[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Seth.1079


Until this is fixed I suggest going in with someones whos is not bugged to complete it. Thats how I got past this bug.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Valgen.2564


Still bugged for me. Whenever I go to the NPC’s to start it, I wait for the dialouge to finish, and then it just greys out the text and there is no more green star above treahearnes head. Not even a cut scene.

Why say that you fixed an issue, when its clearly not fixed for everyone.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I get the same, I got to defending the docks, I get 1 or 2 waves of mobs spawning and then nothing happens.

I see so many bugged events and quests since I hit 40 that I’m starting to wonder if there was any testing done past that part.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Jaded.8591


Same happening here, got one wave of risen, and now stuck at the docks

Server: Jade Quarry


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: luap.2308


Same problem here. stuck at, Story objective: Speak with Trahearne
Name: Riegin
Race: Charr
Class: Warrior
Legion: Iron
Level: 80
Order: Vigil

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Napsack.8059


I cannot progress past the first objective after reporting to Traehern. The next objective never updates and I’m just stuck there.
Name: Svakesa
Race: Human
Class: Guardian
Order: Vigil


(edited by Napsack.8059)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Jason King.2647


Jason King.2647

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Thanks for the reports, everyone. We are still investigating this issue and working towards a fix!

ArenaNet Community Team
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[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: ariane.4837


I get the same, I got to defending the docks, I get 1 or 2 waves of mobs spawning and then nothing happens.

I see so many bugged events and quests since I hit 40 that I’m starting to wonder if there was any testing done past that part.

Exactly the same. Soldiers don’t follow me anymore, risen are not enemies. Stuck at the docks, nothing happens but five or so risen knights flying right at the door, respawning every time I kill them.

I’m human, female, mesmer with Durmand Priory choices and I’m doing this solo at level 80.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Vestergardi.7806


As many other players I have encountered the bug where the story cant continue when the story mission comes to protect Fort Trinity’s dock.
here is the possible solution to it.
There is a mob called “Risen Subjugator” will appear at the right side of the dock when u r facing the ocean, you have to kill him ASAP or he will stuck under the dock therefore preventing the mission to proceed. This tip helped me fixed the problem and I hope it will do the same to you .

This is correct – the quest almost bugged for me – until by chance Trahearne started bugging out under water (by the docks) as if he was trying to get to something within the docks foundation. By putting down some AOE damage on the dock I managed to slowly kill the trapped mob and complete the step.

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


so if i understand correctly the current workaround is to kill the subjugator, this will “fix” and the quest procede correctly?


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


tried again but i’ve already discovered the POI and the quest is still bugged and quest stop at same point

Name: Simmons The Spawn
Race: Human
Class: Elementalis
Order: Whispers

(edited by SimmonsTheSpawn.4716)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: GeeViouS.7980


This has been bugged for me for about a week now and just after the patch on the 18th, I thought I’d give it another try and still stuck on “Talk to Trahearne”.

Level: 80
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer
Order: Order of whispers

Thoughtbludgeon – [TB] – YB/SoR

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Tont.3745


exact same thing happend 2 me… yet i try couple times more.
Last time i was really hopeless – i just let them kill me (port def.) and Voila! Story continues! (take gear of an run into.. its quick… promised – u wont feel a thing :P )

So.. its simple – just die

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


sorry but how can you die? Some quests stucks on “Talk to Trahearne” no mob appears so no way to die.

also tried with some guilds members that do not has the bg, but my user story still stuck at the same point.

(edited by SimmonsTheSpawn.4716)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: SimmonsTheSpawn.4716


nope…after today update (about 140MB ) still blocked at same point…attach a screen to show where quest blocks


[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

It looks like maybe they are honing in on the problem. I would reply to Jeffery Vaughn’s question in this thread:


That might help speed up finding a solution.

(edited by Sideshow Mel.4587)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: GaryC.4897


defeated the 1st wave and then nothing, you would think they would would have tested this high up

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Nazzarus.9678


I had this bug.. this is how I got past it.

First buggy spot: defending the dock.

solution: Make sure you are right next to traherne, on the dock, when the last mob is killed. There are two ramps at the center of the dock that lead into the water. If the last mob killed is on the left, it will make the cutscene work. (Attempted it with right and it didn’t)

buggy spot #2: retaking the docks
Issue: If you die, this will break. (I died on the stairs, and restarted from checkpoint, the NPC friendlies just patrol the inner courtyard while the dock mobs continually repsawn.) Do not die in this part, at least until the next cutscene, preferrably not ever.

If something breaks for you, just swim out to the red stripey area.
It took me 5 attempts to get everything to work, it appears the docks are what bugs out everything.

Hope this helps!

If you find you are stuck, or either of these cutscenes don’t work, just swim out of bounds and start over. It took me 5 attempts to finally get through.

Good luck!

(edited by Nazzarus.9678)

[Blocked] The Battle for Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Joel fernandez.1803

Joel fernandez.1803

I fixed it myself i just ran across the problem myself and there is a simple solution. when you start the instance approach trehearn and listen to the conversation DO NOT INTERACT with anyone just stand there and when the conversation finished the cutscene will appear.