Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: XStuff.6859
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: XStuff.6859
Can’t redeem bought gem code. Has been open for 9 days
Please… please give me a useful reply
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xaviuz.3186
I just became a member of the 5 day or older club.
Ticket# 120912-001054.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sagmir.6542
3 weeks of waiting and still no solution of my ticket..
120828-016914 – 28.08.2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cipher.7913
Posting this on behalf of a guild member.
Ticket: 120906-008278 submitted 9/6/2012.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Eliande.2478
Second time posting here. This is infuriating, arenanet.
STILL no sign of getting my 295$ back from a stolen account.
10 days and counting
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: diegofsv.2781
ticket: 120909-000820
Second time now posting. My friend bought the game from NCsoft on guildwars2 site on July/13th, was charged that day, and still didn’t recieved any serial to play the game. Its more than 2 months now, all his friends are playing the game full time and he is really upset. This ticketis over a week now, it got some answers but its 5 day without any kind of update since its queue changed to the billing team.
Incident: 120825-003557
GM Lloyd said my ticket was escalated to Senior Staff. 09/06/2012 07:29 PM
I have heard nothing since then about it – I sent an update on the 14th. It is now the 17th with no answer from Senior Staff still, since the 6th. ( 11 days no response if you count the weekends. 7 if you don’t count weekends. )
I husband got me this game as a gift before he left on deployment – I feel really horrible that I lost the items which he payed extra for. I just want the items back. At least the mini pet. Iv been waiting since August 25th when I first sent the ticket to have this fixed.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: triXXar.8154
hacked account
since 09/07/2012
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DemonYakuza.8049
Hacked Account
09/11/2012 02:56 AM
hello again, here’s my brother’s ticket number: 120910-001112
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Asgard.6591
Hacked account from 12.09.2012
Ticket: 120912-002239
Please help us the german support won´t help us…
The hacker is using a bot he is farming hours ago on the same spot and we cant do anything please help us…
Ticket: 120912-002239
I’m writing on behalf of a friend, as his account was hacked. He therefore cannot login and write in this thread.
His account has hacked last Friday (the 8th of September). He received the mail that his email had been changed and has been unable to log in since.
His ticket number is 120908-002648, and was sent to you the 8th of September. If could give him an update it would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Again,
The above post was posted here 4 days ago (September 13th), making the issue 9 days old in it’s entirety. It seems alot of posts on here have been solved in the meanwhile, some with the same issue, but that was posted here after this ticket.
Could you please get to his ticket? It’s been 9 days now
Thanks in advance.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Yoshiro.4159
ticket: 120916-005007
Waiting for a long time now help me out if can.
My in-game mail doesn’t allow me to send mail. Any time I attempt to send mail to anyone results in the error “Processing previous mail.”. I also cannot put items up on the trading post to sell, it replies with the error
“Error attempting to sell.”
i have this bugg since 2 days ago already help me out if can please.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lunalesca.5039
My friend’s ticket is still pending since 9/11.
this is the ticket number
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Direwolf.6702
My friend has been trying to get in for a week, and opened a case on the 12th…
Case # 120913-001100
Date created: 09-12-2012
Issue: his serial number is not associated with his email and he is not able to log into the forum, either.
Can someone please assist, he wants to be able to play the game. All screenshots are linked in the support request. His serial number is in the support request and his email account is in the support request.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Weaver.4873
ticket number: 120909-000150
Got control back over my account, can not log into game for another 12 hours because of real life location. Will report back status when I get home tomorrow. *I got a fast reply after making a clean informative post in my ticket. At least I can post in the forums using my own account instead of my friends, BIG THANKS TO KLASNIKOF!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ithanium.2790
Posting on behalf of someone who can’t acces the forum. Ticket 120910-007719 , older than a week, no response yet.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BlackFenix.7591
My post is 3 weeks old since i got the issue on 09/02/2012 with the ticket number 120903-001227
The ticket was close dont know why and i open other at the day 09/13/2012 and its 5 days old already because here its 00:40 am… The ticket have the number 120913-003220
*Update — Monday, 17 September: Part 1
120823-005248 Resolved
120831-006932 Resolved
120831-018521 Resolved
120903-006262 Resolved
120904-004130 Resolved
120905-002972 Resolved
120905-003517 Resolved
120906-007794 Resolved
120906-009311 Resolved
120907-004649 Resolved
120907-005479 Resolved
120907-008310 Resolved
120908-000760 Resolved
120908-002648 Resolved
120908-004730 Resolved
120908-004831 Resolved
120908-005767 Resolved
120908-006021 Resolved
120909-001112 Resolved
120909-001482 Resolved
120909-002892 Resolved
120909-003158 Resolved
120909-004741 Resolved
120909-004834 Resolved
120909-006216 Resolved
120825-005264 CE/DDE Item issue — we are working on this one
120825-036680 Linking issue — in review
120902-015078 Linking issue — in review
120903-002460 Linking issue — in review
120904-002200 Linking issue — in review
120826-012867 Possible Linking issue — agent sent response today
120909-004170, 120909-003417 Reopened and requested review
120909-000820 Requested review
120908-004534 Awaiting update on this one
More later!
Im still waiting for a response:( I accidently posted in the thread three times in a row and said my post was infracted. anyway…..
I need someone to look into my old request it was updated but not resolved.
Ticket # 120905-004000
I had a hacked account and gave the wrong serial code to resolve issue so my girfriends acount was switched to my email address. All relevant information is posted on the ticket. I have been down since sept 5th!!!!
Please help
Please note: Some of you are asking for replacement of CE or DDE items that you either received and accidentally deleted or which you never received. Please note that one replacement run has been done. I believe another has been done or will be done very soon.
Replacements are one per customer. If you were on a previous list, you will not be given another set of replacements. If you were not on a replacement list, please be sure your ticket is filed with support and update to say you are still awaiting your items. Please do not file a new ticket.
Hey GaileGrey,
Thank you for this information. Do you have an estimate of when we can expect this additional run to occur?This is in reference to;
ticket: 120825-033103
subject: Account Items Deleted
created on: 08/25/2012Thank you,
Sorry, Nate, I don’t know a date for that yet, but I do know the team is aware that this will need to take place. I just want to say again that this is a one-time offer, and players need to be sure they do not request twice, and that they always keep enough space in their inventory to store the items, because the replacement run could be made at any time.
My friend bought the game the 28 august, made his account and can’t get any email confirmation message, and the cd key is used, he can’t use it again. We tried to contact you arenanet since the 28 and no answer, he wants his account he paid for it and can’t use it
Could I please have his 12-digit incident or ticket number? Thank you.
ticket: 120916-005007
Waiting for a long time now help me out if can.
My in-game mail doesn’t allow me to send mail. Any time I attempt to send mail to anyone results in the error “Processing previous mail.”. I also cannot put items up on the trading post to sell, it replies with the error
“Error attempting to sell.”
i have this bugg since 2 days ago already help me out if can please.
As this post subject says, please allow five days before you post on the forums asking for a follow-up. Also, this does not sound like an account issue, but more like a bug. You may wish to post this in the bug forum.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Graven.2769
Was listed as closed but my account was not restored completely after being hacked. I updated it to re-open the ticket.
I refuse to play again unless the account is completely restored. Ticket submitted over 8 days ago.
OK, I understand to a degree. I still think it is ludicrous you do not have a mechanism to reimburse or that you intend to install a mechanism that rolls back all progress rather than reimburse but that is your call and I will have to decide if I will tolerate that kind of business decision in the future.
However, you track ip addresses. I would like to know the ip address used to hack my account. I have no delusions of criminal prosecution but I would like the opportunity to contact the service provider and question whether they are aware of the criminal activities of the user. I would also like to suggest you consider posting somewhere the addresses being used to hack accounts. I would be willing to bet they would be tied to some of the gold sellers. BTW have you contacted anyone with information regarding these hacks. If these individuals cannot be held accountable by law then they should at least be exposed for what they are doing.
I did not buy gold or commit any act other than possibly visiting a fan site with information on your game. I am not even sure I ever used the password on any other site that I used for this game. Still, I feel like I am being punished for playing your game. Is that the kind of feeling you want your consumers to walk away with at the end of the day?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Whistler.7492
Hi Gaile,
I appreciate the fantastic work you’re doing here. I was wondering if you could provide a update on my ticket. I haven’t heard back since I responded to the updated questions last week. Thank you.
Update — Monday, 17 September: Part 2
120911-006605 Resolved
120902-008437 Resolved
120906-007244 I responded to this one in the ticket
120825-004909 I responded to this one in the ticket
120903-013436 Additional info requested on 9/14 – please respond
120911-002506 Friend updated 2 days ago; should hear soon
120912-002664 You updated 2 days ago; this should be answered soon
120905-004000 On yesterday’s review list — I hope to have an answer tomorrow
120909-002932 On yesterday’s review list — I hope to have an answer tomorrow
A few of those on tomorrow’s review list:
Hi Gaile,
Is there anything at all left on my ticket #120902-005108? I’m beginning to lose hope because its already quickly approaching week 3 that I have not been able to play. I know I’ve posted here before, but my issue still hasn’t been resolved. It seems it would only take a simple application of a new code to my pre purchase account, and disable my new one.
Thank you for your consideration
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Armory.4739
Posting on behalf of my guildmate who’s email addy isn’t found and can’t access his account.
Reference #120907-005097
My account was hacked 12 days ago. I submitted a ticket and quickly got a response saying your account has been restored, “Go here to reset your password.” So I went there, reset my password. Tried to log in and got “The email address you entered was not found.”
Updated my ticket. Two days later I got a response “Go here to disabled email authentication.” Well that wont work because my EMAIL address isn’t found, so when I try to do that it gives me an error. I’ve now been waiting for 12 days and would like someone to PLEASE look into my ticket.
Thank you
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ChrisTopZ.2685
*Update — Monday, 17 September: Part 1
120909-004170, 120909-003417 Reopened and requested review
More later!
First off thank you for checking in to my case along with so many others.
Just wondering something, my ticket numbers – 120909-004170 (duplicate) & 120909-003417 (closed) still say duplicate and closed next to them under my support account. i’m not sure if the status on both of them was supposed to change or not since you reopened them. Thanks again Gaile.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gamer Bearded.6980
I have yet to get my Collectors Edition items after applying my collectors edition serial code. When I enter it in the register thing it says I’ve already applied it to my account (Even though it says serial code overlap)… yet I have got NONE of my CE items. Please help.
Account: CE Items/DE Upgrade Issues
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aletheides.5693
ticket number: 120910-006627
This ticket is LBOSTON.5987 who cannot access anything. Not forums, not the game it tells him to contact support when he tries to log in. They have sent two answers so far that they reset the account info but apparently they haven’t tested if it actually worked after the reset because it doesn’t. Now it has been silent for over a week.
Last time it worked were 1 hour of early access. That’s weeks ago.
(edited by Aletheides.5693)
ticket number: 120910-006627
LBOSTON.5987 cannot access anything. Nothing has happened for over a week
Plz help him get in.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Adversary.7325
This ticket has been closed.
The problem is concerning the event where the game bought the digital deluxe edition for me twice. (for 4000 crystals) All i want is the 2000 crystals back for the second worthless digital deluxe edition. WHY my ticket has been closed when it was being escalated is beyond me. Thanks.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Nerradus.2785
Day 24 …. hmmm seems I needs to add some kittens to reach the minimum character length to post.
Finally all fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Sir Auric.3908
15 days old
7 from last response
It’s the same problem many have on the Linking Issues/Questions [merged] (and it’s all been explained and I have all my codes and everything in the ticket) Thank you for your time.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: alexandrov.8746
Hey GaileGrey
Writes 3 ??time and no response
Please Access Restored may account am waiting 9 days
Ticket: 120908-007658
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Diogo Augusto.6904
Hey Gaile Grey.
You didn’t mention my ticket: 120824-003258
But the support solved my problem today.
Very thanks for all your attention.
My ticket was closed without reason and I have reopened it. It has been since Sept 2 and still no answer. I don’t quite get it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Reaperschoice.5024
Hello Gaile!
Subject : Serial Code already registered
Ticket number : # 120910-007349
Date created : 09/10/2012 ( 7 days today..)
I’m posting this from my friends account since my problem involves my account. I tried making an account when I bought this game a week ago but there was alot of server issues on the website at the moment so the website kept crashing. When I tried making the account on the page (I tried about 20 times) I just got a error message saying that the website crashed and so on. So I waited for a few hours and tried again then it said that my serial code was already registred on a guild wars 2 account so I tried logging in but I could’nt. I did not get a verification email or anything. More info and a better description of the problem can be found on the ticket. My friend made a post about this yesterday but I got no reply or anything. Please Gaile fix this so I can start playing the game.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dawhip.1573
I see mine is on the list for review today. #120829-012492 – Thanks!
I got an aswer today that did not solve anything!
Waited since last monday for help.
Listen up now!.
I have talked to my bank infact 3 times now, and they have not, I repeat not flagged you guys as a high risk in my bank and blocked further transactions..
It is in your system the issue is.
I have tried everything, and even ordered a new visa and mastercard today.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Yoshiro.4159
Hey GaileGrey,
Hi there i am waiting still for a fix of my account, multiple people told me its a account issue not a bugg.
I even posted it in the section of buggs but no admin or gm are replying to it
Review my ticket if can thanks: ticket: 120916-005007
Hey there. Here’s the history of my ticket:
Ticket#: 120902-005577
Issue: Used Tome of Influence but never received the influence.
9/2: created ticket
9/5: received automated reply from support requesting more information
9/6: replied with requested information
9/10: received an automated e-mail from support saying, “Recently you submitted ticket 120902-005577 to the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. In the time since your submission, we’ve addressed several problems that have likely resolved your initial issue or answered your question.” However, the issue had not been fixed, and so I followed the instructions provided to reopen the ticket and submitted some additional information.
My own 9/10 update is the last update to the ticket’s status. If you could look into this, or confirm that a fix for the problem is on the way, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Hello GaileGray.9587,
I post on behalf on my friend whom has his account blocked since the 11th, he opened the ticket 120911-009121 but had no answer for 5 days now.
Please help him as he encounter the error 122 (which apparently happens also to people having bought the game on the official wesbite), but he pre-orderer, activated his key properly, played since the beta-test, did the email authentification weeks ago, have now a lvl 43 character.. and the support checked his key before the game’s release, to merge his GW and GW2 accounts.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Astewart.8415
120909-004499 Created on the 9th of September about my account being Banned. I still cannot access my account, it is still banned !
What is going on?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209
Ticket submitted 25th August, still awaiting solution: 120825-035702
Received 2 responses from the Support Team, first on 25/08/2012 04:19 PM and the second on 29/08/2012 03:13 AM . Total silence since then, ticket was auto-closed on 10th Sept., followed by an email asking me to confirm if I still needed help. I clicked the link in the email and did indeed confirm I still needed help.
Still being deafened by the silence from the Guild Wars Support Team.
After 21 days I’ve pretty much run out of patience!
I posted the above on the 15th Sept., now it’s the 17th Sept and still zero response! Without a doubt this is the worst customer service I’ve ever experienced!
Third time posting in this thread! I get a very strong feeling that I’m just being ignored! It’s now 24 days since I submitted my ticket and 20 days since my ticket received a response from anyone at ArenaNet!
I did receive the following reply from GaileGray 8 days ago in another thread (
I’ve had my email client open since I read your post in another thread about the email being sent out and it actually arrived about 5 minutes ago in my Inbox! I’ve clicked the link and clicked on the “Yes I still need help” button. Ticket number is 120825-035702.
Great — we’ll get to that asap.
That was because my ticket was auto-closed and I subsequently received an email asking if I still needed help with my issue! Despite clicking the link in the email and confirming that I still need help, my ticket hasn’t received any further response from the Support Team!
(edited by Grizzly UK.1209)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Antares.3984
I submitted ticket# 120828-016512 on launch day (8/28) due to being unable to apply a retail key to the pre-order account I’ve been playing on. I’m now stuck with a blank account and cannot access the characters I created during the 3 day headstart.
Although I acknowledge the monumental task of assisting all the people with hacked accounts, I cannot help but feel extremely disappointed in Arenanet support. I have been extremely patient and have done everything they asked of me i.e. not submitting a second ticket, updating the ticket with relevant information.
Despite all that I have done, they close my ticket, which I promptly reopened, and haven’t heard back from them since then. I have not played the game since launch because I have every intention of keeping my original characters.
What do you think a customer is supposed to do at this point?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: dizlegion.5630
Antares, I can sympathize, I’ve have a ticket opened as well since 9/4 that was closed which I also reopened and have yet to receive a human response from anyone at ArenaNet.
I’m highly disappointed with the support being offered. This is the first company that I’ve ever worked with that has left me hanging this long on an issue.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.