Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Crookie.2496


So I finally decided to make mawdrey. One of the places I need to visit is in room inside a mini dungeon (Rhand). To get there, you go inside, break the statues, grab the head, and head down the left hallway to the mortar, where you place the head in it in order for the ceiling to collapse and get to the room I need. The mortar is not able to be interacted with, however. I guess this is another of their weird bugs from the recent patch.

TL DR? : Unable to progress making mawdrey due to uninteractable mortar. QQ

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Grom.7538


Game still crashes graphic’s card after a few minutes so currently unplayable even with bugs……….

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Lahsihl.8412


Another bug i think that my slivary glowing all the time and not pulsing as before patch, and silvary cultural armor isn’t glowing at all as it did before too.


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Durbog.6875


Hello. Will be FPS problem solved or its part of that new content in incoming datadisk? i hope its only bug, because with that fps is GW2 like unplayable. I confirm here are still human voices, and after changing tabs, and porting, visiting vistas etc it will clear guild chat.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Gwyllion Redsky.5241

Gwyllion Redsky.5241

read all 7 pages…lol

so, I had no time to play much since the patch but I have seen most of this bugs or read about them in map chat.

specific ones I had not seen here mentioned :

1.My PVP reward track is missing some dungeons.I had the dungeon master title 2 years ago.
Now, Sorrows Embrace is locked, I can see it in the locked ones, awailable in some 7 weeks.
COE is missing completely.Gone, vanished, nowhere to be found.

2.downscaling is awful.a lev 80 full zerk with ascended armour and asc weapon and ascended trinkets is doing the same low damage in a 40 scale dungeon as the low level in green armour.which makes speed run a pain and the few hundred gold invested in asc stuff totaly useless.

not just less power its less hp,less healing, less precision …less everything.not more challenging at all, just takes more time.its annoying.
what is just so horrible that they DID NOT MENTION anything about this 15/20% efficiency loss with the new patch.
that is huge.and it is just too much, with all these other bugs. its either a bug or intentional.
not sure which is worst !

on top of everything, I dc every 15min.

at this point, I am very dissapointed with the company.how on earth did they launched a patch like this ??

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Viili.1205


Regarding FPS Drops:
First after downloading the patch today I had my game run normally, but after starting it up again my FPS didn’t go above 7 even after changing zones and meddling with graphics settings. This issue did solve itself by restarting the game. (Normally my fps is 40-70 depending on the settings)

While my FPS was low, it seemed like I couldn’t open my chat with enter or send the written messages either

Also I did hear random voice clips from what I could tell was from Scarlet.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Axiom.9742


Yet another bug that just started with this patch.

In windows 8.0 Gw2.exe no longer closes properly on exiting the game, and is locked against force-closing. After waiting about 5 minutes, it will occasionally release to allow a force close. Have reinstalled, rebooted, cleared the files, etc.. to no avail.

Makes restarting the game impossible without first logging out of Windows, or completely rebooting.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

FoV keeps resetting post patch. The slider bar stays the same but every time I restart the game, it’s at standard FoV until I move the slider an inch to the left or right, at which it jumps to the appropriate setting.

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Bragoran the Wicked.4632

Bragoran the Wicked.4632

1.My PVP reward track is missing some dungeons.I had the dungeon master title 2 years ago.
Now, Sorrows Embrace is locked, I can see it in the locked ones, awailable in some 7 weeks.
COE is missing completely.Gone, vanished, nowhere to be found.

There’s another bug that’s related to this. Whenever I have my Silverwastes Reward Track active, I get points in CoE Reward Track. So I think the two got combined in some buggy way.


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: DivaCeryn.2673


Still only have 1 build slot had to build all our guild buffs in 1 slot again, outsourcing still not working niether is guild chat. this screen is from our builds this morning. in game bug report still broken as well as everything else in this thread thats been mentioned as well as in my post from yesterday.

Server: Stormbluff Isle
Guild: Avalons Wraiths [AW]


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

Another one:

The animation when jumping with a rifle in your hands is bugged! Legs twitch around 50% of the jump’s time and the animation skips, causing your entire character to shortly spazz out!

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Ethrandil.5963


FPS drop because of UI.

To run the game smoothly, I had to run the game on minimum graphics. Now its unplayable for me, unless I hid the UI, but then, without the UI I can’t really play either.

Veni, vidi, vici!

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Sileeent.5861


- Some textures are missing
- Loading screen doesn’t fill the screen (not important)
- PvP (Map: Battle of Kyhlo) – Archer position is wrong


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: CrazyJuggler.1498


~~2days ago~~
-One lvl50 Fractal (3rd dungeon) bugged to me on colosus last boss that he wasn’t there after failing him 3-4times (sorry i was noob and didn’t got him the first time). That’s for yesterday after-patch.
-One CoF p2 bugged on the Magg running part that magg wasn’t “communicating” with the stone
-One AC p2 on the traps (not last boss) that after completing it there was no chest and the progress was blocked
-One CM p3 that after the “snipers” on the wooden platforms therewas no chest (but progress was not blocked so i should’t care. right? )

I have reported every bug i got (that by the way when i am tryig to select what to report i get codes like ((43567)) -(random code)- in most of them instead of “dungeons” for example).

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: ReaperStriker.1982


The new fall damage algorithm fails to quickly take into consideration the last platform you jumped down from before finalizing the fall damage calculation. What happens is that you take damage as if you jumped down from a higher height. Video footage explaining the bug (and a workaround to prevent the 3x fall damage on the TotSS pvp map):

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Another bug to add to the list: When creating a new character, the title screen music continues playing on top of the cutscene.

Here’s a thread about it:

Not only with character creation. The sound from Character Selection screen keeps playing while in loading screen, as well any map bg sound.

- Some textures are missing
- Loading screen doesn’t fill the screen (not important)
- PvP (Map: Battle of Kyhlo) – Archer position is wrong

You pointed in your pic that textures under that level area is missing. In fact, the whole skill bar is missing a texture, there’s not background texture there anymore.

Also, I have noted my sylvari seems to be glowing all time, not sure though but it felt as its armor was brighter (cultural armor).

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Lukhas.1962


Black box in the “you are defeated” text (nvidia drivers 347.88):


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Mikkel.2917


You can’t get this skill point at the skill challenge.
When you fire the cannon, the cannon ball hit the wall.


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Wikimaru.4608


Bugs found:
-Replica Job-o-Tron Backpack doesn’t talk anymore after the patch.
-Endless Mordrem Teragriff Tonic jump animation bugged.
-Character stands up while reviving downed/dead players sometimes.

(edited by Wikimaru.4608)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Maxwell.7843


  • Every time I enter the PvP lobby from another area in Tyria, after the loading screen is over and the map is loaded, my character appears invisible to me for several seconds (around 20 sec the last time I checked).
    If, during this time, I move the character, the camera doesn’t follow it: as soon as my character becomes visible, the camera “teleports” to it.
  • I’m also experiencing a substantially lower framerate in the PvP lobby than what I was used to.
    This happens even if keep the camera settings as they were before the March 16th patch.
  • The Watchwork Mining Pick now makes a weird sound after the last hit.

(edited by Maxwell.7843)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


-Candy Corn Nodes appear around Plains of Ashford for 2 seconds then disappear.

Old issue, not related with the recent patch. It happens on several places too.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: shadow.6174


Oh I recalled another thing: after teleporting through WPs, so soon the loading screen is over the camera seems to be behind a wall for brief moment. It’s possible to see a wall over the whole screen for one sec before you see your char and the surrounding.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Nomstuff.1954


So I have been noticing that other people have had problems interacting with objects that are integral to full exploring some of the areas, effectively making full world completion now impossible for those trying to get 100% exploration after the patch. Probably deserves to be on the main list.

(edited by Nomstuff.1954)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Zarelia Choutime.9245

Zarelia Choutime.9245

As already said by Geekfox.4267, there are many issues with 3D rendering of shadows and more. I couldn’t play in 3D anymore, and it’s bad news as it was, for me, the best 3D game I have ever played.

Could you add this bug to the main list please?

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: cyborat.3297


There was a strange thing that occurred with my Ranger’s pets after the patch. Nearing the end of a tough battle, my pet was down and out. So I switched (F4) to the other, and all was well. Then, right as the battle ended, my FIRST pet automatically showed back up, and my 2 pets started fighting! =O

Then my 2nd pet went away, and the first pet stayed there. I had not switched back to him when this happened.

Was kinda funny actually! I guess he was showing his dominance!

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: shaman.1938


I put in a bug that might be related yesterday about the canon skill quest in Bloodtide Coast as the canons were not showing down range at all so no way to figure out how you were missing (I think they were in fact hitting the wall right there at the castle though not certain)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Lahrun.3704


Really good list compiled, Zietlogik. I’d say to add in some of the work arounds to the main post so that people see it (since this post has a lot of views / posts).
A way to fix the stacking problem is to withdraw the said non-stacking items, be it BLC items, Mystic clovers, etc., into your inventory and either logout or swap maps.
A way to fix the guild upgrades stuck at 100% is to reorganize the next-in-line build upgrades. (Switch upgrade #2 and #3 around.) This will not fix Guild Workshop not activating, but it will allow upgrades to go through once at 100% and fix the stalled upgrade.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Noble.2670


no matter what i change i am constantly on 5fps, my connection is fine and before the patch i was reaching around 15-20 fps on my kittenty computer, this is the first time ive been able to play gw2 on full graphics, because even then i just stay at 5fps, the only thing that changes it is turning the ui off. :L

Stupid Seven [sM]
my vids: https://tinyurl.com/sevenddelem

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Lunaris.9843


Maybe we could add that although the textures of the great jungle worms are fixed now their skill animation textures are still missing

That’s the case at Crimson of Triple Trouble. I don’t know yet if the other worms have that bug too

(edited by Lunaris.9843)

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Piper halliwell w.6578

Piper halliwell w.6578

https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Lag-when-pressing-B/first#post4893836 this post Lag when pressing “B” someone already wrote?

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Piper halliwell w.6578

Piper halliwell w.6578

Minimap some unknown forces also moved up


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Loomlore.2975


I skimmed through some of the reported bugs and I haven’t found this one:
- When you open the World Map [M], at least standing in the middle of the main square of Rata Sum (tp & bank zone), there is a flicker when the camera moves and the map opens. It’s like horizontal stripes of black mixed with what you were seeing before.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bethsaida.2037


Game is still unplayable for me since the last batch. Have tried everything I can think of but nothing helps. When I try to boot the game, all I get is a blue bar at the top of the desktop with GuildWars2 at the upper left of the One inch blue bar and music. That’s it. The cursor lacks a lot of responsiveness and is almost unusable itself.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Marshie.4219



Try creating a shortcut for your GW2.exe and add “-windowed” at the end of it. That should allow you to log into game in window mode.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Aisling.2340


Mawdrey can’t be completed as of this patch due to font of rhand mortar bug.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: MrH.2591


I’m crashing and disconnecting all the kitten time since the latest patch, it has completely ruined the game for me.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Celine.6857


Thank you Anet for fixing the guild stuff and all other things you’ve fixed so far. Anyone thinking it isn’t fixed, just change your build queue around and it nudges it to start the 2 builds

Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Lahrun.3704


As of latest patch, guild upgrades are no longer stalled. Guild chat is working properly. Guild Workshop unlock is activating correctly and we can build two upgrades at once.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: mrgn.9183


Please fix this Ranger Pet “Avoid Combat” issue pls! It is still untouched!


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Bethsaida.2037



Thank you for your suggestion. I did as you said, but nothing changed. Screen still locks up with the blinking, blue bar at the top. I made a shortcut for the .exe file so it looks something like this:

Shortcut to Gw2-windowed

Any more suggestions? I’m desperate. :/

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The random voices in wvw wasnt soo bad, didnt happen often, but the ones in pve are getting really annoying, they are practically happening back to back. I REALLY wish they would fix this quick.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Aisling.2340


Managed to interact with mortar in font of rhand, but the animation doesn’t take down the ceiling like it is supposed to. Leaving Mawdrey still unable to be completed.

Not sure if this was changed at all in the latest build a few minutes ago, but if it was it still is broken.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: uru.7983



Thank you for your suggestion. I did as you said, but nothing changed. Screen still locks up with the blinking, blue bar at the top. I made a shortcut for the .exe file so it looks something like this:

Shortcut to Gw2-windowed

Any more suggestions? I’m desperate. :/


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Felicity.9406


please please fix the random toon voices, its just plain annoying now as like Morfedel said they happen so often makes me think my character has split personilities . .

Also my load screens are shifted a inch up my screen too.

Thank you for fixing everything else so far, but pls pls make my character sane again!!! <3

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Marshie.4219



I am sorry if I wasn’t clear in my suggestion. After you create the shotcut for GW2.exe, please right click on the shortcut, choose properties, and in target line add the -windowed at the end. It should look something like this (target: “C:\GW2\GW2.exe” -windowed). You are not changing the shortcut to Gw2-windowed. I hope that helps.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

  • When creating a new character, the title screen music continues playing.

This happens with existing characters as well, such as when changing over from one to another. It appears to be some kind of music lag or mis-timing, because it starts off late and finishes late also.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Ignavia.7420


Report a bug seems to be back to normal now. They apparently changed and reordered the categories and added one for beta bugs.

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Geekfox.4267


Add stereoscopic 3D rendering to the list as it is also bugged since the patch. More info at this thread: BUG: Shadows/ground fx completely fouled up

Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Kuuko.5810


Some achievement progress are stuck…in my case…i finally reached the 200g threshold for the gold hoarder and get the title…and progress is still the same i had before patch


Bugs from 16th Patch [Compiled]

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Posted by: Paolo.6198


Hitting “B” to check on my score during a pvp match causes the game to freeze for about 8 seconds before showing the scoreboard. Sometimes, the game crashes when I hit B during a match.

I get disconnected sometimes when I open the TP to collect items I have purchased and gold I’ve earned.

I can’t pvp anymore due to HUGE lag spikes and frequent disconnects. I’ve NEVER had these issues before the new update..

There goes my PvP leaderboard rank.. gg

Anyway, I hope that all this gets fixed soon…