"AOE Loot on interact" not working
Just tried it, works for me. It has a range of 900 units iirc.
from what I found the AOE looking works if you put a tick in the box, but it doesn’t work if you assign it to a key as well.
Same experience as Thundolfe. I checked the box, it worked once, didn’t work again.
Same problem.. but when I used a different keybind for interact and AOE looting. It would AOE loot when I used my new interact key -_-
from what I found the AOE looking works if you put a tick in the box, but it doesn’t work if you assign it to a key as well.
Pretty funny to have the exact opposite experience, haha I heard that if you are not in range of a lootable mob, but are with 900 range of it (ie not in ‘interact’ range) the checkbox option works. I can’t imagine that’s intended behavior, so something or other is funky.
This happened to me as well, doesn’t work with the Interact key, but seems to be working if I rebind Aoe Loot to another key.
Having the same issue/s. Checked the box, it worked One Time. Does not work any more. I have:
Restarted Client – No Change
Rebooted PC – No Change
AoE Looting has only worked the Single Time, after the original Checking of the box.
Stuff! Stuffy stuff stuff stuff!!
I’m using AoE Loot on Interact and it’s working on and off. Things I noticed that might be interfering with it’s use:
1) Terrain (somewhat line of sight’ish)
2) If you already have the “Search” dialog option on screen (would loot only this one corpse)
That might be way off, but that’s what I’ve been experimenting so far.
Tarnished Coast
Does not work for me.
theguildless has it right. I think most people are (by instinct) stopping on a bag then trying to AOE loot. That will only pick up the single bag (notice it says Search, not interact). If you just hit ‘F’ while near unclaimed loot, it seems to work.
From the release notes:
but will only trigger the AoE Loot functionality while none of the forms of the interact dialog are visible.
In short, the interact dialog (literally any form of it “Greet”, “Talk”, etc) cannot be on screen. We have it this way because of internal feedback. The functionality stems from an issue people were having while, for example, harvesting. It was really awkward to harvest something and have your inventory fill up by other junk.
I do realize that it isn’t really communicated well in-game, mostly because of it being a last minute change (we also increased the range!). That being said, I’ll probably revisit this feature in the near future and see about giving it that extra spit shine polish .
Thanks for the update Bill, I think that is kind of weird (because it still promotes smashing the F key repeatedly), but using a bound AOE Loot key is fine by me until it is improved. Thanks for posting!
(edited by Thundolfe.9302)
i guess the option to have AoE loot is better than not having it. but i’m still spamming f all the time in WvW. it’s like im still pre-patch.
i hope this gets changed, why not allow the regular loot on f key to be overwritten by AoE loot if we have the option ticked? all the regular actions > loot. but Aoe loot > loot on pressing f. that’s what should be happening
The whole thing seems kinda odd.
If the current interact is ‘loot’ for the (default) F key, meaning all the other rules have been exhausted (wherever rezzing, talking, etc fit in the hierarchy), then ‘loot’ is the current ‘interact’ winner.
Now that we know loot is the interact winner in a given moment. If you have the AoE checked, why does it not work then?
I guess I just don’t understand the term “AOE” loot very well. I have it enabled, but I still have to stop at every single body/bag/chest and press “f” in order to loot each one. So my understanding is that AOE Loot pulls everything from that single bag into your inventory, but you have to interact with every single body/bag/chest around you in order to loot everything.
I really thought AOE Loot was so that you only had to interact with whatever was near you (within loot range) and ‘all’ loot belonging to you would go into your bag on one “f” press.
lynspottery, as noted before, it currently only works if no other dialog is up. That includes a search option for a single bag. That will only loot one bag. As unintuitive as it may sound, move away from bags, then press ‘F’ to AOE loot.
Just keep in mind there is a seperate keybinding for AoE Loot that will always work, regardless of Interact prompts.
Just keep in mind there is a seperate keybinding for AoE Loot that will always work, regardless of Interact prompts.
Which is great, and was option 2 (if you were crazy and didn’t find 1 useful).
But I was looking forward to 1.
I wish I had recorded a movie of this, but I just killed 2 Arctodus bears in Frostgorge and they each had loot. I have the AoE thing checked. They were literally right next to each other. I had to hit F twice. There was no other possible interact command with any other object near me at the time.
I guess I just don’t understand the term “AOE” loot very well. I have it enabled, but I still have to stop at every single body/bag/chest and press “f” in order to loot each one. So my understanding is that AOE Loot pulls everything from that single bag into your inventory, but you have to interact with every single body/bag/chest around you in order to loot everything.
I really thought AOE Loot was so that you only had to interact with whatever was near you (within loot range) and ‘all’ loot belonging to you would go into your bag on one “f” press.
Pressing F once to loot everything on a single body is already an option called autoloot in the options menu.
This new AOE loot from what I gather requires you to not have any interact popups on screen such as “Loot” or “Harvest”. You press F and it will loot all bodies in a short range. If there is a interact pop up on screen, that will take priority over AOE loot. Alternatively, there is a new keybind to force AOE loot and ignore all interact popups.
I’m confused. My AoE looting also does not seem to be working. I get that it isn’t supposed to work when there is an “interact” dialogue box up, but that does not include the “loot” interaction box, right? I’d assume that the AoE looting should work when there is only a loot dialogue box up. If that is how it’s designed, then it’s bugged for me as well.
BUT. IF aoe loot is enabled then f to loot SHOULD be aoe loot. this is not the case but it SHOULD. if u dont want f to aoe loot. dont enable aoe loot.
imagine this scenario. aoe loot not enabled. aoe loot key on l.
if i press l i loot everything. if i press f i loot 1 at a time.
another scenario(the one that should be happening but its not)
aoe loot enabled. aoe loot not binded to any key/binded to whatever.
if i press f to loot i loot EVERYTHING in aoe range.
I just cleared four mobs from the holographic dragon and each had loot to be had. There were no other prompts for the interact key, and I have both aoe loot and auto loot on. Yet I was still required to press the loot key four times.
I just cleared four mobs from the holographic dragon and each had loot to be had. There were no other prompts for the interact key, and I have both aoe loot and auto loot on. Yet I was still required to press the loot key four times.
The “Search” or “Loot” interaction obviously counts as being something that will break “f” aoe loot, so in that case you would either have to step away, or use a bound key.
(I am not saying this is how it should work, just saying how it works now).
Just got home and tested it. You have to be away from the bodies and from any interact popups including “Search”. Just press F and you see the sparkles all come towards you with the loot. If you are looting one at a time, it is because you are walking up to each body and autolooting as normal. If you are near lots of lootable bodies and you already have a “Search” popup, then just press F twice. The first F will loot the nearby body and the second will AOE loot the rest.
The reason why AOE loot takes the lowest priority on the interact function is to not interfere with other mechanics. You will notice things like banners and turrets already have priority over loot when pressing F so that when you are fighting you do not have trouble picking those up instead of looting.
(edited by kokocabana.8153)
that’s not the problem. at all.
atm the priority is something like this:
why is it not:
why am i forced into single loot unless im away from the body. why can’t i aoe loot every single time. i WANT to aoe loot every single time. if i didnt i would untick the option and do as it was pre patch.
im not saying its a bad mechanic its good im glad its here, and it helped a ton in wvw tday, but i think there’s room for improvement and imho making aoe have a higher priority than single loot is the way to go.
we tick option aoe>single. we dont tick the option single>aoe.
thats the way it should be
AoE loot is not working for me, and i’ve made sure to be both within 900 range of dead mobs and not in range of anything interactable. i have it toggled on, and no matter how many times i press F, the loot in front of me won’t be picked up unless i stay on top of it and mash F like we all used to.
I had someone walk me through the process as he understood it (over mumble). What I found was not every time will the AOE loot work as it apparently is supposed to. I did not have any other interaction up (i.e., talk, search, etc.) and pressed my “F” which is the loot function as well as every other function in the entire game…this is not a very effective setup in my personal opinion.
However, once out of three tries it did work…not every time. So there appears to still be a problem with this. As for putting the loot on another key bind, that would make sense if “F” did not also cover “everything else” as well. That is a problem. Why can’t “AutoLoot & AOE Loot” be a separate key press from “F” instead of bound to “every other interaction” in this game?
I have “F” mapped to one of my mouse buttons for ease of use since I constantly spam it in fights to make sure I don’t miss something. This is frustrating since I’ve lost so many bags in WvW because I went into a downed state and was defeated with all my bags at my side and I cannot interact with them in that state. I’ve only had one or two actually follow me to the Way Point which I understand happens if a player you have tagged before you are defeated dies after you Way Point out.
(edited by lynspottery.6529)
From the release notes:
but will only trigger the AoE Loot functionality while none of the forms of the interact dialog are visible.
In short, the interact dialog (literally any form of it “Greet”, “Talk”, etc) cannot be on screen. We have it this way because of internal feedback. The functionality stems from an issue people were having while, for example, harvesting. It was really awkward to harvest something and have your inventory fill up by other junk.
I do realize that it isn’t really communicated well in-game, mostly because of it being a last minute change (we also increased the range!). That being said, I’ll probably revisit this feature in the near future and see about giving it that extra spit shine polish
Why didn’t the internal feedback folks just uncheck the box?
Or disable Autoloot?
Or, I don’t know, just get rid of any unwanted junk?
I was really excited to see this in the patch notes, but when I enabled the box in the Options menu, I saw absolutely no difference in any behavior whatsoever. To me, it’s completely nonfunctional; if there’s anything to loot, it happens only when I stand on the corpse and press F. And then I move to the next corpse, right next to it, and press F. And the one next to that. And so on.
EDIT: Apparently I saw no difference because I had the option to “Search” for loot. Naturally, that means I only search the one corpse, not the several other corpses nearby with the sparklies on them. If I want to “AoE loot,” I have to do it when there is no “Search” option visible.
Was it only added as a way to loot bodies that you couldn’t see/reach? If not, I’m confused… Although it should (hopefully) solve the problem of being defeated ten feet from the shiny corpses, assuming it can be used while defeated (no “Search” options will be visible, right?).
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
(edited by RoyHarmon.5398)
Didn’t work for me at all with checkbox selected.
I got it to work finally and here is what I did:
Check the box for aoe loot in main settings.
Set F as the key for aoe looting
set H as the key for interact.
It now works the last 10 or so times I’ve used it, waiting a few seconds between attempts.
4 Warriors, 3 Rangers, 3 Mesmers, 2 Engineers, 2 Guardians, and Necro, Thf, Ele
-Beastygate Beast Milk, OG BG Veteran Native
I understand if you don’t want to loot when “gather” or “talk” etc. is chosen, but “AoE Loot on Interact” should work when you “Search.” As it is currently, it doesn’t AoE loot when you loot.
The only time it works for me is when there are NO options whatsoever… so if I’m standing right next to a lootable enemy, I can only loot that enemy. If I move away from it I can loot everything in the area.
This feature is definitely bugged and needs to be revisited soon.
Personally, I don’t understand the reasoning behind putting single-target loot as a higher priority than multi-target loot. After all, if the user has checked the by-default unchecked checkbox to allow AoE looting, they’re probably interested in looting all surrounding bodies with one click. Thus they shouldn’t complain if that’s exactly what happens. Conversely, if people (for some reason) do not want it, they leave the checkbox unchecked, and AoE looting will never occur unless they specifically bind it.
So, what’s the issue with the priority being Harvest > Talk = Investigate = Revive = FINISH THEM!! > AoE loot if ticked > Search?
Don’t get me wrong, I love the function, but you know what would make me love it more? Not having to run away from the battlefield in order to collect my spoils.
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I can understand most interact options overriding the aoe loot one.
But it makes no sense whatsoever that the “Search” option overrides the aoe loot option.
That’s what myself and every guild member I’ve spoken to expected the “aoe loot on interact” to change – that “search” became “aoe search”.
Pet AI awful. Sword root+Aussie latency unmanagable. Lost playstyle, lost legendary, given up.
Mell: 80 Asura Guardian (+7 other 80s) | Aus Serenity [AUS] | Jade Quarry
AoE loot doesn’t work for me.
1. I have AoE loot on interact set to on.
2. I kill 4 Aetherblades or different mobs in a lesser than 900 radius (their bodies are stockpiled actually).
3. No other interact option is present (gather, talk etc.).
4. I press F interact button to use “Search” and gather loot from the body of just 1 mob.
5. I only get the loot from this 1 mob, I have to use F on all other ones manually.
EDIT: Whaaat? AoE loot doesn’t work if I have search option present? It’s for looting so it’s only natural it SHOULD AOE LOOT. What’s the point of having this option if it doesn’t work this way? And yes, I know I can bind it to a different key, but I don’t want to, that’s not how it should work.
(edited by KiLLiAN.5629)
i guess the option to have AoE loot is better than not having it. but i’m still spamming f all the time in WvW. it’s like im still pre-patch.
i hope this gets changed, why not allow the regular loot on f key to be overwritten by AoE loot if we have the option ticked? all the regular actions > loot. but Aoe loot > loot on pressing f. that’s what should be happening
I just bound it to the movement keys (forward, backward, left, right, jump), that should always work. But the range should be at least that of the highest range offensive skill (not portal...) in the game, not 900 units.
I just bound it to the movement keys (forward, backward, left, right, jump), that should always work. But the range should be at least that of the highest range offensive skill (not portal…) in the game, not 900 units.
Wait, you can do that? I would’ve thought it would give you the “override” warning and unbind the movement functionality when you assign the autoloot one (as I experienced when I tried to bind it to the F key).
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Keep in mind that sometimes the interact popup do not show even when you are within range of a interact-able. Until now i have considered it a minor inconvenience, but with this change it may become a real bother.
Please note that I’m not against this feature. It was the one change I was most excited about (guardian scepter projectile speed was a close second), but I find it very counter-intuitive to only have it work when you’re not given the option to “Search.” I would use a keybind for it, but after 10 months of dancing on the F key, it would be strange to split that functionality.
Personally, I wouldn’t care if it AoE-looted every time I press any button. If my inventory is full, I’m going to want to deal with that. Or walk away. Regardless, my actions will close the loot window, and everyone will be happy. “Awkward while harvesting and having your inventory fill up with junk”? That’s not a bug, that’s a feature! Honestly, though, isn’t that why you have the checkbox or the keybind? I’m not afraid of having so much junk in my inventory that I can’t hold my ore; I can deposit collectibles and, if nothing else, salvage a blue item or destroy the smallest junk stack and then deposit whatever I harvested. I’m more concerned with thinking I’ve looted when I haven’t. As it is, there’s no indicator (aside from the maybe-visible shiny corpses) that there may be a need to AoE-loot.
I’m glad BillFreist seems to be aware of the polish issues here. (That’s “refinement,” not a localization problem.)
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
atm the priority is something like this:
revive>talk>interact>LOOT>AOELOOTwhy is it not:
Well, the “greater than” shows reversed direction. I’ll write the orders reversed (compared to yours).
The previous priority order was:
- Loot → Revive → Interact
You couldn’t loot the fractals hammer with a dead person on it. ANet also annouced a change of order once and used the one I just said.
The new lost might be:
- Loot → Revive → Interact → AoE Loot
This feels really, really awkward. So you can’t AoE loot if there was anything near you, even if it’s loot.
So I suggest a version which needs a bit of code (acceptable amount, I think). You’d probably need to add another option into the dropdown called “always try to AoE loot” to preserve the current function and the following:
- Loot (+) → Revive → Interact → AoE Loot
This looks the same, but you’d need to add the AoE looting function into the normal loot function (copy of function or another parameter). So anytime you loot from a corpse close to you, you’ll automatically try to AoE loot. But if there’s no loot close, but a plant, you’ll harvest. If there’s loot on a downed buddy, you’ll (AoE) loot first – like before and currently – and then revive. If there’s no loot near a downed buddy, you’ll revive first – like before and right now. Only if there’s nothing close to you, the AoE loot will search in your far area.
And if you’re at it, use different colors for “loot”/“AoE loot”, “revive” and “any other interact”.
I just bound it to the movement keys (forward, backward, left, right, jump), that should always work. But the range should be at least that of the highest range offensive skill (not portal…) in the game, not 900 units.
Wait, you can do that? I would’ve thought it would give you the “override” warning and unbind the movement functionality when you assign the autoloot one (as I experienced when I tried to bind it to the F key).
…using a programmable keyboard
I have this bug too. Sometimes autoloot works, sometimes no. Don’t know why.
Ok sorry, I got a chance to finally test this morning. It totally works. My bad.
I didn’t understand that it couldn’t even be the ‘loot’ interact that could interfere with it.
If you want to AOE loot, don’t have any interact popups and that includes “Search”. Very simple. I’m guessing people that are having problems are melee since they would be near the bodies after a fight, but for range this AOE loot should be easy to understand.
If you kill a bunch of things and then are next to a lootable body and have the “Search” popup. Press F once to loot that body and get rid of the popup and then press F one more time to AOE loot everything in the area.
(edited by kokocabana.8153)
Wow, this feature doesn’t work even if the ‘Search’ interact popup is near? Well that is really…. weird. I have to get AWAY from the loot in order to loot it?
I’ll have to test this out further myself.
I think I’m gonna have to move the standard interact key to F13 and bind area loot to F.
No more unwanted NPC dialogue! yay!
If you want to AOE loot, don’t have any interact popups and that includes “Search”. Very simple. I’m guessing people that are having problems are melee since they would be near the bodies after a fight, but for range this AOE loot should be easy to understand.
If you kill a bunch of things and then are next to a lootable body and have the “Search” popup. Press F once to loot that body and get rid of the popup and then press F one more time to AOE loot everything in the area.
Or more accurately, the second press loots the second body. And the third loots the third body. Repeat until the amount of presses n equals the amount of mobs you’ve killed. After that, the next press, n+1, will engage AoE looting… but then there’s nothing to loot.
Also worth noting is that the AoE loot is on a 1 second cooldown after you’ve used the interaction hotkey, NOT after triggering an AoE loot search. So even if you do loot the first bag and the rest are far enough away to not be lootable, it’ll still take you 1+ seconds to get all the loot – at which point it’s debateable whether or not running away from the first bag to engage AoE looting first is more time-saving.
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atm yes. you need to get AWAY from the body to loot. having no interact option available means having no search option available. the 1sec cd is not a problem. the aoe loot works on a 900 range. u take more than 1 sec to move 900 units so thats it not a problem.
i would like very much to get a response from arenanet on when is this gonna be changed, and if it’s not, then why.
this is one of the top posts atm, and everyone posting here has the same issues, it makes no sense to move away from bodies to loot in an aoe area. just overwrite the search option for it to become aoe loot when there’s more than 2 bodies to loot.
ofc this isnt noticeable on ranged professions, but on a melee toon this makes a lot of diference. i do WvW with my warrior. every time my guilds pushes a high priority targets there usually another guild defending. that means 20 players stacking in the same place trying to prevent us from conquering the objective. As a melee character i get right in the middle. i don’t even notice the aoe loot cause i still have press the f button 20 times. that or i move away from the fight just to loot.
any oficial comment on this tread would be great
(edited by RNJesuz.8905)
the 1sec cd is not a problem. the aoe loot works on a 900 range. u take more than 1 sec to move 900 units so thats it not a problem.
I’m assuming that was a reply to me, in which case, you missed my point. My point was that it is debateable which is quicker out of two scenarios:
1) Looting the first bag, wait one (1) second for the cooldown to expire, hope no other bags are close enough to trigger an interaction, and press the interaction button for AoE looting,
B. Moving far enough away from the traditional loot distance (which most assuredly is not 900 units) and engage the AoE looting.
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If you just want to AOE loot above all else and not worry about other things then there is a new separate keybind just for that. Bind it to Shift+F and it will only AOE loot and do nothing else. Now you will have F for normal interactions and single looting and Shift+F for only AOE looting.
If you just want to AOE loot above all else and not worry about other things then there is a new separate keybind just for that. Bind it to Shift+F and it will only AOE loot and do nothing else. Now you will have F for normal interactions and single looting and Shift+F for only AOE looting.
Again, missing the point. It’s not about “AHMAGERD I have to spend another two seconds looting?!”, nor is it about “another keybind? Worst game ever, -2/10”, nor is it about “I bought this game, that means you have to make changes I request! /unsub”.
It’s about it not making any kitten sense. There is absolutely no logical reason to why the game cannot prioritize AoE looting BEFORE single-target looting, yet AFTER all the bogstandard interactions that already take precedence over looting.
Yes, it gets the job done. But it doesn’t do it in the most intelligent and smooth way possible. Think of it this way, it’s like two possible answers to the question “what is 5 times 10?” The first answer is “take the number 5, add a zero to the end, and you get 50”. The second answer is “double five and you get ten, that’s one tenth of a hundred so ten times ten has to be a hundred, then since you doubled it to begin with you’ll have to split the number, so half of a hundred is fifty”. Both of these calculations are correct, but one is obviously unneccesarily convoluted and unintuitive.
And that’s the issue here. Not that the function is present, not that it works the way it does mechanically, but the way it is triggered is unnecessarily convoluted and unintuitive. There is no logical reason for it to NOT be triggered regardless of whether or not you’re standing within range of a single loot bag. If there is a logical reason, please divine it upon me, for I cannot see it.
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