Another Bug WvW - Vet Enemy In Owned Props
You might want to move this over to this thread where they are tracking and addressing issues with WvW bugs.
welcome to the past 2 days
welcome to the past 2 days
I don’t want that thread where there are three or more separate issues that need to be looked at.
Each one deserved their own thread.
One issue out of many was addressed – the rest have been here all day and not one person who can fix it has popped in to the forums to say they see the score-changing and ongoing glitches.
welcome to the past 2 days
Maybe that’s why I was compelled not to be here for some of it…
WvW is important to many.
I don’t see how it was broken when not I didn’t see any physical changes or update notes to explain how all these things happened at once on a simple update that didn’t seem to have much to do with WvW.
Anet breaks things all the time in updates that have nothing to do with what they broke. This should not surprise anyone. Also, the dev who noted the issues is already aware of this. Might want to read the whole thread next time.
Anet breaks things all the time in updates that have nothing to do with what they broke. This should not surprise anyone. Also, the dev who noted the issues is already aware of this. Might want to read the whole thread next time.
Issues that impact the scores, literally, are not being addressed.
I read the “whole thread”.
Putting each in their own thread gives anyone a chance to see, much more clearly, that the issue is there.
Griefing me for posting what just cost us two towers isn’t productive nor very logical.
I searched for this issue before posting this thread.
Sorry the search engine has never worked but I am not sorry for posting this as a separate and gaming-changing issue that has yet to be addressed.
I just watched two red archers fighting each other in our tower lol. Then a green one appeared and it was a three way.
You gotta admit its pretty funny. And its not like WvW score really matters or is even affected by this. The most populated server is going to win like always.
I just watched two red archers fighting each other in our tower lol. Then a green one appeared and it was a three way.
You gotta admit its pretty funny. And its not like WvW score really matters or is even affected by this. The most populated server is going to win like always.
Say that when you lose a tower or two and all your siege because of it…
We just did.
Putting each in their own thread gives anyone a chance to see, much more clearly, that the issue is there.
Did you miss the part where Chris, the dev, said to post any other issues in that specific thread so he could address them? Why would you do exactly the opposite? Also, nobody uses the built in search engine on this forum because it doesn’t work. Try “ whateveryou’relookingfor” in google next time.
I fail to see how some vets’ spawning in towers are, " impacting scores" , they don’t stop the tower from being upped’
Say that when you lose a tower or two and all your siege because of it…
We just did.
You can just take the tower back, and get WvW XP and Karma. That’s how Karma Trains work in EotM.
Putting each in their own thread gives anyone a chance to see, much more clearly, that the issue is there.
Did you miss the part where Chris, the dev, said to post any other issues in that specific thread so he could address them? Why would you do exactly the opposite? Also, nobody uses the built in search engine on this forum because it doesn’t work. Try “ whateveryou’relookingfor” in google next time.
I predict Ark will be the new wvw forum ‘specialist’. I think they should get a special sig that contains a white knight:-)
Right, because I spend all my time defending Anet. Take a minute to click on my profile and view my highly rated posts. There are few more critical than me.
Right, because I spend all my time defending Anet. Take a minute to click on my profile and view my highly rated posts. There are few more critical than me.
You know me. I have run with you on the server you are on right now.
On the server I am on (no names, I am not breaking any rules even if it would serve my point) we have now lost several towers which changes the score – taking it back does nothing about the points that were taken, the properties lost and the time and money spent to try to keep them.
Not sure why reporting a very bad bug is getting griefing at all – agreeing makes sense, adding more info makes sense, but this? It just reeks of strange and illogical.
When anything changes the score it should be inside the parameters of the stated program – these bugs are not intended and are instrumental in changing scores – that makes it a specific problem to be addressed not ignored while the enemy runs over us because they have help from inside.
How a couple of enemy veterans can not only survive friendly veterans but not even take damage from me when I hit them for several seconds after I hit them makes no sense in any case and says a bunch about the “defending” veteran versus the “enemy” veteran – they should be equal but they are far from equal and they do make a difference.
(edited by atheria.2837)
Say that when you lose a tower or two and all your siege because of it…
We just did.
You can just take the tower back, and get WvW XP and Karma. That’s how Karma Trains work in EotM.
Who in the heck was talking about EoTM?
Putting each in their own thread gives anyone a chance to see, much more clearly, that the issue is there.
Did you miss the part where Chris, the dev, said to post any other issues in that specific thread so he could address them? Why would you do exactly the opposite? Also, nobody uses the built in search engine on this forum because it doesn’t work. Try “ whateveryou’relookingfor” in google next time.
Did I miss it? Since the search engine doesn’t work of course I didn’t see it.
Being unkind about what can’t be known without knowing where these magical posts are, is just wrong.
Say that when you lose a tower or two and all your siege because of it…
We just did.
You can just take the tower back, and get WvW XP and Karma. That’s how Karma Trains work in EotM.
Who in the heck was talking about EoTM?
I was. Letting an enemy take a tower so you can take it back is a tactic of Karma Trains. So even if you lost an EBG Tower, look on the bright side of things. That’s just one more place to capture.
Meh. I sense that I’ve been a bit grumpier here than usual. Don’t take it personally.
Siegerazer’s Yak, given enough time, can take down a gate and Siegerazer will take the tower on his own.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
This isn’t a bug, it’s the next living story update . Random guards are mutinying against the servers. Next update there will be NPC zergs going around the map taking towers and keeps and all the servers will be force to form a truce to stop them. The final boss will probably be a legendary defender.
This isn’t a bug, it’s the next living story update
. Random guards are mutinying against the servers. Next update there will be NPC zergs going around the map taking towers and keeps and all the servers will be force to form a truce to stop them. The final boss will probably be a legendary defender.
Now we understand why towers will start upgrading themselves!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Say that when you lose a tower or two and all your siege because of it…
We just did.
You can just take the tower back, and get WvW XP and Karma. That’s how Karma Trains work in EotM.
Who in the heck was talking about EoTM?
I was. Letting an enemy take a tower so you can take it back is a tactic of Karma Trains. So even if you lost an EBG Tower, look on the bright side of things. That’s just one more place to capture.
Apparently you aren’t comprehending that when the tower is lost, every time it is lost, the other team gains in score?
I am so confused that you and so many others don’t comprehend that it’s not a “take it back” issue, it’s an issue of an outside influence, one not intended can and does change the scores on every server when things like this are allowed to continue.
Another “build” and yet the Veterans are not only still there, it has become worse.
Instead of one Veteran in some towers, now two and three at the same spot are spawning.
So what was the build to fix if not WvW?
Anything but WvW
How about putting a blurb into the build notification to say what the build that is kicking us out of WvW is fixing and what is STILL, hopefully, being worked on????
(edited by atheria.2837)
As of today before reset, there are now up to three Veterans spawning in each spot;
More than enough to take down all inner siege and Veterans who are supposed to be Veterans but act like kitten rats or rabbits.
Please fix the ever-growing number of enemy Veterans in friendly properties.
If this behavior is not intended – how did it happen and how is the problem continuing to escalate beyond the one it was to the three that it is now?
If it is intended, please point out in the notes where I may find the change and the reason thereto
It’s truly exhausting trying to keep up because they are always contested by inner spies on tower walls and inner keeps – might as well put permanent swords up for all and say that we must guess before committing troops in that direction.
(edited by atheria.2837)