Annoying Sound Bug
I’ve posted about this a few weeks ago.
The issue is that in big scale battles (WvW in particular) my sound just stops and starts emmiting an annoying humming noise. Sometimes this problem is followed by an instant freeze of the game (sometimes crashes,sometimes freezes. If it freezes I have to manually kill process).
If the game does not crash, I have to restart the game completely to get my sound back.
This is frustrating as I play in WvW high queue times – I have two choices – either to carry on with no sound (mute the game because of annoying humming – i’m using stereo headphones, and the noise only emmits from the left earphone if this matters).
My other choice is to restart the game and have to queue a long time to play the main part of the game that interests me.
I’m just wondering if Anet has made any progress in identifying this problem/taking steps to fix this – as a keen player of WvW it leaves a sour taste in my mouth everytime i’m burdened with this issue in a organised 5 man party.
Thats the sound I get when I do the dragon events.
Is this on the fix roster?
Were you just at Jormag? I was there and crashed with this bug, too. :\
Bug has been around for too long, do hope it gets fixed soon.
Happens to me all the time. Its to the point where I just mute my client during dragons.
Were you just at Jormag? I was there and crashed with this bug, too. :\
Bug has been around for too long, do hope it gets fixed soon.
I just done the dragon in the grassy areas, not specific to Jormag. Although I did do Jormag tonight and got the same.
I had this a lot, and my game would crash shortly after. Also farming in Orr, most annoying thing ever missing stuff because of having to restart the game.
But lowering sound quality fixed it for me. 2 ticks below whatever max was, I think(not in game now so can’t check).
Varl someone suggested that in game to me (maybe it was you), lowering sound quality. I’d prefer keeping sound quality as high as it can be though.
I don’t think I’m being stubborn for the sake of it to prefer a fix. I mean, it’s honestly not that big of a deal, but it is annoying.
(edited by Paul.4081)
oh wait, just more gw2 bugs. Putting sound quality on medium doesn’t fix it.
oh wait, just more gw2 bugs. Putting sound quality on medium doesn’t fix it.
It did work for me and a lot of other people.
oh wait, just more gw2 bugs. Putting sound quality on medium doesn’t fix it.
It did work for me and a lot of other people.
I don’t know about dragons (never happened to me there) but doesn’t work for me in Ascalon Catacombs.
Mine is fixed. Problem happens in anywhere where there is a lot of players (30 or more). Problem happens when taking a Keep in WvW too.
How to fix:
step1. Change Sound Quality to Fastest
step2. Change VOIP Ducking to 0.
Would be nice, to hear any news from the developers about this issue.
Thank you!
Mmm, SIIIIIiiimple proooOOoooblem. YooOoou see, your computer simply wants to be a Quaggan.
Also… the above poster is nearly right on in the solution. This happens if your Sound Quality is set to “Best Quality” (Far Right) and the sound is suddenly barraged by a volley of too many different sounds (often during WvW or Dynamic Events that have 15+ players attending). Set your sound quality down one tick to the left. It should resolve the problem. If you still get the pulsing noise after changing it, keep lowering the quality until you are certain you’re no longer experiencing the issue.
Also, make sure that you do this after restarting the game. Or don’t~ but your game will crash if you adjust the sound quality while the pulse loop has been hit. So you’d have to readjust it after you restart from a crash anyway.
Needs more cowbell!
That siren sound bug is truly annoying ancient. Btw my card should easily be able to handle this traffic. :/
When I’m playing WvW I’m really playing LSD.
Feedback about this issue would be most welcome at this stage – perhaps a fix will be coming with the big update this month? Anyhow, as stated many times before in this thread, a temporary fix for this, is to reduce your sound quality slider to one notch below maximum.
I’ve not heard the “WOO WOO” sound bug for a week or two, but it seems to have been repalced (for me, at least) by sounds going missing in similar situations. A large portion of the sound effects just stop playing if I’m in a fight that involves more than just a few players/enemies.
There is an easy “test” if you think you’ve encountered this bug. Open the main options (or any other window with different tabs, such as the Hero window), and check to see if the tab-swapping sound effect still plays. It’s also very apparent with certain skills, thief’s Unload being one of the most obvious as most of the gunshot sounds are silent.
Fortunately, fixing this is easy, but it will quickly bug again if you’re in anything bigger than a solo fight. Go to the sound options and change the quality slider, this seems to reset the sound. You can immediately put the slider back to where you want it, it just has to be moved to fix it.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
This bug is not just annoying! Half of the time I get it it causes the game to crash! I missed looting dragon chests three times this week because it happened right before the dragon died, and I missed the chest at the gates of Arah the same way. My brother also plays and we are roommates and almost every time we do WvW or a big even together one of us will get this bug. Then the other brother laughs at him and is promptly rewarded by getting the bug as well. How can this not have a fix yet!?
Since today i have it to, no matter where i play or do, pve, wvw, dungs etc, after few minutes of playing the sound change into an anoying BEEP BEEP BEEP…..
And , as said in this topic before, nothing helps.
Pls fix it or give some answers/help. its realy ruining the game for me atm.
Got this bug 3 or 4 times this week, while playing WwWwW… Please do something about this.
Legio Umbra [LU]
Piken Square
is this ever gonna get fixed? it’s quite gamebreaking when u can’t even play WvW since u crash right after u get this bug. i haven’t played much WvW at all for the past 2 months because of this.
I got the sound bug as well playing WvW not 10 minutes ago. My game hasnt crashed due to it but it is annoying. My only fix is to have the game change audio device which then cuts out all audio from the game. Though if I change back to my sound card i get the annoying sound.
It only happens in WvW when there is a large battle around. It almost seems like the sound buffer is getting over loaded and crashing. I have tried different sound setting and nothing has seemed to work yet.
Can we get a fix on this please? It has happened at least 6 times tonight, and if I do not manually restart my client, it will crash to the desktop.
It was happening in PVE, all around Cursed Shore.
Happens to me too
Most recent was yesterday during the battle vs The Claw of Jormag.
One thing I’ve noticed.
The “EarCheck Sound Crash” seems to occurs when there is a hudge number of player on the map:
Dragon events
Zerg train in WvWvW
Updated my Xonar DX to their new Win8 drivers.
Will see if it helps
Same bug for me today against megadestroyer.
The warning noise happened twice for me yesterday. Restarting the client fixed it. There is no effect even if the Master volume is reduced.
Happens a lot to me in a specific place in Twilight Arbor (path FF, shortly after the second group of dogs).
The problem seems to be caused by the same sound (perhaps some ambient sound?) being played multiple times just very slightly out of phase. I wonder if it’s some kind of race condition with the thread starting the sound (not realising the sound is already playing, and starting it multiple times).
Quaggan does not like woo woo sound :-(
I get the sound bug literally every single time when taking part in the Claw Of Jormag event. And if i don’t completely close down my game within a certain amount of time my game crashes.
Same as LazyCanuck. ^ both dragons, Sunless, and Claw. Hope you can fix it soon!
I thought it was just the quality slider but with a bit more testing it looks like I can avoid the bug completely by moving the mixing buffer size slider all the way to “most stable”
I never getting it then, even with sound at highest quality
can other people try this out?
(edited by Mojo.8431)
Add another one to the list of people affected by the “sound bug”. There’s 3 types of sound issues I seem to be encountering.
1. The “burst of noise” : Most of the time I get the occasional ‘burst of noise’ just running around. Doesn’t matter if I’m the only one in the vicinity or if I’m in a large group. If I have the speakers on it’s not that big of a deal, however I often have Team Speak up so that I can talk to my friends. Which requires a headset. Imagine a extremely loud burst of sound assaulting your ears with a headset on. Not pleasant! And often painful to boot.
2. “Oh God the Pets!” noise : I play a necro as my main. There are several reasons why I do not play with pets. One of which is the fact that often when a pet is summoned I get the noises the pet makes (footfalls & such) coming out extremely loud. So loud that I cannot hear other game noise or understand other people when they talk in Team Speak. (Sadly I cannot live with out the Reanimator skill that summons a Jagged Horror because I adore the Greater Marks major talent, but that is my only “pet”.) It will also occasionally happen with other people summoning their pets. Not much I can do about that.
3. “Woo-woo me to death. Literally.” : The game killer. The extremely loud “woo-woo” tone that many people seem to be experiencing. Seems to happen in large “zerg”-type events. A large group of people (somewhere in the vicinity of 25 to 30 or more) all using abilities that make sound will overload something in the game & cause that ‘woo-woo’ noise. The only way to fix it is to restart the game. This particular ‘bug’ will often freeze the game totally. The only way to fix that then is to Ctrl+Alt+Del, bring up the Task Manager, & close out the ‘not responding’ game. A new thing happened today though (which prompted my posting here). After the first woo-woo & freeze, I tried to get back into the game before the event was finished (Jormag event if anyone’s interested) only to have the woo-woo noise return, freeze my game, AND lock up my computer.
TLTR: Sorry for the long post but long story short… Loud random bursts of noise, loud pet noises, and the loud ‘woo-woo’ tone that can crash/freeze the game &/or computer.
Don’t know the cause. Don’t know the solution. Tried drivers. Tried settings. DO NOT have these issues in any other game. DO NOT have these issues with any other type of audio/video source. These issues are Guild Wars 2 specific.
I love GW2. Devs, please fix this. My ears & my sanity will thank you.
(edited by Aubey.1785)
Thanks for the reports, everyone! This is an issue we’ve been tracking for a while now, and I’ve heard we may have a fix for it in the next few days. If you continue seeing it, please let us know.
Two months later and no fix
Thought it might’ve been my (now ancient) SoundBlaster card causing this but I switched to on-board sound 2 weeks ago and yesterday I got the sound bug twice in a row. Had to Alt+F4 to quit and then when I started up the game again it literally happened right when I spawned in. This was during Jormag but it happens in any large group events and seriously needs to be fixed. Crashing during WvW is unacceptable and game-breaking because of how much distant is lost on d/c.
Just happened at the wurms attacking the hut in Wayfarer Foothills a simple event with not many people and one skill that was used that makes a bubble noise set it off.
Then A guy on the map chat after I re-logged and reloaded client said he never gets it and his sound is all off… I call BS. Even the best machines on this thread get this bug.
I think a certain engineer skill causes the bug. First a baloop boop boop (the engineer skill in question) then WOOO WOOO WOOO WOOO!!
This is so frustrating, no sound when playing Guildwars. Can this please get fixed soon?
Aralon Scutum – Charr Healing Guardian
Far Shiverpeaks! – Guild of Tweakers [GoT]
I too have been facing this obnoxious sound bug whenver I’m in WvW or running Events. It sounds like a beeping noise, which just occurs in mass player enviornments. I thought it may be a sound card issue at first, however it seems that this is becoming the same issue for many players. The only solutions so far is just to restart the game, when I return the problem is fixed. The bad thing is that lately the bug is crashing my game. Are there any solutions to this problem Arena?
Just figured I’d add myself to the list of people waiting for this to be fixed. Woohoo.
is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
~Douglas Adams
Have this bug occurring a lot in highly populated areas, has resulted in a crash twice whilst fighting Jormag, both times during the last %5 of the fight when
there is a LOT going on.
PLEASE FIX THIS, it’s ruining a great game.
(edited by Funkyguru.2319)
I resolved this issue for my by lowering the sound quality from high to medium
Haven’t encountered the bug since.
This is continuing to be a problem. I had the same issue today while fighting on the karka island during a large group fight, which is always the case. I had turned my quality slider down a notch from max because it was happening all the time about a month ago, and the other day I turned it back up just to see if I would continue to have the problem. And I did. Today the sound bug was quickly followed by a client crash which froze my whole system and required a hard reboot.
I have had music on full and all the other sliders on 50% except VOIP, which is at 67%. Mixing buffer is at lowest latency. Don’t know if that information is useful at all, but thought I’d add it.
I just had this bug (again) as well during the Lost Shores event in the Bakestone Cavern. No game crashes or anything, just the sound going all wonky.
I had the sound bug yesterday for the first time during the final event.
(been playing since beta)
The sound lasted for about 3 minutes and then it was followed up by a crash.
Would it help Anet if we post our pc build?
The Goonie who wasn’t in the movie.
Count me in. I was playing the event yesterday too and had this bug for the entire event. I don’t know what causes it, but thought first, that my onboard soundchip got ripped apart… That’s the very first time, I encountered this issue.
I have experienced this bug with my Bear recently as well. Until they fix the bug, I am now using different pet until it breaks too.
I do wish Anet would get moving on these bugs.
can’t believe that almost 3 months after the release this audio bug is still not fixed…
I ran into this for the first time doing the Ancient Karka event Sunday….no crashes, thankfully, but it persisted for a good 30m or so until I finished the event and exited the game entirely. That said, I haven’t encountered it at all since (of course, I haven’t been in any events anywhere near that scale since then either).
I fixed my audio bug with the droning noise where all other sound is stopped by lowering the audio quality from high to mid level. Fortunately I only use a headset so the quality reduction didn’t really affect me.
Just figured I’d add myself to the list of people waiting for this to be fixed. Woohoo.
adding myself too