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Posted by: Leaa.2943


I can’t even connect to the server to download the patch i just the this error message. I can connect to anything else in the world and i can also play other games, so something seem to be wrong between me and GW2. I know others with same issue, and was wondering whats goin on?

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Posted by: Stark.2089


Same error here

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Posted by: Renkencen.6127


You’re not the only one who is having the same problem right now…

Granted this is not a new problem as it happened in the past.

We gonna have to wait it out and try clicking on the game later (later as in an hour or several hours).

(edited by Renkencen.6127)

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Posted by: JobieOne.4829


Got the same problem, i managed to download half of the patch before it froze but now i can’t connect. Think it must be a problem their end.

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Posted by: dynealex.1470


same error. also when it was sort of working earlier, the speed was super low 0.o might be server issue though ,since I also had problems the last update getting it to update properly

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Posted by: brandonp.3612


ditto im having the same problem

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

The forums are super slow, as well, when they are even working.

I had ‘connection errors…retrying’, but now my patch is downloading….at about an average of 8KB/sec on a 100Mbps line. Sigh.

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Posted by: Magnuzone.8395


Someone tripped over a cable somewhere.

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Posted by: Drucilla.3158


Same error. Forum is extremely slow to load as well.

Fires of Wisdom [WISE]
Angry Intent [AI]
Yak’s Bend

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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Yep, cant login. The forum is incredibly sluggish again.

Hope its not that Telia hub that’s kittened up again…

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Posted by: Arasaki.4286


I am getting the same problem i was on a Hr ago and went out to lunch to come back to this

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Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


I went to the page regarding this error myself. Made the copy of the .exe and what not and it helped… marginally. It’s still downloading at an average of 10 kb a second, so yeah, it’s not for lack of trying.

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Posted by: Garambola.2461


There must be something broken. Or we have simply so many players. But I have been downloading ever since the patch hit and I still have 27000 files left after more than 45 minutes. The speed is in the single digits kB/s most of the time.

This is the prime playing time for Europe, so waiting this long for a patch really hits hard.

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Posted by: Fredo.7643


same here, omg

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Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


There must be something broken. Or we have simply so many players. But I have been downloading ever since the patch hit and I still have 27000 files left after more than 45 minutes. The speed is in the single digits kB/s most of the time.

This is the prime playing time for Europe, so waiting this long for a patch really hits hard.

You mean: no playing for Europeans tonight.

Maybe my tablet will be finished by the time it’s bed time. My PC simply won’t connect (connection errors) while my tablet is slowly downloading away… (even with speeds over 100KB/s at times)

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Posted by: suffish.4150


Same problem for me. I got just over the playable level and then it just stopped so I tried to play. Nothing loaded so I exited immediately. I am now really worried everything will be bugged for me and I will lose loads of stuff when it finally starts working again. I am probably just paranoid about this stuff though hahaha.

PvP- Stronlo Beastmaster (Ranger)
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)

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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Strange this is according to everything but one asset server is up… It looked far worse the last time GW2 was down (then half the servers was offline).

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Posted by: Gearfrea.9476


Same here, I tried to uninstall the client and then reinstall but same problem. Sad times…now I’ll have to wait and download the whole thing again. Sigh….

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Posted by: Blude.6812


There must be something broken. Or we have simply so many players. But I have been downloading ever since the patch hit and I still have 27000 files left after more than 45 minutes. The speed is in the single digits kB/s most of the time.

This is the prime playing time for Europe, so waiting this long for a patch really hits hard.

Nah, nothing broken, Anet has chosen not to use their $$ to provide adequate servers.
It’s a pain when they don’t plan for and provide on patch days.

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Posted by: Gode Fridus.5607

Gode Fridus.5607

Add 1 to this…. upon executing the .exe it either displays downloading 0KB (0KB/sec) or downloading 1KB (1KB/sec). In the latter case it quickly moves on to Connection error(s) detected. Retrying….."

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Posted by: GeeWhiz.6540


Same problem here. The client tries to start the download and I get this message.

I hope that they fix it soon.

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Posted by: zerocool.9842


they’re probably under a DDoS atm…

Wireshark shows “HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway” when the launcher tries to access

(edited by zerocool.9842)

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Posted by: Alezzzander.6072


My client start downloading something

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Posted by: Winderly.2718


same here (France)

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Posted by: Reclaimer.9276


I had the same problem. Tried this:
I tried the second step and used 194 ip (one in example didn’t work for me) and now it’s updating.
hope it helps you guys

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Posted by: Curunen.8729


Same error here (UK).

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Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


they’re probably under a DDoS atm…

Yes, by users trying to patch the game…

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Posted by: TheRyftLord.5820


I had the same problem. Tried this:
I tried the second step and used 194 ip (one in example didn’t work for me) and now it’s updating.
hope it helps you guys

That’s what I did, the one in the example did get it updating, but very slowly. Better than nothing though I guess.

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Posted by: Criswellious.9108


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Posted by: Dawdler.8521


they’re probably under a DDoS atm…

Yes, by users trying to patch the game…

Unlikely, GW2 has massive patches every other week that’s not brought it down. This isnt slow servers.

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Posted by: Lola.4172


yup me too



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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Mine is now bouncing from long periods of 1-3KB/sec to 2MBps. So, that’s progress, at least.

Forums are hit and miss still, though. Maybe it is just a lot more people downloading than usual.

I hope we don’t have this on launch day. =/

Edit: Oh, great! Jinxed myself…stuck at 0Kbps now. Sigh.

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Posted by: LeaveMeDead.8937


Same issue here, usa……. I need my gw2!

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Posted by: CornishRose.2815


This is rediculous. crashing every 10 seconds and still on 0% for the past hour.
Got several Guildies on TS all around Europe having exactly the same issues.

PLEASE roll back the patch!!!!

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Posted by: Reciter.3864


You know when DCUO went F2P it was so flooded with new players it didn’t work right for a long time. I feel this is the same situation.

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Posted by: Ali Nee.1648

Ali Nee.1648

Was working fine this morning when i bought the expansion.
Now I got the same error. Good luck, Anet, on solving this quickly

(PT, btw)

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Posted by: Berelious.3290


I’m also having connection issues. Can’t even update.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

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Posted by: Daishi.6027


Was an issue, worked as I was trying to log in.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

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Posted by: Arise.6218


Yup I got the same problem, Connection error(s) detected. Retrying… My network if fine, I can still surf the net and play other games but not GW2. With this many people have this issue I’m guessing the error is on the server end. Hopefully there is a fix sooner than later!

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Posted by: PatJokeTwo.2645


Same here, tried every 10 mins now during about 2 hrs

Still alive and playin’ ;p

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Posted by: shiny.6594


As someone stated above, following the guide here :

and using this IP:Port :

solved it for me. Use with care, bandwidth is limited :P

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Posted by: SHM.7628


I managed to get the download done but can’t connect at all now

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Posted by: PatJokeTwo.2645


I had the same problem. Tried this:
I tried the second step and used 194 ip (one in example didn’t work for me) and now it’s updating.
hope it helps you guys

IP also worked for me, but at about 8 – 25 KB/sec, hope I can reach “playable” in about 30 mins ;p

Still alive and playin’ ;p

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Posted by: StigmaFlame.6520


As someone stated above, following the guide here :

and using this IP:Port :

solved it for me. Use with care, bandwidth is limited :P

seems to works for me but limited to 20 to 90 K sometimes jumps back at 400Kbs. My normal speed is around 2-5Mbs

something happen to them

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Posted by: SHM.7628


This type of thing is going on and you’re about to release the expansion? Between bugs, lag and an already almost nonexistent FPS the new release is going to be a nightmare. What were you thinking?

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Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


This type of thing is going on and you’re about to release the expansion? Between bugs, lag and an already almost nonexistent FPS the new release is going to be a nightmare. What were you thinking?

I doubt release is only those patches they’ve added to the patch note, I presume they’re also loading HoT content with this (and presumably, they’ll also sneakload more the coming weeks). So, unless everybody will delete their .dat file before launch, I doubt this will happen on release day.

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Posted by: Winderly.2718


i also think that’s a large download size (and many files) just for bugfixes and rebalancing.
My download finished, but now it’s past playtime, i have to wait tomorrow.

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Posted by: SHM.7628


This type of thing is going on and you’re about to release the expansion? Between bugs, lag and an already almost nonexistent FPS the new release is going to be a nightmare. What were you thinking?

I doubt release is only those patches they’ve added to the patch note, I presume they’re also loading HoT content with this (and presumably, they’ll also sneakload more the coming weeks). So, unless everybody will delete their .dat file before launch, I doubt this will happen on release day.

You have way more faith in them than I do. As a general rule, building on a broken system yields bad results. However, I guess we’ll have to wait and see though.

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Posted by: StigmaFlame.6520


I am not sure if this has to do with all the issues but could be

We have temporarily disabled character creation while we address a serious issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will restore the character creation functionality as soon as we are able to do so.

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Posted by: grayskull.2367


i had the same problem as all of you but this fixed it for me.

Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder. By default, this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2.
Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
Right-click the shortcut and select “Properties.”
In the “Target” line, put whatever is currently there inside quotation marks, then add a space and -assetsrv at the end.
Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe -assetsrv”
Click “Ok” to save your changes. If you get an error, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try Step 4 again.
Make sure Guild Wars 2 is not running.
Use the new shortcut to launch Guild Wars 2.