A range limitation on fire blast finishers?
I don’t play Scepter Elementalist, so I’m not sure how that works, but I know for a fact that the application of combo blasts is an area around the spot where the blast finisher and combo field take place. The Area Might combo popup just tells you that you’ve created the combo (either by placing the field, comboing into it, or both) not that you were affected by it in any way.
I doubt that you could get Area Might to apply to yourself at 900 range before, and if you could it was most likely not intentional. Do you have any videos of getting it at 900 range, pre-update?
Unfortunately no as i didn’t expect this issue to happen, but i’m definitely sure it was the case, hence my feeling about the current range limitation being kittened up.
(and the 400+ fractals i played with scepter/focus)
This change is a big nerf for scepter/focus elem players.