Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: buyurgan.6023


We all need to see something `BIG sorry message` at front page of GW2 main site.

I don’t know who is spamming his ban button,
and don’t know who is reviewing them
and also don’t know who is their supervisor if there is one…

Who is responsible of thousands of people banned in a night after night without any reason, any evidence, any warning, any explanation.

Code : 45:6:3:2114 what is this ?? Do I have to know what is that mean if I signed your user agreement ? What is `an account issue` means.

And we all deserve better explanation, why is this happening. Then you can review your billions of tickets how you like to do… Telling you, I bought the game from your official site, I played the game a night or two. THEN I’m suspended.

Not even 1 word from support….. Why is this taking so long to review 10 hours of my total gameplay time made you wait like 72 hours ??? If it was a movie of my gameplay, then its over already about 60 hours ago.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toble.2968


Even if I do make it in time for the event how many days of TA did I just miss? I calculated my skin set being had by Wednesday with the time I had on the long weekend, but now It’s going to take twice as long and possibly longer since all my free weekend time was wasted staring at an unresolved support ticket.

Funny they had time to label a ticket I did in the ask a question section as duplicate but no time to actually look at it and do something about it.

It’s pretty sad, but none of us are going to get a “sorry we banned you and wasted your weekends guys”

I’m all for more power to the bot banning and I wouldn’t mind so much if it was just a few of us, but this is a lot of people to get unrightfully banned all at once.

A whole week worth of working hard to come home to talk on vent and say “sorry guys, can’t help you in WvW tonight”

Great weekend.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadow Espada.9183

Shadow Espada.9183

I sent a ticket a day and a half ago and I still didnt get any response from ANET…Its really hard not to check my notification cause I’ve been playing since early release and not missed a single day. Its really frustrating for an innocent person to be banned/terminated for something they didn’t do nor thought/attempted to do.
Look at my toon, can any bot even have 2 sets of dungeon armors? or rather even have 3 destroyer weapons, have soo much achivementss? I dont think so…..I worked long and hard just to b terminated.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chippalrus.5437


I sent a ticket a day and a half ago and I still didnt get any response from ANET…Its really hard not to check my notification cause I’ve been playing since early release and not missed a single day. Its really frustrating for an innocent person to be banned/terminated for something they didn’t do nor thought/attempted to do.
Look at my toon, can any bot even have 2 sets of dungeon armors? or rather even have 3 destroyer weapons, have soo much achivementss? I dont think so…..I worked long and hard just to b terminated.

I know that feel, I haven’t even touched any other games cause I just want to get back on GW2. Constantly refreshing this topic to read new posts and refreshing the support page.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MasterFhyl.3014


Bit of an update: I recieved an email asking me to provide the 25 digit serial number i got when I purchased the game (Which I have since done) One thing I noticed is that now when I try to log in, instead of telling me I’m permanantly banned for buying or selling gold, I’m being told my account “may have been accessed by an unauthorized individual” which is total bull. This seems very much like a CYA manuver on ANet’s part.. “Oh, we didn’t falsely ban you.. We were uhh.. protecting! yeah.. protecting your account.” Sorry, I’m not buying it. My password is almost 20 letters long, among them letters(both capital and lowercase, numbers, and symbols. And on top of that, even WITH my password (and my permission) my best friend was unable to log into my account unless I gave his IP address permission through an email I got when he tried to log in, so I KNOW they can tell when another IP address is trying to access an acount, if that was the issue that should have been the original message they gave not “we have terminated your account because you were aiding in real money transactions”

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xforce.6154


I hate bots as you guys and I totally support your acting on the real bots. But please don’t kill an innocent player for the crime they never had. Also please check my account again and return my right to play in Tyria. It must be a mistake!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


I’m guessing there’s been a wave of bans completed according to a new method or perhaps by a new staff member. I feel sorry for the support team who is forced to deal with all of our false bans. I doubt they are equipped to deal with the sheer quantity of tickets they would need to process in order to get everyone sorted out quickly.

At the same time this is really quite disheartening… there goes my weekend, pretty much. I’m getting surprisingly emotional about this whole matter(illogical, I know).

I hope we are all able to play again soon.

(edited by icewyrm.5038)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ephemeris.6831


Bit of an update: I recieved an email asking me to provide the 25 digit serial number i got when I purchased the game (Which I have since done) One thing I noticed is that now when I try to log in, instead of telling me I’m permanantly banned for buying or selling gold, I’m being told my account “may have been accessed by an unauthorized individual” which is total bull. This seems very much like a CYA manuver on ANet’s part.. “Oh, we didn’t falsely ban you.. We were uhh.. protecting! yeah.. protecting your account.” Sorry, I’m not buying it. My password is almost 20 letters long, among them letters(both capital and lowercase, numbers, and symbols. And on top of that, even WITH my password (and my permission) my best friend was unable to log into my account unless I gave his IP address permission through an email I got when he tried to log in, so I KNOW they can tell when another IP address is trying to access an acount, if that was the issue that should have been the original message they gave not “we have terminated your account because you were aiding in real money transactions”

Relax dude. This is normal when they’re looking into your account. I had the same change from botting to unauthorized access. It’s a good sign your ban might be cleared soon.

Quaggan’s a piwate. YAAAAAAAARR!!!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


Well this just sucks, I made a ticket just about 24hrs ago. Still no reply, except a GM has updated my support ticket(s) as a duplicate, failure on my part as I made 2 tickets not knowing if I had done it right the 1st time or not. Not sure if the ticket numbers are in sequence, but when I made the 1st ticket it was was at 121109-000304 and approx. 4hrs later I decided to make a 2nd ticket through another tab and the new ticket number was 121109-001044. So within 4hrs approx 700+ tickets have been made inbetween my tickets. This is a serious problem and it just seems to be growing even bigger by the minute. I know this is gonna sound weird…..but all we can do is Support our Support team lol. Because it seems they have more on their plate then anyone here can imagine. Keep up the good work Support Team, we know you guys are doing ALL you can and whether you see ppl complaining or ranting on this issue. Deep down inside were all rooting for you lol. Hope everyone is hanging in there.

(edited by WaLkz.3970)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: joybox.4593


I just got banned for no reason as well about an hour ago. Weird thing is my friend says I was still logged in at cursed shore after I got booted. If these so called ban reviews are really done by humans, they have an immense amount of room to improve.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


I just got banned for no reason as well about an hour ago. Weird thing is my friend says I was still logged in at cursed shore after I got booted. If these so called ban reviews are really done by humans, they have an immense amount of room to improve.

Make a ticket asap and try to include as much info as possible including your seriel number. account name, email, etc. And be sure all this info is submitted to GW2 support team only. And i guess just hope for the best.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Penthos.5148


Just an update:
– It’s now been aboout 25 hours since I was erroneously banned and 24 hours since I submitted a support ticket (with ALL required information). Other than the intial automatic email confirmation of the issue, I’ve heard nothing.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


Just an update:
– It’s now been about 25 hours since I was erroneously banned and 24 hours since I submitted a support ticket (with ALL required information). Other than the intial automatic email confirmation of the issue, I’ve heard nothing.

Yeah same for me, been checking my email very often checking threads here to hear any news and refreshing my support tickets in hopes of any changes that may occur.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toble.2968


I have a digital purchased version that I pre-ordered from the site before beta.

Anyone know how to find the serial key for it unless I need it?

When I pre-ordered in site it just automatically let me download and authenticate.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: buyurgan.6023


So within 4hrs approx 700+ tickets have been made inbetween my tickets. This is a serious problem and it just seems to be growing even bigger by the minute.

if it’s true that 4hours/700 ticket, approx 4000+ tickets in a day…

it’s possible that they have around 20k unsolved tickets in their queue created in the last week only. And I guess they don’t work at weekends ?

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


Yeah, I don’t recall ever getting a serial number. I’ve searched through my mailbox but I never received an email with that info in it. I had a forwarding rule set up at the time that would have passed it on to another account even if it had been marked as spam and I searched that one too to no avail.

Oh well. They have my account name and other details, serial number seems superfluous for a game purchased directly through their online store.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: buyurgan.6023


I have a digital purchased version that I pre-ordered from the site before beta.

Anyone know how to find the serial key for it unless I need it?

When I pre-ordered in site it just automatically let me download and authenticate.

As far as I know you don’t have any serial number. Also not sure how to prove that you have own your copy as digitally serialized by somehow. Maybe purchase number and your e-mail.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toble.2968


So within 4hrs approx 700+ tickets have been made inbetween my tickets. This is a serious problem and it just seems to be growing even bigger by the minute.

if it’s true that 4hours/700 ticket, approx 4000+ tickets in a day…

it’s possible that they have around 20k unsolved tickets in their queue created in the last week only. And I guess they don’t work at weekends ?

And you know what that means. None of use will ever get our wonderful relaxing long weekend back and I am stuck watching my friends have fun on reset night while I have to sit and wait for days on end for an unlawful ban to be lifted.

I will never get repayed this time and they probably wont even apologize for all this and call it a minor inconvenience when it could have been avoided in the first place by being more careful and not rushing a ban wave.

I am very unsatisfied with the service. I wont be inviting any friends on for the free trails, god only knows they will get banned too. I wont be advertising for GW2 at all in fact. It’s just not worth it if people are going to get banned like this.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


I have a digital purchased version that I pre-ordered from the site before beta.

Anyone know how to find the serial key for it unless I need it?

When I pre-ordered in site it just automatically let me download and authenticate.

I think that you have to provide the last 4 digits of the card you use to complete the purchase or Paypal statement for you to verify in your situation.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toble.2968


Well it’s definitely too late now. 10 pm central.

See you guys maybe after the weekend is over. Lost a lot of faith in Arenanet these past two days.

And I thought Ncsoft was bad with their support ticketing and ban process. At least they never unrightfully banned me for botting.

I’m just going to switch games for now, not worth the wait.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destinee.1097


Toble I think the first set of numbers are the date if thats true then the 121109 really could be 11/09/12 which was the day it happened. My ticket was 000560 so I assume that should mean it was only the 560th ticket that day [or] to that department. So realistically it means that shortly after this purge happened there was a huge influx of tickets being issued. It would be curious to see where they currently are in the counter, and when I hear back on mine at 560, I will let people know here.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Toble.2968


Toble I think the first set of numbers are the date if thats true then the 121109 really could be 11/09/12 which was the day it happened. My ticket was 000560 so I assume that should mean it was only the 560th ticket that day [or] to that department. So realistically it means that shortly after this purge happened there was a huge influx of tickets being issued. It would be curious to see where they currently are in the counter, and when I hear back on mine at 560, I will let people know here.


By that methodology this means that 1, I would be low on the list and shouldn’t be waiting for 2 days and 2. That is not the date since it was input on the 8th.

I doubt that is what they do since I put it in late in the day on the 8th and I am pretty sure others have gotten theirs back more expeditiously.

It’s whatever though. Arenanet shouldn’t have gotten themselve into this mess. It is just hurting them, especially on and “invite your friends” weekend.

They should roll back all the bans until they can fix the system instead of fixing it one by one. I would rather the bots get another few days of play verses us getting none.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lovebane.1658


I got hit with a false positive ban like 5 hours ago.
Submitted a ticket as fast as I could..
attached screenshot I had taken 40 minutes prior of this L4 Elem white husky norn
named Rapper in the guild WvW I just happened to see as proof that I’m am real player.. lol.

was frapsing a video earlier today day as well.. and another funny name there too..
some dude named Key To Ur Bu Tt.. /facepalm also attached for them :P

I was playing the game as my engineer.. trying to slowly get my 2nd one to 80..
all of a sudden, got kick/black screen/banned at like 7:29 EST.
relogged on and got the bot message for no reason.
no messages or warnings from GMs just straight up ban..

Sucks to have this be my first post on the forums..
if you guys wanted me to post more, you didn’t have to block me from my gaming sessions to do so..
Ugh.. lemme back in the game… please!

Feels like i’m being punished for critizing the game.. i’m sorry? :x

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chippalrus.5437


Toble I think the first set of numbers are the date if thats true then the 121109 really could be 11/09/12 which was the day it happened. My ticket was 000560 so I assume that should mean it was only the 560th ticket that day [or] to that department. So realistically it means that shortly after this purge happened there was a huge influx of tickets being issued. It would be curious to see where they currently are in the counter, and when I hear back on mine at 560, I will let people know here.


By that methodology this means that 1, I would be low on the list and shouldn’t be waiting for 2 days and 2. That is not the date since it was input on the 8th.

I doubt that is what they do since I put it in late in the day on the 8th and I am pretty sure others have gotten theirs back more expeditiously.

It’s whatever though. Arenanet shouldn’t have gotten themselve into this mess. It is just hurting them, especially on and “invite your friends” weekend.

They should roll back all the bans until they can fix the system instead of fixing it one by one. I would rather the bots get another few days of play verses us getting none.

I have submitted several tickets regarding other issues before and the first part of the reference number all seem to match the date of which I issued the tickets.

My ticket regarding the ban is: 121108-001970

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kcchang.3168


I has been suspended for fraudulent purchase even I bought it from official web shop. How can this happened? I have order number, order date, purchasing email and serial code from ArenaNet, and paid for $59.99. They just email me:

NCsoft has found that the purchase of the serial code was a fraudulent purchase. This resulted in the provided serial code and game account where that serial code is registered to be permanently closed.

What the hell?
reference: 121108-000371

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Destinee.1097


Toble I think the first set of numbers are the date if thats true then the 121109 really could be 11/09/12 which was the day it happened. My ticket was 000560 so I assume that should mean it was only the 560th ticket that day [or] to that department. So realistically it means that shortly after this purge happened there was a huge influx of tickets being issued. It would be curious to see where they currently are in the counter, and when I hear back on mine at 560, I will let people know here.


By that methodology this means that 1, I would be low on the list and shouldn’t be waiting for 2 days and 2. That is not the date since it was input on the 8th.

I doubt that is what they do since I put it in late in the day on the 8th and I am pretty sure others have gotten theirs back more expeditiously.

It’s whatever though. Arenanet shouldn’t have gotten themselve into this mess. It is just hurting them, especially on and “invite your friends” weekend.

They should roll back all the bans until they can fix the system instead of fixing it one by one. I would rather the bots get another few days of play verses us getting none.

I have submitted several tickets regarding other issues before and the first part of the reference number all seem to match the date of which I issued the tickets.

My ticket regarding the ban is: 121108-001970

Toble you have to remember, low on the totem pole for the [9th] I’m sure these are backlogged possibly a day or more. Seeing the last post by kcchang, he said he had been helped and his ticket was in the 300’s for the eighth which means depending on the schedule they have for weekends and how many tickets they had on the eighth it could be several more days until we hear anything. Be patient.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


im back in game. dduring the night my acc has been restored. all in all it has been 56 hours.

i wish you all you guys good luck and thx for the support on the forum. it has been easier having a place to speak with ppl in same situation.

i also hope anet reads this thread and it helps them improve the system.

see you in game:)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


im back in game. dduring the night my acc has been restored. all in all it has been 56 hours.

i wish you all you guys good luck and thx for the support on the forum. it has been easier having a place to speak with ppl in same situation.

i also hope anet reads this thread and it helps them improve the system.

see you in game:)

Thanks alot for taking your time to tell us the good news, at least on your end. I know alot of players here are anxiously waiting for their account to be restored as well as myself. But keeping us updated like that gives us all hope. Though many of us wish we were in your shoes, we do wish you well and are very happy that the Support Team is doing all they can. Its been about 30hrs for me now and I guess Im halfway thier? or maybe not lol. But who knows! maybe even sooner. And i think a thread like this does help players vent their feelings whether its positive or negative, (mostly negative) but all in all it helps.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lani.1429


Make a calm support ticket guys, this is just an accident.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hnster.7936


Hi, Was banned on wednesday, on friday got an email asking me to send some more information in, checked my mail today and I can get back on the game now, so it’s about 3 days.

Good luck to the rest of you who were banned.

Thanks GW2 for sorting this out for me.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cerise.9045


I got unbanned yesterday and finally got a good night of sleep.

My feelings about what happened are descried in a post that ended up on page 17 as I write this because of the deleted posts I can’t link to it.

I’ll keep supporting GW2 no matter what because the game is really amazing.

But I repeat the request to those at ANet who care about their fans to invest some time into looking over and improving the aspects of the support system that are lacking right now. Because a better support would make the game even more enjoyable for everyone than it is now, and a lot less frustrating.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaLkz.3970


Hi, Was banned on wednesday, on friday got an email asking me to send some more information in, checked my mail today and I can get back on the game now, so it’s about 3 days.

Good luck to the rest of you who were banned.

Thanks GW2 for sorting this out for me.

Great news bro, i was banned on Thursday morning hope they are working weekends maybe good news for alot of us. Thanks support team. alot more good news for all the players thats caught in the crossfire.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MasterFhyl.3014


Right, so.. I got my account back, but ANet so committed to this “your account was compromised” coverstory (I am 100% positive my account was never compromised) My best guess is they have either a faulty auto-ban program (even if they claim not to use such a program at all) or incompetent employees, and they realize that if it gets out, they’re going do have probably hundreds if people clamoring for some sort of compensation, and at very least think if they can convince us they were “saving” our accounts from being compromised we won’t be as angry… Even though it’s pretty obvious from their original “You are permanantly banned” message, that’s not the case.

I’m not that mad, but I do not like being lied to… So ANet, please do not tell me that YOUR error was a mistake on MY end when my password was both unique to this game and statistically uncrackable. (And ironically, the one I had to end up changing it to because they insisted I do so, is relatively less secure)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cerise.9045


Right, so.. I got my account back, but ANet so committed to this “your account was compromised” coverstory (I am 100% positive my account was never compromised) My best guess is they have either a faulty auto-ban program (even if they claim not to use such a program at all) or incompetent employees, and they realize that if it gets out, they’re going do have probably hundreds if people clamoring for some sort of compensation, and at very least think if they can convince us they were “saving” our accounts from being compromised we won’t be as angry… Even though it’s pretty obvious from their original “You are permanantly banned” message, that’s not the case.

I’m not that mad, but I do not like being lied to… So ANet, please do not tell me that YOUR error was a mistake on MY end when my password was both unique to this game and statistically uncrackable. (And ironically, the one I had to end up changing it to because they insisted I do so, is relatively less secure)

I sent in 2 more ticket updates asking for clarification. The first time I asked why they thought my account was compromised, the second time I asked if there was any way to be sure if it was compromised. I also said I was extremely relieved because to me it looked like nobody else was ever on my account.

Both times I got a reply saying “we cannot restore any lost gold etc”(I didn’t lose any gold) and “here’s how you increase your password security”(while I have no reason to believe my password was compromised). So that wasn’t really helpful. The second reply said “we understand that you’re frustrated someone hacked your account” even though I just said it doesn’t look like anyone went on my account and that was a huge relief?

I’m debating if I should update again and ask the same questions again but it seems pretty unlikely that they’ll give an answer. And it doesn’t really matter anyway because the issue is gone(I hope) and I don’t want to bother support clogging up the system any more than I really have to.

(edited by Cerise.9045)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sosleepy.9341


If I do get my account back, I will certainly have to think twice about inviting any of my friends for the " invite your friend" trial, lest they get banned too.

My confidence has also been shaken and I’m going to have to think twice about spending any more money at the gem shop with ANet.

And if I don’t get my account back then I will go around telling everybody not to buy this product or spend any time supporting ANet.

It’s been a very disappointing experience.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MetaData.2750



They don’t have a phone number and ticket support is always slower in the weekends.

As far as your paypal issues go, these tickets tend to last longer indeed. This is because of the fact that while ArenaNet is the developer of the game and thus responsible for game related questions, it is their publischer NCSoft that is responsible for game distribution and other payments.

When purchasing gems you are dealing with NCSoft instead of ArenaNet, meaning that your ticket about payment issues is handled by NCSoft staff instead of ArenaNet’s. While they both provide good quality support, NCSoft support is usually a lot slower then ArenaNet and because they are seperate companies, ArenaNet can’t do too much about it directly for you. Sorry.

P.S. In other words your concern about the account termination ticket not being attented to is thus incorrect since that ticket will be handled by ArenaNet while they payment ticket went to NCSoft.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sosleepy.9341


It is very ironic that this is happening just before the " invite your friend" trial. I am certainly not going to do that anymore. I did have friends that I was trying to bring in to play GW2 but I’m going to drop the topic with them altogether.

My confidence in ANet is shaken.

You can spend hundreds of hours and suddenly they hit your account for something you did not do. It changes your perspective entirely. I’m wondering if I should still work towards much in GW2. They may just take it all away again. That is, if I do get the account back this time.

And now I’ll think twice before buying any more gems from the gem store.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sosleepy.9341


My paypal issue was submitted Oct 24th. They closed it and neither company has replied to me on the matter.

While I appreciate that there may be technical problems between ANet, and NCSoft, as a paying customer that is none of my concern.

In my mind this is a transaction between me and the company providing the game service. If they are experiencing issues with each other, externally they still need to be unified when dealing with the customer.

Thus, regardless of whether it is ANet or NCSoft at fault, it leaves a very bad impression. Along with this issue, I have not had very positive experiences.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MetaData.2750


I fully understand that and as I’m not an ArenaNet nor NCSoft employee, there isn’t too much that I can do.

I however encourage you to submit a ticket about your account termination as soon as you can, as I’m sure that they will look into it.

P.S. Make sure to post ticket ID’s of unanswered tickets in here (after 3 days):

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sosleepy.9341


Thanks for that link. Hopefully I won’t have to post in there. Lets see how it goes. Ticket submitted.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Save.5137


It would be good if you (I mean the support team) just send us an answer that you recieved and reviewing the case instead of letting us wait 3+ days for an answer.
I have a friend that he don’t know how to use forums and stuff like that, but he managed to open a ticket. 10+ days now he have no answer for the reason his account been suspended…. If it wasn’t me he wouldn’t know that there is a “special” thread that you have to post your 3days-old ticket.
I mean, come on guys, I know that you have much work to do but at least give us a hit! Tell us the reason and how long we are going to wait and we will wait! But I dont think that we deserve that kind of treat as your customers…
We are not all bots and we are not all trying to cheat… the most of us just want to have some fun… and you take the fun out of it…

EG: sorry for my previous posts that got me banned. I was a little angry…

(edited by Save.5137)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ruith.5861


My account was wrongly banned on Wednesday 7 November at about 8pm GMT. I followed all the ticked submission advice, and it was restored to me at about 3am GMT this morning, Saturday 10 November.

If you are one of the people who has been wrongly banned for any reason, submit your ticket and wait. If it takes over three days, there is a forum post for you to post in there to get their attention, I think. I’m as confused as you are about why this has happened – apparently my account was compromised, but I am not sure this is the case.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wolfduke.2795


What disturbs me, having read through this entire thread, is that the community liaison is trying to shrug off innocent people being banned as “the vast minority”.

Firstly, innocent people should never have action taken against them – ever. It is purely poor ethics and greatly diminishes trust in your product.

Second, with so many people regularly posting and consequently stating they have got their accounts back in order, I doubt very much these people are RMTers/bots as you claim.

I have no idea how many accounts Anet ban on a regular basis nor how many innocent people are caught up with it. But rather than shrug it off as “meh, collateral damage – just submit a support ticket” how about owning up to your mess and endeavour to do a better job?

It is situations like these that convince people that you are only interested in their money. Given this is not a subscription based MMO this argument holds more water especially when coupled with extremely poor customer service and a “fob off” attitude.

Yes, we are all aware that there are a lot of support tickets issued (and isn’t that just worrying in itself?) and that the demand on current staff is exorbitant but that is still no excuse for sloppy business practices.

One more thing I’d like to add before signing off – the people who post here represent a portion of the community. It should be noted that not everyone will read this thread, let alone post so think about this – if even 1 innocent person has presented their case in this thread, how many innocent people have kept silent?

I apologise if the above post seems to rant/ramble and if anyone would like clarification on any of my viewpoints I am more than happy to expand.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Penthos.5148



Approximately 36 hours since my UNJUST ban and 35 hours since I submitted a ticket for it. Still no word, still locked out….

This is especially frustrating because my wife and I just bought GW2 for my daughter who’s been asking for it since we started playing. We gave the account to her on Monday for her birthday. Since then she’s been excited all week because we promised her this weekend we were going to start new characters together have a family GW2 marathon. Now my daugther is totally bummed out and my wife is EXTREMELY pissed off about the whole thing to the point that she’s talking about quitting Gw2 altogether and demanding refunds for all 3 … I’m not there, yet. But the situation needs to be resolved fast.

This whole situation sucks and pretty much upset our whole family. It’s made worse by the complete lack of communication from support. After this I will NEVER, EVER buy a game that does not have support via telephone. It’s just not worth the trouble.

(edited by Penthos.5148)

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


63 hours of suspension… No further info provided since the first email that said my ticket was being looked into… Well, 9 more hours until I can officially complain a bit more… And if things do not get solved promptly then I want my money back because so far i’ve paid for a game that I havent even got to play for a second.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


13 days. And counting.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arnemetia.1408


First rule of good business: good product. Second rule of business: good, knowledgeable employees. Third rule of business: GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

If there are sooooo many false positives out there that tech support cannot keep up, then temporarily move some of your techs from another department to help catch up. And put in some overtime.

This simple solution will most likely keep some players from quitting altogether, which, by the way, both hubby and I are dangerously close to doing. If that happens, we won’t really care if you fix his account or not. We’ll be off on our next adventure and won’t recommend GW2 (which we’ve been waiting 5 frigging years for, after playing Gw1) to anyone. It’s …. depressing.

Fix this, A-Net, please!

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


13 days is just ridiculous… Poor service IMO.

Some get their stuff sorted out in a day, others wait several days… It’s a good thing that GW2 is ftp, because if everyone stuck in the purgatory of customer support was a monthly subscriber this would be real bad.
Of course i’ve still to get the product I paid 55 euros for… and for every hour that goes by I more and more think that I should have spent that money on another game, and with the risk of getting banned for botting without actually botting when/if I finally do get to play… This experience and this thread has me worried. Which is sad, because i’ve heard lots of good things about the gameplay of GW2.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BluezyJazzy.3765


Dear Arena net,

I got a My account was banned due to suspicious activity when i was farming with my guild. Is there some mistake here? . If it is because i log in alot is because there is a problem with my computer , It always gets stucked at the chr screen and i have to Alt+Tab out and end the test, It usually works after alot of tries. Please check this for me . . . because i have never abused or used any 3rd party programs and stuff.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shadow Espada.9183

Shadow Espada.9183

Reading all this is making me laugh, sad and depressed at the same time.
I played GWI for years and was planning on playing this game for several more.
Why would they just go off and banrandom people who did nothing about what they accused of doing. </3….