(edited by mXz.4512)
Bank - Materials TAB > Client crash
Every time i’m tryin to open my material storage instead i got client crash. Now i’m just staying in LA and watching other people running around. It’s not fun.
Upd. This bug not depends on where i open my storage.
Upd2. Four reports send, mb it will work someday
First I buy many mystic coins and put them in the materials tab.
Then, mystic coins are reintroduced in an event and I try to sell them.
I can´t and price crashes.
I haven’t had any trouble using storage from Rata Sum, WvW, Orr, or the new maps. (Haven’t tried LA.)
Screenshot added.
Someone has said that if you move the shared slots back to the top of your bag you’ll stop crashing.
Move your shared inventory slots back to the top if you’ve moved them and see if that stops the crashing.
Someone has said that if you move the shared slots back to the top of your bag you’ll stop crashing.
Odd, this worked. Dragging and moving the shared slots seems to cause the crash. And thanks for the tip
But that’s definitely something to look into.
Move your shared inventory slots back to the top if you’ve moved them and see if that stops the crashing.
Wow, it works! Thanks!
Really, GW2 is full of wonders!
Yeah, the bug seems to be that if you put your Shared Inventory slots to the bottom, it’ll make you crash upon attempting to look at Material Storage.
At least we’ve figured out what on our end is making the game crash….now they just have to figure out on the code on why moving those slots makes the game crash.
Hi all!
Thank you for taking the time to submit this issue. It’s being looked into as I type this message and is being treated as a high priority.
Khani is correct that when I moved the shared inventory slot back to the top of my inventory bags, I no longer experience a client crash when interacting with the bank storage’s. Once I was done with the bank, I moved my shared inventory slots back to the bottom and was fine. I hope this helps you while we work on getting a fix out.
Every time i’m tryin to open my material storage instead i got client crash. Now i’m just staying in LA and watching other people running around. It’s not fun.
Upd. This bug not depends on where i open my storage.
Upd2. Four reports send, mb it will work someday
Hi Lorrey,
I believe your issue may be related to this: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Bank-Materials-TAB-Client-crash/first#post6223754.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
If this helps, this is the assertion message
Assertion: location == ConstItem::LOCATION_INVENTORY || location == ConstItem::LOCATION_INVENTORY_ACCOUNT
File: ..\..\..\Game\Ui\Widgets\Inventory\InvView.cpp(1091)
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
Having the same problem. Happened twice in a row. Will try moving my shared bag back up top.
Doesn’t happen when moved back up top.
Since today’s update (June 28), the game crashes when I try to go to the material storage tab at any crafting station. No error message, though the crash reporter does open.
Here’s hoping my material storage data wasn’t corrupted somehow.
your issue sounds like this one. it’s related to the shared bag slots.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Thanks, that was it! Hopefully they get a fix in soon!
i have had this problem today too, i wanted to make sure that it was material storage so i tried it 5 times, and it was.
Guild Wars Vet since 05
multi-class all game modes
Phew, at least there is a temporary “fix”. I liked having my shared inventory tab on the bottom though…
as titled
twice happened
I’m not sure, exactly, what you are reporting, but if it is a crash when accessing the Bank Materials window, it seems the crash is caused by having moved the Shared Inventory slots from the top of inventory. If you put it back at the top, it should keep you from crashing until the Devs institute a ‘fix’.
Good luck.
having issue with this also. go to open materials tab crashed 3 times. will also try moving temp inventory back to the top
Fix incoming for sometime later today
Every time I open the crafting material tab in the bank my game crashes. It’s a consistent issue and is really annoying because now my materials are unreachable until this is fixed.
Anyone else having this problem?
it’s related to moving the shared bag slots. Dev post says there’s a fix coming later today
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Thanks for the help. I honestly had no idea what was causing the crashes.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Screenshot taken with phone since client crashes.
Nice to see it’s fixed. Also I just wanted to take the opportunity to give a hint to OP and anyone else: If you need to take a screenshoot in these cases you can do by clicking the Taskbar, making sure that no other application comes to the front, and then press Print Screen, then open an image editor (e.g MS Paint) and just paste it (Ctrl+V or Paste button) and voila