2 Hall builds patch 6/14 bugged for arena
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Hail! The flame trap is unavailable as an upgrade that can be purchased, although its being sneaky and popping its head through the UI. We’ve some bugs in on it, and for now the Treasury will only accept donations for the new WvW Reward Track upgrade. I hope this gives some peace of mind and thank you for the bug report! <3
My guild has this bug, but it also seems to be preventing us from getting the new WvW potion. We have all the materials in the Treasury, but the potion hasn’t shown up in our tavern.
My guild has this bug, but it also seems to be preventing us from getting the new WvW potion. We have all the materials in the Treasury, but the potion hasn’t shown up in our tavern.
You have to go to the war room and approve the upgrade.