Support site is down so cannot submit a ticket.
Any word on whether we will be able to get gems back for the set we bought + the gems spent on makeover kits for characters? I guess that might be asking for too much, but honestly I wouldn’t have bought the set or the kit without the old model.
sigh very sad. RIP Flamekissed.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Support site is down so cannot submit a ticket.
Any word on whether we will be able to get gems back for the set we bought + the gems spent on makeover kits for characters? I guess that might be asking for too much, but honestly I wouldn’t have bought the set or the kit without the old model.
sigh very sad. RIP Flamekissed.
You can ask for a refund if you don’t like the new Flamekissed skin, but no such luck with any Makeover kits.
But most of us are glad they changed the look. Human T3 Cultural needs to be exclusive. The Devs realized the mistake, and made a wonderful change. Much love and credit to them for the efforts to correct that mistake.
Support site is down so cannot submit a ticket.
Any word on whether we will be able to get gems back for the set we bought + the gems spent on makeover kits for characters? I guess that might be asking for too much, but honestly I wouldn’t have bought the set or the kit without the old model.
sigh very sad. RIP Flamekissed.
You can ask for a refund if you don’t like the new Flamekissed skin, but no such luck with any Makeover kits.
But most of us are glad they changed the look. Human T3 Cultural needs to be exclusive. The Devs realized the mistake, and made a wonderful change. Much love and credit to them for the efforts to correct that mistake.
Bait and switch, regardless of the reason, is not a good thing.
I hate the feathered set and always have, not to mention the shoulder issue on Norns. I understood why they changed it, but it should have never left their QA to begin with.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
What are they actually refunding? Just the 800 gems or do I get the cost of the previous armor skin I was using + the transmutation stones?
Great, so now I am a human that has replaced his cultural armour into the flamekissed one…now it also hides my toxic gloves and I really do not like this new style compared to the old one. I wish to have a full refund on the flamekissed (since you know i payed for THAT look and not THIS one). Or I should have the proper option of going back to what i exactly PAYED for. If these options do not arise I will be going into further matters in order to get my gems back Thanks!
Guild: Gotta Stomp Em [All]
Sea of Sorrows
Great, so now I am a human that has replaced his cultural armour into the flamekissed one…now it also hides my toxic gloves and I really do not like this new style compared to the old one. I wish to have a full refund on the flamekissed (since you know i payed for THAT look and not THIS one). Or I should have the proper option of going back to what i exactly PAYED for. If these options do not arise I will be going into further matters in order to get my gems back
Open a support ticket, making veiled threats on the forums is going to get you nowhere.
By the way, support was quite gracious and returned my gems and sent me a makeover kit. Very lovely, thank you gw2 fabulous support.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Development of a set takes time and this one is no exception. They obviously made a mistake with this skin and they want to make sure they don’t screw the new thing up. Besides that, they likely want a set that is really really awesome. They did screw up and owe that to the people who bought the set.
So the more time they take, the more awesome the new set is going to be. And if you don’t like the new set, then it will have been longer that you have enjoyed the current one for free. So win-win in my opinion.
Instead of an entirely new set, one that was both unique and amazing looking as they promised it would be, they simply changed it from the Human tier 3 Cultural Armor set to the Feathered armor set. That’s it. How much time do you think that really took? They already had the flame mesh and special effects, all they had to do was add it to the feathered set. They seem to have a problem with not wanting to put the time and effort into creating original content anymore.
You can ask for a refund if you don’t like the new Flamekissed skin, but no such luck with any Makeover kits.
But most of us are glad they changed the look. Human T3 Cultural needs to be exclusive. The Devs realized the mistake, and made a wonderful change. Much love and credit to them for the efforts to correct that mistake.
Now the Feathered armor set is not as “exclusive” as it was. Granted, it was far easier to get than Human Tier 3 Cultural Armor, but all they did was take another set and “flamekiss” it. Heck, people did that all the time themselves in GW1 with TexMod.
Now what happens if I say I am unhappy that my feathered armor set is both not as exclusive as it was and a better version of it can be found in the gem store? Price doesn’t matter, what matters is that the original set people have, which was unique, is now just a cheap looking version of a set they would be required to buy gems to get.
All they had to do was make a unique set and they certainly had all the time they needed to do it, which was +2 months or so. But they took the easy way out. Minimum amount of effort just like before.
Hey folks. We are taking care of everyone who is getting in touch to inquire about this. However, the process will take a bit of time. Thank you in advance for your patience — we’ll fulfill requests in the order received. (Please do not submit multiple tickets — that will slow your response!)
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Personally I love the new set a lot more then the old. I am considering getting it, but have to try it out on my light armor classes (sylvari ele, sylvari necro, mesmer asura). Cause the necro is allready awesome that one goes. The mesmer is an asura and often i dislike expensive armor on them cause they are expensive and my ele sylvari is a pink mushroomhead, so not sure)
As for the time needed to make a totally new set. It takes a lot longer then you asume and unless you can design these things I think you shouldnt judge that ‘they had alkl the time’. As said. If you want a refund, ask one and you will get it. Don’t start to flame here over nothing. So far it seems that support is very generous when it comes to refunding make-overkits, crystals, splitters, etc.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
so what happened to “‘We will make new art for the Flamekissed Armor Skin’”?
first of all its not new, it just a revise of feathered and definitely not a good one. support is down(shocking). im wondering that, you were already know the skin looks like human t3 anyway. why did anet put it in at the first place? so we spent gems, ok. but we spent those gems to get that item which we saw on gemstore. this is not our fault n yet we are the unhappy ones. im gonna refund it, prolly most of ppl will do the same. since it became a huge deal why didnt you put some more efforts on it to make everyone happy? and create a skin looks better as much as the old one? another thing im wondering in this process do i need to worry about the armor set, runes etc? im asking that cuz i dont wanna see another bad joke on my character screen. just to make sure, u know..
i was very excited to see the new update. then i logged in, pushed to H button and bahhh. anyway i hope you read this and give me a decent answer.
have a nice evening.
Support is not down. Please try again. We had a momentary time-out that lasted bout 10 minutes but was resolved two hours ago. Should be up and running now. If you cannot access support, please post so I can follow up.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Just curious how long support will take. Sent in a ticket over 2 hours ago with a reply that a senior member was going to look into it.
Just curious how long support will take. Sent in a ticket over 2 hours ago with a reply that a senior member was going to look into it.
Probably a while, they’re going to have a really long line.
Just curious how long support will take. Sent in a ticket over 2 hours ago with a reply that a senior member was going to look into it.
Support has tasked themself to respond within 72 hours. In many situations they respond a lot quicker. In cases simular to this one (e.g. when the gathering tools went account based) they where unable to hit that target. Please be patient, do not open multiple tickets and keep checking this forum for updates bout the queue for this situation.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Just curious how long support will take. Sent in a ticket over 2 hours ago with a reply that a senior member was going to look into it.
Support has tasked themself to respond within 72 hours. In many situations they respond a lot quicker. In cases simular to this one (e.g. when the gathering tools went account based) they where unable to hit that target. Please be patient, do not open multiple tickets and keep checking this forum for updates bout the queue for this situation.
Just sent in one ticket but this is keeping me from going to WvW or doing anything. I can’t run around looking like I nabbed a piece of fire armor from Elton John.
Just curious how long support will take. Sent in a ticket over 2 hours ago with a reply that a senior member was going to look into it.
-and -
Just sent in one ticket but this is keeping me from going to WvW or doing anything. I can’t run around looking like I nabbed a piece of fire armor from Elton John.
While we know everyone would like a very rapid response, these requests will take time because there are several possible scenarios involving the armor set and each ticket must be reviewed with care to ensure the agent gives the right response and takes the appropriate action. You would not get a response within 2 hours — there’s nothing alarming about that. I’m sorry if you feel you cannot play right now, but you will be served as soon as possible.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
I REALLY don’t like the new look :-( Woke up this morning to a new skin I was so disappointed with. I want the old one back – even if it means you can upgrade them with money from the human cultural tier 3 vendor or something. I hope I get a refund. Sent in a ticket but it said something like ’you’re almost done’, so I don’t even know if my ticket got through :-/
I REALLY don’t like the new look :-( Woke up this morning to a new skin I was so disappointed with. I want the old one back – even if it means you can upgrade them with money from the human cultural tier 3 vendor or something. I hope I get a refund. Sent in a ticket but it said something like ’you’re almost done’, so I don’t even know if my ticket got through :-/
If you made a ticket you should have gotten an email with a ticketnumber. If thats not the case, please try again.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Ah, thank you! I just checked my email and had to confirm my query. Got my ticket number now, thanks!
It’s not so much that I dislike the new Flamekissed Armor Skin, it’s just that it’s not what I bought, and it’s not what I want, and I would like a refund for it.
Hi Anet,
I would like to return the Flamekissed Armor set and I want a refund. I purchased the flamekissed armor when I came out, I thought that was a lazy work which is simply putting flame effect on an existing CULTURAL armor set.
Now the updated version is even worse.
Do I have to provide a picture or something to prove I have purchased this set of armors?
Thank You!
This isn’t like a balance change, or moving around skills. They took real money from most of us. Then took away what we paid for. And now we have to wait for an unknown amount of time, to see if we can get refunded. I do think it’s unreasonable to make the poster above wait 2 hours. I usually try to give the benefit of the doubt. But if this was going to happen today, then there should have been enough people ready to handle the influx of unhappy customers. As of now, Arena Net has a “we can’t make everyone happy, so if your unhappy tough” mentality.
They took my money for something, and then took that something away. And now I have to wait and see if its going to be resolved.
Submitted my ticket and was told shortly afterward via email that an in-game support member would be in touch. 6 hours ago. Still waiting for someone to get back to me. What a mess, right? I appreciate all of their efforts to get this situation resolved, but with this unexpected/unannounced change to the skins they really should have upped the amount of support staff being readily available today.
It really is a shame that a poorly thought out cash shop item is creating such a headache for all parties involved. I hope this has been a valuable lesson for all parties involved.
Submit one ticket to Support and wait patiently. They have a queue of requests to get through.
Please read the other thread before making new ones.
Gaile needs to merge this now…
So how does this refund work? I bought the original skin and now have the new skin on my character (I’m not too thrilled with it being a reskin of feathered). Someone in the main forum said they got a refund but still got to keep the new skin on their character. Granted I’m not sure how valid that is, but if that is the case I want to explore that option. I won’t lie it would be nice to keep it and get my gems back since what I originally purchased was removed.
So how does this refund work? I bought the original skin and now have the new skin on my character (I’m not too thrilled with it being a reskin of feathered). Someone in the main forum said they got a refund but still got to keep the new skin on their character. Granted I’m not sure how valid that is, but if that is the case I want to explore that option. I won’t lie it would be nice to keep it and get my gems back since what I originally purchased was removed.
I’ve requested my refund, though I’m still awaiting a response so I cannot corroborate the cited individual’s statement of receiving a refund and keeping the new armor.
As an aside, even if that is the case, I will be transmuting over them as soon as I get my refund as I can’t stand even looking at them. It would also be nothing but a reminder of the situation every time I saw their icons as they didn’t even bother to make new ones that actually reflect the design of new skin; they are still the original flamekissed icons.
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Wow I got my refund less than 10 minutes after requesting it.
Thanks and well done.
Wow I got my refund less than 10 minutes after requesting it.
Thanks and well done.
I thought they were handled in the order in which they were received…
Did you recently request yours and have it refunded in less than 10 minutes?
I’ve been waiting almost 8 hours to even get a response beyond this:
326524 Refund – Flamekissed Light Armor
Troy (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.I’m transferring your ticket to a member of the Guild Wars 2 Game Support Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
So a member of the Support Team is going to transfer my ticket to a member of the Support Team. Oookay…
(Before someone responds stating that it could take 72 hours, etc and be patient, that is already stated, known and expected. However, I’m replying in regards to the supposed handling of refunds in the order in which they are received and how one refund ticket can remain without a response for 8 hours while another requesting the same refund for the same item can be received and refunded in under 10 minutes while it was likely filed long after the one without a response for 8 hours was. Are they not actually handled in the order they are received?)
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Wow I got my refund less than 10 minutes after requesting it.
Thanks and well done.
I thought they were handled in the order in which they were received…
Did you recently request yours and have it refunded in less than 10 minutes?
I’ve been waiting almost 8 hours to even get a response beyond this:326524 Refund – Flamekissed Light Armor
Troy (Guild Wars 2 Support)
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.I’m transferring your ticket to a member of the Guild Wars 2 Game Support Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
Guild Wars 2 Support TeamSo a member of the Support Team is going to transfer my ticket to a member of the Support Team. Oookay…
(Before someone responds stating that it could take 72 hours, etc and be patient, that is already stated, known and expected. However, I’m replying in regards to the supposed handling of refunds in the order in which they are received and how one refund ticket can remain without a response for 8 hours while another requesting the same refund for the same item can be received and refunded in under 10 minutes while it was likely filed long after the one without a response for 8 hours was. Are they not actually handled in the order they are received?)
Absolutely same thing is hapenning with me. Waiting almost 12 hrs from that msg
Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team.
I’m transferring your ticket to a member of the Guild Wars 2 Game Support Team to further assist you. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
The problem here is who has been wronged.
Clearly the original T3-lookalike flamekissed was a mistake. But it was offered on the TP and honestly bought for gems (either from gold or RWM) by players.
Those who objected to it were players who had already bought HT3, for a lot more in-game gold, and disliked that a better looking skin was available for less. I understand their concern – and this was clearly a mistake – but they had no expectation in contract that HT3 would necessarily remain exclusive.
Those who purchased the original flamekissed DID have such a contractual expectation – we bought a skin, for money, for its look alone. That contract has now effectively been breached; we still own the name “flamekissed” but the look we paid for has been changed, and not for the better.
Furthermore, many purchasers of the original flamekissed have spent money on transmutation crystals etc; they may have transmuted the look over expensive original HT3. Mine is applied to celestial armor (a lengthy craft) with 60g worth of Divinity Runes.
I am being offered a refund; yet I feel a contract has been breached, and don’t know if my further investment is also at risk. Will my armor set be deleted? Will it be reset to the original look, with runes intact?
A better way to handle this would have been to allow the original purchasers to keep their purchase. Not to put the original armor back up for sale: it was a mistake; but also not to breach contract by changing what had been honestly paid for. Then offer the alternative flamekissed feathered on the TP for new purchasers interested in a burning light armor skin. Yes, some Norns would have been wearing burning HT3, but not many, and no more could obtain it.
Effectively, I am being wronged and my contract being breached over someone else’s sour grapes – they weren’t wronged except in loss of exclusivity; I have lost what I paid for. Refund perhaps; but that doesn’t remove the wrong.
Please use the general discussion forum (several threads bout this there) to express those feelings. This thread is for accountissues and the refund procedure.
So to discuss current queu’ and ask questions wether what is refunded and what is not.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
so, I am hoping for a refund as well because the skin had been changed.
How can I go about doing it?
From reading the forums, many claimed to submit a tix and got refunded but there’s no validity to it.
Hope to hear a reply soon! thanks in advance.
ok did a lil more digging and yeap submitting a tix.
Mesmer | Night
(edited by nobleroar.2078)
Wow I got my refund less than 10 minutes after requesting it.
Thanks and well done.
I thought they were handled in the order in which they were received…
Did you recently request yours and have it refunded in less than 10 minutes?
I’ve been waiting almost 8 hours to even get a response beyond this:
I suspect mine went through so fast because there were no special circumstances. I had put the skins onto a crap set of armor so I didn’t need to ask for any trans stones, splitters or makeover kits, etc.
I would suspect they are indeed handled in the order they are received but if it is a simple request for a refund of gems and has all the info they need to find the account immediately it is probably handled by the person who first receives the ticket. If something more is require, I would suspect, it probably gets sent on to the next level and that, of course, would take longer.
Wow I got my refund less than 10 minutes after requesting it.
Thanks and well done.
I thought they were handled in the order in which they were received…
Did you recently request yours and have it refunded in less than 10 minutes?
I’ve been waiting almost 8 hours to even get a response beyond this:I suspect mine went through so fast because there were no special circumstances. I had put the skins onto a crap set of armor so I didn’t need to ask for any trans stones, splitters or makeover kits, etc.
I would suspect they are indeed handled in the order they are received but if it is a simple request for a refund of gems and has all the info they need to find the account immediately it is probably handled by the person who first receives the ticket. If something more is require, I would suspect, it probably gets sent on to the next level and that, of course, would take longer.
I did the same thing, put the skin on low level white armor, but I still haven’t gotten a refund.
I think this thread has devolved into a “Why don’t I have my refund” thread and that’s not what’s intended here. Again, please allow time for an agent to kitten what you need and get it to you. And as always, if you have waited three full days without a resolution, you are welcome to post in the Tickets for Review thread. Thanks for understanding.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
So i sent a letter to support as instructed when i learned the upcoming changes to the skin of flamekissed armor. I received no reply but didnt worry due to the fact the change wasnt made yet so i decided to be patient and wait.
About a two months later, the new skin was released. Much to my disappointment it wasnt a “new” skin like i was led to believe, but a recycled version of the “feathered” set. Again, i see no reason to be overly upset. But I WAS promised a refund if i chose not to settle on the “new” look. Seeing as how i made a report and it most likely was lost in the mass, i’ve decided to make a forum thread and hopefully get some kind of feedback to my predicament. Am i stuck with the 800gem skin that i DID like but now do not? Do i send another letter to support?
Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. Im frustrated and disappointed but i hope i can at least get my 800 gems back so i can spend it on something i like that won’t be changed on me.
Black Guard Officer | The Fluttering Horde [TFH]
Did you check your spam folder for the reply to your previous enquiry? As far as I know, Support always reply. You should update that ticket if you have the number with the request for a refund. Anet are refunding the gems for anyone not satisfied with the new version.
see i dont know how to do any of that. i THINK i submitted a ticket but its so confusing trying to do that so i dont know if i did the correct one. and i dont understand what you mean by having the number with the request for a refund. im patient and will wait on a reply from them but i just dont know if i contacted them correctly. was kinda hopin for a dev reply on this to illuminate me.
Black Guard Officer | The Fluttering Horde [TFH]
I don’t remember exactly how long ago it was, but it seems possible that you submitted your ticket through the old system before they switched to the currently used support system. If that is so, then your old ticket doesn’t even exist anymore. You should submit a new ticket through the support link at the top (then ‘submit a request’ link in the top right) and request your refund again. The new system is entirely email based, so you respond to tickets via replying to their email. The old system used an actual web page to track correspondence. When you submit your new ticket you will receive a new web page after submitting that shows your ticket number and you will receive an email that states your ticket number and that your refund request was received. Then it’s a waiting game depending on how busy they are I guess. If you don’t get their email in your inbox then you should also check your spam/junk box as it can sometimes get sent to there.
When making your ticket, I recommend selecting “Purchase Issue” as the first selection. Then in the next area of text titled “Issue”, select the [No selection] blue text and select “Refund” > “Gem Purchase”.
Then proceed to fill in all other relevant information; email, forum username.1234, GW2 serial code, subject – Refund: Flamkissed Light armor, etc.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
many thanks for your help and advice lilly and stin.! support got in touch with me and now i can wait patiently with a peaceful mind
Black Guard Officer | The Fluttering Horde [TFH]
(edited by Sanguinius.4809)
I am reopening this thread, but want to ask that everyone please keep in mind that these refunds are taking extra time, so please do not post here to follow-up on a refund request. We will give the promised refund, but please be patient and allow the team time to work through each request.
I’d suggest that you consider using the Tickets for Review thread if you need to follow up, but please allow five days instead of the normal three. We know you’re eager to get your refund, but each case has to be researched and confirmed, so we’re grateful for you allowing a few extra days in this case.
Thanks a lot for understanding!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)