(edited by graverr.6473)
Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
Jade Sea has almost an as good coverage as Vizunah and they are a lot more agressive (that mean they don t wait off peak to attack “AND” fight in open field), but they will give up quickly the matchup if they get crushed during the week end reset.
Nop, our coverage isn’t like VS coverage, we are more like Kodash atm.
For the “give up quickly the matchup if they get crushed during the week end reset” sorry but it’s bullkitten. We don’’t care about the ladder, we try to make good fight it’s all, we don’t make night or morning operation like VS or other. If we have 50k advantage/disadvantage at the end of weekend, well, who care, it change nothing for the remainder of the week.
Atm JS have nothing to do in T1, we are a little “weak” for this, in few week maybe..
But I hope we can fight deso soon. ( and make many drama ofc ! )
Jade Quarry
The skill lag is insane those last 2 weeks.
Hf, tight score.
If Deso could match SFR and VS numbers through the 7 days we would hammer these 2 servers
Asura – Desolation
If Deso could match SFR and VS numbers through the 7 days we would hammer these 2 servers
Don’t listen to tita
I was going to say the same thing VS and JS never played against each other, so it is a bit preposterous from Banana to explain that JS is already much better (of course Banana played against us when he was playing for AS, but lots of things have changed since then).
I see the Vizunah Square PR Machine is out in full force today.
You guys are getting desperate aren’t you.
Ethier, thanks again for you worries, we’re doing perfectly fine. Our goal was to stay in T1 this week, it seems we’re going to achieve it.
To be perfectly honnest, I think we’re kinda overachieving, there’s only 10k or so between SFR and VS, that’s quite an accomplishment.
We’ll most probably be safe for another week at least, so we’ll have the time to see the full impact of the March update
I don’t think there ever was a realistic chance of dropping Vizunah from tier 1, let alone this week. The amount of incredible miracles that would have to happen both in tier 1 and tier 2 for that to occur is just insurmountable. Besides your server belongs in tier 1, even if it didn’t have the annoying night/morning cap strategy that makes it a nuisance to play against it does have a good amount of skilled PuG leaders and tacticians and a few good guilds, which is more than most servers can say for themselves.
Dropping Vizunah from t1 is just SFR forum roleplay, we unleash our rage that way from leaving the map painted green in the evening and seeing it blue when we wake up again. In the meantime we enjoy the constant action that the high population of Vizunah provides to us even if it means we have to first destroy walls and climb mountains ^^. Less nightcap and more organised roaming guilds like MoS and I’ll gurantee you SFR will be trying for Deso to be third instead :P.
Blobbed like a boss. Bring it harder next time.
Blobbed like a boss. Bring it harder next time.
Sanctum Of Rall
Oh and I forgot, we took a nice picture for you guys
Oh and I forgot, we took a nice picture for you guys
One of the best nights in WvW. Lots of fun and banter.
Thanks to all the SFR guilds who turned up for the fights. All in good fun.
The Iron BLOB for life!
(edited by WhiteOmen.6459)
Loved the fights in Viz BL tonight.
Was awesome capping Lake over and over again and Sfr calling over all their guilds.
Some nice fights there, we won some, lost some. Not sure about exact numbers, but we were a lot less than all the sfr guilds combined. Loved it when Viz joined in and the big Deso Sandwich with extra IRON killed them both!
Bit disappointing that RG and some other guilds decided to leave after a few defeats on their side, and to make it worse.. they kept changing bl when the IRON BLOB got in.. cmon guys, stop hiding
All in all, great night!
//Tiffin, guardian of the IRON BLOB
Elementalist / Guardian
(edited by Leviathan.8029)
It was an awesome night.
THX to all for the fun we had. We should do this more often!!
Xuliu the Creeper of the Blob Comunity!
IRON Commander> The Iron Triangle
Great time for all tonight
Omphin ( Portaling Blobs since 2012 )
blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob blob
blob blob =)
Elementalist / Guardian
If it had a mind .. you could reason with it….
If it had a face.. you could look it in the eye…
If it had a body.. you could shoot it….
Bit disappointing that RG and some other guilds decided to leave after a few defeats on their side, and to make it worse.. they kept changing bl when the IRON BLOB got in.. cmon guys, stop hidingAll in all, great night!
//Tiffin, guardian of the IRON BLOB
Well, I think ther arnt many players who enjoin “lag-fights” :/
SFR’s really can’t take a defeat like a man.. can they? All I ever see from them in this thread is whining and complaining or downright making excuses. Take defeats like a man.. geez, is that so hard..
I had a lot of respect for SFR when they first entered T1, but all that respect is quickly going down the drain..
And Domo, we don’t like lag-fights also, but hey.. That’s what Lag Wars 2 is atm.. Lag. We suffer from awefull skill lag aswell, but we make the best of what we can. Untill Anet fixes skill lag, you have to deal with it..
Elementalist / Guardian
If Deso could match SFR and VS numbers through the 7 days we would hammer these 2 servers
But you can´t, because if you need 20 men guild to do w/e in any border, good luck in tier 2. No server holds without PUGS, count the guilds (quality and quantity) in Piken Square Vs Seafarer’s Rest in previous matchups, and guess who won ? Because Piken literally had no activity besides guild raids. You need WvW community to do big part of the job, why do you think VS holding T1 with 90% pugs ? Now if you combine Guilds + Community, you got a winning server like ours. Even with all our flaws tho.
Don´t forget, do some CoF runs untill Guild Raid starts!
(edited by REAL.7483)
Can SFR lead can send me in game plz ?
I’m Gwelicia in game. I lead right now on Etheron Desolation.
Our Back up TS have been hack by a russian guy during this epic defense.
So ok u want to reset our T3, but this is out of the game.
sad to see IRON blobbing up like vizunah…
Because SFR didn’t blob up and fight us tonight at lake/ruins/brior?
We were both a blob tonight and had fun. The only difference being SFR had their entire server on Viz border at one point – we were just the IRON blob. No other big guilds in sight.
Loving your logic…. =P
- we were just the IRON blob.
Doesen’t that already mean QUEUE ?
ahahah now they double team us in EB
Deso cata on right wall of lowland, VZ trebs from jennifer.
nice try
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.
8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
IRON you kitten cheaters -.-
nuoooooo! now they ll know my strategy !!! fear da counter!
btw, this night i v see the top brainless commanders ever from Deso, keep focusing WC and Klovan, for a 20 points while VZ own theyr whole BL. Epic fail really.
We dont care about points, or who’s taking our stuff in our bl. you guys tried to take our keep in eb last night. so its a good pay back. what did you expected?
since www is a matter of points, yes i expect ppl to play for points O_o
np really, i m having fun ehhe got like 500 kills this night
best when u built 4 AC and 2 trebs at Rogue and took us 30 mins to get that camp back!
i personally play wvw to have fun, not for the points. Good small fights and skirmishes thats what i want to see not zerg vs zerg.
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
It would be cool for them to come in T1, Sfr is a quite an annoying server, it’s not that funny to see you hide in keeps and then come out with a 60 players blob, at least it is a bit challenging in the night or at least when its the nights you are resting and thus when you only have 50 players blob.
Impressive numbers keep it up lot of bag and fun ahah you are the best at scoring point, but I see that start to go on some camp with only 40 people impressive progression guys!!
Player of Vizunah speaking about blobs and big numbers? Really funny.
If you are so strong, let’s make a GvG. ZDs is always up for this. (20vs20, 25vs25 and…
looks like you love blobbing, so we can make a 50 vs 50 blobfight! Will be epic laggfest!)
Just PM me.
Best wishes,
Teo Draculesti [ZDs], Bloody Headhunter
ladyfabulous is Deso, not Vizunah
thx, gl & hf
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
Keep comming at us .Made 300 kills in the last hour))) .Nice try Deso 10 golems on south valley gate and Vs 10 golems on North gate at the same time and still failed.
Gotta give it to Troma ,have no clue how u bought deso on this but very good job.Operation Alarm clock
Deso + Vs brothers in arms ftw.
Keep bringing them in ,i just love the badges.
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
hahahaha np ^^
we are like 10 left in whole www, pretty hard to play like this.
one more door for you
Seafarer’s Rest Alliance Leader – www.pevepe.net/gw2
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
Keep comming at us .Made 300 kills in the last hour
))) .Nice try Deso 10 golems on south valley gate and Vs 10 golems on North gate at the same time and still failed.Gotta give it to you troma ,have no clue how u bought deso on this but very good job.
Keep bringing them in ,i just love the badges.
Dw valley is going to fall sooner or later GL HF
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
Thats a nice reaction from Viz !
Did Deso really went in this too lol ?
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
Keep comming at us .Made 300 kills in the last hour
))) .Nice try Deso 10 golems on south valley gate and Vs 10 golems on North gate at the same time and still failed.
Gotta give it to Troma ,have no clue how u bought deso on this but very good job.Operation Alarm clock
Deso + Vs brothers in arms ftw.Keep bringing them in ,i just love the badges.
you mean an ALLIANCE? no way!
and no alarm clocking btw. same players than in primetime. alarm clockers are coming at 7am to finish the job
good night! enjoy the sun
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
(edited by tita.6358)
No alliance.
For Vizu, u tried to take down all our keeps when all our guild was raid off, so pay back.
SFR discovering the joys of 2vs1. hiding in their keep and stacking hundreds of arrow carts.
more open field please . you are boring. not much fun.8×10 golems left. don’t go to sleep we will keep coming suiciding them at you last door again and again
2v1? please dont make me laugh. we have nothing; no towers or keeps outside eb. Viz is dominating everyone at this time of the morning as expected. we were focusing on SFR first then later on VS started joining us. No 2v1 there! Deso, never forms any alliance with anyone. please keep that in mind
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
It was just a little taunt from Tita about SFR
It was unexpected to find you on Valley when we rushed the keep ^^
Well great counter attack from Vizu against RG+Boon zerg-reset after the prime.
Happy to lead you guyz,
Lol SFR will never change, they moaned about anything and everything 3 months ago against BT and still the same. As for Deso in T1 I imagine we’ll be here for another 2 weeks until the Easter holidays hit, then Elona will pay T1 a visit like they always do during holidays. Then we get 2 relaxing weeks in T2 to restock our gold supplies lol
Deso was getting 2vs1’d heavily yesterday in EB early afternoon time, no-one moaned we just built siege and watched the loot bags roll in. Then Iron came rolling through and took everything back so all ended well hehe.
Fun fights, loving the game being back. Grief moar!
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!
This late night/morning in lowlands keep in EB:
Killed 8 deso golems plus blob south valley gate.
Then killed 6 viz golems plus blob like 5 seconds after that on north inner.
Then killed 9 viz golems plus blob trying to hide behind wall south gate lowlands 10 minutes after the last 6… and valley is still ours and being upgraded?! Come on… get it together!
Some crazy kitten action going on tonight at those gates.
Can’t you just send us the gold/tokens you spend on those golem armys instead of throwing them at the gates? Oh wait… the tokens.. we get.
These failrushes were almost as bad as our own fail golem rushes in EB, to be honest…. almost.
(golem numbers can be slighty off due to culling, but you catch my drift…)
</sfr moan about failgolemrush>
Red Guard
(edited by Pannonica.5378)
Dw valley is going to fall sooner or later
Aaaaaaaaand 3 hours later…Lowland’s keep still holds.
Looking for tomorrow’s morning 20 sfr vs 40 deso + 60 visu + 18 golems joint attack on 2 gates at once xd .You should prolly double those golems though.I know i did double my bag slots just for the ocasion
(edited by graverr.6473)
Dw valley is going to fall sooner or later
Aaaaaaaaand 3 hours later…Lowland’s keep still holds.
Looking for tomorrow’s morning 20 sfr vs 40 deso + 60 visu + 18 golems joint attack on 2 gates at once xd .You should prolly double those golems though.I know i did double my bag slots just for the ocasion
I know we all feel bad that we came so close to take lowlands but it wasnt meant to be i guess. Better luck to us next time. on the other note, how many siege weapons did you guys have inside? like thousands or something. Hats off to those SFRs that stood strong to stop us and/or VS from taking lowlands. Good save
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
(edited by Anatolian Turk.4057)
It’s very funny to see most of whine and cheap bragging going from most recent SFR bandwag… err, cooperated guilds, while old SFR guys keep discussion calm and polite. Makes me think about who really worry about the reputation of the server, and who had come for a quick shiny fame.
25 charracters
Got yak slapped last night in deso bl
Had loads of fun though tons of kills despite being out manned and the only guild raid in the bl for a good time from deso :-)
I did feel the love in arahs hope when the boon and sin raid turned almost 180 degrees ignoring my stragglers and ran me over…. like I’ve got a target on my head?
<3 you guys
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
It would be cool for them to come in T1, Sfr is a quite an annoying server, it’s not that funny to see you hide in keeps and then come out with a 60 players blob, at least it is a bit challenging in the night or at least when its the nights you are resting and thus when you only have 50 players blob.
Impressive numbers keep it up lot of bag and fun ahah you are the best at scoring point, but I see that start to go on some camp with only 40 people impressive progression guys!!
Im not sure if this is a bad trolling attempt or you actually believe whats writen here
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
Lots of angry people who have decided to transfer on the wrong server maybe a while ago (weeks/days)
(edited by Reduktion.5791)
The biggest reproach I see against VS is that they dislike open field fights and prefer playing defensive when they are outnumbered, plus they focus on points instead of kills.
So basically, VS is getting flamed because they understood the point of WvW… Kinda funny.
Lots of angry people who have decided to transfer on the wrong server maybe a while ago (weeks/days)
+1, your server seems to have attracted berserkers…
I just hope they won’t migrate some day to VZ, but considering the flames on VZ since a couple of weeks I guess we are safe from that so far
The biggest reproach I see against VS is that they dislike open field fights and prefer playing defensive when they are outnumbered, plus they focus on points instead of kills.
So basically, VS is getting flamed because they understood the point of WvW… Kinda funny.
This is also due to the amount of pugs we have, open battlefields are guildish style, not glued randomed players one.
Loved the fights in Viz BL tonight.
Was awesome capping Lake over and over again and Sfr calling over all their guilds.
Some nice fights there, we won some, lost some. Not sure about exact numbers, but we were a lot less than all the sfr guilds combined. Loved it when Viz joined in and the big Deso Sandwich with extra IRON killed them both!All in all, great night!
//Tiffin, guardian of the IRON BLOB
It wasn’t a sfr organised force, only a small part of each guild…
Fun play for a while .. yeah, but unplayable cause lag skills
On which borderland and when we can see famous IRON blob? We wanna meet you and eat you. Omnomnomnom.
Guardian of ZDs
Seafarer’s Rest
Xispeo.1706 you´re a brave and a wise man it seems to me – but i have to say: your good times are over (for now), even if you have some interesting points of view when evenings ends in big disasters for your team (SFR BL two days ago, EB yesterday as i see it as a scout).
But in the other hand perhaps you are the most realistic vizunah forum columnist. For my part, I m glad to see that united forces of many european nations are outpointing national servers. The opposite way would be deplorable. Maybe you will be a part of this phalanx.
(edited by Reduktion.5791)
I like it Iron unhappy Vz calling them our dogs.. started to focus us GG But why attacking t2 hills when we are in inner t3 garrison on vz bl? And really we blobing…
Last night we had 3 guilds on vz bl. Riot Ext BG,we liked to had fun moving different directions gettign objectives but yeah… Iron come with 40+ Vz in 1 big blob wl + ect probably 60+
and we need to group too,you cant fight this numbers in the current culling situation without masive force….
And what happened was skil lag culling even worse and infact the once who had better culling won the fights…. Pretty boring…..
And for all the drama we are here to stay and we lead….
But yeah now vz have a tactic that works for them,get the morning free cap ugprade to t3 then blob all day and just cause culling skill lag and keep our points as low as possible…Funny it won’t work but I have to give it to you guys you come up with something this time….