Cannot see unclaimed loot window
I also had this. Noticed it when opening a JP chest.
Same problem here. Quite annoying since I’m trying to get those silver doubloons from parked toons
I am also having this issue. Can anyone confirm if this will be fixed? It is making it rather difficult for me to collect loot in dungeons.
I noticed the same problem. I found out, that if I disable auto-loot and non-AOE loot mobs I still get the window with unclaimed loot. I hope this is a bug and not an intentional change, since I liked the old behaviour better.
Same issue. Please fix this ASAP. As someone who routinely runs out of bag space, this is a major issue.
I have this problem as well. With all the ascended infused rings in my inventory I often run out of space! This bug is major inconvenience…