GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1034418 Solved
1045342 Duplicate, original solved.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
ticket number:1041374
Last week me and 7 friends of mine intend to buy 8 copies with MY credit card since the discount. when we are in process to bought the fourth copy, it said ‘payment authourization failed’ and we cant continue to buy another; all of the purchase request was rejected. we sent an email with one if the three purchased account to their support team in hope for an assistance and good solution, because we intend to buy more with this credit card and we have no option for any payment methods. but this account SUDDENLY SUSPENDED, without any good reason because we really wanted to play this game and didnt hope for account suspension, or any refunds. they said they will refund us for the account but it seems that there isnt even a penny that got back to my account. we really wanted to play and were VERY disappointed for the team support for not being able to give a good customer support.
Maybe they think that our purchase is a fraud one, since we bought multiple accounts with one and only credit card, but we’re not lying or buying these for a commercial benefits or else, we just wanted to play. at the end they end the email with a saying ‘There is no further assistance we can provide for this issue. Further replies may not receive a response’.
And I still havn’t received any refund. I’M VERY DISAPPOINTED AND ANGRY FOR THOSE LAME CUSTOMER SERVICE. Just dont suspend people’s account without thorough investigation or contacting customers. If u want prove, first ask and then decide it is real fraud or not.Hopefull u guys can solve this ASAP.Please,i just want to play with my friends
Are you deliberately ignoring my ticket? 933607
I don’t understand, been months without a single reply. Great CS you have there.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Are you deliberately ignoring my ticket? 933607
I don’t understand, been months without a single reply. Great CS you have there.
Did you receive the almost-immediate ‘Thank you for your request’ reply from the CS Team? If not, you might consider perusing the Sticky, ‘Not Getting Our Emails?’, and following the tips therein.
Good luck.
Are you deliberately ignoring my ticket? 933607
I don’t understand, been months without a single reply. Great CS you have there.
Did you receive the almost-immediate ‘Thank you for your request’ reply from the CS Team? If not, you might consider perusing the Sticky, ‘Not Getting Our Emails?’, and following the tips therein.
Good luck.
Yes I did receive.
But I really would like to know why they didn’t follow up after that. Certainly they got my ticket.
And even Steam, who I consider the worst CS out there, still replies to people’s tickets (NOT AUTO REPLY) unlike this company.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Did you follow the tips in the Sticky? Check your spam/junk folders? Make sure your email account has not been compromised. Many times replies from the CS Team are intercepted, and thus the respondent they are meant for never receive them.
Good luck.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1041374 Ticket solved, will not discuss further here due to privacy laws.
933607 Waiting a month to reply to us caused the ticket to close so I can’t reply in ticket – there was a mistake made by the agent where the reply meant for you was instead added as a note. We are not able to move players to full servers but you should be able to keep checking as server volumes fluctuate VERY often. Odds are you’ve already noticed this and gotten into your desired server. Apologies for the mistake!
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
My friends account has been compromised and cannot log in to the forums to contact support. name on the account is Valor.8971, has been waiting for multiple days, and completed all the necessary steps to try and fix this problem. His ticket number is 1053151. if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. Not fair that people pay for a game and are not able to play it do to a lack of pride or service from the company involved.
Ticket #1050900 submitted dec 2nd
Ticket #1053072 – it’s about the lotus node disappearing problem
(1053738:Changing email)
Would like an update & you are just sending me automated answers instead of fixing the problem
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1053151 Solved
1050900 We’re waiting on a hotfix, the tickets will get an update today.
1053072 Same as above.
1053738 You need to follow the instructions given and confirm you’ve done so.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
Request #1050369
I have an issue of gold mailed to a friend that ever arrived. The mail was sent as I usually do, by typing my friend’s account nickname in the recipient box. I mailed the gold, got the pop up saying “sent successfully” and saw the lil birdie fly by. But they never got it. We were in TS talking as it happened so I knew immediately it didn’t go thru.
Got a email, explained my issue, gave more info as requested in follow up emails until finally a new GM replied with
“Thank you for providing additional information.
Upon further investigation we were able to verify that mails can only be sent using the display name or the character name, when trying to use a nickname the system will show that such character or user does not exist. For the same reason we will not be able to refund/replace the gold.
Let us know if you have further questions."
Since that is patently untrue and the mail system does not say the recipient doesn’t exist (I can still replicate the issue and have in the interim) I would like my ticket to NOT be closed. I replied to that mail 5 days ago and haven’t heard anything back since.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Melodic Whisper, Thief :: Mephelotic Phantasm, Mes :: Xoboda, Guard :: Plikkik, Engi
Jade Quarry since launch then I started wandering the borderlands of Yak’s Bend
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1050369: The recipient existed because the nickname you sent to happens to be a character name. I’ve escalated the issue as a game bug.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
1050900 still have not received an update email and per this thread the hot fix was made before I posted my first update request here 3 days ago.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Iambecomeplant.3156
Ticket:1059123 – Account Suspended
1050369: The recipient existed because the nickname you sent to happens to be a character name. I’ve escalated the issue as a game bug.
Thank you, Michael. My problem was resolved. I appreciate your and the other customer support team member’s help.
Melodic Whisper, Thief :: Mephelotic Phantasm, Mes :: Xoboda, Guard :: Plikkik, Engi
Jade Quarry since launch then I started wandering the borderlands of Yak’s Bend
Submitted a Ticket: 1065066
About name change requirement. deeply confused as it doesn’t break the naming policy.
Please respond and fix and hopefully remove the required name change to play him.
I have had the name 10 months – 11 months
I can’t understand why now
P.S. it hasn’t been 3 days, only 2, but then they said put in a ticket so I did, got a we received your ticket
e-mail thing and no reply, I understand that my issue is waaaaaaaay lower on the list of issues but I just want to make sure I haven’t been forgotten, I get lonely
(edited by Kuulpb.5412)
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1059123 – Still under review (these involve a payment processor so we’re waiting on them).
1065066 – Your ticket had a small error, you’ll receive a reply this morning.
1050900 – Did you get a reply from me (GM Proheals) that simply said “Test”? – Regardless, did your node not come back?
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
Ticket # 1060244: Accessing account
I’m posting this for my brother who can’t get in to his account. He has all of his needed information to recover it but he can’t get past the mobile authentication in order to acquire the aforementioned info. He believes that someone else set up the mobile authentication without his permission. His request is for the mobile authentication to be removed so that he can continue the account recover process.
1050900 The only mail I received was the “test” mail. And I have not received a new node.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1050900 The only mail I received was the “test” mail. And I have not received a new node.
Cool, just making sure you’re getting our replies. I have someone working on getting these resolved today.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1060244 I’ve taken care of it for you. Apologies, this should have been done the first time around.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
ok I sent a reply, changed my asura from Omadd to Snans ( from what I searched there is nothing wrong with it, its random palindromic letters) and I sent 4 replies to CS because I kept forgetting something I APOLOGISE FOR MULTIPLE REPLIES, I am quite forgetful
Ticket Number: 1059818
It has been 3 days since the update was sent, but I didn’t receive a reply. I read the reply I received before the update again and found out that there was a misunderstanding .
There are several points I want an answer for. I will number them and I wish to have a numbered answer as well to make it clear for me.
1- The mails that my friends received said that I will be refunded and it will appear on my next credit card statement. I haven’t been refunded until now. Why is that? and when will I be refunded?.
2- The mails also stated that there is a final cancellation that will take place. when will that happen?
3- When I get refunded, is it possible to try to purchase the game again? .
4- If it is possible to purchase the game again , can you please consider my situation ( since i first purchased those accounts during the discount) and allow me to attempt purchasing the accounts again with the discounted price .
5- The mail said that the purchases showed characteristics of high risk transactions. are those characteristics related to the info I provided? are they related to the Bank I am using? are they related to my region?. if this question can’t be answered please say so.
This is the end of my questions , but there is two more points that I want to make clear.
1- The last reply I received assumed that I made another attempt to purchase the game which failed as well. I didn’t do that since I have not been refunded yet which means I don’t have the credit to make this attempt.
2- You can Ignore my last update to the ticket since I already wrote what I wanted to ask about here.
Ticket # 1060244: Accessing account
As with previously discussed, the mobile authentication was most likely put on by an unknown source and as a result ArenaNet successfully suspended my brother’s account. However, this suspension is keeping him from playing again. Can you please take the suspension off since the account is in the correct hands again? Thank you for the swift help.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1059818 Privacy laws don’t allow me to discuss billing situations on the forum. Please use your ticket for these questions.
1060244 Solved
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
I haven’t had an answer for 3 days when I posted this, and now it is 4 days. I didn’t request the answers to be here. I can’t ask my questions in the ticket because the last update that I made haven’t had a reply until now and as far as I know I can’t modify my last update or request for it to be ignored and post another update.
I don’t think any of those things were unclear in my post, so why am I getting this irrelevant answer back?.
Edit: I hope this won’t take another day to get an answer. Making the ticket last for 5 days without an answer or even a notice that there is someone working on an answer.
(edited by anorie.3096)
I haven’t had an answer for 3 days when I posted this, and now it is 4 days. I didn’t request the answers to be here. I can’t ask my questions in the ticket because the last update that I made haven’t had a reply until now and as far as I know I can’t modify my last update or request for it to be ignored and post another update.
I don’t think any of those things were unclear in my post, so why am I getting this irrelevant answer back?.Edit: I hope this won’t take another day to get an answer. Making the ticket last for 5 days without an answer or even a notice that there is someone working on an answer.
Because they legally can’t talk about billing issues on the forums. Michael would not only lose his job, bit could face criminal charges of he told you anyway.
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
I haven’t had an answer for 3 days when I posted this, and now it is 4 days. I didn’t request the answers to be here. I can’t ask my questions in the ticket because the last update that I made haven’t had a reply until now and as far as I know I can’t modify my last update or request for it to be ignored and post another update.
I don’t think any of those things were unclear in my post, so why am I getting this irrelevant answer back?.Edit: I hope this won’t take another day to get an answer. Making the ticket last for 5 days without an answer or even a notice that there is someone working on an answer.
You can update your original ticket at any time. Just respond to the latest email with the heading, Ticket #xxxxxxx.
You might also consider reading the Sticky, ‘Delayed or No Ticket Reply? Read This!’
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
I haven’t had an answer for 3 days when I posted this, and now it is 4 days. I didn’t request the answers to be here. I can’t ask my questions in the ticket because the last update that I made haven’t had a reply until now and as far as I know I can’t modify my last update or request for it to be ignored and post another update.
I don’t think any of those things were unclear in my post, so why am I getting this irrelevant answer back?.Edit: I hope this won’t take another day to get an answer. Making the ticket last for 5 days without an answer or even a notice that there is someone working on an answer.
You can update your original ticket at any time. Just respond to the latest email with the heading, Ticket #xxxxxxx.
You might also consider reading the Sticky, ‘Delayed or No Ticket Reply? Read This!’
Good luck.
Thanks for the information, I didn’t think that i can actually do multiple updates to my ticket without waiting for response.
I assumed that I have to wait for a response because when I clicked reply and wrote a mail then clicked on send it said that the send failed, but it looks like I was using the wrong spot.
1050900 rec’d mail yesterday saying issue would be resolved and to respond if it was not in 24 hours. It is still not resolved. No response to the reply I sent.
Avan, I had the same emaila few hours ago, checked and still hadn’t received my node replacement. I sent a support update stating that I hadn’t gotten the node yet. Just a few minutes ago, I logged in and there it was in an in-game email. There is hope!
Thank you. Hopefully it is there when I get home from work
1050900 resolved! thank you
Not sure if this is even considered a “ticket” since I contacted support via This was on December 2nd. On December 11th I received a response telling me to contact support via the same link. The only thing I can think of is because they said I used a VPN to start the inquiry (which I did), but I have also provided proof of ownership and subsequent replies via e-mail (to add more detail) have been sent from my home connection.
Though the VPN thing was mentioned it seemed to be an “oh, by the way” type of thing so I’m not sure if that was even the problem as it was never really stated. The main thing was “Before we can look into your request, we require that you contact us through the Guild Wars 2 Support Interface. We are unable to help you with a request filed through any other means.”. I had already done that so I’m a little confused now.
The ticket number is 98432.
Hopefully this can be resolved soon. Thank you!
My issue above (98432) has been resolved.
I am in desperate need of help. This is regarding ticket 1065183. I have ping-ponged several mails already with the support team, but every try of cooperation on my behalf got blatantly ignored in the appearance of intransparency, standard text blocks and contradictionary answers regarding the reason why i filed the ticket and i even have been told to review the ToS of Guild Wars 1 while i dont even have a Guild Wars 1 account.
I have put every intel i could in the nicest way of speaking i was capable of and i am still willing to do everything you want in order to solve this issue. Please, dear Gaile Gray or Michael Henninger or whoever currently maintains this thread, if you choose to have a look into this, please – and this is very important! – let me supply you with the most recent intel on the matter beforehand. I´d prefer to not post all of this here. The issue is a bit more complicated than it seems. Since my last email already got ignored this is my only chance to get into contact with the support again as they won´t listen to any further mails on this matter. Usually that is completly fine, but in this case i am more of the cattle, not the butcher. I beg you!
Please send me an email or PM and please give me the chance to explain since i was under wrong assumptions regarding this issue for the whole time until now. I sincerely hope this does not fall on deaf ears. I do know your time is very valuable and rest assured, if i wasnt completly sure that this issue is not correctly resolved, i wouldnt be so bold to post this. I´m not a kitten after all (self censored).
Greetings from hamburg!
(edited by TheBandicoot.5294)
number. 1025053 November 18th….
We’ll contact you as soon as we have an answer for you.
Or I forget about it?
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1065183 Final Response sent and is correct.
1025053 Not an account issue, but your ticket is in the hands of the Communications team.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
Ticket number 1069443 sent 5 days ago requesting assistance on logging into original GW after having forgotten my 2 toon names (can’t get past the security question part of log-in without remembering a toon name).
ticket – #1054644
problem – Account Magic find Bugged
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1054644 – This isn’t something support can help with. You need to submit a bug report in-game so that Quality Assurance is aware of the issue.
1069443 – GW Tickets are handled separately from GW2 and have a slower response time. We’ll get to you. =)
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
ticket – #1079855
- account suspended
Hello, sorry for my poor english.
My friend to buy the game, to its output and play a few months and then he quit.
He wanted to return recently, but it was announced that his account was suspended.
After several exchanges with the audience, his ticket was being a thorough analysis.
He(It) has to give his(its) key cd of the game(set,play) and all the instructions which he(it) made and since no piece of news(short story).
Thank you to enlighten us !!! thank you
Hello,i have a problem with my girfriend account.
she cant log in the account because she can’t enter in the email used to register the account of GW2. What can we do to change the address or remove the email authenticator?
She open a tiket 3 days ago number is 1083648 but no one have answear,just the one auto response.
Someone can help me?
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642
Hello, my friend’s account got compromised/hacked (password was changed, no log-in activity seen though).
Ticket: “1082550 : Account stolen by email adress”
I’m posting this here on his behalf since he hasn’t got repply back since the automated e-mail.
It’s been three days now and no word back. I know you guys are extremely busy but maybe this ticket was forgotten under the pile of them?
He recently returned to GW2 and cant wait to play it again. Thanks!
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1079855 Solved
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Michael Henninger.7451
1083648 Solved
1082550 In Appeals.
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
request # 1084724
My partner has not played in quite awhile and we have given all the info that we have including credit card numbers for items purchased on the guildwars1 account that should be linked. We have several credit cards that could have been used and have closed some accounts so we provided those numbers as well, because frankly we can not remember which account we used. If we can not get his password I guess we will have to find another game to play together because we will not purchase another copy of this game.