Permanently Banned for Modifying or Tampering with game.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aylpse.6280
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aylpse.6280
Chill out bro, Anet works their tails (they are all charr) off day and night on this game, if you think finding this bug is as easily as clicking a few buttons.. your wrong.. this could take awhile, they might even be asleep, considering the time. c:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
Still no reply here as well. I gave them all the info needed as well. Just sitting here with no plans tonight.. waiting on my GW2 account. BF is out of town and everything. Tonight was the perfect night for dungeon runs.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: doublehappy.3621
Chill out bro, Anet works their tails (they are all charr) off day and night on this game, if you think finding this bug is as easily as clicking a few buttons.. your wrong.. this could take awhile, they might even be asleep, considering the time. c:
If you read my message again you would reallise I understand all to well bugs are hard and not solved easy. I am not asking this.
I am asking for communication. ETA’s, acknowledgement that they recieved my individual support ticket so that I know as a customer my problem has at least been received and is in some sort of work order.
And as for being asleep that is an unacceptable response. It isd a product developed for an international market. You must meet your demographics needs and have 24 hours support to cover your potential/intended market. US does not have a 95% market share on game purchases.
(edited by doublehappy.3621)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lady Gallo Of Devi.7409
An hour ago, I attempted to log into my account and got the same message. I am a long time GW player and I have NEVER and would never attempt to modify the game. I have submitted a ticket under the Ask A Question section but I doubt they will get to me anytime soon. I just pray that this is actually a bug or mistake or something. If my account got hacked and it has been permanently banned because of it, I am going to be really effing upset.
Please keep those of us affected up to date with what is going on.
Edit: removed screenshot.
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
i’d like to apply for a position in arenanet as live support. i’m excellent with customer service.
by the way, i’m also experiencing the same issue. hahaha.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
@KorKor how you doin?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@ChasetheGeek – Oh.. you know me. Same ol same ol. Cept for my building annoyance at being blocked from what I PAID for ya know?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Zaythien.7240
From reading the post and having the problem myself. It seems after downloading today’s patch you can log in and play. If you log out and then try to get back on you find yourself banned. There is an error in the patch… something they modified and didn’t change their security to accept… now the patch is being seen by their anti-hacking software as a hack.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: PCoraJr.7526
From reading the post and having the problem myself. It seems after downloading today’s patch you can log in and play. If you log out and then try to get back on you find yourself banned. There is an error in the patch… something they modified and didn’t change their security to accept… now the patch is being seen by their anti-hacking software as a hack.
I think there is more to it, before this there was report of people getting banned for Botting. The fact that they have a process that will lock people out automatically with no human intervention is bad. If they are going to put such systems in place then they need to also make sure that they have the needed support personal to help in cases like this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Steeebin.6159
what kind of bug or issue would ban stick so many players. its a friday, we work monday-friday to play this game that we paid $60. we don’t ask much, surely for a game so epic and a sale of $60 a copy you would think they have the resources to rectify the situation.
and don’t tell me they didn’t anticipate this many players, thats just silly. i too have the same problem and to me this is unacceptable. it may sound sad but some of us actually look forward to playing this on our down time from work. but i guess we won’t get that opportunity nor will they even provide us an ETA.
and you know what my account was hacked recently and though they replied and said there was nothing i can do i was fine with it. and that was today, combine that with what i’m experiencing right now there is no way i’m a happy camper.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: marcherb.4052
And another one hear, same message, if they reckon I am up to tampering may be they should offer me a job to help fix the bugs
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Steeebin.6159
“In regards to missing gold, characters and items, currently we are technically unable to provide restorations or any direct assistance with reclaiming what was lost.” A-NET
Im fine with that, just let me create a charr so i can run away from this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
Ya, it is pretty bad that this is happening you know on the -weekend- which is the best time to hookup with friends to do things. Everyone is off from work, etc. Yet, we are getting no feedback? That is the biggest kicker here for me. The complete and total lack of feedback.
Tickets are going unanswered, this thread has has no updates, no official announcements, etc. I mean come on.. feedback is required! I mean even if it is a none eta type reply you need to make it. It is just good customer service! Nobody likes being left in the dark!
I also hope much of the other stuff I read about from day to day about people like bots, guilds that are jerks, etc mass reporting people to get them banned… is fake. Because if there is a lack human review in the system then this is very very bad and can only explode in their face. =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: IronWolf.2835
From reading the post and having the problem myself. It seems after downloading today’s patch you can log in and play. If you log out and then try to get back on you find yourself banned. There is an error in the patch… something they modified and didn’t change their security to accept… now the patch is being seen by their anti-hacking software as a hack.
I was actually in game when it happened I think. I was for the previous 15 minutes or so leveling up my crafting skills, and the screen just went black. I thought it was just a bug, so I just closed it from windows and went about my evening. But when I came back to finish up my crafting, I received the error. From reading elsewhere, others got the black screen as well, so maybe if you are in game, the black screen is when it happens?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Uriel Saintclair.6345
its a sad day i was supposed to play with my fiancee were separated shes in abudhabi playing GW2 and this is the only time we actually play at the same time.
(edited by Uriel Saintclair.6345)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: doublehappy.3621
am with you KorKor, the lack of feedback is appalling. Not even a auto responder or a change of status in the ticket system to received, or in progress. nothing!
If it was a ISP or another company you could take action, go to an ombudsman, help get results, but I really feel like Anet have me by the short and curlies.
Perhaps there needs to be a MMORPG Ombudsman to help keep MMORG’s honest and warn customers of MMORGS that put all there costs into development but leave customer service fall short.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: knrinaldi.3408
same ith me, i am not cheating at all, but i get ban
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Complectus.4731
Basically had a problem last night where lag kept me from being able to move well in AC, but was able to craft then and this morning. Tonight? find I’m banned. not sure why. I’m seeing that there are no real messages on this one but at least I’ve tossed a ticket in.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Brutalistik.6473
I sometimes wonder if the players that reported you guys that got banned did that intentionally to get back at you for something or some other reason.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: nexxe.7081
From reading the post and having the problem myself. It seems after downloading today’s patch you can log in and play. If you log out and then try to get back on you find yourself banned. There is an error in the patch… something they modified and didn’t change their security to accept… now the patch is being seen by their anti-hacking software as a hack.
I was in game, then my screen went black. So i closed the client, and tried to log in, and got the banned message.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@Bruta – Part of why the reports I read about that disturb me. I am hoping they are lying or it was extreme cases. However I kept reading more and more of them…. The need for human review is always required. I’d hope that hasn’t been tossed out…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: hippirus.2895
Just woke up to the same error message as you guys, will submit a ticket
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: poll.5812
I do not have to modify and tamper with the game. I am innocent
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Uriel Saintclair.6345
To all the players experiencing this just submit a ticket to customer suport. im pretty sure that they are trying to resolve the issue.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@Uriel – Most if not everyone here has. The problem is the noted long wait times even on an issue such as this one which denies the player 100% of what they paid for getting that treatment. It isn’t some reclaim item issue, etc. This is a much larger issue that requires feedback of which on the ticket front and here there is a lack of…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
@ChasetheGeek – Oh.. you know me. Same ol same ol. Cept for my building annoyance at being blocked from what I PAID for ya know?
I’m doing aight. still can’t login though. so, how come your boyfriend’s not around?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sassyboy.1534
its not extreme yet, but I remember diablo 3 fiasco when players were unable to log on with error 37. mass refund for denial of service. I don’t believe it will get to that stage, well I hope it wouldn’t. I work about 10-12 hour shifts mon-friday in asia atm and I was looking forward to the weekend. I don’t mind the fact that there is an error, but I just really wish they didn’t autoban me without a followup check if someone random player reports me and all they looked at was my ip.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@ChasetheGeek – Oh.. you know me. Same ol same ol. Cept for my building annoyance at being blocked from what I PAID for ya know?
I’m doing aight. still can’t login though.
so, how come your boyfriend’s not around?
Just work ‘n’ stuff. Typical real life issue that happen. Really annoyed though that I can’t play right now. Not even a single reply to my ticket done in the right manner for these kinds of things. Just nothing.. =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
@ChasetheGeek – Oh.. you know me. Same ol same ol. Cept for my building annoyance at being blocked from what I PAID for ya know?
I’m doing aight. still can’t login though.
so, how come your boyfriend’s not around?
Just work ‘n’ stuff. Typical real life issue that happen. Really annoyed though that I can’t play right now. Not even a single reply to my ticket done in the right manner for these kinds of things. Just nothing.. =/
i’m kinda starting to consider mists of pandaria cuz of this.) but… i don’t think i will… i’ve loved guild wars 1 and i’m loving guild wars 2.
they should really hire people to do customer service for them. outsource here in the Philippines so you can get the service cheaper.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@Geek – Nah, I’d take the job here! I know how to do the song ‘n’ dance! What you do at work is never the same as what you do outside of it. Ya, know… for better or for worse.
Blizzard was just as bad at the lack of feedback on major issues though. However the ticket support on large account issues was slightly better in my personal experience. Anet really needs to step up their game on that front. However things tend to point more toward Ncsoft running that department from what I hear.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Tine Sionnach.8629
I want to say one Name in this bunch I know would never modify the game. However there are 3 names in the bunch that i personally reported all 3 with screen shots I have posted and 2 with videos in other thread. Before crying poor me and submit a ticket look back and think if you exploited in some way and also remember anet are humans humans make mistakes. If your innocent all will be right if not… your screwed.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
@Geek – Nah, I’d take the job here! I know how to do the song ‘n’ dance! What you do at work is never the same as what you do outside of it. Ya, know… for better or for worse.
Blizzard was just as bad at the lack of feedback on major issues though. However the ticket support on large account issues was slightly better in my personal experience. Anet really needs to step up their game on that front. However things tend to point more toward Ncsoft running that department from what I hear.
haha… never had an issue with my d3 account before. this is insane. half a day is gone and i still can’t go to my beloved tyria.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
I want to say one Name in this bunch I know would never modify the game. However there are 3 names in the bunch that i personally reported all 3 with screen shots I have posted and 2 with videos in other thread. Before crying poor me and submit a ticket look back and think if you exploited in some way and also remember anet are humans humans make mistakes. If your innocent all will be right if not… your screwed.
what exploit did they use may i ask? the last thing i was doing was farming iron ore. :| i don’t get why i got blocked. i’m thinking overreaction of some players to certain play styles and trigger happiness to report such things are causing anet to be trigger happy with bans as well. :|
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@Tine – It sounds like you always assume the worst, expect the worst, and act based upon that. You believe in no tolerance as well it seems. As if nobody makes mistakes or the world operates without misunderstandings.
Just because someone is going in a circle doesn’t mean they are a bot. They could be farming blood, karma, etc. Just because someone says X thing in general chat doesn’t mean they are a bot, etc. Just because someone takes an action you think is wrong doesn’t mean you are right.
This has been already been commented on and seen as an issue to be SOLVED. You can even read the Anet reply on it. So your logic on this front is just horrid. The guilty until proven innocent garbage. Sure a few bots etc will post here. That doesn’t mean a MAJORITY of the people here are liars, cheats, and thieves.
Humans make mistakes but the reports are this is a bug. Other threads have also commented on how the systems to be avoiding the human element on some fronts. =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
@Tine – It sounds like you always assume the worst, expect the worst, and act based upon that. You believe in no tolerance as well it seems. As if nobody makes mistakes or the world operates without misunderstandings.
Just because someone is going in a circle doesn’t mean they are a bot. They could be farming blood, karma, etc. Just because someone says X thing in general chat doesn’t mean they are a bot, etc. Just because someone takes an action you think is wrong doesn’t mean you are right.
This has been already been commented on and seen as an issue to be SOLVED. You can even read the Anet reply on it. So your logic on this front is just horrid. The guilty until proven innocent garbage. Sure a few bots etc will post here. That doesn’t mean a MAJORITY of the people here are liars, cheats, and thieves.
Humans make mistakes but the reports are this is a bug. Other threads have also commented on how the systems to be avoiding the human element on some fronts. =/
couldn’t have said it better myself.
@tine what if we decide to report you based on an “assumption” and get you banned? what then?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
what exploit did they use may i ask? the last thing i was doing was farming iron ore. :| i don’t get why i got blocked. i’m thinking overreaction of some players to certain play styles and trigger happiness to report such things are causing anet to be trigger happy with bans as well. :|
I happen to agree with you Geek. I think people are abusing the living crap out of the system. They are trigger happy well twits who report at the twitch of a finger. They also seem to be the type that will report someone just for disagreeing with them, etc.
I know Anet probably gets loads of tickets but it the human elemental needs to always be there. It just seems to be lacking at this time. =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: CHASEtheGEEK.1479
Arenanet, it’s the weekend and we wanna play. Cmon! For those of us you wronged you better give us a sorry package in game!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jethro.3798
Come on arenanet just an update or anything on the sitch pleas bro’s.
Am I going to have to go out tonight instead of playing this game?
In the meantime here’s a picture of a bunny with a pancake on it’s head
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lefuan.1327
Same problem there, game disconnect on 2:00 am, when try relogin appears im ban:
The message at the log-in window says my account has been terminated for modifying or tampering with the game.
i see all post there, and hope this is problem arenanet and not real ban, im play many hours, but really not have nothing special ingame, but poor lost my character, is many hours lost with my mesmer ^^.
Appreciate if resolve this problem fast, Ty.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: sarlok.8904
I’m having same problem. My account be banished too, and don’t use nothing program…
This is riduculous. Fix it fast pls Anet!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
@Jethro – I wish I had made plans! My BF is out of town, friends busy, this was the perfect weekend to play! Yet, here I am with nothing to do really. I’ve watched all my movies, caught up on tv series like, played my other games to death already (This one is here for a reasooonnn.), late at night, everything is closed, not a bleck club person, etc etc.
I want to play and this total lack of feedback is just kitten =/
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jethro.3798
@KorKor – Luckily for me I live in Australia and it’s only 6:20 pm here. Prime dungeon running time in my opinion! Instead it looks like I’m going to be forced to physically interact with other human beings -.-
Still nursing last nights hangover. Should have played GW last night instead at least I would have a little more game time in before my account got the cane
(edited by Jethro.3798)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: doublehappy.3621
ok, sitting here watching my girlfriend play and level up is just torture… 8 hours now!! and no feedback from Anet.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KorKor.9452
Digging how they are closing all the other threads yet we get no feedback here. Nor have our tickets been answered. Also digging how they got the generic -Well you could have been guilty.- type reply or the -Ah..well… if you are innocent all you lost was time right.- kinda reply.
That kinda reply just makes it seem like they were guilty to the community on top of being very generic. This is a serious problem that needs feedback now and not after it is -safe- to do so when it is resolved. Just very rude to handle it in this manner.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jethro.3798
I’m not too concerned about getting the account back because I know I’ve done nothing wrong and it’s just a matter of time..
What DOES concern me however is the lack of communication, I hope it doesn’t mean it’s something very serious (which they already know what’s happened and are yet deciding on the course of action to take and don’t want to explode if it’s very bad news) such as we will lose everything and have start from scratch (like account termination) because of some sort of security issue or data corruption.
Because if that’s the case then everything we had is already all gone and nothing they can do can bring it back. I’m pretty sure they don’t have any account rollback features but I hope I’m wrong.
Anyway I’m off, good luck to all I hope we get things back up and running so we can play again sometime soon
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Voltar.8574
you know i’ve wondered as i was frantically reporting the bots in cursed shore, if i might accidentally report a player
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: PCoraJr.7526
ok, sitting here watching my girlfriend play and level up is just torture… 8 hours now!! and no feedback from Anet.
Going on 30 + hours here no response. This is pathetic at best.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Abstract.9258
They did make a post to another topic about an hour ago CC Eva’s reply to Kvothe do not think there just ignoring us just a bit swamped trying to work out the fix I would imagine. Maybe no update because no process but am pretty sure they do not to lose customs who are obviously so passionate and will probably spend money on bank slots ect. as for what happened still confused but have seen quite few posts saying they where lagging bad anyone else here experience so really bad lag witch forced them to reset router last night?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: doublehappy.3621
@abstract “Maybe no update because no process”
An update that they are working on it but so far no progress, is still an update. I think “paying” community at least deserves that
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: doublehappy.3621
@abstract i also noticed a few people say they were laggin, and so was I, rubber banding all over the place. this could come across as bot like behavour?
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