game right;)
Personally, the only server I would consider transferring to is TC for what must be a unique experience, but I’m much more likely to sink with the ship when the time comes.
Good luck to SoS and congrats to BG.
Commander Phantom Spectre
Crystal Desert
People are too obsessed with winning. I’m 99% sure that Maguuma is about the same strength it always was, and yet a formerly average server is now T3.
You’re 100% wrong. Maguuma got a ton of transfers when they were last in T5 which took them up to T3.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers though."
VoTF could actually continue to build on their reputation if they stay on the N/A servers. EU servers would mean queue times and just joining the multitude of guilds in the prime time over there.
I completely agree that VoTF transferring to SoR would make the most sense considering that their strength would come to cover a weak spot and bring some balance back in T1 for the weeks to come.
I honestly think knowing their tenacity and resolve in the battle they do love the challenge and will transfer to SoR.
its a pity that guilds like these go from one stacked server, (that server then begins to crumble) to another stacked server, i feel like WM was the only big guild to not do that.
Well BG, goodluck in t1 again
they not make recruit thread doesnt mean they didnt recruit.
ex; KOR move there from BG, MEOW from NSP, etc.
yes they didnt move but just trying to make a new one.
People are too obsessed with winning. I’m 99% sure that Maguuma is about the same strength it always was, and yet a formerly average server is now T3.
You’re 100% wrong. Maguuma got a ton of transfers when they were last in T5 which took them up to T3.
We were never last in T5.
last in terms of time not last place.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers though."VoTF could actually continue to build on their reputation if they stay on the N/A servers. EU servers would mean queue times and just joining the multitude of guilds in the prime time over there.
I completely agree that VoTF transferring to SoR would make the most sense considering that their strength would come to cover a weak spot and bring some balance back in T1 for the weeks to come.
I honestly think knowing their tenacity and resolve in the battle they do love the challenge and will transfer to SoR.
There is nothing on SoR for VotF. As much as we would all like balance, VotF wil lgo where VotF feels it can get good fights. This is leaning strongly to heading back to EU.
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
Ok, that’s correct…
But the transfer thing really took off once we got back in T4.
i have one question, is VoTF an EU guild or NA/Oceanic? if they are NA or Oceanic, we would love them to transfer to Desolation (EU) so we can beat the Frenchs (VIZ). Desolation is a strong EU server, we need more people after EU primetime to prevent VIZ from PvDooring us.
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
VOTF are an EU guild
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
VOTF are an EU guild
:(, oh well.
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers though."VoTF could actually continue to build on their reputation if they stay on the N/A servers. EU servers would mean queue times and just joining the multitude of guilds in the prime time over there.
I completely agree that VoTF transferring to SoR would make the most sense considering that their strength would come to cover a weak spot and bring some balance back in T1 for the weeks to come.
I honestly think knowing their tenacity and resolve in the battle they do love the challenge and will transfer to SoR.
I hope they consider Kaineng. Kaineng is a very competitive server that lacks an EU crew.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
VoTF is the jewel of all the guilds leaving sos so far, will be interesting to see where they land.
That’s still assuming they do leave. Going with the current rumormill though, and say they do transfer, SoR makes the most sense to me as the best destination in the NA bracket, with a big maybe for Kaineng. I still say they end up moving back to the EU servers though."VoTF could actually continue to build on their reputation if they stay on the N/A servers. EU servers would mean queue times and just joining the multitude of guilds in the prime time over there.
I completely agree that VoTF transferring to SoR would make the most sense considering that their strength would come to cover a weak spot and bring some balance back in T1 for the weeks to come.
I honestly think knowing their tenacity and resolve in the battle they do love the challenge and will transfer to SoR.I hope they consider Kaineng. Kaineng is a very competitive server that lacks an EU crew.
yeh i hope VoTF chooses Kaineng aswell. Kain is a great server, all they need is strong EU guild to back up their very strong oceanic and asian guilds.
Well we, Desolationians (EU) have plenty of EU guilds but we need one guild from NA and one guild from Oceanic to stop Viz from hitting empty towers and keeps after EU primetime. Well if we get two guild from two different time zones, we will become the superpower of EU
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
“There is nothing on SoR for VotF. As much as we would all like balance, VotF wil lgo where VotF feels it can get good fights. This is leaning strongly to heading back to EU”
And yet you are not part of VoTF or SoR and you know what is best for both. You speak with a forked tongue my friend
“I hope they consider Kaineng. Kaineng is a very competitive server that lacks an EU crew.”
Kaineng actually needs stronger N/A presence as well to be competitive in T1.
As it stands, I would personally say BG shouldn’t rush to go back to T1 at this point. Even with the new transfers, there are still certain areas that need polishing up before returning to T1.
Please don’t take this the wrong way or as a morale damper. There are still “performance gaps” in terms of how open fields, sieges, map awareness are fought on BG and the T1 servers. These should be worked on in the meantime.
I would be really excited that BG can return to T1 but it would be more prudent to do that fully prepared. This is NOT to say that BG is not T1 material, BG will return to T1 that’s for sure, but it would be good to do so well prepared.
Given that the current T1 servers possesses not just the coverage numbers, but the battle tactics have been honed from a long time in being in T1. It is a very different game especially in light of transfers who have brought in new builds and modes of fighting.
Take our time, hone up, polish up and enjoy the game before rushing back to T1. Return to T1 with a bang