Chinese Character Bug
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Someone changed their region by accident (either in game or in windows), or its a bug associated with IME and GW 2 (IME doesn’t work with gw 2), or you changed your language in options.
My operating locale is Japan (for reasons not related to this), but my system language is English and my region is US. So I have no issues so far. So that can’t be the problem.
What I don’t know is if you are an Asian user. Could your PC’s region be messing with GW 2?
I saw a few people posting these in chat. Something must have gotten a bit messed up.
Someone changed their region by accident (either in game or in windows), or its a bug associated with IME and GW 2 (IME doesn’t work with gw 2), or you changed your language in options.
My operating locale is Japan (for reasons not related to this), but my system language is English and my region is US. So I have no issues so far. So that can’t be the problem.
What I don’t know is if you are an Asian user. Could your PC’s region be messing with GW 2?
FYI, you not experiencing the issue is not the same as there not being an issue.
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Not saying there isn’t an issue… I may have not gotten the issue yet and what I surmised it could be related. Gw 2 doesn’t have too good of support for the oceanic and Asia regions as of yet. So it could be related to that.
What may be the case is that I may not have this problem because I can’t even get Asian characters to appear and using them just crashes GW 2.
Bumping a dead thread, since the exact same bug is showing up again. All iron ore is listed with Chinese tooltips.
(p.s. If it’s preferable to start a new thread for a new occurrence of the bug, please let me know and I apologize in advance)
This happened to me last night, too, with mining iron ore. I submitted an in-game bug report with a screenshot. Restarting the game seems to have fixed it.
The heart quest npc at the very top right corner of harathi sells items with chinese text too.
The hotkey in your Language bar for switching languages is left alt+ shift. If you start typing chinese characters its because you accidentally pressed these. Either press the hotkey again or go to your Language bar (bottom right of screen says EN or whatever language) Open it and delete chinese simplified all together.
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