2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103



I do a dungeon tour everyday at reset, and we speedrun through the majority of dungeon paths. For over a month we have been noticing a bug with our rewards. At first it did not happen often, but now it happens more often than not, and it’s becoming quite a huge loss if you add it all together.

Certain dungeon paths we are doing give us only 2 tokens in the pop-up reward instead of 20 tokens. Thus, we get 40+2 tokens instead of 40+20. Our opinion is, if we are too efficient and run through the dungeon too fast, we will encounter this bug.

It happens in SE and COF a lot. Sometimes in TA and CM too.

Here is an example during one of my streams, skip to 56 min 56 seconds.

That is just one example, I can provide you a dozen more if you want. I’ve probably lost over a 1000 tokens in various dungeons due to this.

I’ve reported this a long time ago but nothing has been done yet.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: My Attack Will Kill.7816

My Attack Will Kill.7816

Completing the path consecutively or in less than 30 minutes triggers a second type of DR, which reduces the base reward for that path by half until reaching a minimum value.


2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Well first of all, half of 20 is not 2. And second, we only complete each path Once after reset, we don’t repeat the same paths so should not be encountering DR

If your saying that completing any two paths within a 30 main window will cause the second path to award 2 tokes….that’s both absurd and inconsistent because there are a lot of paths that take under 10 main to do and this DR doesn’t happen.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

(edited by Nyspar.6103)

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

By half each time until reaching a minimum value. If you use the same character, and that character does nothing but the dungeons in question, DR won’t reset until that character goes off and does other kinds of content. DR doesn’t reset with the Daily reset.

Try using another character, or doing other content with said character for awhile.

Good luck.

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Sorry I believe you are incorrect and misunderstand the issue at hand.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Tree.3916


This is not an issue with running the same path multiple times. It is an issue with running distinct paths only once a day. If you watched the video you would see that the number of tokens awarded is inconsistent with the DR model currently in place.

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2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: hybrid.5027


By half each time until reaching a minimum value. If you use the same character, and that character does nothing but the dungeons in question, DR won’t reset until that character goes off and does other kinds of content. DR doesn’t reset with the Daily reset.

Try using another character, or doing other content with said character for awhile.

Good luck.

Since you didnt watch the video he linked you can clearly see that he is running that path for the first time of the day. There is a bug with some paths where you get 40+2 instead of 40+20 the first time you run it. Please stop talking about DR when this is not a DR related issue.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Nyspar.6103


PvP track gives correct/incorrect reward, dev post on the same day

Dungeon gives incorrect reward….who cares amiright?

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: dlonie.6547


who cares amiright?

You are correct, sir.

We could use a Justin/Evan/Josh for dungeons :-(

But I guess that has the prerequisite of a team actively working on dungeons.

We can dream.

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Day 118: Received 2 tokens after a grueling SE path 1. Will this ever end?

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kappaccino.8295


LOL ! It happened again. I was watching stream live when it bugged to 2 tokens.

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Wiella.8567


Just curious – did you check that you actually recieve exactly 2 tokens and not 20?
I mean – it might display that it gives 2 but actually add 20 to your funds.
Though I really doubt that is the case.

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Happend to my group today, in Sorrow’s embrace we got 2 tokens intead of full reward, we haven’t done the path in the day.

Snow Crows [SC]

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hybrid.5027


Just curious – did you check that you actually recieve exactly 2 tokens and not 20?
I mean – it might display that it gives 2 but actually add 20 to your funds.
Though I really doubt that is the case.

Yeah, it also gives only 2 Empyreal Fragments which are less important but easy to see in your inventory.

I know who I am, do you know who you are?

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Without dev confirmation, it’s difficult to know for sure, but I’m convinced that this is how Diminishing Returns in dungeons was designed: don’t clear too quickly. Possibly, that type of DR is outdated, since few people run the same path multiple times/day anymore.

Instead of discussing whether this is (or is not) a bug, I’d recommend making a suggestion that the devs review the dungeon rewards, including any dungeon-specific DR. I don’t think this particular mechanic can be changed without looking at the overall impact of all dungeon rewards (and also comparing to other sources of tokens and gold, such as PvP reward tracks).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Support’s generalized copy/paste response:

Thank you for contacting us once more regarding the issue you were experiencing.

Issues like the one you reported often are complex to resolve, and the time it takes to fix them can vary widely based on the severity and complexity of each issue. Because of this we are unable to provide a timeframe in which the issue might be resolved.

We appreciate your help and the information provided and would highly recommend you to keep sending in game reports of the issue, If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

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Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

At least they answered !

Snow Crows [SC]

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


That was a copy/paste response that the offshore support guy from Asia will give for anything he doesn’t understand or cannot fix immediately. I’m looking for an actual dev response.

And some more examples, as my original link may expire soon.

TA path forward. 2 Tokens

2 Tokens on SE path 3. To prevent this from happening in Path 1 (which we did right after), we actually AFK’d at the start of the dungeon for about 5 minutes to make it appear it took us longer than it does to complete the path, and prevent 2 token bug, which seemed to work this time. Seriously, forcing us to AFK for full rewards :?

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

(edited by Nyspar.6103)

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: perry.9645


today we managed to even only get 1 token by doing a normal tour http://i.imgur.com/vQb9GN7.jpg

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


today we managed to even only get 1 token by doing a normal tour http://i.imgur.com/vQb9GN7.jpg

Now THAT is next level RNG. I have yet to encounter this epic level of DR from a daily

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: perry.9645


the problem still exists and isnt fixed http://i.imgur.com/iQPzxOz.jpg <- this happened today we got only 2 tokens in SE and only 1 in cof p1 followed by 2tokens in cof p3

2 Tokens In Dungeons >Penalizing Speed Clears

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


That’s what you get for dealing damage!
Luckily bumping threads is not affected by whatever feature ™ is causing this.
