Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


WvW Right NOW ::::

25 Ehmry in Eternal
20 Ehmry in Ebay BL
25 Ehmry & Sekz in AR BL


20 Total BP all around
25 Total AR all Around

I ported between all maps and counted

How you’re not in Tier 4 yet ? oh Wait …. lol

Oh, so you counted. Seems legit.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


Is Pk the guild that has turned your night coverage from a weakness to a strength?

There are some pk in [NITE], but it’s lead by Belle from sekz and made up of members from pretty much all of our major guilds.

Score update for those that can’t be online:

EB: 174,730 +385
BP: 133,893 +200
AR: 125,130 +110

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fraeg.9837


Question.. who are the BIG 4 zerg guilds holding ebay together? i would think it’s GH(guard house)? FTF? SEkz(transfer guild) and who else?

The forth you are thinking of is probably Player Killerz[PK].

Whats your deal with the hate on transfer guilds.

Is Pk the guild that has turned your night coverage from a weakness to a strength?

I “think” you are correct. Wonky schedule, was up late and IIRC it was pK flipping BP bay etc. at 3am EST on Monday night/Tuesday morning.

Edit- looks like someone in the know already answered

Wyverz – Asura – Mesmer
Xynobia – Asura – Necro
|Gnaw| |BB| |dO| |SOUL| – NSP

(edited by Fraeg.9837)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: ekleenex.1654


Oh, I totally forgot…

Shout out to vT and some other randoms that caught our 5 man golem rush at bay last night. We almost made it… It was really exhausting permastealthing those golems across the map.

sociablegnomes / ekleenex / swághili [Rekz]
“dodging saves lives.”

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: tiramisu.8706


WvW Right NOW ::::

25 Ehmry in Eternal
20 Ehmry in Ebay BL
25 Ehmry & Sekz in AR BL


20 Total BP all around
25 Total AR all Around

I ported between all maps and counted

How you’re not in Tier 4 yet ? oh Wait …. lol

Actually, Sekz wiped you on both AR / Ebay BL. That’s just us being in Teamspeak coordinating and asking for help. In fact, we purposely made sure to let you know that we were porting both BLs by targeting you.

Wokfoo, Rokkasaurus, Not Daddy of [Rekz]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


WvW Right NOW ::::

25 Ehmry in Eternal
20 Ehmry in Ebay BL
25 Ehmry & Sekz in AR BL


20 Total BP all around
25 Total AR all Around

I ported between all maps and counted

How you’re not in Tier 4 yet ? oh Wait …. lol

Actually, Sekz wiped you on both AR / Ebay BL. That’s just the being in Teamspeak coordinating and asking for help. In fact, we purposely made sure to let you know that we were porting both BLs by targeting you.

Oh you silly Bot, we already established that he “counted”. So you know it’s legit.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


WvW Right NOW ::::

25 Ehmry in Eternal
20 Ehmry in Ebay BL
25 Ehmry & Sekz in AR BL


20 Total BP all around
25 Total AR all Around

I ported between all maps and counted

How you’re not in Tier 4 yet ? oh Wait …. lol

Oh, so you counted. Seems legit.

Add on that 20+ Ebay hitting BP Bay right now.

for gods sake how many people do u have in wvw ? how you’re not destroying this tier

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


Kalkz’s jimmies are so rustled they no longer exist, a feat only possible by this guy.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


To those trying to destroy the truce between BP and AR by stating that AR “gains nothing” from it: perhaps you haven’t caught on to the notion that AR doesn’t really care about ratings. Yeah, they are amusing and we like seeing those green arrows on millennium and overtaking BP every so often, but the majority of AR that I have spoken too realizes that AR won’t move up any higher than T5 without an influx of transfers or convincing our PvP population to start WvWing. Nor do we really want to. Thats why there have been a number of increased efforts to shift AR more towards roaming and small group play. T4 is where numbers and coverage reign supreme, as evidenced by how Ebay is faring during our attempts to double team them in Primetime, by winning overall. AR does what AR has always done: soldier on and do what we can with the numbers we have. We have come a pretty long way from our T7 days, and we have gotten a lot better and trimmed a lot of fat with those wanting greener pastures or better coverage leaving along the way. I am Proud to say I’ve been with AR from Pre-release, but no one on AR is kidding themselves into thinking that we are going to go much further than where we are now without numbers.

That being said, sure, AR will lose some rating points, but we’re in no danger of being dropped from the tier. Lets do some maths!

In the past 8 weeks (since T5 and T6 stabilized) here’s how the servers have shaken out:

Ebay has lost about 2 rank points/week.

BP has lost about 2.4 rank points/week.

AR has gained about 4 points/week.

DH has gained about 6 points/week (with a blowout week of +61 points the first week, which skews the avg quite a bit, as without that week they would be losing about 1.8 rank points/week)

SBI (the server Ebay has to overtake to get out of T5) has been losing 3.45 rank points/week.

So mathmatically, if we keep going at these rates, (I’m aware they wont stay constant as the system will change as soon as one server changes tiers. I’m simply trying to prove a point) DH will overtake AR in 30 weeks. But wait, here’s the kicker: based on those same score evolutions, DH will overtake BP in 8 weeks, Ebay in 22 weeks, and SBI in 31 weeks.

Vote DARKHAVEN for T5 in 2014!

Now sit down and take your red down arrows like a man. T5 is gonna be like this until they change the system. If anything, Ebay should be praising the alliance instead of constantly QQing. Its making the match more interesting and breaks the monotony that you guys have been complaining about. If you’re really that upset or bored by it, take a week off. If its not fun, you’re doing it wrong.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

(edited by Rashagal.5867)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.

Why is it no matter what AR is getting called a lap dog? BP called us lapdogs when we didn’t alliance with them, and now Ebay is calling us a lapdog when we are Blue and BP is Red because we did. In my mind, AR will get the fights we want either way. At least this way Ebay gets more fights as well.

Isn’t that what you wanted? The alliance is doing more for Ebay than anyone else, because we are actively trying to find a solution to your #1 complaint: boredom.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

(edited by Rashagal.5867)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


You do make a good point……expect on the whole useage of lapdogs thing. If you are independent and focus on fights and BP calls you a lapdog, they lack the mental capacity to use the term (lapdog being the opposite of what I described above). But if you obey their commands for their benefit only then you are a lapdog. Thats what the term means, that you blindly obey. I for one out old fashioned pride would tell BP what they can do with themselves if they offered my an alliance, especially one that only gave any tangible gain to them. Oh wait, this did happen and all the commanders that were approached on this refused. If you guys are happy with the arrangement then so be it but we just dont see it in the same light as you.

Edit: Just be clear because I know I tend to be sarcastic here, this was an honest view point and I can not deny that we have been claiming bordem. You have made this a more interesting match up on the field.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

(edited by PaLeRiDeR.5908)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


I understand where you’re coming from, but I would disagree that AR blindly obeys anyone. Even our own server is dissenting. [War] and [vT] are perfect examples of that, and have been vocally against the truce. What I want to emphasize is that AR and BP have a long history, and since release, we have played each other in 24 weeks. We are well aware of the boredom and stagnation that constant match ups can cause, which is why every so often we try something different. This is just the latest installment of trying to change the pace of the game so we don’t all burn out.

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Keyboard fighters

stop trying to break the alliance between us and AR. because u wont break it.
No one is following orders lol ?
and lapdogs ? seriously ?
BP & AR Are now like 2 guilds working together, and umad because you know things wont be easy for you
& from all this crying we know … BP & AR made the right choice

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


You do make a good point……expect on the whole useage of lapdogs thing. If you are independent and focus on fights and BP calls you a lapdog, they lack the mental capacity to use the term (lapdog being the opposite of what I described above). But if you obey their commands for their benefit only then you are a lapdog. Thats what the term means, that you blindly obey. I for one out old fashioned pride would tell BP what they can do with themselves if they offered my an alliance, especially one that only gave any tangible gain to them. Oh wait, this did happen and all the commanders that were approached on this refused. If you guys are happy with the arrangement then so be it but we just dont see it in the same light as you.

Edit: Just be clear because I know I tend to be sarcastic here, this was an honest view point and I can not deny that we have been claiming bordem. You have made this a more interesting match up on the field.

It’s in AR’s best interest entertainment-wise to pursue the alliance. Fighting a more or less equal server while having a much bigger server come in and randomly punch them in the face is not as much fun as an equal fight that rages back and forth.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I have no rage I play this game to have fun, yes I will say im sick of this matchup but at the same time I love all the bags I get when I log on. If you think me calling Kalkz “Cupkalkz” is raging I find it quite funny. Our night crew of what 30 players carrying us is quite funny. On the other hand I have seen you crying week after week about how AR never hits Ebay til you finally made your lil pact. Which like I said all this does it make it so we don’t have to wait for you to get off ur siege and stop eating ur burgers to come out and play.

To be fair this weekend I saw a good deal of [PK] alone during night and early morning hours. Assuming the 3 other larger guilds could field even half that number (which TS numbers and map presence seemed to support) and add in the pugs and you already have larger than the numbers I saw BP and AR combined fielding during the night and early morning.

I was one of those members and the resistance across the board certainly did not match our numbers past 10PM-2AM central (BP and AR seem to lose most of their forces all at once between those times. A guildie even called that out as reliable).

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


And this proves that we need to teamup harder. lol dafaq ?


Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

You do make a good point……expect on the whole useage of lapdogs thing. If you are independent and focus on fights and BP calls you a lapdog, they lack the mental capacity to use the term (lapdog being the opposite of what I described above). But if you obey their commands for their benefit only then you are a lapdog. Thats what the term means, that you blindly obey. I for one out old fashioned pride would tell BP what they can do with themselves if they offered my an alliance, especially one that only gave any tangible gain to them. Oh wait, this did happen and all the commanders that were approached on this refused. If you guys are happy with the arrangement then so be it but we just dont see it in the same light as you.

Edit: Just be clear because I know I tend to be sarcastic here, this was an honest view point and I can not deny that we have been claiming bordem. You have made this a more interesting match up on the field.

Just for the record, I am the one that initially coined the use of the word “lapdog” in reference to AR. It was out of line and I have since retracted it. My issuance of that was born out of a confluence of very frustrating … Jimmy rustlings … at the time ;P

All of that being said, I can almost guarantee you that if AR loses rating this week, we (BP) will be the ones to lose it next week. We are so close in terms of ranking and performance that we have settled into a sort of oscillating equilibrium. From a mathematical standpoint, it’s kind of interesting that this emerges out of a system governed by Glicko.

But I digress. Words are wind, so call me a liar all you want, but if it were me in AR’s position, I’d stick with the loose alliance we have going. Rank be darned, it’s just so much more fun now

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


Keyboard fighters

stop trying to break the alliance between us and AR. because u wont break it.
No one is following orders lol ?
and lapdogs ? seriously ?
BP & AR Are now like 2 guilds working together, and umad because you know things wont be easy for you
& from all this crying we know … BP & AR made the right choice

Sorry, busy talking to the other server that can fight, dont you have citadel camping to do?

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


And this proves that we need to teamup harder. lol dafaq ?

No Kalkz, it shows you need a new hobby.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


I understand where you’re coming from, but I would disagree that AR blindly obeys anyone. Even our own server is dissenting. [War] and [vT] are perfect examples of that, and have been vocally against the truce. What I want to emphasize is that AR and BP have a long history, and since release, we have played each other in 24 weeks. We are well aware of the boredom and stagnation that constant match ups can cause, which is why every so often we try something different. This is just the latest installment of trying to change the pace of the game so we don’t all burn out.

I was a little off on my statement, used blindly obey to describe the term. I dont think thats what AR is doing but it cam be see as such from this side of the fence.

PS: You’ve seen what Kalkz posts here right? You are teamed up with him in this scenario…….Good Luck.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Keyboard fighters

stop trying to break the alliance between us and AR. because u wont break it.
No one is following orders lol ?
and lapdogs ? seriously ?
BP & AR Are now like 2 guilds working together, and umad because you know things wont be easy for you
& from all this crying we know … BP & AR made the right choice

Sorry, busy talking to the other server that can fight, dont you have citadel camping to do?

Oh i do, When there’s a server outman 2 other servers and crying about us teaming up

I cant feel more sorry for you lol

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: llkoolaid.8204


And this proves that we need to teamup harder. lol dafaq ?

This proves that AR shouldn’t trust BP. Looks like they were moving into your area…


-Rent-a-Gollum- call 555-kalkz
80MES – Dr Sweet Cheeks/80WAR – Jegudiel
80GRD – Sir Sweet Cheeks/80ELE – D J Diddles

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


And this proves that we need to teamup harder. lol dafaq ?

This proves that AR shouldn’t trust BP. Looks like they were moving into your area…

LAWL, BP DUN GOOF’d and pulled the backstab.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tinsilver.8214


Really Ebay? Needed an Omega to take down an outmanned and wooden Mendon’s?


Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


that screenshot showing BP owning one of AR’s towers doesn’t prove anything. Maybe AR let them have that tower on purpose so their PPT wouldn’t fall too low.

and of course not 100% of the players on either BP or AR are in agreement with the idea of an alliance, so this kind of thing can always happen even if the alliance is otherwise going well.

I wouldn’t worry too much about whether AR chooses to be in alliance or not. whether we think such things are ‘proper’ or not doesn’t matter as much as whether they consider it to be proper. as long as they’re not actually exploiting every tactic is a valid one.

I am a little bit worried that AR is trading a temporary boost in their fun levels (and ours) for some longer term problems, and that the end result may not be good for them. if the alliance turns out in the long term to be less fun, and they lose players because of it, that could make WvW worse for all of us. hopefully Arenanet fixes the match selection algorithm before that becomes a real problem for any of us.

The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.

C’mon man. You get it just fine.

You are clearly playing dumb, and if I may add very well , in order to get a response.

AR is the defacto smaller server of the 3. If after 10 weeks you haven’t figured this out then you are truly ignorant or just joined WvW.

AR will gladly fight BP 1v1. But as we all know , Ebay can’t help itself and MUST get in its kicks. So what ends up happening? We have BP @ hills and Ebay @ Bay and both poking us @ Garry.

What do we get for our efforts? A bunch of immature kids on the forums putting us down ( you know who you are) in the forums and using lines like ‘bunch of bads’ and ‘dumptster these fools’.

Now I’m a big boy and have grown thick skin so these lame trolls just go unanswered, same for my guild and for the regular WvW in AR. But if you haven’t noticed , AR is a pug/casual server when it comes to WvW. So when the puggies get discouraged ( you know, sorta like what happened to Ebay this weekend) they bail and go do something else.

So this alliance is our effort to bring some life back into AR WvW, ( you know, Tuesday when we had 360ppt) and provide an more enjoyable experience for our puggies.

Do i like this alliance? hell no. I would much rather spend my nights making BP cry and Kalkz rage. But we do what leaders do and swallow our pride and our own self interest and agree to this alliance. Call us lapdogs if you want but this has been a great boon to the WvW community in AR.

Now do I expect you to understand the above, no. The fact that you had to ask shows that your way to immature to grasp the concept. However I do know there are plenty of mature players on Ebay who will understand this and maybe just maybe one will take you aside and explain it to you.



Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


We get that you guys dont care about rank, thats what we respected. Straight up about the fight. But why be BPs lap dog? If you are going to fight for the sake of fighting then why be used by a group you could (and were) just as easily beat. This is what we don’t get.

man. You get it just fine.

You are clearly playing dumb, and if I may add very well , in order to get a response.

AR is the defacto smaller server of the 3. If after 10 weeks you haven’t figured this out then you are truly ignorant or just joined WvW.

AR will gladly fight BP 1v1. But as we all know , Ebay can’t help itself and MUST get in its kicks. So what ends up happening? We have BP @ hills and Ebay @ Bay and both poking us @ Garry.

What do we get for our efforts? A bunch of immature kids on the forums putting us down ( you know who you are) in the forums and using lines like ‘bunch of bads’ and ‘dumptster these fools’.

Now I’m a big boy and have grown thick skin so these lame trolls just go unanswered, same for my guild and for the regular WvW in AR. But if you haven’t noticed , AR is a pug/casual server when it comes to WvW. So when the puggies get discouraged ( you know, sorta like what happened to Ebay this weekend) they bail and go do something else.

So this alliance is our effort to bring some life back into AR WvW, ( you know, Tuesday when we had 360ppt) and provide an more enjoyable experience for our puggies.

Do i like this alliance? hell no. I would much rather spend my nights making BP cry and Kalkz rage. But we do what leaders do and swallow our pride and our own self interest and agree to this alliance. Call us lapdogs if you want but this has been a great boon to the WvW community in AR.

Now do I expect you to understand the above, no. The fact that you had to ask shows that your way to immature to grasp the concept. However I do know there are plenty of mature players on Ebay who will understand this and maybe just maybe one will take you aside and explain it to you.


Mature? Really?
You do understand that the purpose of a forum is to post a thought or opinion and……..wait for it………get response. Like minded or opposing either way it makes for good conversation when you can handle it.
Now I didnt attempt to insult, I attempted to premise this several times but one one enters an arrangement with no benefit to themselves the question of why. You say that we would attack you when BP was attacking you as part of your reason, yet dome where questioned me on my understanding of how WvW works………….because I always thought it was based on the concept of a three way fight.
Now I dont waste time debating population numbers because Anet in there infinite wisdom refuses to release such information and from what I see the population differences aren’t as large as people make them out to be. But this is purely opinion as anything that anyone else says on the matter.
Now I here’s something that us going to blow your mind Mr K……your whole middle part you were so sure I wouldn’t get……I understand! I even told one of your server mates this in an earlier post that you must have missed whole you rage replied. I don’t agree with it and in the end I see it doing your server more harm then good, but like you said your a big boy and go can do as you wish. I don’t claim to know all and doing this was a good move for your server, I could be wrong and my maturity you claim I lack allows me to acknowledge this. I have in the past offered statements of respect to AR but I still cont understand the benefit for AR in this arrangement unless it is just to get back at Ebay for so slight.
You are going to drop from second to third, a point I made earlier that received the reply “we dont care” to para phrase. I replied that I can understand that. But one point you made was that it returned some interest in WvW to your server. Why? Is it fun having less people to fight? My questions are valid and though you made some valid points yourself yoy are ghe one that comes across as clueless here. You dont understand the nature of the deal your in.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fox.3562


AR, just because you have 40 people sitting in front of a broken wall doesn’t mean your towers safe. Once again, you guys Missed a Spot.


Potato Plant
Good Fights [GF] Mesmer

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

Really Ebay? Needed an Omega to take down an outmanned and wooden Mendon’s?

Spe is a pve guild and sometimes players out of the loop do wonky things like open field golem rushes.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drakma.1549


We hit a high of 540 ppt. this is where we leveled out this evening

EB 185,215
BP 137,999
AR 128,259


Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


….. massive wall of text…..

I would truly love to give you a proper response, but that require a proper reading. Please in the future , invest in more [spacebar] keystrokes between paragraphs and less ellipses you know ………..

A few things:

Now I didnt attempt to insult

When calling someone a lap dog, expect most to read it as an attempted insult.

because I always thought it was based on the concept of a three way fight

In concept yes, in practice no. With 3 equal teams a 3 way fight is fun, see T8, T7. When 1 side is vastly superior in size than the other two combined, a 3 way fight is only beneficial to the larger team. See EU T1.

And if 10 weeks of Ebay winning without much of a challenge hasn’t drilled in that Ebay is the bigger of the 3, then i dunno . You’ll continue to ignore facts and you’ll continue to make statements like this.

what I see the population differences aren’t as large as people make them out to be

oh and

You are going to drop from second to third

both happen to be in T5. Being 2nd or 3rd only changes the color of doors I can walk thru.

Is it fun having less people to fight?

That’s like asking. Which do you prefer? one guy or two guys kicking you in the nuts?

one , thank you very much can I have another!



(edited by Kodiack.2783)

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: KStudios.2850


just one of the wonderful snippets from the rage your server has =)

You Borliss guys are awfully interested in our communications. You’re on our website, we’ve had a few of you mention having access to our map chat in Eternal, and more than a few of you have mentioned listening in on our Teamspeak. I give a nod to your espionage capabilities, but seems pretty shady however. Not very sporting either that you would go so far, when you’re still losing. I don’t mean that to be insulting… Just seems to me the means at this point far outweigh the given results. On another note, hope any transmitions on my part are entertaining though, I do try.

As for our end of the spectrum regarding this message. I’m sorry you guys feel like you’re carrying us, I truly am. Love ya’ll to death but I just don’t know how much more I can possibly die for you, lol. Some of us truly do give our best. Should that not be enough, then there isn’t much that can be said on the issue. =/

Yumiko Togashii
Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Mr -K the guy your replying to is a worthless troll, not worth any time lol

- BP K

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


we’ve had a few of you mention having access to our map chat in Eternal,

I can’t help it if my adoring fans in Ebay send me snippets of your EB map chat.

nothing tactical, just lolz at your eb whines bout being tag teamed.



Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Kodiak you sure do complain a lot….maybe you should xfer to a diff server

AR+BP> Ebay numberwise

We’re out playing you.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Syktek.7912


So AR, how’s that alliance working for you?


Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: llkoolaid.8204


Score update for the night workers…


-Rent-a-Gollum- call 555-kalkz
80MES – Dr Sweet Cheeks/80WAR – Jegudiel
80GRD – Sir Sweet Cheeks/80ELE – D J Diddles

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rashagal.5867


I wonder if we can make “Ebay Ego” a thing like we did with “plans and phases”…

Anvil Rock Ambassador of [Sane];
[ARM] Anvil Rock Militia Commander;
The Loryak: I speak for these beasts.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ryanxlegit.4190


Sooo can anet move ebay up already?

Fourty OZ- [NS]-

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Sooo can anet move ebay up already?

Glicko sez no

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Birdo.1768


Sooo how did Ebay take everything and manage to upgrade wps in all of AR’s keeps? when i logged in we had just lost garri again and were +25-30. Did ebay do nationwide golem rush lol
But ebay deserves credit for pulling this off, they want to get out of this tier(It’s boring to win week after week) If ebay wants to have a fresh matchup i suggest trying your hardest like you did today, stomp us into the floor upgrade our keeps . You dont want to wait till darkhaven comes up(if they do). they are no where near bp or ar, it would be a complete stomp. Push hard Ebay better take advantage tonight you guys can make this happen, Southsun events will consume us lol

p.s. Nice job by rekz on taking our cliffside with that sneaky portal after your 2 attempts before that did not go well thanks to that awesome chokepoint. i was screaming in mapchat to have everyone go back in tower bc of scouts info you were on your way…but pugs don’t know how to read so it was understandable >.<

Viewtiful Birdo : Guardian

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorp.7982


Oh, I totally forgot…

Shout out to vT and some other randoms that caught our 5 man golem rush at bay last night. We almost made it… It was really exhausting permastealthing those golems across the map.

I didn’t understand the random tapping of everything before that. Anyway, you’re a good Mesmer assuming you’re the one with the legendary staff.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Just so people don’t get the wrong idea:

Ebayer’s are trying to break up the alliance because it’s a legitimate threat. Alot of Ebayers out there got boo boos and ouchies from the big bad Borlis Rock and want to go back to rolling over both sides easily.

Of course the sensible parts of the server not trying to compensate for their own inadequacies online enjoy the elevated level of challenge that your alliance has so graciously provided us with.

Think of it this way. Continue to team up and let Ebay have it and the bad Ebayers will just cry and whine and attempt to sabotage more while the respectable ones will be happy with good fights. You hurt the baddies and please the honest players.

A Win-Win I’d say.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

We’re awesome and we know it.

Ego Bay. I love this.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Archer.1658


I wish ralathar would stop speaking on behalf of Ebay, he has the mentality of a true carebear and does not represent anyone but himself. I hope to continue dumpstering BP and AR.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Hour Of The Mice.2910

The Hour Of The Mice.2910

I didn’t understand the random tapping of everything before that. Anyway, you’re a good Mesmer assuming you’re the one with the legendary staff.

that’s actually calp** sour (need to get around filter) our 10,000 APM professional starcraft japanese. it’s difficult to communicate over chat or voice with him, but who needs to do that when he can just read your mind?

Brave Little Ducky | Asura Warrior
Séraphine Eronaile | Human Necromancer
Ehmry Bay | Rekz/Sekz

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Syktek.7912


We’re awesome and we know it.

Ego Bay. I love this.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle Yeah! I’m zerg stomping and I know it!

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Brindled.2179


you know what i find ironic? last night i had a CoF guy whine to me in whisper about 7 of us chasing 3 of them like it was unfair or something. yet, most nights we’re up against worse odds. tis funny, but a lil hypocritical at the same time.

anyway, just an observation.

Tier 5: EB|BP|AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: PaLeRiDeR.5908


….. massive wall of text…..

I would truly love to give you a proper response, but that require a proper reading. Please in the fuifure , invest in more [spacebar] keystrokes between paragraphs and less ellipses you know ………..

A few things:

Now I didnt attempt to insult

When calling someone a lap dog, expect most to read it as an attempted insult.

because I always thought it was based on the concept of a three way fight

In concept yes, in practice no. With 3 equal teams a 3 way fight is fun, see T8, T7. When 1 side is vastly superior in size than the other two combined, a 3 way fight is only beneficial to the larger team. See EU T1.

And if 10 weeks of Ebay winning without much of a challenge hasn’t drilled in that Ebay is the bigger of the 3, then i dunno . You’ll continue to ignore facts and you’ll continue to make statements like this.

what I see the population differences aren’t as large as people make them out to be

oh and

You are going to drop from second to third

both happen to be in T5. Being 2nd or 3rd only changes the color of doors I can walk thru.

Is it fun having less people to fight?

That’s like asking. Which do you prefer? one guy or two guys kicking you in the nuts?

one , thank you very much can I have another!


I apologize, I only view this on my phone so its difficult to format. But you did address that in the manner of an extremely mature person. Again claim to have access to stats proving log-in frequency for WvW. If your losing it has be because we have more, there is no other explanation.
The last section I dont quit understand. For us we enjoy fighting against heavy odds, its more challenging and rewarding. You look at the fighting in this game as guy just kicking you in the genitals. So if it is going to be a chose of how many then why fight at all? PvE is always waiting if you don’t want to WvW.

Bob De Niro-Warrior
Whipping Boy of Grindhouse Gaming [GH]