Belcher's Bluff Bugged?
He’s a norn, did you expect it to be easy?
I think either someone got the tooltips backwards, or the skills really are broken.
I dont think it is possible to beat adnul irongut
Belcher buff is based on the idea of a rock paper scissor approach.
However, npc have higher tolerance and hp bar than the player.
Drinking alcohol removes 2k hp and drinking water removes 1k.
Belch requires 3 sips of liquid before use.
The issue with this boss is that it rather impossible to beat the boss unless you know the enemy moves beforehand. Adnul Irongut always uses skill 1, 3, 4 and never skill 2 which is a buff.
Since the boss has a higher health bar than you and will drink water often, this game literally become a battle in which the player and enemy trade constant blows with each other. It not possible to use bluff effectively because the opponent will almost always be able to drink liquids more often which allows him to belch more often; therefore forces the player to either press 1 and press 3 and waste a heal. As noted above, belch requires 3 sips of liquid and most of the time you have been bluffing which means the opponent is probably near full health while your health has been dropping. As the enemy health drops to 50% range, bluffing is no longer an option. The enemy spam their signature moves which prevents the player from bluffing.
In addition, the enemy has better sustain and takes less damage. In the end, you are pretty lucky to even take away 80 percent of the norn’s health. So far, my greatest success is almost winning but the computer cheated by healing within 2 rounds of each other. My strategy was to use belch and my special moves to counter his heals and use my heals to counter his belch and bluff the rest of the time
fixing the heal will help alot
(edited by loseridoit.2756)
I certainly can’t beat Irongut. I heard it was pretty easy before when you could use food to boost you through. They fixed that before I thought of the idea.
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)
This is kitten hard…way TOO hard. I almost beat him, jast one more sip, but he heals then his CD on heal was NOT expired (yes, I count moves, it’s have to be done to make it even close to “victory”). But this not all, sometimes he jast RANDOMLY punishes you with his signature move effect then his signature move WAS NOT activated buy him, for example: I blaff at first turn and was srike buy his signature effect then he dont telk or have signature effect icon on him…DaFQ? And this can happend twice in are row. Sometimes you was strike twice buy this random s*et and then you get “official” activation of his signature move…5 turns in are row you cant blaff…wtf? Rly?
Fix this plz, I stabborn person and this s*et mad me hard…
I really enjoyed the Whispers mission version of this minigame. I also really have enjoyed the first few NPC characters I’ve played against and eventually bested… Until I got to the norn. After over an hour of getting him down to about 25% and then failing, I just can’t take it anymore. This isn’t fun, it’s infuriating. I cave, norn. You win. Kitten this.
‘Adnul Irongut has calmed down, no longer insisting on critiquing at every possible moment.’
From the latest patch notes:
Had abit of trouble with the norn but figuring out when and what signature move to use ( like the last frog challenge ) and they should be doable with abit of luck.
That said i had more trouble with the charr than norn simple because at times the charr would heal 3 times in row ( didnt have the anti heal at the time ) making it impossible and when i finally beat him it felt more random than me figuring out the tactic to win. I guess norn have similar issues.
But try learn the signature moves from the easier ones and you should be able to beat em the antiheal one is great if you get one below 50% and pop it.
Even after the so called ‘patch’ of Irongut, he is still waaayyyy to difficult. I’ve spent at least 2 hours hacking away at this beast of a man, and still nothing. This is ridiculously stupid, and they need to fix it even more, and fast.
for some odd reason I had more trouble with the human than the norn
Had abit of trouble with the norn but figuring out when and what signature move to use ( like the last frog challenge ) and they should be doable with abit of luck
That said i had more trouble with the charr than norn simple because at times the charr would heal 3 times in row ( didnt have the anti heal at the time ) making it impossible and when i finally beat him it felt more random than me figuring out the tactic to win. I guess norn have similar issues.
But try learn the signature moves from the easier ones and you should be able to beat em the antiheal one is great if you get one below 50% and pop it.
the charr was pretty easy
all you have to do is to stop his signature heal. his normal heal will not be that useful in repleshing his health
you didnt need the anti heal, you can simply use boast to acquire another belch
He isn’t as bad as people are making him seem. I beat him before the nerf and didn’t even realize that I could have used consumables to raise my health. It only took about an hour to beat him. Considering he is easier than that now, it is definitely doable. Just work on your strategy. They all follow a slight pattern of what skills they will use, so you just need to learn how to counter each one. From what I’ve seen on the forums, people seem to just want to use bluff over and over (hence the norn being the one people are complaining about), but mixing in real drinks is a really important part of the game.
Not to mention its only the first few days, they don’t intend for achievements to be done in the first few hours of a patch. Lots of people seem to think as soon as a path comes out they need all the achievements.
The tooltips for the skills say that drinking is 10% of your hp. You have 10k during the matches. When you drink it takes 2k of your hp. The drink water skill is supposed to heal 20% . Yet when you use it , it heals for 1k. Are the tooltips wrong…or am i reading this wrong… or is it just bugged.. Adnul Irongut is turbo hard!
I too would really like to know this. Losing 1K for a drink and gaining 2k for a heal makes it a much more even and fun game.
As it stands, the only strategy we have against npc’s is to bluff like crazy, as we can only take a maximum of 8 real drinks in a match (that is assuming you get off 6 whole heals, uninterrupted). That makes it really hard to recharge your belch to effectively combat their heal. Otherwise, your best bet is just to pray or try and cheat.
The math is simply staggering when you think about it. Adnul either drinks, water, or belch. He can take water every 4th turn to heal for 10%, belch every 4th turn to damage you and lose 0 life, and then drink 2 turns in a row to lose 5%. This essentially means that he could easily stay at 100% played optimally. The only way he goes down is b/c they purposely coded him to drink more than he has to, so that people feel like they MIGHT have a chance.
To defeat Adnul, he needs to take at least 20 + 2*(n_heal-4) + n_belch turns to beat. If he tries to heal every 5th turn and belch every 5th turn (going dddhb-dddhb-dddhb-dddhb…) you would need to last 38 turns against him (perhaps only 33 if your belches do decent damage as well). Now b/c you get damaged so much for each drink, and heal so little, you would be able to get off ~6-7 heals + 8 drinks that gives you the opportunity to use 5 belches. This means you would need to be able to bluff 18 times, which is very hard to do with his critique.
Like I said, its just pull and pray…
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
Someone shoot this norn in the gut. There are about 3-4 problems with the norn I can point out.
1. First three turns is impossible to bluff. He has a 100% chance to counter it.
2. Too much HP
3. Spams Signature move too often.
4(This is what I think is going on since I’ve seen it happen every time) After he uses his Signature move the first time his, Belch gains a secondary effect. If he Succeeds in using his Belch on your Bluff, he instantly uses his Signature move. In some cases it refreshes the turn count. And since he drinks a liquid all the time, his chances of hitting you with this is stupid High.
- comes from him finishing the previous game with the sig move up, basically.
This guy is nuts, it shouldn’t take an hour to win (if you do!) a game of (basically) Rock Paper Scissors.
i beaten them all. :/ its not really that hard when you learn the ways of the enemy