Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786



We found a new godlike-bug, means: rly kitten! Burning dmg (tested as elementalist) is completly bugged. If i use my normal dagger/dagger-celestial in pvp against another ele, without mightstack – i ll do dmg-ticks like 400, 300,400,300,400 or 400,20,400,20,400,20 seems to be completely bugged …tested with dagger-fire-2-skill!
If i ll use fire 4-on focus: ticks (AS CELESTIAL) 600,600,1200,600,1200,600,1200…i guess focus will be new meta! my mate took this on a high lvl – with 25 might stacks he got as cele 1600,1600,900,1600,1600 – a way tooo op, i think..
If u use any condition-duration-things, the dmg will decrease instead of beeing constant with longer time…

Another interesting fact: we tested this kitten as ele vs ele and ele vs guard. Second test gave us the clue, that vs. guard u do lesser tickt with fire-dagger-2-skill…420,41,420,41…. much more often than against ele…seems kinda random…

I hope, u can clean this mess – so we can fight without asking where our burning-dmg gone or why one no-dmg-skill killed a player just with buring in 6 seconds! :>

Thanks! And sorry for my bad english…^^

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: just with focus-4 on fire i got two 470 and and nine 940-ticks on the light armor-golem in heart of the mists. (Without any mightstacks, normaly cele-ele-meta, 00266-traits)

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: on heavy armor-golem: 25 stacks might = 1725dmg-ticks with focus fire 4-skill. (burning)

(edited by Apocaly.2786)

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


Edit: Tested engineer: Bomb kit: skill 2 → burning ticks kinda random. 479,470,470,20,470,41,20,470 (ca.) ….

Broken Condition-Dmg and Duration

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Apocaly.2786


EDIT: seems to be fixed!