Bloodtide Coast Skill Challenge bug
Amen to this. Last thing needed here for zone completion. Think he fell in a hole. We should help back out
This is still broke on my server as well. Fort Aspenwood.
Dragonbrand Server has this issue as well.
Though the pirate appears to be either invisible or spawning under the beach. I can occasionally see text in my chat box.
Darkhaven server also has it. I’ve been searching for it four a while now, only to find its bugged.
Please give us a keyring…
Darkhaven has been bugged for several days personally is 2 but there are a few others saying its been 3-5 days.Two-Eye Ignatl the Pirate will talk when you get close or stand on top of the skill point mark but that’s it. This is very frustrating for all of us and we would appreciate it if you could fix it asap. Thank you
At this very moment I am standing at the skill point location on Ehmry Bay server and the NPC is no where to be found. The “event” notification shows up and I see it on the mini map but no Two Eye Ignatl!
Please fix!
Still broken on Dragonbrand I’ve been making daily trips to this location to see if he’s fixed.
Its also the same is the isle of janthir, so its seems to be everyone else who having these issues
This is still a live problem. Two-Eye Ignatl does not spawn properly.
Server: Henge of Denravi
Still missing in Northern Shiverpeaks.