Why can we not get customer service in a timely manner?!?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
My account has been wrongly terminated due to no fault of my own, and I can’t get any answers! I’m mad as heck! I paid for a collectors edition of a MMO game that has no customer service what so ever! My account was banned for illegal gold trading. My time is limited and I haven’t been on the game in weeks to do anything legal or illegal. I’ve only logged on a few times to make sure my character is where I logged him out, mainly because I get 80 emails a day to authorize a log in attempt from China. I don’t think my account has been hacked because I’m able to log into the forums here, so WTH is going on?!? I’ve posted to other topics here under account issues and submitted a couple of tickets now. I want answers, or I want a refund for my collectors edition! To get banned and not so much as an email sent to me to notify me that such an action was coming is beyond belief!
Angry and disappointed customer….
[Incident: 121021-000314]
(edited by Moderator)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Communications Manager
We’d like to help you, but we need the 12-digit incident or ticket number in order to review this.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
[Incident: 121021-000314]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
wow amazing still nothing!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
Hello anyone there?!?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
It took a while and wish I knew why my account was blocked, but thank you!
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ashlar.2519
I’m glad to hear that you are back in game, but there really was no reason to get so hot under the collar. ArenaNet DO have customer support, there is just not a phone number you can call to get there. They have a ticketing system, just like most other major games, and it takes time for the humans in Support to work through the queue of tickets. Just because someone did not get back to you in 5 minutes does not mean there was no support.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
I was mad because my account was banned and not so much as an email was sent to warn me! I paid a lot of money for a collectors edition I had no access to. I sent an email last week when I tried to log in and couldn’t. My time is limited so my play time is limited. So this past weekend when I could play, I actually couldn’t. I had no knowledge my account was banned. I just figured a company that has experience with MMO’s would have additional layers of security prior to launch to keep things like this from happening. Plus to top it off the only way I could resolve this was to send Arena Net an email?!? An email?? Really?? Where is an actually person I could talk to? I mean I could have been up and playing this past weekend rather than waiting for what seemed like an eternity if I could have just talked to a live person on the phone like other MMO’s seem to have. At least in society you are considered innocent until proven guilty. You’re not sentenced until you have a trial. A simple email telling me that something was going on with my account would’ve been great, but instead I’m found guilty and my account is banned. Customer service in a timely manner is all I ask….
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Wombat.8302
good for you, but there’s a lot of other people waiting for 2 to 6 days here…. the topic is next to yours. I’m 24 hours offline without an explanation except a notice that my ticket will be forwarded somewhere….
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
A better system needs to be in place…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: bigjad.8721
same here i have been waiting 5 days now and nothing here is my incident #121023-002056 please get it fix as soon as possible thank you
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Red.1903
5 days no response hundreds of people are affected by this. Hundreds will miss the special one time event ONLY because they were wrongfully banned. I say that the mods have to give those players a second chance at completing this event.
reference # 121027-003487
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
Only if they had phones….
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Red.1903
yes i tried suggesting it but mods say at this time it is not possiable to do this. Its so sad a former game were i played from gamigo had even worse customer service tho the game was called kok3 and u could hardly get a gm once a month so this is nothing new…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Deutero.3986
5 days? wow.. i just login today and my account suspended for an account issue, which is falsely accused. good job Anet, event is ON and I couldnt participate. You really mess-up big time now.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Red.1903
Anet could have done so much better at this but now im banned having to sit here and read about all the funother people are havingand how many other people are affected this basically sucks bad… great job anet
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: hakimi.3097
They really need to improvement. So sad.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Loki.4139
Hey atleast they Replied to your concern! They didn’t even reply to mine! Email, Ticket, or forum post! instead i got infracted lol
And no i did not “vent out” or rage in any of the messages sent.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TheSaint.8072
welcome to the crew of unjustified bans
Incident: 121028-001299
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Aretak.3826
The lack of any response is the problem, initially there’s the robotic messages but that’s it. Last time the main thread got a reply was 3 days ago. Best hope is to keep nagging them because it’s entirely their bad (my incident: 121024-001378)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Remnant.4239
i’ve been waiting for about 6 days….. 3 from my most recent ticket which is the only one i got a reply to… my account was wrongly terminated for gold/item selling. which is funny cause i just installed the game on the 22nd got to play for a couple hours and then finished moving to my new apartment to find out i was hacked and banned within a 24 hour period…. and i got no response, no help. just a massive influx on e-mail login attempts from china…. -_- i’ve completely missed the Halloween event which is what i got the game for now instead of waiting longer cause i know the events can be awesome and i love Halloween. It’s like a massive tease…. get a little taste and they take it away =/ i’m rather disappointed with the customer service because i haven’t gotten any customer service, at all…
incident: 121025-000947
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Red.1903
THANKS ANET I NOW OFFICIALY MISSED OUT ON THE 1 time event IT MAKES MAD. I have been waiting for 6 days for just 1 JUST 1 reply about my issue none have been given i missed out on the 1 time event as im sure MANY others did because anet goes around banning innocent people. Who agrees with me?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MIZERI.3867
THANKS ANET I NOW OFFICIALY MISSED OUT ON THE 1 time event IT MAKES MAD. I have been waiting for 6 days for just 1 JUST 1 reply about my issue none have been given i missed out on the 1 time event as im sure MANY others did because anet goes around banning innocent people. Who agrees with me?
[Incident: 121028-002193]
I 100% agree with you!
I got banned earlier today and still no response, same thing thats’ going around with everyone else, False claims that people are selling GOLD when they are not! I got Visibly hacked! all china and japan ip addresses cloud my email with unauthorized access and i notice when i log in my Materials and 12 slot bag is gone then moments after i finally log in i get banned and locked out of my account. which seems like for witnessing the HACK in progress.. Now I am obviously punished and locked out of my very limited weekend fun with a very limited event i want to enjoy… We Need Fast Answers!! immediately!!!
faith in this company is decreasing as i type…. get on ya game Arena Net!!
[Incident: 121028-002193]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Calico.7920
Incident: 121027-001886
Same here. i also got banned/terminated for selling gold or helping with it, but i havent done that.
I even bought gems from your store to buy extra char slots and bank slots and turned some gems into gold for my self.
So why should i sell gold and risk of losing that all ?
I think i got hacked when i was sleeping and those people did something that broke the rules, cause it played fine till i went to bed and had the ban the day after.
And true, i also hate to mis the event cause i worked hard to get the achievment as far as i got.
And now the chance to compleet it is getting smaller by the minute, and i love achievements.
But then again, i rather have my account back and hope i didnt lose everything.
And the timing is is painfull cause its in the weekend, but the support also need the weekend of like the rest of us.
So be patient and polite, it gets you further then ranting and QQ.
Remember we are all people that can make mistakes
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MIZERI.3867
This Must be some kind of “trick or treat” Halloween Conspiracy!! i am now forced to spend my sunday night before my 5-day work week Drinking and Ranting about the obviously poor security and customer service this company/game is providing, i honestly feel like i wasted $80+ and am stripped of my chance to get the HALLOWEEN ACHIEVEMENTS i fiend for…. -_- but NO! i gotta spend my Sunday from 12 noon to now (9 PM) worried about if i will EVER play GW2 again without spending 60 more bucks and starting ALL THE WAY OVER….. sux… alot…. Arena Net ….. HELLOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Access Lost
Reference # 121028-002193
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Shadow.3289
This problem has been said plenty of times in the forum. I can assure you that they are trying their best even if the service might not be to your liking, ArenaNet is a busy company that has to attend several other issues at hand.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Elis.1940
If you are getting email requests that you authenticate a login, there are two potential situations:
1) someone is sending fake authentication requests in an effort to get you to click on something you shouldn’t to try to compromise your account
2) Your account is ALREADY at least partially compromised because someone is apparently in possession of your user name and password.
In case 1, you should try to deal with it as best you can by checking headers and where links really go to make sure you’re looking at a real email from GW2.
In case 2, you shouldn’t ignore it on the premise that they can’t get past the two-factor authentication. It’s a sign that something has gone wrong and you need to change your password and try to figure out why they have it.
Obviously it’s too late for that to help much for this particular situation, but it’s an important thing to keep in mind for the future (both on GW2 and for other types of accounts with similar security setups).
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grim West.3194
8 days since put in my support ticket.
It is bad enough to be wrongly accused of something I would never do, but to then ignore me after having taken my money reeks of underhanded shenanigans by ArenaNet.
I bought the game, and even paid for an extra character slot. I have never bought or sold gold in any mmo, and I’ve played a ton of them. Never been suspended, banned or even reprimanded in any mmo or game. The fact that their system flagged my account for doing something that is against everything I care about just shows how pathetic ArenaNet is. This stinks of a cheap way to steal money from us.
If you don’t fix this mistake of yours and you still think I am EVER going to give ArenaNet money again after this fiasco then you are the dumbest people on earth.
Fix your mistake.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
I agree completely with the title of this thread, I really do. A larger and more sophisticated support system for fixing these problems is needed. Having an online support ticket system clearing isn’t the best way to do this.
I cannot imagine a chinese gold farmer/account hacker who uses Google Translate picking up the phone to request why their account has been blocked.
All the same, getting angry, and insulting ANet, and accusing them of stealing your money etc isn’t helping anything. You’ll just get black marks against your name on their system for being abusive.
The fact of it is ANet is an incredible company, who make incredible games and offer an incredible service to their customers. Yes, their current system is not working as intended, possibly due to the sheer amount of players, innocent and not, using it. They could not have predicted the future pre release and seen that they would face this kind of problem. The game base has already grown way past their expectations.
Give them a break. Be constructive.
(And before people jump down my throat and slate the kitten out of me, I too have been affected by this. I haven’t been able to play for days, I’m worried that I may have done wrong my accident, I missed the halloween event, and I’m upset and annoyed and restless. But I’m doing my best to be constructive, and be a part of this great community in a good way, not a bad.)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grim West.3194
Guild Wars 1 and 2 are great games, maybe my favorite mmo’s. But their customer support is by far the worst in the business.
And it is because of their customer support that I may never do business with ArenaNet again.
8 days without any response is unacceptable. And I refuse to treat people with respect who do not respect me. They deserve my ire.
I was a loyal customer of ArenaNet’s at one time. I convinced a lot of people to play this game. I even run a small guild. But this whole situation has soured my attitude towards them. I will not be recommending this game or any other ArenaNet game to my friends. Why would I? Taking a customer’s money and then ignoring them is theft. And I don’t deal with thieves.
(edited by Grim West.3194)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I’d like to at least know what I’m accused of…
In other news, ~2 hours till ArenaNet starts work. Maybe we’ll see a response by their time midday for those of us who’ve been waiting longer than 3 days.
That’s 5 hours away, by the way.
(edited by Mexay.4521)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
I’m just saying Grim, I don’t think it helps to just rage. I mean, I was on another thread, and I think I may have found out why they think I’ve been real money trading. Through constructive discussion I may have worked out why I have been banned.
Being angry can go two ways for you. It can make you look angry, or it can make you look guilty. And looking guilty can’t be good, ya know?
If anything you’d want to flirt or sweet talk them. Calling them thieves or trying to lure them into retaliation to their claims isn’t gonna get a response. Or maybe it will. Just my two pence.
And Mexay, yeah, I’d like to know what they think I’ve done. Its the not knowing that is messing with me. Cos if I have kittened up, and lose my CE account, I can’t see myself wanting to reply the 2 months of gaming I’ve done. Its an awesome game, but working to what I’ve done so far all over again makes me feel a little ill.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
I’m just saying Grim, I don’t think it helps to just rage. I mean, I was on another thread, and I think I may have found out why they think I’ve been real money trading. Through constructive discussion I may have worked out why I have been banned.
Being angry can go two ways for you. It can make you look angry, or it can make you look guilty. And looking guilty can’t be good, ya know?
If anything you’d want to flirt or sweet talk them. Calling them thieves or trying to lure them into retaliation to their claims isn’t gonna get a response. Or maybe it will. Just my two pence.
And Mexay, yeah, I’d like to know what they think I’ve done. Its the not knowing that is messing with me. Cos if I have kittened up, and lose my CE account, I can’t see myself wanting to reply the 2 months of gaming I’ve done. Its an awesome game, but working to what I’ve done so far all over again makes me feel a little ill.
For me it’s a DE and CE down the drain, as I most certainly wont be playing on my other account.
What message are you receiving when you try to log in?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Grim West.3194
getzzzonked, if you think I look guilty because I’m mad at being treated poorly, then you need to get new glasses.
Your way of dealing with thugs is beneath me or anyone with self respect.
I was perfectly willing to have a civil conversation with ArenaNet but they treated me as guilty first, and then ignored me. You get what you give, and ArenaNet has given me nothing but ill treatment.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
Yep. Exactly the same as mine.
Whichever of us gets unbanned first should message the other via the forums to say what happened :P
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
Yep. Exactly the same as mine.
Whichever of us gets unbanned first should message the other via the forums to say what happened :P
You’ve been queued for longer than me, so it’ll probably be you :P
Let me know, yeah? xD
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Calico.7920
Same screen for me, i will keep you all also updated
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
Ta Calico
When I get my head past the terrifying thought that I might lose my account, the thing that annoys me most is missing halloween =( The one time event has already past, and judging by the wait queues it’s gonna be a few more days, so halloween is out for me.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Calico.7920
Ya had the luck that i could look at the one time cut sene of the mad king popping out of the lion statue on my little brother his pc in the room nexst to me
But im more scared of losing my account than missing halloween tho.
Already bought gems a couple of times.. so its a expensive lost if i dont get it back
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
Grim, dude xD I’m not trying to cause you any offense here, I don’t think you look guilty, I don’t see you as a thug, and most importantly I don’t wear glasses.
Mexay, screenshot below. I’m on my mac at work but I use a desktop at home. Don’t log in from work, but did attempt to help ANet with bugs during mac beta.
Yep. Exactly the same as mine.
Whichever of us gets unbanned first should message the other via the forums to say what happened :P
You’ve been queued for longer than me, so it’ll probably be you :P
Let me know, yeah? xD
You’ll be the first to know, other than my housemates who will hear me screaming in joy… or rage.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: getzzzonked.7609
@Calico I know what you mean, but I’m trying to think positively about all this. I’ve done nothing wrong, so I’m sure I’ll get my account back.
@Mexay Cheers dude My girlfriend went apekitten when she heard about all this (she knows I am right GWFanboy xD) and she plays herself but only with me. She crocheted me a Zojja doll for my birthday and everything xD She wanted to get a petition together on Facebook and all sorts of ludicrous stuff xD Was funny to be honest, she is a right gem when she is angry xD
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mexay.4521
@Calico I know what you mean, but I’m trying to think positively about all this. I’ve done nothing wrong, so I’m sure I’ll get my account back.
@Mexay Cheers dude
My girlfriend went apekitten when she heard about all this (she knows I am right GWFanboy xD) and she plays herself but only with me. She crocheted me a Zojja doll for my birthday and everything xD She wanted to get a petition together on Facebook and all sorts of ludicrous stuff xD Was funny to be honest, she is a right gem when she is angry xD
Hahaha, that’s adorable, in a way.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Biggie.9847
Seems every new MMO needs some sort of an authenticator at launch…
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Calico.7920
There is a Authenticator that you can use already (and i must say faster after release of the game then most of the MMos that i know off)
I have one on my account even.
Only my problem is, that i had disconected my authenticator to test a connection error in game.
At the start of the Halloween event there whas a Authenticator bug that resulted in conection errors and disconects.
Thy advised at that time to disconect the authenticator from your account until it whas fixed.
So wen i got a new conection error . i tried to shut it of and see if it helped.
It didnt, but i forgot to activated wen i went to bed.
And the nexst morning, my account got a ban.
So i think it got hacked (had a few log-in attempts from chine while i live in the netherlands for i got the authenticator)
So its also my mistake.
But for most peeps, i advise to get a authenticator.
It isnt waterproof, but i gives allot more protection.
Incident: 121027-001886
(edited by Calico.7920)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KaruroMon.7158
here’s mine for a account issue which i have no freaking clue what’s it about gods just let me play i swear i havnt dont anything wrong!
Incident: 121030-000233 & 121029-003191
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: MacDizel.6345
Arena Net has a support system? From what I’ve read and seen it’s more like those Discover Card commercials with that bearded guy named peggy… I can’t think of any better description than this:
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkfyreAlgoma.4967
Anyone see a repeating theme here?
Time to maybe solve 90% of the issues by banning China I.P.s Altogether.
As well as ALL proxy sites,TOR exit nodes, and also when new hack attempts are done and PROVEN to Ban that I.P. as well.
Remember China Forces Prisoners to FARM for RMT and the government keeps it.
Liu says he was one of scores of prisoners forced to play online games to build up credits that prison guards would then trade for real money. The 54-year-old, a former prison guard who was jailed for three years in 2004 for “illegally petitioning” the central government about corruption in his hometown, reckons the operation was even more lucrative than the physical labour that prisoners were also forced to do.
“Prison bosses made more money forcing inmates to play games than they do forcing people to do manual labour,” Liu told the Guardian. “There were 300 prisoners forced to play games. We worked 12-hour shifts in the camp. I heard them say they could earn 5,000-6,000rmb [£470-570] a day. We didn’t see any of the money. The computers were never turned off.”
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294
People keep beating the dead horse argument about Anet having poor security. Well let me share a quote from the OP:
I’ve only logged on a few times to make sure my character is where I logged him out, mainly because I get 80 emails a day to authorize a log in attempt from China. I don’t think my account has been hacked because I’m able to log into the forums here, so WTH is going on?!?
[Incident: 121021-000314]
80 e-mails a day to authorize a login attempt from China? At what point does one think this isn’t a huge problem? You only get authorization e-mails when SOMEONE ELSE HAS YOUR E-MAIL AND PASSWORD. So instead of changing the password, he let it go. Then, the hacker finally got access to it, and used it to move Gold through the account. Thus the ban for illegal Gold trading.
Gaile and the team keep linking Mike O’Brien’s article about security, but no one reads. The only ones who have a right to complain are those who got their accounts banned due to a bug. Everyone else falls into one of the following:
A) Login and password stolen from another site
B) Password too simple, or too common
C) GW2 password too similar to another password that was stolen
D) Keylogger on PC (lack of personal security)
E) Shared account with a “trusted friend”, only to have everything disappear
Hackers don’t steal accounts to play on, they do it to launder stolen goods so their bot accounts are kept safe. I assume a majority of everyone who gets banned and says they never did Gold trading is telling the truth.
TL;DR – If more people would learn to be more secure about their pws, there’d be less support tickets. Less support tickets = less problems = more time for Anet to respond to real issues.
ps – Don’t knock on Peggy. He’s wonderful.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: DarkfyreAlgoma.4967
It is estimated that 80% of all gold farmers are in China and with the largest internet population in the world there are thought to be 100,000 full-time gold farmers in the country.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.