I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: phyzycs.3489
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: phyzycs.3489
I don’t know any other way of putting this but…
Don’t do it then? There’s no reason to be utterly rude to a point where swearing, racial slurs, etc, are even acceptable in or outside a game. It’s just tacky and shows your true [lack of] intelligence.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Maximilious.6054
Instead of being e thugs and swearing in a game where is not really necessary to do so you could leave your racist jokes in mumble, ventrilo or teamspeak like most of us grown ups
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Blumiere.1489
I have an suggestion. I have maneged to play a game, where people had an ability to custom filter. That way, every player could write words that appeared to him/her offensive. This could help solve the problem with subjective offence.
I do not want to defend people that swear, but I think those bans should be exposed upon those who harass player or simply play troll.
I have mine filter turned off and AFAIK, GW2 does not support such feature as custom filter.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SirMoogie.9263
I have an suggestion. I have maneged to play a game, where people had an ability to custom filter. That way, every player could write words that appeared to him/her offensive. This could help solve the problem with subjective offence.
While this would work at masking the problem, I’m not of the opinion that we should have people using racial, homophobic, sexist, or elitist terms to begin with. Why should women, gay people, people of differing racial groups, or casual gamers have to feel shunned by the community when it should be those that would make the community seem unwelcoming to these groups that should be dumped to the curb?
I think there is a simple concept people should embrace on the internet in general. The internet is a public space. Treat it like you would going to the movies or a restaurant. If you wouldn’t scream racial, homophobic, or sexist slurs in those places, don’t do it in map chat. If you would do those things, then live with the consequences of being uncivil.
Arena Net’s existing policy is consistent with their goals for community building:
From what I’ve seen of those banned for language use on Reddit, I’m happy with how they are approaching it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279
People who use lousy language need to grow up, and people offended by it need to grow up and just block the person and go on their way.This isn’t really and that bad motive for reports, unless it’s global chat or it is serious ofenses I would like ANet to ignore thoose reports since the is an IGNORE BUTTON.
Except “lousy language” isn’t really “lousy language” its just the way language has evolved. Language changes over time and the only people saying grow up are the ones that are still living in the past. Saying things like crap and even butt where heavily frowned upon even like 15 years ago but now no one even flinches if someone says a word like that. It’s how language changes and A-Net just seems to be a bit behind the times where other companies are more lenient.
Indeed, in MMO’s it’s getting usual that kind of “lousy language”, it’s not that it messes up our community, it’s just that it became normal, NONE OF US is an angel that do never breaked the rules or did things like the “F-Bomb” or "Heat conversations", ANet just ban even if the player never did that before… That “ban policy” messes more the community than players breaking the rules in first place.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Blumiere.1489
I know that the filter itself is tho protect from being profained,but it seems that banhammer – that is to punish evildoores have too high AoE and can hit innocent – eg. problem with fleshlight joke.
It is a public place, yes but there is a difference between saying and screaming. I sometimes may tell joke in restaurant with my friends, but should I be forced to leave when person that sat next to me felt offented ? I know that, if i said it to his/her face, that would be a reason, but when it was directed to speccific group ? It is my fault that someone heard it ?
I think sometimes the best way, is to actually simple ,,stop feeding,, the offender. Leaving him ignored may simply to make his little troll in head die. I have met many people in MMO and believe me, the times where it was wise to click ,, ignore,, were very rare – 2 or 3 ,because some are simply not worth being ignroed by ,,feature,, or being reported.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: phooka.4295
But is it 95% unambiguous? That it isn’t perfectly unambiguous doesn’t mean it isn’t a good warning. What parts do you find unclear? It would help your case more if you presented those concepts in the document you can’t understand, rather than just saying it isn’t 100% clear. Sometimes good enough is good enough.
I have an issue with the unclear definition of botting, as described here:
Also, while I’ve never been accused of rude behaviour online (and being generally polite, don’t expect to ever be), I still think that the phrasing for this is not 100% clear.
EDIT: Yes, I actually read the terms of service, from top to bottom. In doing so, I did come across some points that seemed overly vague to me.
(edited by phooka.4295)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SirMoogie.9263
I have an issue with the unclear definition of botting, as described here:
That is a good question about “botting”, actually macros, and would be interesting to see if someone defined a nostromo looping macro that was only active while being pressed if that would be considered “botting”. My guess is no, but it might depend on circumstances. AFAIK, there is no way for them to detect that you are playing a nostromo macro. They may be able to detect nostromo software drivers, but not the specific macro being used. Thus, it would have to come down to in game behavior to decide the issue. Is your toon sitting in a dynamic event “hot spot” repeatedly using a skill and looting. Then yes, that sounds like an abusive use of nostromo macros.
Yes, I actually read the terms of service, from top to bottom. In doing so, I did come across some points that seemed overly vague to me.
Such as?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lysaara.4105
Is it really that hard to think before you type? I mean, I’ve let swear words slip at inopportune times in real life, but I manage to control myself when I’m around strangers online because of that extra barrier of thought and effort that goes into typing something. Also, it’s just polite.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: InstantIdiocy.8126
…I’m not of the opinion that we should have people using racial, homophobic, sexist, or elitist terms to begin with. Why should women, gay people, people of differing racial groups, or casual gamers have to feel shunned by the community when it should be those that would make the community seem unwelcoming to these groups that should be dumped to the curb?
I think there is a simple concept people should embrace on the internet in general. The internet is a public space. Treat it like you would going to the movies or a restaurant. If you wouldn’t scream racial, homophobic, or sexist slurs in those places, don’t do it in map chat. If you would do those things, then live with the consequences of being uncivil.
Arena Net’s existing policy is consistent with their goals for community building:
From what I’ve seen of those banned for language use on Reddit, I’m happy with how they are approaching it.
It’s pretty pathetic how many people act like juvenile, loud-mouthed mental-rejects just because they’re on the Internet. 99.9% of them would never pull that crap in a public place. I’ve always treated the Internet like just another public place, I’m more myself than the majority of people I see.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pukka.6389
It is a public place, yes but there is a difference between saying and screaming. I sometimes may tell joke in restaurant with my friends, but should I be forced to leave when person that sat next to me felt offented ? I know that, if i said it to his/her face, that would be a reason, but when it was directed to speccific group ? It is my fault that someone heard it ?
I’m not sure what kind of restaurants you frequent, but I’ve actually had to talk to a manager about the behavior of people sitting around my family (I had young kids at the time). I simply asked to be moved (filtered), but due to multiple complaints the manager actually asked the people to leave. Yeah, this probably doesn’t occur at a fast food establishment, however the point is when you say it in a public manner where others can hear it, you should be aware of your surroundings (and in a game, just because you can’t see the people doesn’t mean their not there) and the consequences.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
The real issue here is that the people getting banned for poor behavior don’t believe their behavior was wrong, and this is the root of their complaints regarding the bans.
It reflects poorly on them, and on their upbringing. They seem to assume that everyone is (or should be) like them, and that they should tolerate that sort of behavior.
It’s appalling that some people have so little respect for themselves and others these days that they’d behave like that in a public space.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: draeath.8536
Seems a bit ridiculous to me.
First offense should be a short ban, and it shouldn’t auto-increase until the user has a chance to see the ban.
Eg, if I swear twice and get a 14 day ban, where if I swear once I get a 3 day? How does that make sense?
Now, if you swear and get your 3 day, come back and swear again – NOW is when you slap the 14 day on them.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Pukka.6389
I was banned for “I used to have a fleshlight but it filled up”
Honestly I would assume from now on that you should never make a joke in chat at teh risk of offending someone. I’m not talking bout racist jokes, I’m talking about jokes period.
The first mmo where jokes are a bannable offense. I love that I can repeat my 3 day bannable offense over and over in this thread yet I say it once in game and get a immediate ban even though I haven’t cussed, used racism or sexism in chat ever.
I’ve seen threads like this on Reddit as well where the person thinks they we’re banned for saying one thing, when in reality it was something else they we’re banned for (and very justified). Hopefully ANet will come along and clear this up for you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gnivil.5789
I’m sorry, but what’s even the point in this? Surely if people are offended they can just leave the censor on? I mean, I said the f word while RPing, and then the next day I get a 2 week ban? I also agree with draeath, don’t give us the 14 day ban UNTIL we’ve had the 3 day ban. Seriously.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gnivil.5789
If you don’t have a reason for finding something offensive, then you have no right for it to offend you.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shwakax.7536
I had a question about this, and maybe some one could enlighten me.
Ok, most MMO’s have some kind of ToS regarding language use – so what exactly is the point of being able to disable the profanity filter, or even having one?
If people aren’t allowed to swear, why allow them the option to see it or not?
That has always puzzled me in all the various MMO’s i’ve played, they always were against foul language, yet they always gave the option to show it..
color me confused…. lol
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gnivil.5789
Nobody knows…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
ArenaNet have repeatedly stated here and elsewhere that the existence of the profanity filter does not give you permission to curse.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CalvinHobbes.3541
The real issue here is that the people getting banned for poor behavior don’t believe their behavior was wrong, and this is the root of their complaints regarding the bans.
It reflects poorly on them, and on their upbringing. They seem to assume that everyone is (or should be) like them, and that they should tolerate that sort of behavior.
It’s appalling that some people have so little respect for themselves and others these days that they’d behave like that in a public space.
To be honest it’s the people in the world that want to ban anything and everything they disagree with that I find highly offensive. And before you make your self righteous assumption, I’m not even someone that uses obscenities in public.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
In the real world, if you were in an establishment that had a clearly posted “no profanity” rule, and clearly posted consequences for violating that rule, and you proceeded to curse, you would be subject to the posted consequences.
Just like in GW2.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
The real issue here is that the people getting banned for poor behavior don’t believe their behavior was wrong, and this is the root of their complaints regarding the bans.
It reflects poorly on them, and on their upbringing. They seem to assume that everyone is (or should be) like them, and that they should tolerate that sort of behavior.
It’s appalling that some people have so little respect for themselves and others these days that they’d behave like that in a public space.
To be honest it’s the people in the world that want to ban anything and everything they disagree with that I find highly offensive. And before you make your self righteous assumption, I’m not even someone that uses obscenities in public.
Then why did you give ArenaNet your money, if you disagree with their policies? The rules of conduct were available before game launch.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SirMoogie.9263
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
And Arena Net has said they do not intend suspend for short outbursts of frustration. Now there are probably cases where they screwed up, but I haven’t seen any presented. On Reddit the vast majority were not outbursts of frustration at something, but targeted attacks against players or just simply bigotry (accidental or otherwise) on display. The one issue in this thread that seem overboard is the fleshlight joke, if that is the case. I think it deserves some action as young teens can play the game and may have parents not ready to talk about fleshlights or having their kids look it up.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
In the real world, if you were in an establishment that had a clearly posted “no profanity” rule, and clearly posted consequences for violating that rule, and you proceeded to curse, you would be subject to the posted consequences.
Just like in GW2.
I have yet to see such a sign posting no profanity.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
In the real world, if you were in an establishment that had a clearly posted “no profanity” rule, and clearly posted consequences for violating that rule, and you proceeded to curse, you would be subject to the posted consequences.
Just like in GW2.
I have yet to see such a sign posting no profanity.
https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-rules-of-conduct/ . Rule 1.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
And Arena Net has said they do not intend suspend for short outbursts of frustration. Now there are probably cases where they screwed up, but I haven’t seen any presented. On Reddit the vast majority were not outbursts of frustration at something, but targeted attacks against players or just simply bigotry (accidental or otherwise) on display. The one issue in this thread that seem overboard is the fleshlight joke, if that is the case. I think it deserves some action as young teens can play the game and may have parents not ready to talk about fleshlights or having their kids look it up.
Don’t get me wrong I agree with you on the attacks, there is a difference between attacks, and outbursts. Also, what the hell is a fleshlight? Do I even want to know? Do teenagers know what one is? Maybe it’s one of those things the younger generations know about and I do not.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Halmo.8619
In the real world most of the time isolated events, meaning short outbursts of profanity and such will not get you banned or kicked out of any restaraunt or any other public place as long as the short outburst does not escalate into something worse. Yet this is what’s happening in game. I would understand if some moron was repeatedly saying offensive things over and over again, but most of these bans don’t have to do with this, it’s the short outbursts. Seriously get a life, don’t act like you have never cussed, or said anything offensive before. Everyone has, who are you to judge someone else?
In the real world, if you were in an establishment that had a clearly posted “no profanity” rule, and clearly posted consequences for violating that rule, and you proceeded to curse, you would be subject to the posted consequences.
Just like in GW2.
I have yet to see such a sign posting no profanity.
Bahaha! A no profanity sign? What? That would end up on dumb-signs.com for sure.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CalvinHobbes.3541
The real issue here is that the people getting banned for poor behavior don’t believe their behavior was wrong, and this is the root of their complaints regarding the bans.
It reflects poorly on them, and on their upbringing. They seem to assume that everyone is (or should be) like them, and that they should tolerate that sort of behavior.
It’s appalling that some people have so little respect for themselves and others these days that they’d behave like that in a public space.
To be honest it’s the people in the world that want to ban anything and everything they disagree with that I find highly offensive. And before you make your self righteous assumption, I’m not even someone that uses obscenities in public.
Then why did you give ArenaNet your money, if you disagree with their policies? The rules of conduct were available before game launch.
I mustn’t agree with anything and everything ArenaNet does to enjoy their game. And to avoid the attitude of those I mentioned in my last post I’d have to hide in a cave somewhere and never do anything.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: SirMoogie.9263
Also, what the hell is a fleshlight? Do I even want to know? Do teenagers know what one is? Maybe it’s one of those things the younger generations know about and I do not.
Hm, how to do this tactfully without violating forum rules… It’s a product male adults can use. It’s likely some teens know of it if they’ve viewed certain adult movies or websites.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
Also, what the hell is a fleshlight? Do I even want to know? Do teenagers know what one is? Maybe it’s one of those things the younger generations know about and I do not.
Hm, how to do this tactfully without violating forum rules… It’s a product male adults can use. It’s likely some teens know of it if they’ve viewed certain adult movies or websites.
Ah, say no more, please……
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gnivil.5789
Wait, short outbursts of rage? Well here’s what I got banned for (I think), I was RPing in a tavern with some people, demons attacked, I said “What the (F-word)?” Really worth a 14 day ban there…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
Wait, short outbursts of rage? Well here’s what I got banned for (I think), I was RPing in a tavern with some people, demons attacked, I said “What the (F-word)?” Really worth a 14 day ban there…
I agree, that does not deserve a 14 day ban. If that is exactly what you said that caused you to get banned.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
Wait, short outbursts of rage? Well here’s what I got banned for (I think), I was RPing in a tavern with some people, demons attacked, I said “What the (F-word)?” Really worth a 14 day ban there…
I agree, that does not deserve a 14 day ban. If that is exactly what you said that caused you to get banned.
If you got a 14-day ban, it wasn’t a “short outburst”. It was two separate incidents.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
Also, what the hell is a fleshlight? Do I even want to know? Do teenagers know what one is? Maybe it’s one of those things the younger generations know about and I do not.
Hm, how to do this tactfully without violating forum rules… It’s a product male adults can use. It’s likely some teens know of it if they’ve viewed certain adult movies or websites.
Ah, say no more, please……
But you see what I did there? I was polite and asked for no more details. Meaning I knew I would be potentially offended over what a fleshlight was and I asked you to stop before it potentially got worse. Hint hint folks.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: snivs.5134
Keep up the good work Anet! Don’t let this game get a community like WOW!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
Keep up the good work Anet! Don’t let this game get a community like WOW!
I find this offensive, you are discrimminating against a group of people, therefore you are now in violation of the EULA.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Swarfega.6097
Rule 1, you do not talk about fight club.
Rule 2, you do NOT talk about fight club.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: snivs.5134
I really need to find that post where you said your not a troll. lol
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gnivil.5789
I can’t really think of any occasions I swore, might have done another time, but if I did, it would have been a similar situation to that. Still, no warning and a 14 day ban? I’d get the message if they gave me a 3 day ban (which I still think is too harsh, but meh). As long as someone isn’t swearing every second word they use and/or using racial slurs, then 14 days is just absurd.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
I really need to find that post where you said your not a troll. lol
Now you are calling me names? Stop attacking me…..
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Swarfega.6097
Isn’t the ultimate answer for everyone to just prevent swearing whilst in game?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
Isn’t the ultimate answer for everyone to just prevent swearing whilst in game?
That would be nice, however what is more realistic is for everyone to ignore someone that offends you by using the in game mechanics provided.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
It’s simply not realistic to expect someone to have the same standards as you, because we are all different, and we all have different standards.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
It’s simply not realistic to expect someone to have the same standards as you, because we are all different, and we all have different standards.
But it IS realistic to expect everyone to adhere to the standards set by ArenaNet. If you don’t, you’ll suffer the consequences.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: snivs.5134
Isn’t the ultimate answer for everyone to just prevent swearing whilst in game?
The problem is not just swearing in game its when people use the N word and so on. people need to have thick skin especially Americans. We are one of the most hated country all over the world, because of our attitude, the way we treat others and so on. Take a step back and just look around you see it everyday.
and i say again Great Job Anet!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CalvinHobbes.3541
Isn’t the ultimate answer for everyone to just prevent swearing whilst in game?
I believe another answer could be sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Seems just as appropriate as the one you’ve provided. Perhaps even more.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Bellok.4180
That’s the problem, ANet’s policy on profanity is not realistic.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Eochaidh.4106
Just learn to behave. Excuses at trying to make poor behavior legitimate are pathetic at best. I’m glad that they’re banning people who can’t interact with others in a civil manner. Take it as an opportunity to learn a new lesson.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: mcl.9240
That’s the problem, ANet’s policy on profanity is not realistic.
Seems perfectly realistic to me. It’s entirely possible to play a videogame without using profanity.
Now, it may not be possible for YOU, but it’s certainly possible in general. And if you don’t have enough self-discipline to stop swearing, you can expect to suffer the consequences.
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