Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

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Posted by: Aycee.1670


Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

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Posted by: Thorquist.8126


Well, last time they fixed it sooner…

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Last time they fixed it within the next day, this takes to kittening long ANET!

A Thief on Desolation

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soap.6124


Same with the Whisper’s Medium Boots. Ugly red daggers throwing off my Thief’s swag. Simply cannot have this.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thinkfast.8371


Stilllll waitin on a fix.. or a refund.. My sylvari looks like a unicorn crapped me out with the red stuck on the armor now :[

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SirSixString.6349


why isn’t this fixed yet!?!?!!?!?!((((((((((((((

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mmmooofins.1785


My engineer has had this permanent red dye on him for about a month now and its really bothering me…

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Thorquist.8126


Maybe we need to make more topics to make them aware of this? >.>

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cosmos.1628


I left the game 3 months ago and the bug where you can’t dye your order of whispers armor so it stays red is still here. What on earth happened to the live response team did you all just drop dead?

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Okay the holiday weekend is over, and it is now coming up on two weeks since this bug happened with the Sky Pirates, and it still hasn’t been fix.

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Splincir.8219


I can also confirm the medium set for Order of whispers armor is now missing a dye option. The leggings, coat and boots, all lost one dye option. One section of each peice is locked into a bright red color. This came up with the pirate update a couple weeks ago. My thief looks like a christmas tree… quite horrendous.

Please fix this bug.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Splincir.8219


Just took this screen just a few minutes ago on july 8th. Bug is still effecting the armor. I was really hoping they would have it fixed by now.

I like my thief significantly less now.

Maybe they can get the fix for this in by tomorrows patch.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: PetboyJoshua.3108


Apparently the bug is just affecting the male characters, I saw a Sylvari female with his OoW armor, and she had no ugly red on it.
Still waiting for the fix.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DoRnbush.7984


Still no fix either with the new Bazaar update. It’s been fixed before. What’s the problem this time? This is getting old.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gabo.4793


Wow, Game Update today and this issue was not addressed. Like someone said already, this problem was resolved in a hot fix the same day it was bugged. I am not sure what kind of problem they have that this can’t be fixed.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


The order of whispers armor is still bugged for the knife on the boots and the chest piece. A Dye slot was removed from the boots and the chest and it is stuck on red now. This has been bugged for 2 months of patches now. Can we get an official response on this?


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Viktrus.7652


I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

The other post indicates that only the boots are broken. I mean.. if i need to re-buy my boots or chest piece and use a crystal.. I will do it at this point.. but I do not want to waste the money if the bug will still persist. The bigger issue is the chest piece. It’s bright red.. so my options are red… black.. and white… I had a perfect dye combo going with the dragon bow when it came out and then suddenly I looked like a x-mas ornament the next time I logged in. One of the biggest attractions to this game is dying your armor and creating your own unique look.. but I can’t, because I am being forced into the color red on my armor.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Hey a new update and guest what you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!

I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Hey a new update and guest what you still haven’t fixed this bug!!!!

I don’t understand why this bug is so difficult to fix! It has now been over two weeks! Fix this bug! Why is this so hard to do! What is the problem!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Fix this!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gaag.6538


and the pants of the same set (medium) are bugged too!! the belts (hanging and around the waist) are red and there is not way to change it, I know devs r busy preparing monthly content but still, it would be cool if they addressed this issue.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Girion.5483


Eggers, there’s no use to spam this thread or to make accusations.

But yeah, an update on this matter would be much appreciated. 2 weeks is a rather unusually long time for such a bug to stay ingame, especially since it already appeared in the past. The cause of this bug might be different this time, but certainly there are news on this front. Please let us know what the current status is.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nemitri.8172


The Chest, Pants and Boots have a constant red color on some parts of the armor, some patches ago I had no trouble changing the color, but one of the patches must have broken it.

I used a total makeover kit on my male silvary theif and the female versions uses gold for the daggers, the same color I gave it before it broke, could you please fix this?

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


Yeah, having the same issue, as are many others. 2 Weeks and counting.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


A response about the -new- whispers dye bug would be appreciated.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


yeah, not just the daggers, its several pieces and looks like its mainly male?

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


I’m having the same problem…

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


Ditto, seems a lot of people are having the same issue.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Araris.7839


Yeah..still hasn’t been fixed, nor has there been an official response about the it re-appearing after they fixed it the first time.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zallesz.1650


Yeah, this bug is serious not because it affects something big…but because many, many people have the same issue and I think it is the most reported bug of the last two weeks, and I very much doubt it is that hard to fix. The problem is that we had a new content patch and a few minor fixes and they forgot the most bug people complain about the most. The “we connect and communicate with our players” lost credibility. But we should not feel that we are being completely ignored, no.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gabe.3976


Can verify that this happens with my male human, medium armor, boots. The daggers are red. I’m fortunate in that it doesn’t ruin my fire-based color scheme. It is, however, rather disheartening that the only response we’ve gotten in the past couple of weeks is thread deletion. I don’t think people would be as likely to start a new thread if they didn’t think that the old thread was being ignored.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


I really don’t get it. Another patch today and this bug still isn’t fix. What is the problem? Nothing from Arena Net aside from them merging threads again. Nothing, not we are working on this, or anything. Fix this !!!!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Splincir.8219


This bug is still present. (SEE SCREENSHOT)

Every time I log in and see the little patch thing I think oh maybe today they fixed this. And every time I log in and see the red still there. Please please fix this Anet. Character customization is one of the biggest things for me in this game. Being stuck with this is a real downer.


Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Seriously, another patch and STILL no fix? What’s wrong?

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Cris Croix.2370

Cris Croix.2370

Can we at least get a, “We’re still looking into this.”?

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


Can we at least get a, “We’re still looking into this.”?

It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Because last time this happened it was fixed within 2 days. It now takes them several weeks before this stupid and annoying bug is fixed and we don’t even get a respond on the forums about it.

For kitten sake ArenaNet..

A Thief on Desolation

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bacon.7035


I’ve had the same problem for a few weeks too. Medium OoW armor on male thief has got red stripes and details that are not dyable. This is getting annoying. If it is not getting fixed, can we at least get back the gold spent on it and the transmutation stones used?


Seafarer’s Rest

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Heizero.9183



Commander Unyielding Shadow – Human Thief
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eldridozen.3845


It was resolved so quickly last time. I am disappoint…

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


I don’t get it another day and still nothing, what is the problem? I find it hard to believe that you can’t read, and if you would just tells us know where you are with the issue that would be nice, but still nothing. FIX THIS ISSUE!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is two long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sevenraven.9164


I have the same issue. The red trim on the whispers Coat and the red sheaths on the Whispers Boots. This error occurred a month or so back and was fixed in a day or so. I really do not like the red trim. Please bring back the option to change it. Thank You.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liege.3140


Just checking in to keep this thing circulating. A bit discouraged that we have not received any sort of “Its in the works” since this occurred. Not a programmer etc so I don’t know the ins and outs but it seems like a long time with no word for an aesthetic issue that has occurred in the past. Help Anet. A salad that looks like a Christmas tree is terribly painful.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Steel Courage.1250

Steel Courage.1250

Hey Guys i have News so i have been asking the gw2 support and they say the team is working on it they can’t say how long it will take but they are trying, i have tried my best to contact them many times in hopes of getting this fixed and i have also sent them only moments ago this forum! Doing my best because this is a irritating glitch.

[MAD] Malicious And Dangerous-Maguma

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Pyranna.2054


This has been broken for almost a month now, last time this happened it was fixed in a couple days, anet needa stop being lazy.. or refund people the gems they spent on trans stones. Or even better refund me the money i spent on the gems to get the stones.

Kharz Halfheart – Necro
The Soul Slayers [SLAY]
FarShiver Peaks

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eggers.5608


Hey guess what! This bug still hasn’t been fixed!!!!!!

This is a bug that takes away one of the dye options on the medium Order of Whisper leggings, and boot, which both had three dye options and now only have two. The result of this is that the part of the leggings and boots that had the third dye option on them now have become a bright red. I know that my armor has all been transmuted, and my character is a human male.

This isn’t the first time this bug has happened, and the last time it did it was fixed in a day. Updated content in two weeks is pointless if it is has buggy as the Sky Pirates update was, and I know most of the other bugs have been fix.

This should be a simple fix, and there is no reason why this bug is still in the game there are at least two post on it. One of which was merged in with a post about the same bug happening in March (which was done by one of Arena Nets monitors).

Fix this bug, and test you content update more for bugs. Two weeks for this is to long, and issues like this continue it will break the game for many of your players who will go else where.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SerialKiler.3510


Is this little bug still here? I can’t even play my thief cuz its so ugly. I’ve already made 2 lvl 80, came back on my thief and the ugly red is still there. So dissapointed!!

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LtTiger.4568


Seem to work fine for me.. Have had this armor several months and never had any dye problems with it..
