Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charons.6037


  • Server: Far Shiverpeaks
  • Area: Bloodtide Coast
  • Sub-Area: Mournful Depths
  • Skill Challenge Name: Defeat Two-Eye Ignatl the Pirate
  • Description: For over 3 days now (and as i gather from other players maybe even more than that) the skill challenge is bugged for everyone on this server. In the area where the skill challenge NPC should appear usually there are just players waiting for the bug to be fixed so they can finish the area. Near where the skill challenge icon is on the map the event icon (fist) and very small event circle area near the icon, and the event shows his health bar but there is no apparent way to finish the event because the NPC isn’t near the area. As the area itself isn’t very often visited by players since it’s high level, there hasn’t been an instance of overflow in that area, and with that no other chance to finish that skill point challenge and with it the area. The bug has been posted in the game by several players but so far no solution has been made.

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: fatel.1763


Amen to this. Last thing needed here for zone completion. Think he fell in a hole. We should help back out

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pcoibo.6182


This is still broke on my server as well. Fort Aspenwood.

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Dragonbrand Server has this issue as well.

Though the pirate appears to be either invisible or spawning under the beach. I can occasionally see text in my chat box.

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Darkhaven server also has it. I’ve been searching for it four a while now, only to find its bugged.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Huntress.4617


Darkhaven has been bugged for several days personally is 2 but there are a few others saying its been 3-5 days.Two-Eye Ignatl the Pirate will talk when you get close or stand on top of the skill point mark but that’s it. This is very frustrating for all of us and we would appreciate it if you could fix it asap. Thank you

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mog.1589


At this very moment I am standing at the skill point location on Ehmry Bay server and the NPC is no where to be found. The “event” notification shows up and I see it on the mini map but no Two Eye Ignatl!

Please fix!

[LGN] Legion For We Are Many – a Blackgate guild

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Still broken on Dragonbrand I’ve been making daily trips to this location to see if he’s fixed.


Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: gesthoodie.9240


Its also the same is the isle of janthir, so its seems to be everyone else who having these issues

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zzled.9125


This is still a live problem. Two-Eye Ignatl does not spawn properly.

Server: Henge of Denravi

Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Impreza.5486


Still missing in Northern Shiverpeaks.