Changing of Armor Runes
I too experience the same thing:
I’ve recently crafted an armor (full Explorer’s Exalted armor set) an added Superior rune of the mesmer to each piece. By the first piece it said “(7/6)” in red color.
With all 6 Superior rune of the mesmer attached to the armor set it now says “(12/6)”.
Simple question: Are you 2 mesmers?
If so, the answer is that it’s showing the runes of your pvp gear wich, by default, has the runes of your class.
Raven Oakwood – Sylvari Ranger
Kal Vas Flam [KVF] – Jade Quarry
Reported this in game a few days ago.
The graphic shows 6/6 when 0 are equipped (i.e. so, equipping one would yield 7/6; a full set shows 12/12).
However the stats appear to reflect correctly as to what is equipped – 1/6 (shown as 7/6) would only give +25 power. So, as far as I can tell, no exploit is taking place. It’s the equivalent of a graphical bug.
It’s a known bug.
It is counting your PVP gear also, which is equiped with 6 Runes of the Mesmer for Mesmers.
This is only a graphical bug and you are not gaining bonuses for runes not equiped.
This bug has been around since launch I believe.
Thanks for the replies.
Simple question: Are you 2 mesmers?
I am, so I assume all the replies also counts for me.
Well I finally crafted myself a full exotic set for my Elementalist. A whopping 1100 power and 900 condition damage…whoohoo.
I added same 6 superior runes to the gear and then bought an aqua breather from an NPC in Orr. It had some stat bonuses and a minor rune attached. I thought, why not add another same superior rune ?
So now the total says 7/6 in RED! Is this meant to be? Also for some reason the stats on the aqua breather do not add to the total.
Can anyone else confirm whether this is happening to them? I think both are bugs.
Perhaps increase the total superior runes to 7 holds instead of 6?
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So as I understand it anything over the second number in your case 7/6 does not add any stats you have exceeded the max. This will also happen with minon ruin of divinity if you have more then 2 you stop gaining stats. I think you only benefit untill max is reached. they probably didn’t think of aqua breather when they made 6 the max
Also if they had max 7 you would only get the last stat bonus underwater i believe
It’s more likely the bug with equipping the same runes in PvP as in PvE; it counts some of them twice. Head to the mists (top-left tool bar, second icon from right — the crossed swords), then look at your armor mods. If you never play PvP, you can replace your character’s PvP armor with non-runed gear.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the issue but you only get the stats from the aqua breather when it is equipped: that is when you are underwater you take off your normal head piece and switch it for the aqua breather. If you do not put a 7th rune on your aqua breather then you don’t get the 6th stat bonus from your rune set underwater.
Sorry for the confusion peeps. These are two separate issues, however overlap. I tonly tried to discuss these in the same thread.
It should not be possible to have 7/6 Runes.
@Rain Kings Yes the stats change – I checked. Thnx that clarifies this.
I have one more issue guys. For some reason my overall HP fluctuates day to day basis. When I created my gear it was at 16.5K and now it went to down 15.2K. Why does it fluctuate?
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HP fluctuation is probably due to the bonuses your server has in WvW, one of these is a HP buff. As the servers have just reset, it’s safe to assume you don’t have much in the way of +HP bonus right now.
It should not be possible to have 7/6 Runes.
It’s ok for me, i understand “7/6” as “7 runes equipped (not in use, equipped)/the RuneSet needs 6 runes to be complete”.
So “7/6” is not a “fraction” where the up number needs to be inferior to the down one. It’s just a shortcut to explain what i wrote.
I had a search around and it is what you wrote. Thanks.
Yes, it makes sense what you wrote. However, based on the coding I would assume it is still a GUI glitch/bug. It is coloured in red when it states 7/6 so maybe it is an intentional one.
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After changing the rune on my Helm from Rune of Grenth to Rune of the Air. It visually showed up as having 6/6 runes of the air. When in fact I only had 1 equipped.
I tested to see if the attributes were still unlocked even when having 1 rune of the air by removing the piece of armor and re-quipping but it seems that only the first rune attribute works (correct behaviour, thus only visual)
I took a screenshot of this, but what’s more interesting is that when i applied a second rune of the air to a second piece of armor the rune now shows up as 7/6 runes of the air. Once again, i tested the equipping method to see if it was just visual. I also tested swiftness to see if my 2 rune attribute was working correctly. To which it was. My temporal curtain increased from 12s to 15.5s
[HLX] Helix Leader ~
this also happened to me when i tried pvp. I had 2 afflicted, 2 krait, and 2 monk runes in my armor. When I inspected it later it said something like 5/6 krait 4/6 afflicted and 2 monk. Im not sure of the exact values, but it was off like in your scenario.
AR[SoS] Dandyhop ~ (80 Mesmer)
AR[SoS] Sir Scratch N Sniff ~ (36 Warrior)
My Superior Runes of the Centaur shows up as 7/6, but that’s because I have my 7th rune in my Aquabreather in order to get the 6-piece Swiftness bonus underwater.
However, in your case I believe the game sees your PvE and PvP runes and adds them up.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
“However, in your case I believe the game sees your PvE and PvP runes and adds them up.”
Thanks Aveneo. That’s exactly what the issue is with the bug
[HLX] Helix Leader ~
I have the same set of armor runes in PvE as I do in PvP (5 Superior Krait + 1 other) and after completing my PvE armor set I noticed that I have 10/6 krait runes and I am getting the 6th buff from the rune when I shouldn’t be.
Yeah this is very annoying.
It is only a (very annoying) display bug. You aren’t actually getting that 6th buff.