Email from gw2 about survey and get 400 gems
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeathMetal.8264
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DeathMetal.8264
Send me one anet
According to our marketing team, the e-mail went to a segment of players and was not intended for every player.
All the surveys have been distributed and if you did not receive such an e-mail in the last few days you were not in the current sampling and will not be receiving one this time around.
I understand the want for a survey, and someone else mentioned that a smaller size works better. (no idea, sounds right?) I also understand the want to attach some sort of reward to this to entice players to actually fill it out.
400 gems though? I am also not in favor as someone else suggest a special mini (we’ve been there and it sucked before). You just gave mini packs away. I would have been ok if you gave these people an extra one, but they get 400 gems and only a select few got them. I am sure I am blowing this out of proportion but it seems unfair. I would love 400 gems. (32g as someone else mentioned, although I don’t care about the gold)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617
RNG screws me in game and out of the game it seems.
If you tell me that only people with precursors drops received the mail I’ll personal come over there and punch you in the kahoonies.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: InfernoHero.5687
Operation: Camp Mode
is a-go
I’ll keep my Email page open for this.
Shame on you, RNG-Net. Shame on you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Precursor drops have nothing to do with it, I didn’t get the special email. =(
Hmmm, when you will send another survey? It would be nice that some other ppl have the chance to get 400 gems too.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173
I didn’t get the email, but then, I didn’t even enter Edge of the Mists.
I would have liked to get an extra 400 gems, but it doesnt matter much to me. I do hope, though, that if they choose to do this again, they make sure they send it to a different group though! haha.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163
Why I’m not getting this survey email? … =(
I would make it precise and I need that reward…
At least this if the game don’t wants to give me anything good.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CureForLiving.5360
According to our marketing team, the e-mail went to a segment of players and was not intended for every player.
All the surveys have been distributed and if you did not receive such an e-mail in the last few days you were not in the current sampling and will not be receiving one this time around.
I wanted me some free gems… guess I’ll just have to buy them the old fashion way
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163
Thats you. I make myself logical rules. Until I don’t get the survey, I WON’T spare any real money for the game. Simple as is…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Thats you. I make myself logical rules. Until I don’t get the survey, I WON’T spare any real money for the game. Simple as is…
I think you already didn’t get the survey….
Still, I doubt blackmail will sway their marketing methods much.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SandraSolace.7682
And it’s been “this” group in this survey but I’m pretty sure more will follow.
I’m also sure the new survey will then go to other players. It’s not called a survey for nothing!
I also want to say that I am appalled by the people making demands in here, such a selfish “I want, I want, I want!!!!” culture.
I for one didn’t get the survey but I’m happy for the ones that did.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DragonFlykm.8621
Very disappointing that we didn’t get one. But hey, maybe we get one next time and they don’t.
Thats you. I make myself logical rules. Until I don’t get the survey, I WON’T spare any real money for the game. Simple as is…
Same. Makes me not want to support them :-/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
I will have to agree.
If the survey gave no gems, or if the survey was accessible by everyone who found it, then I would be all game.
But when you choose a group of people and give them 400 gems, that’s a bit unfair.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
geeze the entitlement…
Perhaps Anet is looking for a group of people based on specific criteria. For example, if all you use is Tide detergent, why in the world do you think someone would send you a survey asking what you think about Gain detergent?
Here’s another example: if you’ve never been to Disney World, why should you receive a survey (and compensation for taking the survey) about your experience during a Disney World vacation?
The individual(s) that made the decision to influence participation in this survey could have created a reward mechanism much less antagonistic to the rest of us not receiving the invitation. Below, I’ll explain how it would be more palatable to those of us who were not selected. It is unfair to provide a sample with an in-game reward that has a significant value by redeeming gems for gold or items in the gem store. To my knowledge, we don’t know: 1) how you selected these individuals- it could be random, arbitrary, or with some other criterion, or 2) how many surveys were sent.
I would much rather have had survey respondents have a random chance for 400 gems. This is a much better way of obtaining valid data than just handing out 400 gems to everyone who submits a survey.
Edited first sentence for clarity.
(edited by Ailwynn.9632)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tristam Green.9178
geeze the entitlement…
Perhaps Anet is looking for a group of people based on specific criteria. For example, if all you use is Tide detergent, why in the world do you think someone would send you a survey asking what you think about Gain detergent?
Here’s another example: if you’ve never been to Disney World, why should you receive a survey (and compensation for taking the survey) about your experience during a Disney World vacation?
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
geeze the entitlement…
Perhaps Anet is looking for a group of people based on specific criteria. For example, if all you use is Tide detergent, why in the world do you think someone would send you a survey asking what you think about Gain detergent?
Here’s another example: if you’ve never been to Disney World, why should you receive a survey (and compensation for taking the survey) about your experience during a Disney World vacation?
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
Nobody is complaining about not receiving the actual survey. It’s the reward from it that’s the problem.
I mean.. imagine if the summer olympics handed out surveys to a few selected runners. If they completed the survey they would get to start 20 meters ahead of the other runners in a 100 meter dash.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163
Don’t get me wrong, I would fill any survey FREE for them.
BUT if some gets “paid” and most of us don’t, thats not working
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SandraSolace.7682
Survey: A gathering of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a whole…
By this definition it is very clear that not all of us are going to receive a survey (there will probably be more and we might get a turn then).
There is nothing wrong with getting something for your time. But people here seem to just want the gems and are jealous. Stop whining and wait for your turn.
Honestly, we all know the survey data would have been kitten if every player got it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mikuchan.7261
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
What advantage is there in giving the runners 20 meters headstart in my example?
It’s just 20 meters. I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other runners.
It’s not entitlement, pure and simple.
Micheal, thanks for the update.
Just to give some feedback. I do understand why you select a portion off players. I also understand that you really need as many people that where invited to fill in the survey. So giving an ingame reward is good. I doubt that 400 gems is the right thing though. I think it should be something unique and non tradable.For example I’m thinking bout a mini Taimi and Gollem. It would be unique, not tradable and desirable.
Every 1 year or so you can give the same item in game for free and replace it.
The effect would be that everyone would get the item, but filling in your survey means you get it before others.
This would prevent these kind of threads escalating (cause as, you have seen it will be in public anyway, and this thread was made with the right intentions).
I’m pretty sure giving away a unique item that nobody else even had a chance to get would cause a lot more uproar.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shademehr.1397
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
What advantage is there in giving the runners 20 meters headstart in my example?
It’s just 20 meters. I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other runners.It’s not entitlement, pure and simple.
Not sure if serious… o.O
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mercury ranique.2170
Micheal, thanks for the update.
Just to give some feedback. I do understand why you select a portion off players. I also understand that you really need as many people that where invited to fill in the survey. So giving an ingame reward is good. I doubt that 400 gems is the right thing though. I think it should be something unique and non tradable.For example I’m thinking bout a mini Taimi and Gollem. It would be unique, not tradable and desirable.
Every 1 year or so you can give the same item in game for free and replace it.
The effect would be that everyone would get the item, but filling in your survey means you get it before others.
This would prevent these kind of threads escalating (cause as, you have seen it will be in public anyway, and this thread was made with the right intentions).
I’m pretty sure giving away a unique item that nobody else even had a chance to get would cause a lot more uproar.
Nope, I don’t think so.
One example is the mini mister sparkles, that originally only was available for those that came to a gaming convention. Not many people got upset bout that. the same goes for some miniatures in GW1 that where given out as well.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tristam Green.9178
Taking a survey about an experience at a Disney World vacation doesn’t usually end up with you getting a free ticket to Disney World, though.
I’ve taken a survey IN Disney World in which I got a free meal. “Paying” people for the completion of a survey (their time) is not unprecedented. In fact, there are entire web sites and companies built around this premise.
It’s not “entitlement”. It’s the fact that some people were given an advantage in the game while others had no chance to get it.
What advantage did they get over other players? $5? A Quaggan backpack? 22gold? I’d hardly consider that an advantage over other players.
It’s entitlement, pure and simple.
A free meal at Disney World while inside the park is not transferrable into real usable money.
400 Gems is transferrable into Gold. Gold can be spent on gear, crafting, anything. There is a clear advantage. This is not entitlement.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SandraSolace.7682
This is entitlement.
There are numerous websites that offer surveys to be completed for points/tokens/etc and those could be made into real money/or something else. Yet those are also given out to certain people and not others.
They are not the first ones to offer some kind of reward for time spent, nor do we know who got chosen and why. It’s non of our business.
This is how surveys work, no matter if they do or do not offer something. And as for an advantage, sorry 400 gems gives you some gold but no real advantage. That’s just a lame excuse to be able to “claim” something you want.
All we come down to again is jealousy. Only reason this got worked up to this is because it was posted here that there even was a survey.
Lol pr blunder well I guess the thing for anet to do now is give everyone either the servery and the chance at 400 gems or just give everyone 400 gems.
Not really, I mean Riot did a targeted campaign and gave away a free champion and skin. People still play that game I hear, but I don’t hear anyone mention being left out of the opportunity.
400 Gems is transferrable into Gold. Gold can be spent on gear, crafting, anything. There is a clear advantage. This is not entitlement.
If converting gems to gold gives a clear advantage, then the game is pay-to-win. Then you should not be bothered by people having an advantage over others. Why would it make any difference how they got the 400 gems?
(edited by Alex.7120)
This is entitlement.
There are numerous websites that offer surveys to be completed for points/tokens/etc and those could be made into real money/or something else. Yet those are also given out to certain people and not others.
They are not the first ones to offer some kind of reward for time spent, nor do we know who got chosen and why. It’s non of our business.
This is how surveys work, no matter if they do or do not offer something. And as for an advantage, sorry 400 gems gives you some gold but no real advantage. That’s just a lame excuse to be able to “claim” something you want.
All we come down to again is jealousy. Only reason this got worked up to this is because it was posted here that there even was a survey.
But those numerous websites have numerous surveys and are accessible by everyone. Everyone might not qualify for all surveys, but they’ll probably qualify for a small portion of them. And you can easily see which ones you qualify for, which ones you might, and which ones you do not. So they’ll likely get paid to do one or two surveys every now and then.
This wasn’t a survey posted in an in-game mail to everyone that said: We’re looking for X number of players who tried out the Edge of the Mists during the last two weeks. Those who participate will be given gems for their time since the survey will take 15 minutes. Link to survey is_______.
Of course there would be questions in there to weed out those players who do not qualify for the survey or they might have Y slots in there for people who did not play to see why they chose to not try out the new content.
So I fail to see how comparing it to sites that offer payment for survey taking is a valid one.
Edit to add: That’s not to say I disprove of them giving gems out. It’s just 400 gems and yes, that can buy a lot of gold, it’s not really anything that’s giving a huge advantage to other players.
I just don’t think the argument that there are survey sites out there that give money for taking surveys is a valid one in this case.
(edited by Seera.5916)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294
You know in marketing, the people who want to do the surveys just for the rewards, are exactly the people we don’t want as samples. So if I were the marketing manager, all the complainers and people threatening to longer spend money if they don’t get what they want, would be deleted from my mailing lists.
There’s a science behind market research. It’s not just a simple “we got positive reviews for doing X, Y, and Z = we’re going to do more of it”. Just let Anet do their job so that they can provide us with more free content updates.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CC Danicia.1394
Greetings all.
Since this question was answered and is not an account issue for CS, we are closing this thread.
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